Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2013

Incredible Prophecy: "Hear the Clock Ticking! You Have Been Catapulted Into the Three Years Ahead!" - Chuck D. Pierce

Chuck D. Pierce

Incredible Prophecy: "Hear the Clock Ticking! You 
Have Been Catapulted Into the Three Years Ahead!"

Chuck D. PierceI know that so many of you have enjoyed watching the webcast replays from our Head of the Year 5774. Below is some of the prophetic revelation that came forth during our gatherings. Let this be a time you are propelled into your future and press through every gate of destiny!

"The Kingdoms of this Earth Are Becoming My Kingdoms!"

Hear the clock ticking"Hear the clock ticking, for I have now catapulted you into the three years ahead.

"This month, the dearest of My months, I am moving you against gates that have never been moved against before. I am causing these gates that have withstood you in the past to come loose and open in days ahead! Move strategically day-by-day and month-by-month until the gate that has held back your blessing opens up. If you will move now, within the next three years the land you find yourself in will be producing great treasures.

"In the third year, the War of the Kingdoms will begin, and Kingdom will rise against kingdoms. The kingdoms of this world will also come into great conflict. I have a Kingdom that I am preparing. I will remember this Kingdom and the Seed and the Seed's seed of this Kingdom. I have a Kingdom that will triumph!

"Shout that the kingdoms of this earth are becoming My Kingdoms! Decree that the prisoners will be let go and they will come back to My house; this is a season when My altar will be filled! I'm going to open your eyes to those around you, and you're going to say, 'They're of a different kingdom.' And I will say to you, 'They are Mine! Bring them in now!'

"Beyond the gates, I am opening up new highways. I am beginning a highway out of Egypt! I will redo the highway that you're presently walking on.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"The demons that have been trafficking and even creating trafficking throughout the earth, I Am now going to un-nest their headquarters. That which the enemy meant to destroy through trafficking, I will raise up as an unstoppable army in the days ahead, for that generation will be My generation! I call you, 'My Army that is Unstoppable!' I call you, 'My Kingdom Swarm,' and you shall invade the kingdoms of the earth. You shall extract that which is needed and you will bring it into My Kingdom.

"You'll Hear of Shakings From North to West!"
They will bow their knees"I will surprise you with the leaders of nations. I have ways to cause leaders that have been promoted to bow their knees. You will think they're going one way, but you watch Me knock the feet out from under them; you watch them see Me in a way they've never seen Me before!

"Make 'favor' with those that come onto your highway. Many of you will say, 'But they have evil character.' Just remember, I can cause every Pharaoh in this land and the lands that you're a part of to favor you in days ahead!

"You'll hear of shakings from north to west! You'll hear that I have come from Alaska to Maine to shake. But know this: I will shake the center of this nation called the United States of America. I will cause that which has been hidden and controlling the forces of this land to shake down!

"A new baptism I'll give you, and My very finger I will place in My people's keeping. When you point your finger, demons will flee!

"In this year of honey, I will cause a new hunger to arise throughout the lands for My Word. And where you have known My Word in the past, you will taste and see My Word in a different way!"
Accessing Your New Door of Opportunity!

This is a time to access your destiny for the next three years. On Sunday morning, I look forward to ministering during our Celebration Service on "Accessing Your New Door of Opportunity!"

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. 

He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Possessing Your InheritanceThe Future War of the ChurchThe Worship WarriorGod's Unfolding Battle PlanInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

Click here: The Elijah List

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Liberation from Curses and Un-kept Vows - Jim Croft

Editor's Note: Above artwork was added to this teaching by me. We can have victory 
over all the works of the enemy 
through the Blood of Jesus Christ, 
Yehsua HaMashiach. 

Thank you Jim Croft for your many years of life giving teaching, prophetic gifts and love for all the nations. I am glad I know you, and give thanks also for your commitment to Derek Prince Ministries, with your being a member of the Board for over 30+ years.

You, your wife Prudence, and your daughters have been a real blessing to the Church at large.

With our love,

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Liberation from Curses and Un-kept Vows

This article is for anyone wishing to learn more about ministering deliverance from life’s bondages.  I have used every facet of my gifting to make the complex topic of curses as simple as possible.  That which I have written was adapted from a 3 hour extemporaneous sermon that I recently preached on the Omega Man Radio Show.  The expressions of appreciation from many sectors of the world have been humbling.  I trust it will be helpful for your liberation and for those to whom you minister.

