Showing posts with label curses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curses. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - 2017 Prophetic Outlook with Perry Stone, Cindy Jacobs, & Rich Vera

It's Supernatural with Sid Roth
2017 Prophetic Outlook with Perry Stone, 
Cindy Jacobs, & Rich Vera

Published Jan. 31, 2017
(How accurate were they?)

Watch here below:

Cindy Jacobs and Sid Roth

Perry Stone with Sid Roth

Published on Jan 31, 2017

Click here to order your copy of The Voice of God & The 2017 Prophetic Outlook:

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Perry Stone, Rich Vera & Cindy Jacobs will share what’s next on God’s prophetic calendar concerning America, Israel and the world. Perry Stone delivers a “right now” word for this year including current and coming events. You will also learn—What is a spiritual Manifesto? What is the Balaam Strategy? Has our Nation been given a Reprieve? 

What is the assignment of the United States? Cindy Jacobs delivers the Word of the Lord for 2017 as given to the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. You’ll also hear the complete “Prophetic Word of the Lord” as given to Cindy and the Elders, and read by Gezell Fleming from the hit movie “The War Room.” 

Rich Vera received a specific word that this year, 2017, The Lord is releasing “The Law of Attraction” over His people. Specifically—this is the year of Long Awaited Breakthroughs and Unexpected Victories in the areas of family, salvations, relationships, healing and finances.

Category People & Blogs
License Standard YouTube License

Friday, September 8, 2017

Trump, Hurricanes and Israel - Ron Cantor Messiah's Mandate

Trump, Hurricanes and Israel

Ron Cantor —  September 8, 2017 

One of my mentors often says he does not like armchair prophets. An armchair prophet is somebody who prophesies after the fact. What do I mean? It’s too easy to say after a tragedy that it was judgment from God. You’re far more credible if you prophesied before the tragedy that a judgement is coming if a certain country doesn’t do X, Y or Z.

But Why?

So it would be too easy right now to say God is judging America because of the Hurricanes. On the other hand, when two of the most horrific hurricanes in history come one after another, a country must fall on its face and ask God, “Why?” Harvey is set to be the costliest natural disaster in American history. Irma is heading for Miami as the strongest Hurricane ever coming from the Atlantic Ocean. We must ask the Lord, “Why?”
Is that not what they did in the Bible when judgment suddenly came—they asked the Lord, “Why?” Joshua did this when they lost the battle to Ai and 36 Israelite fighters died?

Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the Lord, remaining there till evening. The elders of Israel did the same, and sprinkled dust on their heads. And Joshua said, “Alas, Sovereign Lord, why did you ever bring this people across the Jordan to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us? (Joshua 7:6-7)
The people of God are to be God’s voice to the world. We should be asking God “Why is this happening? Is it just weather? Or something more?”

Confusion in the White House

So let me share with you an experience I had a few weeks ago. It was just after Charlottesville, when the president made several comments regarding the protests there over a period of several days. One of the final comments, and maybe the most confusing and controversial, was when he said, there were “very fine people on both sides” protesting.
There were no fine people marching with the Nazis. Even if you showed up there to protest the removal of Confederate statues, you left the minute you saw people on your team with Nazi flags, making Nazi gestures and chanting Nazi slogans. The minute you realized that you were hanging out with white supremacist racists, you got out of there.
In fact, it seemed that all hell was breaking loose against the Trump administration. Massive leaks, firings, resignations, exposing of secret meetings, infighting, the Scaramocci tape, angry tweets, attacks coming from every side and miss steps on every side. I’ve never seen anything like it and I was not buying that it was only because of the media. (I understand the media is no friend of the president.)

