Oct. 9, 2017
 | Dr Erez Soref President of ONE FOR ISRAEL |
Last weekend I had the honor of sharing some of the amazing stories about what God is doing in Israel at the "Epicenter" conference, and also in Dallas in the US. It was wonderful to stand together with other Jewish and Arab leaders and pastors, and to be with so many who care so deeply about our part of the world!
Thank you for your love for the Jewish and Arab people of our region! The fact that there are people around the world who are supporting us and praying for us means so much. It is so exciting to see God at work here among us, and such a privilege to join with him in offering the free gift of salvation - extending his invitation to all to "COME!"
"Be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you!"
(Matthew 9:2)
We have recently released this new video which explains what Yeshua did for us on the cross, using Isaiah 53, one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible for Jewish people. It has already had tens of thousands of views in only a few days. Please pray it goes far and wide, and that it would be used to bring many sons and daughters into the kingdom!
We also praise God for the Arabic speakers in the region who are hearing and responding to the invitation of the gospel. We will rejoice with them in heaven forever! Please remember in your prayers the new believers in Gaza - life is not easy for them.
We need a lot of grace, courage and especially wisdom about how to proceed with our dear brothers in Gaza - how to help them lead a basic Christian life (breaking of bread, Bible study and prayer). Please pray for us as we think about how to establish a house church (in secret) so that they and others can be encouraged as believers together, and so that in the future new believers could join them!
We believe and rejoice in the gospel of the Messiah through which there are breakthroughs in the most difficult places. Through strategic use of media we are seeing the mighty works of God's grace, and we hope this is a great encouragement to you as it is to us.
We are half way through the week long festival of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, but the highlight of the feast comes at the very end...
"On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "Let anyone who is thirsty COME TO ME and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." (John 7:37-38)

Sukkot is an eight-day long feast. That's a lot of feasting! The first evening and day are special, but the end of the feast even more so. In fact, the last day is the epitome of the Festival of Sukkot. "Hoshana Rabba" (a request for great salvation) is on the seventh day, followed by "Shmini Atzeret" (eighth day of the assembly) and "Simchat Torah" (Joy of the Torah). Yeshua went to celebrate the feast of Sukkot in Jerusalem, and John chapter 7 describes what Yeshua said and did at this climactic time, two millennia ago. Continue reading...

At the end of the Feast of Tabernacles in the Fall is rejoicing-with-the-Torah day! In Jewish communities there will be whoops and shouts of joy, singing and dancing and much merriment, as Torah scrolls of the first five books of the Bible are held up high and paraded around for all to see and enjoy. It is the end of the Feast of Sukkot, and also the end of the yearly cycle of reading through the Torah, portion by portion, and so also the beginning of the next year's cycle. Continue reading...
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