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Jim Croft

Adapted from extemporaneous sermon and interview on the Omega Man 
Internet Radio Show episode 1076 aired 8/21/13 - Jim Croft

The mention of curses brings various thoughts to mind. For some, it is 
Hollywood horror films, The Curse of the Mummy and so forth. Others connect 
curses to seasons of bad luck. It is not unusual for people of our day to consider 
curses mere archaic superstition that has no basis in reality. 

The words curse, curses, cursed and cursing are biblical terms that appear 
161 times in the Old Testament and 17 times in the New Testament. There are 
scores of additional references that imply the enactment and effects of curses 
without specifically mentioning the word curse. 

In modern terminology, curses might be described in the following ways: 
Curses are the troublesome penalties brought upon people for persistent sinful 
behavior. A curse is a verbal denouncement capable of inciting troubles for the 
person targeted by the denouncement. Curses are self-induced hardships spawned 
by flippant negative confessions; foolish vows; and un-kept holy vows. Habitual 
sinful behavior in a given area is in itself a curse and the resultant troublesome 
effects that are activated by the sin are also called curses.

This article will cover how un-kept holy vows; foolish vows and flippant
confessions activate self-induced curses. It will also explain the various types of 
curses; how curses are enacted; the evidence of a curse; and most importantly how 
to stop the effects of almost all curses. 

I say almost, because the effects of one particular curse will not completely 
stop until after the Millennial Reign of Christ. It is the Adamic curse that came 
upon all mankind by Adam and Eve’s fall into deliberate sin. 

Adamic Curse

Adam and Eve were created perfect in spirit, soul and body. They were 
designed for God’s pleasure possessing capability to glorify God through worship 
and by enjoyable two-way interactive fellowship with him. God told the first 
couple that if they sinned, the consequential penalty would be death. That was a 
curse with far reaching implication. 

The chief function of the human spirit is to give life to the soul and physical 
body; and to facilitate human capacity to give God pleasure through adoration and 
by mutually enjoyable fellowship between God and man. The curse of death that 
Adam and Eve experienced after eating the forbidden fruit was immediate, but it 
was not instant physical death. Due to the curse of sin contamination, the first couple’s spirits died to the ability to give God pleasure and glory through worship and enjoyable fellowship 
with him. This curse further polluted their souls with a state of habitual inclination 
to sin. That portion of the Adamic curse inserted sensations of soul that reflect 
guilt; anxious fears and angers; and proclivity for emotional upheaval. It initiated 
pain in childbearing along with vocational troubles in tilling the soil and efforts to 
make a living by other means.

Lastly, Adam and Eve’s previously perfect bodies were made subject to 
corruptive influences. These included genetic alteration that cause birth defects; 
sicknesses; and the process of aging that eventuality brings physical death. All of 
the effects of the Adamic curse upon mankind have been carried by the spirits, 
souls and bodies of mankind and transmitted to every generation since.

God’s remedy for all other types of curses is salvation through faith in the 
atoning blood of Jesus. Relief from routine curses can be apprehended by 
repentance from sin and renunciation committal not to sin again; and by confessing 
that the harmful effects of a particular curse have been vaporized by the blood of 
the Lamb. 

Believers can experience suspension of varying aspects of the Adamic curse 
through healing prayer. For them, the entirety of the Adamic curse and the effects 
of any other unresolved curses will end at the Coming of the Lord when they 
receive glorified bodies. During the Millennial Reign of Christ, they alone will 
posses curse-free, glorified bodies. 

However, there will be a remnant of unconverted mankind that will survive 
the end-times. They will live and beget children during the Millennium. Ordinary 
citizens will still be subject to the varying death effects of spirit, soul and body that 
are evidence of the Adamic curse. This will not end until after the Millennial 
Reign when God proclaims that curses are no more. We will speak more about this later when we cover generational curses.

Symptoms of Curses

Here is a list of some commonly experienced curses that are listed in Deut 
28:16-68 after this warning of 28:15 - “But it shall come to pass, if you do not 
obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments 
and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon 
you and overtake you.”