I sensed from the Lord

One Wednesday August 16th, a day after the contentious news conference, I felt the news cycle sucking me back in to waste another two hours or so. I pulled away to seek the Lord. Burdened for America, I simply asked, “God, what is going on with the Trump administration?”
Instantly I sensed God impress something on my heart. I say I sensed and impressed because I want to submit it to you. The spoken voice of God is subjective (unlike the written Word of God). It is often like seeing through a glass darkly, to quote Paul. When the Lord speaks to me, it is rarely in sentences, but sudden bursts of knowledge. I simply know something I didn’t before.
And I sensed that he said something close to this, “I gave Donald Trump the opportunity for a slam dunk in Israel. I set him up for blessing. All he had to do was recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announce the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem during his visit in May, marking 50 years of her reunification.” He was set up for blessing, but instead he chose two other things:
  • To make a massive arms deal with ultra-Islamic Saudi Arabia
  • To send his son-in-law to restart the forever failed and flawed and frankly unbiblical peace process. (Not that God does not want peace, but He doesn’t want us compromising with terrorists).
Neither of those things would have happened if he had recognized Jerusalem and moved the Embassy. Many prophetic voices have said that Trump was called to be a Cyrus, but, as I stated in a recent blog, Cyrus’ foremost achievement in regard to his calling, was to bless Israel.

What God did not Tell Me

Here is what God did not tell me. He didn’t tell me that hurricanes were coming. At the most, I sensed there was a spirit of confusion released on Trump’s team because he backtracked on Jerusalem. But you have to understand that if God set you up for blessing and you refuse, the opposite is a curse.

Does God Judge?

The fact is, judgement upon nations happened quite frequently in the Bible for the actions of their leaders (see Isaiah 10:5-34 about Assyria). Is the U.S. any different? If there is an earthquake in Damascus, 100 prophecy wonks don’t hesitate to call it judgment, but can God judge America?
God calls Israel the apple of his eye (Zech. 2:8) and has blessed America greatly for favoring her, but  inthe same passage He prophesies judgement on those who touch Israel. What if God called President Trump to do two specific things—things he passionately promised before he was elected—and he disobeys?

A Broken Heart

I recognize that when judgment does come on a nation or any other tragedy that people are hurt and lives are ruined. That should break our hearts. We should do everything to help them. But we must also recognize that the God of the Bible does at times bring judgment on nations.
At the very least, the people of God should be crying out for mercy, repenting of anything we can think of and asking God to hold back his hand. We should appeal to God like the prophets of the Old Testament did. Jeremiah wept and wept, begging God to refrain from judging Israel:
Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people. (Jer. 9:1)
But in the end, Israel’s sin was too great and God had to judge. There is no place for a theology where God never judges nations. But at the same time, the greatest form of intercession is like Moses, when he said, “But now, please forgive their sin—but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.” (Ex. 32:32)
There is no joy in judgment. Any prophet who is more excited that he prophesied correctly, than he is devastated over the judgement, does not have the heart of God. If God is judging America—and let’s be honest, weather doesn’t escape his eyes—then we must fall on our face and repent. If it is connected to President Trump’s backtracking on his Jerusalem promises, then we must pray he changes course.

Katrina and Gaza

Hurricane Katrina formed the very day that Israel, under pressure from President Bush (from his Roadmap to Peace), finished forcibly evacuating thousands of Jews from their homes in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Even as these Jews were evacuated from their homes in their own country, thousands of Americans in the south also were evacuated from their cities and towns. President Bush’s mishandling of the event hunts him to this day.
Interestingly, meteorologists claimed that Katrina was small and insignificant. All the models predicted she would stay in the ocean. The aftermath was devastating.

