From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Phyllis Ford is one who truly understands the times and seasons we are in. She takes special time to study out the Holy Scriptures and historical times and how it correlates to us today.
There is so much depth in her latest word for Rosh Hashanah that you'll most likely need to read it a couple of times to take it all in.
Phyllis shares with us this powerful word for the season:
We are in the season where the sounding of the alarm and the releasing of the mandates of Heaven will be revealed. It will shape the destiny of nations who have yet to be changed by the seriousness of the time that has already occurred. It will also carry an impetus by which a people shall ARISE in this hour to bring forth the necessary answers that will be needed to live out that mandate.
And please do me a favor and forward this on to all of your friends who will greatly benefit from this article in the Jewish New Year, which is just now beginning! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List
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Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"5778: The Mandate of Heaven and the Sounding of the Trumpets"
Phyllis Ford, Arlington, TX
This particular time during the Hebrew calendar carries as many names as it does meanings. It is important to be able to glean from the fields of understanding concerning this hour. So you will hear The Feast of Trumpets, The Head of the Year, or Rosh Hashanah. My emphasis on this historic time marker of 5778 this year will be remembered by the "sounding of the TRUMPETS".
Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the children of Israel, saying: 'In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a Sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord.'"Leviticus 23:23-25
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: "Make two silver trumpets for yourself; you shall make them of hammered work; you shall use them for calling the congregation and for directing the movement of the camps." Numbers 10:1-2
"We will see a fearless group of Millennials who will face the enemy with a sling shot of promise and five smooth stones of glory."
Looking into this coming 5778 with eyes of understanding, I see a release of God's trumpets vocally, spiritually, and radically. From the sounding of the shofar, to a clarion call by the literal voice of many waters, the Lord God Most High is speaking to the people. For His sound will be echoing throughout the land.
All will hear and many will come out from wherever they are and respond to its sound. The Lord will speak through His prophets and through signs, wonders and miracles. He will speak through warnings and correction. He will sound through the repentant cries of His intercessors. Even His shed Blood will sound a cry out with a redemptive plan for His people.
Sounding the Alarm, Releasing the Mandates
These sounds will come and quake through the land—shaking old paradigms of thinking that have bound a people. Great change will come about in the land because the Lord Himself has spoken it.
Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. Amos 3:6-7 (KJV)
When the ram's horn blows a warning, shouldn't the people be alarmed? Does disaster come to a city, unless the Lord has planned it? Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets.Amos 3:6-7 (NLT)
We are in the season where the sounding of the alarm and the releasing of the mandates of Heaven will be revealed. It will shape the destiny of nations who have yet to be changed by the seriousness of the time that has already occurred. It will also carry an impetus by which a people shall ARISE in this hour to bring forth the necessary answers that will be needed to live out that mandate.
(Photo via Flickr)
We have found that despite God's Word, teaching and heart, many have decided to live out their desires over God's desires. As a result, the enemy of their souls has risen up to overtake them, their land and even hold them captive. However, we can rejoice in the fact that throughout His Word we will see the Lord raise up a people and a standard through His servants of apostles, prophets, and priesthood to begin to quell and alleviate the evil work and re-establish the Kingdom of Heaven in the region.
We are about to witness some of these things in ways that will amaze us. In the last 3-4 months the Lord began showing me, through visitations, information concerning these trumpet sounds. In these encounters, the sounds began low and almost inaudible, then grew to a high pitched sound of awakening. I could not even articulate what I saw nor can I fully explain what I was seeing. So I will attempt to extract a few pages from the volumes of what I began to see as it was revealed to me.
August 21 and Varying levels of Darkness and Light
When I was in prayer concerning the solar eclipse last month, as the brilliance of the light pierced throughout the corners of the darkness, the Lord begin to show me varying levels of light being covered by darkness. He showed me how we will be able to navigate and discern in the darkness by what we learned in the light of His glorious presence, and as we come through the darkness a greater light be would be unveiled afterward.
Only the light can impart to us the ability to discern and perceive things done in the dark.
I saw a series of visions of how, through Scripture, light has been revealed, and how the disciples navigated through the dark nights and storms that the Lord guided them through. We will see a deep movement of the Lord filled with revelation that will navigate us through the seven years to come. As the Messiah co-navigates us, our lives will take on a new course of dominion that we will possess in new revelatory ways. We will witness great prophetic visuals just like the eclipse itself, while making it over to the new land of understanding the ways of the Lord.
"Walking in the light" in our relationship with Him will help us navigate through some of the greatest storms approaching. This light will bring forth order, divine alignment, and a reordering of understanding His ways. He began to show me the importance in guarding our hearts and learning how to walk in temperance, so that our lack of self-control and emotions don't distract us, leaving us vulnerable to serious attacks from the enemy (read Proverbs 25:28). I began to see that "division" was an outward attack of darkness to keep us in confusion and to cause us to lose time while being directed in the light.
Spiritual Birthing
It is the decree of Heaven that we "walk in a new way" as we step over into 5778. We will shed carnality and the lies of error and begin to walk in the truth of His Word. We will become the sons of God upon this earth that are being birthed in this hour. Skillful mid-wives prevailing in intercessory prayer will assist in this process.