The harmful effects of Old Covenant curses carry over into the New 
Covenant. However, they are activated by disobedience to New Testament 
principles of behavior rather than by breaking the regulations Old Covenant Laws. 
Confusion and frustration in all you attempt to accomplish (see verse 20)
Defeat by one’s enemies, humiliation at the hand of competitors (see 
verse 25) Groping for reasonable prosperity only to receive disappointing losses (see 
verse 29)

Children ensnared by peer pressures that are contrary to parental values (see 
verse 32)

Chronic sicknesses for which no remedies are found (see verses 35, 59)
Embarrassment about not achieving success levels common with others who 
are afforded similar opportunities and are not more gifted (see verse 37)
Out-of-control indebtedness when income is sufficient to meet all needs (see 
verse 44)

Hostility from spouses toward their mates and children (see verses 54–56)
Homes, businesses and transportation captured by enemies and repossessed
(see verse 63)

Panic attacks, restlessness and insomnia (see verses 65–66)

Dread of day at night, dread of night during the day (see verse 67)

We have all observed Christians as well as the unconverted struggling with 
one or more of the symptoms of the curses listed. It is not uncommon for those 
experiencing the symptoms of curses to battle suicidal thoughts. For many, the 
oppressive circumstances driving them to thoughts of ending their lives are fueled 
by demons within and without.

Overview of Curses

There are seven major categories of curses that have implication in the 
Scriptures. Steps of repentance, renunciation and deliverance from penalties need 
not become repetitive. One or more sessions of physical and emotional healing 
might be required, but that does not indicate that the curse was not deactivated. 

Law of Moses Curses - These curses can fall on anyone born Jewish who 
practices Judaism who is unrepentant about disobedience to any of the Old 
Covenant’s 500+ commands. The curses possible touch every arena of life and are 
listed in Deut 28:15-68. Unfortunately, the penalties can also fall on any 
Messianic Jew or Gentile New Covenant believer who is bewitched and foolish 
enough to reckon that they are responsible to adhere to the Law of Moses.

The remedy is to hide one’s life in the truths of redemption that obliterate 
necessity for adherence to Old Covenant Law. It is permissible to keep various 
Old Covenant ceremonial and dietary laws as a matter of personal preference. 
However, this must not be regarded as a means of righteousness. That puts 
adherents at risk of suffering the curse consequences of breaking the laws beyond 
those of choice preference.

Anti-Semitism’s Curse - Those who curse Jews by demeaning language 
and persecution fall under curses. (Gen 12:3)

Sowing & Reaping Curses – Those who sow the sin of inner judgments 
against others can reap the curse of judgments against them from many people. 
Unforgiveness of man begets the curse of the suspension of God’s forgiveness 
until there is repentant change of attitude. Anyone who plants corruptive practices 
such as sexual sin and actions that damage the human body is apt to reap a harvest 
of corruption. Those who are selfish with their finances cannot expect bountiful 
harvest. Those who sow to the works of the flesh as listed in Gal 5:19-21 will reap 
the penalty of like kind activity against them from others. 

In most cases those who repent are granted divine crop failures for what they 
have sown. However, in circumstances where birth defects are the issue and in 
some instances where physical health has been severely compromised, the crop 
failures do not always materialize.

Curses from un-kept godly vows, flippant vows and silly negative 
confessions – Marriage and baptismal vows should be considered holy. Flippant 
vows would be the likes of, “cross my heart and hope to die.” An example of a 
silly confession is, “I’m so stupid that I can’t ever do anything right.” These are 
very common areas where people invoke the curses spoken against self.

Divorce regrettably happens. Divorcees should repent of their part in 
breaking marriage vows. 

Many people live as though they were never born-again and baptized. Those 
who have not kept the vows stated or implied when immersed in water, must 
repent of and renounce their failures.

Repentance and renunciation of the habit of making flippant vows and silly 
confessions is the cure for the consequences. 

Curses from parental and legitimate authority figures - These are verbal 
denouncements that are taken to heart by young minds and cause them to believe 
lies about their characters and lives. Often these are carried into adulthood. An 
example of this type of curse would be that of a man I know named, Luke.
He came under a lot of work related stress in his early 40s. For over a year, 
Luke experienced panic attacks and accompanying heart attack symptoms. He 
sought medical attention, but it gave no answers. 

The answer came to him in prayer. During his formative years, his mother 
had volatile emotional outbursts. At times, she would scream that she hated Luke 
and wished he had been born dead. He approached his mother about his situation. 
She repented and asked forgiveness. Luke renounced the curse and has not had a 
panic attack since. 