Arafat and Tornados

In March of 1997 Elana and I were at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, DC. It was a gift from a couple I married. We noticed many, many Arabs. I asked what was going on and they said that President Clinton was rolling out the red carpet for Yasser Arafat that weekend. Our president welcomed a man to the White House with not only Israeli, but American, blood on his hands. That same weekend tornadoes ripped through the President’s home state of Arkansas killing 25 people. It should be noted that Clinton criticized Israel for building in East Jerusalem during his time with Arafat.
I could go on…


And even now, as I am writing in my Tel Aviv rental, I just stopped and heard this in the background on the news. The emir of Kuwait is standing next to President Trump saying:
With respect to the Palestinian question, we have praised the recent U.S. efforts to move the peaceful process, and we affirm the need to join efforts in order to reach a comprehensive and lasting solution to this problem on the basis of a two-state solution and in accordance with the international (inaudible) resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.
To be clear, the Arab Peace Initiative, means Israel returning to a 8-mile width and suicidal borders, giving East Jerusalem to Palestinians and Hamas terrorists. It is unbiblical. The President responded saying that he would give the “peace process” his best effort.
I humbly submit this to you and am praying for God to send Irma back into the ocean and spare America.  Please pray with me.
PS Whether or not these storms are judgment, we as believers need to express the love of God to those affected by them, through giving, praying and serving. We are Jesus on earth.
Watch video: Trump

Monday, November 23, 2015

What to Do When You Get a Bogus Prophetic Word - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

What do you do when you hear a bogus word in public?
What do you do when you hear a bogus word in public? (Flickr )
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit, a new podcast from Charisma. Listen at

Whether I'm speaking at churches, making intercession at the Awakening House of Prayer at home, or sitting behind my computer, I can count on getting at least one prophetic word every week. It's like clockwork.
That may sound awesome, and it may be if they were accurate. Unfortunately, many of the prophecies that are announced, decreed and declared over my life are absolutely bogus. In other words, these utterances did not emanate from the Spirit of God.
Don't get me wrong. I certainly don't despise prophecy. In a revival setting, I'll prophesy over just about anybody you put in front of me. But I appreciate responsible prophecy—prophecy that the giver has judged before they start announcing massive directional shifts in my life and ministry.
Three Sources of Prophecy
There are three sources of prophecy: the human spirit (Jer. 23:17), a demon spirit (Jer. 23:13) and the Spirit of God (2 Pet. 1:21). I've received prophecy from all three sources, and I can tell you assuredly that I much prefer prophecy from the Spirit of God the best.
Prophecy from someone's human spirit may sound good, but it's not God. It may edify you—or it may flatter you. Flattering prophecies aren't prophecies at all; they are soulish or carnal utterances that seek to manipulate and often release witchcraft against you.
Likewise, prophecy from a demon spirit may sound good, but it's not God. Remember the girl with the spirit of divination in Acts 16:16? She followed Paul and his team around shouting, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation." That was true, but it wasn't helpful to Paul's mission. Prophecies from demon spirits breed confusion, fear, jealousy and other ungodly outcomes.
But I'm always ready to receive Holy Spirit-inspired prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus (Rev. 19:10). A word in due season can edify, comfort and exhort. The right word at the right time can warn us from heading in the wrong direction. Holy Spirit-inspired prophecy aligns with the Word of God because Father doesn't speak with a forked tongue.
When You Get a Bad Word
Every morning when I wake up, I break word curses that are being released over my life. I liken these to the devil's prophetic utterances. I am not being paranoid or rote in this exercise. I can feel the words dangling out there in the spirit realm—and oftentimes I can hear them. Sometimes my email inbox is full of them.
It's easy enough to break word curses in your bedroom. But what do you do when you get a bogus prophetic word in a public setting? What do you say to someone when they race up to you and declare "by the Spirit of God" that you've done so well in your current assignment that God is moving you to another ministry when you know right well that's the opposite of His will?
I write a lot about this topic of judging prophetic words in my book: Did the Spirit of God Say That? 27 Ways to Judge Prophecy. Some questions to ask are: Does the prophecy glorify Jesus? Does the prophecy agree with Scripture? Does the prophecy produce freedom? But again, after you've judged the prophecy to be poor, erroneous, flat out wrong or false, what do you do?
Confronting Poor Prophecy
It's a difficult question to answer because it depends on various factors. Earlier this year, a woman came into Awakening House of Prayer earlier this year out of nowhere, boldly approached me, laid hands on me and started spewing false prophecies about how discouraged I am and how she sees I'm about to give up. Besides the fact that she totally missed it, there was no redeeming value to the word—not edification, exhortation or comfort.
I stood in her face and told her I was rejoicing in the Lord because I was in His perfect will and there was no giving up in me; that I was encouraged to be moving with His heart. I wasn't mean-spirited about it, but I was bold and frank with love. Anybody who is bold enough to walk up to a leader with that type of prophetic nonsense needs to hear the truth in love. It turns out she was a witch who left behind an empty bottle of oil and a cloth as a point of contact. We swiftly destroyed it.
Another time I was at a meeting, one of the congregants came up afterward and prophesied a word so directional that it would have changed every facet of my life. Clearly, the word was massively off base. I did not, however, confront her publicly because it would have crushed her heart. Her heart was right, but her prophecy was off. She was misguided and missing it, but I had no agreement with that word so I just let it fall to the ground.
In other words, there's a time to confront people and teach. There's a time to confront and oppose. There's a time to let it slide and break it off later. And there's a time to pray into a prophetic word that doesn't sound like it could be right but may be. (I got such a word about a year ago that bothered me to the core, and it turned out to be true. My spirit bore witness, but my soul was disturbed until I saw it manifest.)
My advice to you: "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1). If you get a bad word, don't come into agreement with it publicly or privately. Break every word that is not coming from the heart of God and speak what you know to be His will over yourself.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blessing or Curse - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Blessing or Curse
- Now Think On This
Steve Martin

"Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other gods which you have not known.” Deut. 11:26-29 NKJV

The words you speak impact people more than we often realize. An encouraging word sown at the right time to a person wanting and needing some more hope, for their troubling heart or worrisome mind, can change a direction a person is going in, and effect their life beyond the immediate vision. Spoken with a prophetic impact that the Holy Spirit generates, a spoken word at the right time can even mean life or death for that person. It can be as a lifeline thrown out to one needing a pull out of the engulfing water.

A believing life “spoken” to a generation, one that is lived out of obedience to the voice of the Lord and following after Him, will have even more impact on many people; even a generation or more that follows behind. The lives of countless men and women, who heard the call of the Lord, and responded with, “Here I am Lord, Your servant is listening. Do unto me according to Your word,” have been so instrumental in changing nations by their simple obedience, day after decades of days.

In offering themselves in entrustment to His plans and purposes, their families, their communities, their nations were given the opportunity to be in the overflow of the Lord God’s blessing and provision that fell on them, and then flowed from and through them. Hearing and obeying the Father does that.

In our day, leaders in religion, business, media, entertainment, government, arts and education have a tremendous impact on their cultures – the communities, families and all the ones their waves of influence touch, for good or bad. Understanding that our actions will bring either blessing or curse upon those who look to us for guidance, knowingly or unknowingly, will have long lasting, even eternal, effects as a result of our actions. For those who hear and obey the Creator of all - blessings will flow downward. 

Ones who disregard and even despise the natural and spiritual laws put in place to guide and protect, those set forth by God Himself, the resulting just judgment will come forth, now or for sure later. What we sow we will reap. It is a natural and spiritual law that cannot be broken, except to result in bearing bad fruit.

You break the natural and spiritual laws in the universe and they will ultimately break you. (Any argument on that? Just have a reality check look in the nation you abide in.)

This truth has been proven out again and again in history, both in the written Scriptural documentation of the people of Israel, and in every nation which either followed the Lord’s way or opposed His purposes. Blessing or curse is our choice.

Having been a parent myself for over 35 years now, at the time of this writing, and also having served in several top leadership roles in ministry and secular business for over 40 years, I have seen that the actions leadership take will have even more of a lasting effect in a child’s life, or a company’s future, than just words spoken. The ripple of those actions taken at each point show up years later down the road.

