The Lord Said, "There Will Soon Be an Explosion of My Power!"
I said to the Lord on Sunday morning, "The gunshots we are hearing daily on the news are so grieving." The Lord said, "There will soon be an explosion of My power that will be heard around the world that will bring salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. This explosion will interrupt news reporters and the media."
What I sense I am seeing is only a part of what this explosion will do.
A great light will accompany this explosion, piercing gross darkness in the hearts of men. This explosive power will blow the scales off the eyes of the Jewish people and they will run like prodigals to the mountain of the Lord. The sound of a Shofar will roar like a lion calling them home.
I heard that familiar voice conversing with terrorists saying, "Why do you persecute Me?" (see Acts 9:4). Some angels were causing guns to jam and bullets to disappear as a light brighter than the sun brought instant healing to their hateful hearts. (Photo via Pixabay)
Certain areas of war zones became "fields of altars" as many blinded by the light were crying out, "Lord, what would You have me to do?" Many were surrendering to the Lord on the battlefield.
"Miraculous Testimonies" Surrounding Soldiers on the Battlefield
Angels were protecting some of these soldiers until the light broke through. Some died in battle, but as that bright light shone on their corpse it was like someone had breathed life back into them and they stood knowing they were a new creature. Hatred was gone and God's love had come.
Soldiers on both sides of the battlefield were being visited. Some soldiers seeing their comrades die but were now alive were in shock as the fear of the Lord came upon them. At first, the enemy tried his best to keep these testimonies as quiet as possible. But all the demons and powers of Hell could no longer hold them back. For they were now overcoming the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
Journalists and news reporters at first were struck with unbelief as these miracles began to reach their ears. But as they kept hearing these unusual events, believing began eroding their doubts as soldiers reported seeing Jesus and were being healed of their battle wounds. Curiosity caused many journalist and reporters to listen to the rest of their stories.
Slowly but surely these unbelievable testimonies began breaking into the media and news outlets, touching the viewers and the readers of the late breaking news that could no longer be ignored.
God Says, "Pray, Forgive and Bless"
I asked the Lord, "What caused this shift and turning in the hearts of men?" He said, "It's the prayers of My remnant in the earth who are praying with forgiveness in their hearts and blessing their enemies in the time of being persecuted for My namesake, because that is My will.
(Photo via Wikimedia)
If you think the terrorists are too far gone, read the story of Saul (see Acts 9) whose name became Paul who wrote much of the New Testament. God wants to change many more names!
"Keep praying, keep forgiving, and keep blessing in My name. The fuse has been lit."
Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministry
Blowing the Shofar Ministry
Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an advisor at large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. "Humility and humor" characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the Word of the Lord!
The shofar (or ram's horn) is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches, and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends.
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