Curses from servants of the Devil – Curses of this genre are rarely 
effective against Christians. That is because a satanic curse cannot fall on anyone 
whom God has not cursed. It cannot happen unless the recipient has in some way 
harbored a sin for which there has been no genuine repentance. God will not 
authorize a curse of this type unless the recipient is engaged in persistent rebellion. 
(Num 23:8, 21, 23)Anyone who has ever received guidance from a fortuneteller and/or dabbled 
in any form of occultism must renounce the activity to liberate their lives from its 

Generational Curses - These are instances where inclination to commit 
particular forms of sin and the consequential penalties pass from one generation to 
the next. Under the New Covenant, generational curses normally manifest where 
children have been directly influenced by a sinful relative. Face to face interaction 
rarely goes beyond two generations back.

The New Covenant is called a better covenant. It is better in that it differs 
from the Old in a wonderful way. Descendants are not held responsible for 
ancestral sins. Believers are new creations in Christ who are forgiven personal sins 
and those of forefathers; and therefore are not subject to the penalties for their
forefather’s transgressions. (Jer 31:29-34; Ezek 18:19-22, 30-32)

There are occasional situations where for unknown reasons aspects of a 
generational curse from a dead relative whom he/she never met can spillover into 
the life of a Christian. The descendant should repent of committing sins like those 
of the ancestor. Then they should specifically name the relative and renounce the 
curse and its consequences that were passed down to them. This can be 
accompanied by expelling demons that incite the sins and whatever types of 
consequential troubles.

The concept of generational curses provokes a deep question: Why would a 
loving God invent such a policy under the Old Covenant? 

It was intended to be a deterrent to disobedience. If a sensitive father 
understands that disobedience can harness his children and grandchildren to 
miserable-go-rounds of sin and the consequences; the father might be more apt to 
live a godly life.

The Adamic Curse & Generational Curses

It is not helpful to give innuendo that life would be free of all curse related 
trials if generational curses were specifically renounced. To varying degrees, 
everyone still has to continually contend with overcoming the curses generated by 
the Fall of Adam. I am making reference to sickness; the effects of aging; 
disruptions in relational harmony; and the like. 

Let us pretend that it is possible to place 10 successive generations of 
paternal and maternal family members in an antiseptic environment. The 
environment is free of all occult contamination; verbal denouncement curses; 
unforgiveness issues; and everything else considered acts of current and ancestral 

Even in that event, not a single generation would have guarantee of living a 
life free of incidents of hardship that are routinely attributed to generational curses. No matter how antiseptic an environment is in a spiritual sense; bad things have 
potential to happen. 

This is because in body and soul, even those who possess a new creation 
inner-man of the Spirit, are carriers and transmitters of the Adamic curse. There 
are instances when some aspects of the Adamic curse can be suspended by prayer 
to alleviate suffering. But, it will not be completely eradicated until after the 

Potpourri Statements & Principles

 Christians who concentrate on the dangers of generational curses from 
remote past generations would do well to consider the probability of 
generational forgiveness. I Cor 7:14 says that children are sanctified by the 
faith of just one parent who is a believer. A child can become a circumspect 
believer during the first years of personal sin accountability without ever 
persisting in unrepentant curse spawning sins. The love of God and the 
blood of Jesus at salvation bring forgiveness that covers a multitude of sins. 
This includes the sins and consequential penalties of long past generations. 
If a child born to a born-again parent remains faithful to God from birth 
through adulthood; it is highly likely that they will experience the protection 
of generational forgiveness regardless of the curses on past paternal and 
maternal generations.

 I do not believe that it is spiritually beneficial to suspect a generational sin 
needs to be renounced, unless the consequences of the Adamic curse have 
been ruled out. This would be instances where there are specific signs that a 
Christian is experiencing evidence of a hardship that has intensity unusually 
beyond that routinely experienced by saints and sinners alike.

 The first commandment that has promise is that children should honor their 
parents. This paves the way for them to have long and successful lives. Life 
cannot go well for those who have habitual history of disrespect for their 
parents. (Eph 6:1-2) Mal 4:6 warns that the hearts of fathers must be turned 
toward their children and children toward their fathers, lest the earth be 
smitten with a curse. 

There are segments of our culture where excessive 
percentages of all children are not conceived in wedlock. The fathers 
express no concerns for their children and leave their nurture and sustenance 
to the State. Our suburbs are filled with children whose fathers have 
abdicated fatherhood responsibilities. They try to avoid making even 
minimal child-support payments. In inner-cities and posh neighborhoods, 
there is a vicious cycle of curses fueled by fatherly neglect even with people 
of churchgoing heritage. There is no hope of change for the better until 
fathers turn their hearts toward home. This will encourage children to respect their parents. The curse of children repeating the sins of their fathers 
and suffering the curse penalties will be broken.