It is true that actions do speak louder than words, for what is really in your heart will truly come out, especially in those times when a decisive response is needed in a critical situation. Then it really shows what you have, or don’t have, in your character. Blessing will follow, or a response as a curse will result.

To say it again - how you respond and deal with situations that come your way will be shown, as that which you really are will come out from that which is within. You can’t give out what you don’t have within you. From a pure spring flows pure water. From a cesspool flows accumulated filth.

“The good person produces good things from the store of good in his heart, while the evil person produces evil things from the store of evil in his heart. For his mouth speaks what overflows from his heart.” Luke 6:45 Complete Jewish Bible

“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.” Mark 7:21-23 NKJV

Speaking to my generation, we have the responsibility, the daily choice to walk in the righteous path we know is the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is black and white. It is already firmly stated in the Lord’s Word. By choosing to follow Him daily, we are impacting the life the next generation will see and then also have the choice to walk in or not. We must do our part if we expect them to do theirs.

We have the option to daily live a righteous and holy life, set apart for the Lord’s purposes. We can choose to “do our own thing, in seeking our own pleasure”, which ultimately will bring a curse on us and the generation that follows, or we can heed the Lord’s word and follow Him.

But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.

"As for this house, which was exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, ' Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?' "And they will say, 'Because they forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers who brought them from the land of Egypt, and they adopted other gods and worshiped them and served them; therefore He has brought all this adversity on them.'" 
2 Chronicles 7:19-22 NASB

As it was for Israel, so choices taken will bring the same results in any nation. We must choose the blessing, and not allow the curse to come upon our land. Today, we must choose the Lord.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #146 “Blessing or Curse” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.24.14) Thursday at 5:00 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why Celebrating Halloween Is Dangerous - Kimberly Daniels