The birthing of a changed people of purpose will emerge in this time, ready to advance in Kingdom building.
As I was in flight, in one of my visitations, I saw a great light in a vision coming from the sun, but on the earth the darkness was still present. The Lord spoke and said, "Even though darkness is upon the earth, the light is emerging as the sons are being birthed." In the heavens, we entered a new day, but upon the earth it was just beginning to catch up with what was going on in the heavens.
It is in the cries of "prayers of repentance" and the "travailing in birth" that our lives transition from carnality into maturity in the image of Jesus Christ as growth in the individual occurs. The Lord, in His great wisdom, has placed answers in us to situations and dilemmas that will occur. We will be a part of the fail-safe system that will be the building and triumphing of a glorious work. It is important to see that this occurs as part of an on-going process as the current foundations are shaking.
So, we begin to see that the perfecting process of 5777 is an on-going one, and it will lay the groundwork for greater things to be done in the coming years leading up to 5779 and even going into 5780. The sons of God that were spoken of in John chapter 1 are moving forward. What we will see looks a lot like Ezekiel Chapter 1 and 10, which show us the image of God Himself being formed in our lives in ways we will understand.
A Daniel Company - HUBS and Millennials
"These sounds will come and quake through the land. Shaking through old paradigms of thinking that had bound a people."
The first thing I need to do is briefly define a HUB. A HUB is a cluster of ministries that come together to better fulfill Kingdom directives. Two key phrases are "Yoked" and "Spiritual Synergy." In this hour, there will be a raising up of a Daniel company that will move forth as the Lord's army.
It was being revealed to Daniel that he was in the season of the words of Jeremiah (70 weeks) when he positioned himself in prayer and fasting. He fasted so that He might be able to discern what the Lord was bringing forth in that time (see Daniel 9:2-3, Jeremiah 29:10). That positioning prepared and released strategies of the Lord and His angelic host who were contending in the heavenly realm.
We have approached an hour where intercessory HUBS will not only be formed but work together to work as a NET to usher in the harvest of souls coming into the Kingdom. There will be a convergence of man (with angelic assistance) who will walk as one in passionate prayers of repentance to release a sound. The trumpet will sound to release Annas, Esthers, and Deborahs to pray. There will also be an apostolic and prophetic troop of Issachar people to guide them through the coming years.
We will see a fearless group of Millennials who will face the enemy with a sling shot of promise and five smooth stones of glory. We will also see a gathering of nations of people who will be willing to prevail in prayer.
Let me say this: there are very few who know the nature of the enemy within the Church and the enemy outside the Church, and the demonic nature of the two. There will be those who will carry the anointing of prayer like the intercessor Rees Howells that will track, trace, and destroy enemy strongholds.
Prayer, Intercession and Watchmen on the Wall

One of the most powerful strategies in this hour is walking in the power of prayer and the birthing of repentance. Understanding this strategy will quell and avert much danger. Prayers, intercession, and the cries of repentance for the sins of our nations will produce strategies that reverse and lend strength in times when the enemy's attacks seem the strongest.
The strongest trumpet will come from the captain of the Lord of Hosts carrying strong angelic help from every direction. (Photo via Pexels)
By decree and declaration being laid upon the directives of God's Word, we will advance. We will no longer just defensively go through our days, but will advance by Kingdom implementation of God's decrees. We will know who we are and what we possess, as well as understand what we should be doing, so we don't just approach the days and hope "everything works well," but we will begin to embrace our days making necessary adjustments along the way. We will set things in order that were revealed to us in prayer and utilize the tools that we've been equipped with to accomplish effective stewardship.
Views from the Field
In my time before the Lord in prayer concerning Shavuot, I received several visitations where I literally appeared in a field. The Lord said the field represented the Body of Christ and we're the first-fruits of that harvest season. He unveiled that we were the Body of Christ transitioning into the Bride of Christ. He also expressed that He is taking us through the winnowing process by fire baptism and removing the chaff off of our lives so that we can go out and gather the harvest (see Matthew 3:11-12). He spoke of how we are a type of Ruth who, by our obedience to His desires, will glean in the fields, only to become the owner of the fields where we worked. We are such a people.
More and more revelation began to unfold as He guided me through the field, instructing me on how we can learn from the Word of God in the field. He walked me through the field and explained that this is the season to bring souls into the Kingdom. He unveiled how, in this hour of our lives, fulfilling our purpose will bring healing and wholeness to a people broken by the circumstances of the field. The harvest has come and the fields are white unto harvest. In the month of Elul, the Lord is in the field and so are we.
As we approach 5778 in Tishrei, we hear the trumpets sounding in the distance, guiding us. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List
subscribe here.)
Phyllis Ford has been called by God's grace to be a prophetic vessel. For the last 30 years she has been active in women's ministry and carries a strong emphasis toward prayer and intercession. She travels internationally and has released the Word of the Lord on the Internet for the past 10 years. She has conducted training in spiritual warfare, prophetic schools, and deliverance workshops, and also worked with abused and addicted women in secular settings for the State of Illinois. Phyllis lives in the DFW area in Texas and has three sons and one daughter.