 Evil will not depart from the house of those who return evil for good. (Prov 
17:13) This is a curse frequently experienced by Christians who criticize 
members of a former church that they once boasted was of great help. 
Condemning speech is generated when it is the critic’s decision that an 
excuse is needed to hop to another fellowship. Believers must be very 
careful how they handle fellow believers. The Church at large exemplifies 
the wreckage of the lives of members who brought curses upon themselves 
by giving cause for other Christians to question the character of a fellow 
believer. In retrospect, I have been shocked to see the mayhem and 
instances of premature death that can come upon people who are unrepentant 
about breaking this biblical principle. 

 Paul admonished the Corinthian Church that many were weak and sickly 
and that some had died prematurely for disrespecting Holy Communion, the 
Lord’s Supper. This can happen by taking it in a flippant manner soon 
forgetting all that participation implies about living holy lives. Disrespect is 
also exemplified by churches’ infrequent provision of the Eucharist elements 
for believer’s benefit.

 I am not of the opinion that God personally orchestrates every curse 
incident. I believe that the laws of sowing and reaping that God instituted in 
the event of mankind’s fall into sin are the onsite causes for curses.

 The greatest protection against risks of curses of sin and the consequences is 
by having the right attitude about what happens at salvation and subsequent 
water baptism. Identification with Christ in salvation executes the old man 
of sin and produces a new creation in Christ. It says the old me was in 
Christ when he was crucified. 

When he said it was finished and died; that finished sin and curses for me because I died when he died. Identification with Jesus in water baptism symbolizes the burial of the old me and my 
resurrection out of the water as a new creation in Christ. My old nature of 
sin that was subject to curses has been washed down the drain of the 
baptismal font. My old carnal nature is no longer available for seduction by 
the glamour of sin and its consequential curses. You are knocking at the 
door of a new man in Christ whose born-again spirit is incapable of 
generating sins that spawn the troubles associated with curses. That is my 
story and I am sticking to it, so be gone!

Sample Prayer for Divine Crop Failure Intervention

If you have identified fields where you know the seeds of a curse are at 
work; the Lord is willing to grant you divine crop failures. It happens by earnestly 
repenting, confessing any related sins, and by invoking the forgiveness and power of the blood of Jesus Christ. God will cause “crop failures” of curses in the fields 
you have identified.

Here is a sample prayer to help you place that desire before the Lord. It will 
help you express your thoughts to the Lord in a way that will bring His grace and 

Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name. I have discovered that I am 
suffering the consequences of denouncements and vows. There are fields within 
my life circumstances that bear the evidences of this. (Name the areas of economic 
and relational stresses and any adverse health conditions, etc.)

Lord, I need for You to intervene on my behalf. I ask for Your help on the 
basis of all that Your Son accomplished for me through His atoning blood. At 
Calvary, He kept His vow of obedience to God’s will. Jesus took all of the 
punishment due me that I might be liberated to enjoy all of the blessings due Him. 
His cleansing blood is Your divine agent to rectify my situation. I declare that His 
blood spoils the cursed harvest that I am experiencing. His blood brings true “crop 
failure” to the consequences of the seeds of curses that were planted in my life.

I declare that I am a new creation in Christ. The denouncements that (name 
the person) uttered against me cannot thrive where Christ’s blood has been applied. 
Due to God’s forgiveness, the vows that I have broken no longer bear witness 
against me. The ill-advised vows that I have made carry no weight in the courts of 
heaven. I thank you that I am forgiven for interweaving flippant vows and antiSemitism into my conversations. 

By Your grace I will not suffer any more consequences. By the authority of Jesus’ name, I command any demonic parasites to leave my soul and body now so that I may be restored to wholeness. So be it in the name of Jesus!