Kid in mask
Should your family celebrate Halloween?
Editor's Note: We realize this article by Kimberly Daniels is controversial. It reflects her own personal views—based on her many years of ministering to people involved in the occult. We have chosen to post another column by Ken Eastburn that offers a different view of Halloween. We welcome our readers to post comments on that article as well. 
Halloween—Oct. 31—is considered a holiday in the United States. In fact, it rivals Christmas with regard to how widely celebrated it is. Stores that sell only Halloween-related paraphernalia open up a few months before the day and close shortly after it ends. But is Halloween a holiday Christians should observe?
The word holiday means "holy day." But there is nothing holy about Halloween. The root word ofHalloween is hallow, which means "holy, consecrated and set apart for service." If this holiday is hallowed, whose service is it set apart for? The answer to that question is very easy—Lucifer's!
Lucifer is a part of the demonic godhead. Remember, everything God has, the devil has a counterfeit. Halloween is a counterfeit holy day that is dedicated to celebrating the demonic trinity of the Luciferian spirit (the false Father), the Antichrist spirit (the false Holy Spirit) and the spirit of Belial (the false Son).
The key word in discussing Halloween is dedicated. It is dedicated to darkness and is an accursed season. During Halloween, time-released curses are always loosed. A time-released curse is a period that has been set aside to release demonic activity and to ensnare souls in great measure.
You may ask, "Doesn't God have more power than the devil?" Yes, but He has given that power to us. If we do not walk in it, we will become the devil's prey. Witchcraft works through dirty hearts and wrong spirits.
During this period, demons are assigned against those who participate in the rituals and festivities. These demons are automatically drawn to the fetishes that open doors for them to come into the lives of human beings. For example, most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.
I do not buy candy during the Halloween season. Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent, whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference.
Even the colors of Halloween (orange, brown and dark red) are dedicated. These colors are connected to the fall equinox, which is around the 20th or 21st of September each year and is sometimes called "Mabon." During this season, witches are celebrating the changing of the seasons from summer to fall. They give praise to the gods for the demonic harvest. They pray to the gods of the elements (air, fire, water and earth).
Mother Earth is highly celebrated during the fall demonic harvest. Witches praise Mother Earth by bringing her fruits, nuts and herbs. Demons are loosed during these acts of worship. When nice church folk lay out their pumpkins on the church lawn, fill their baskets with nuts and herbs, and fire up their bonfires, the demons get busy. They have no respect for the church grounds. They respect only the sacrifice and do not care if it comes from believers or nonbelievers.
Gathering around bonfires is a common practice in pagan worship. As I remember, the bonfires I attended during homecoming week when I was in high school were always in the fall. I am amazed at how we ignorantly participate in pagan, occult rituals.
The gods of harvest the witches worship during their fall festivals are the Corn King and the Harvest Lord. The devil is too stupid to understand that Jesus is the Lord of the harvest 365 days a year. But we cannot be ignorant of the devices of the enemy. When we pray, we bind the powers of the strong men that people involved in the occult worship.
Halloween is much more than a holiday filled with fun and tricks or treats. It is a time for the gathering of evil that masquerades behind the fictitious characters of Dracula, werewolves, mummies and witches on brooms. The truth is that these demons that have been presented as scary cartoons actually exist. I have prayed for witches who are addicted to drinking blood and howling at the moon.
While the lukewarm and ignorant think of these customs as just harmless fun, the vortexes of hell release new assignments against souls. Witches take pride in laughing at the ignorance of natural men (those who ignore the spirit realm).
Decorating buildings with Halloween scenes, dressing up for parties, going door to door for candy, standing around bonfires and highlighting pumpkin patches are all acts rooted in entertaining familiar spirits. All these activities are demonic and have occult roots.
The word occult means "secret." The danger of Halloween is not in the scary things we see but in the secret, wicked, cruel activities that go on behind the scenes. These activities include:
  • Sex with demons
  • Orgies between animals and humans
  • Animal and human sacrifices
  • Sacrificing babies to shed innocent blood
  • Rape and molestation of adults, children and babies
  • Revel nights
  • Conjuring of demons and casting of spells
  • Release of time-released curses against the innocent and the ignorant
Another abomination that goes on behind the scenes of Halloween is necromancy, or communication with the dead. Séances and contact with spirit guides are very popular on Halloween, so there is a lot of darkness lurking in the air.
However, Ephesians 1:19-21 speaks of the authority of the believer and the exceeding greatness of God's power in us (the same power that raised Christ from the dead). The passage goes on to say Jesus is seated in heavenly places far above all principalities, power, might, dominions and every name that is named. The good news is that because we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus, the same demonic activity that is under His feet is under our feet too!
People who worship the devil continue to attempt to lift him up. But he has already been cast out and down! Many are blinded to this fact, but the day will come when all will know he has been defeated once and for all.
When we accept Jesus but refuse to renounce Satan and his practices, we are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm—and the Word says God will spit us out of His mouth. The problem with lukewarm is that it attempts to mix the things of the devil with the things of God. It is God's desire that we serve Him alone.
Second Corinthians 6:15 asks the question, "And what agreement has Christ with Belial?" As believers, we need to answer that question in our hearts. We must avoid the very appearance of evil. I would not want a demon spirit to mistake me for an occult worshipper.
There is no doubt in my heart that God is not calling us to replace fall festivals and Halloween activities; rather, He wants us to utterly destroy the deeds of this season. If you or your family members have opened the door to any curses that are released during the demonic fall festivals, renounce them and repent. I already have. Then declare with me: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"
Kimberly Daniels is a sought-after conference speaker and preacher. She is the founder of Kimberly Daniels Ministries International (, Spoken Word Ministries—the church she pastors in Jacksonville, Fla., with her husband, Ardell—A Child of the King Learning Center and Word Bible College. Kim is a recognized prophetic voice as well as the author of several books, including Prayers That Bring Change.