Lord, I humbly accept the truth that Your will for me is spiritual vibrancy, 
mental sharpness, physical health, financial prosperity and relational harmony. 
From this time forward, I know that I will be blessed in all of my endeavors and 
relationships. I thank You, dear Father, for granting me liberation from further 
harvests of any of the seeds of curses that were planted in my life. In Jesus’ name, 

Anyone interested in thorough study about this topic and related themes can 
order my book from – Invisible Enemies: How to recognize and 
defeat demons. You will also benefit by reading Derek Prince’s, Blessing or 
Curse: You can choose.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Ahava Love Letter - "Demons & Fire Trucks"


         “Demons & Fire Trucks”
“As I watched, thrones were set in place; and the Ancient One 
took His seat. His clothing was white as snow, the hair on 
His head was like pure wool. His throne was fiery flames, 
with wheels of burning fire.” Daniel 7:9 Complete Jewish Bible

Dear family of friends,

My wife Laurie began her 13th year on staff at the Calvary Development Center this August of 2013. In addition to being a grandma of her own six, she also is one to 10-12 new kiddos each year. All of those will become two year olds during that school year. (Imagine that, those who have raised one or more two year olds.) I highly commend my good wife for her dedication and faithfulness. She touches many lives.
Every August, at the start of each new school year, the daycare teachers have a moment during the Calvary Church Sunday morning service when they are introduced and acknowledged. Thus we attended this church gathering that morning, rather than our usual Antioch International Church. It was a bit different to say the least, for the following reason.
Calvary Church in Charlotte, NC

The meeting was to have started promptly at 9:45 am. After saving our seats in the proper section, with about ten minutes to spare, I went to the bookstore, as custom would have it, to check out the latest. I was glad to find birthday and thank you boxed cards, which I always need. The “Tabernacle & Ark of the Covenant” pamphlet would also come in handy as a resource Bible study tool, so that got put on the check-out counter too. If they had a Snickers candy bar sitting there next to the cash register, it would have been added to the purchase. Gotta have that mid-morning energy, as I figure.
Just before the nice elderly lady rang up the fourth item, the fire alarm went off. It was a different sound than what I would have known, but it brought the intended reaction. Everyone started moving. I calmly asked her to finish my transaction, so I wouldn’t have to come back later. She did, even as the security man said we needed to evacuate. I was thankful for his patience with me.
Three thousand people filed out the doors in orderly fashion, The fire trucks came. False alarm.
#24 to the rescue!

Back into the massive, beautiful and glorious sanctuary we went. Seven minutes later - the fire alarm went off again. As one later asked me in a text, “Was that part of the sermon message?” “I didn’t think so,” I responded.
Growing up as a believer in the 1970s and onward, I was privileged to sit under the Bible teaching of Derek Prince, Don Basham, Charles Simpson, Ern Baxter and Bob Mumford. I am to this day very thankful for them and their shared lives. We were taught well, and along with all their other foundational, bedrock lessons for our daily Christian walk, we were also introduced to the reality of demons and their menacing, hateful activity. We weren’t “looking for a demon behind every rock” as some critics would have thought, but we did learn to develop spiritual eyes and discernment, and be aware of that which the human eye cannot detect.
So when the fire alarm went off that second time, my mind kicked into a higher level of awareness, wondering what the Lord had going on here, and what was He trying to say to myself, and others who may have been asking. And no, I didn’t think it was a demon standing by the alarm switch pulling on it for a good time.
My actual thought was, “Lord, are you saying we need to get out of our comfortable pews and into the world that is on fire (both in the natural and the spiritual), and this is just another way how You are speaking? Trying to be loud and clear about it?”
I think so. The alarms are sounding all over in the nations. People are dying and going to hell without the saving knowledge of the only living Messiah, Jesus Christ (His Hebrew name being Yeshua HaMashiach.)
Will this just be another routine week for each of us? Or will we become more aware of the "fire trucks", the demon activity, and the spiritual warfare happening all around us, and take our part in fulfilling His purpose that He has called each of us to? Time is fast coming to a close as we know it.
 Ahava (love in Hebrew) to my family of friends,
Steve Martin

P.S. On the east end wall of the very large foyer at Calvary Church is this display. May we also be one impacting the world with our light that the Lord has given each of us to carry where we are at. And where we are going to.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.
Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless Israel with our humanitarian ministry. 

Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

Full website:

YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)

Ahava Love Letter #69   “Demons & Fire Trucks”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (08/19/13 Monday at 5:45 am in Charlotte, NC)

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog:

Here are the last few:

I Like Mike (#68)
Disappointed with Small Beginnings? (#67)
Rise Again (#66)
The Cities (#65)
How can You Mend A Broken Heart (#64)
Anxious (#63)
Hidden (#62)
Get Back in the Boat (#61)
Need Money? (#60)
Rejected? (#59)
In Your Building – Guard Against Distractions (#58)
Connections (#57)
Your Name (#56)
Lost, But Not Forgotten Friends (#55)
