Showing posts with label knives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knives. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2015

This is the End of the Palestinian People by David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

This is the End of the Palestinian People

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 |  David Lazarus
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, again, two Palestinian boys, an 11 and a 13-year-old, stabbed and tried to kill a 37-year-old Israeli man at the train station. And I ask myself, “What kind of a society cheers when a 11-year-old stabs someone? How can I comprehend Palestinians who allow, or even send their children to kill Jews?”
Of course this is not really new. For decades the Palestinians have been sending suicide bombers, knife wielding women, crashing cars and tractors into innocent bystanders, and calling them martyrs. The ongoing incitement to jihad, martyrdom and the glorification Jew-killers, the lauding of parents who encourage their sons to kill Jews, the press jumping to illustrate blood filled scenes, including child warriors, children carrying guns, photos of fighters launching rockets aimed at Israeli civilians and children, is well known.
Now their children run in the streets with knives hoping to kill someone. As far as I know, the Palestinians are the only people group known to mankind that allows themselves to find “honor” in their children killing innocent people. No other culture I am aware of teaches their children to sacrifice themselves in order to take vengeance on innocent people.
Still, I hear people say, “We don’t understand the grievances of Palestinians. If we would listen to them and make life better for them there would be less terror in the world.”
Grievances? What grievances justify encouraging children to kill innocent people? They complain about Israel’s checkpoints, while their Arab brothers and sisters are being slaughtered like sheep in Syria, Iraq and around the Mideast. Complain away. We Jews love to complain. But I ask myself, “is there any other nation, culture or religion in the world that allows their offspring to sacrifice themselves in order to kill some unknown bystander?”
And yet, amidst all the hyped-up media and anger, I have not heard one word from Palestinian parents telling their children that it is wrong to attack Jews. I have not heard of teachers in Palestinian schools teaching children that it is wrong to run around stabbing people in the streets. Even politicians known to hide what they really think refuse to make a clear condemnation of Palestinian children running wild on murderous rampages.
If anyone is at all concerned for the Palestinians, demand action now, with an uncompromising, categorical end to this wickedness. Civilization is crumbling around us and we cannot afford not to confront this devious justification of murder propagated by Palestinians. Have our own values become so white-washed that we are yet blind to this clear manifestation of evil?
This so-called “intifada” is not really a battle against Israel, a battle they can never win. What we are witnessing is a war against the children of Palestinian and the beginning of the end for a future for the Palestinian people. If the Palestinians cannot find a way to prevent their own children from sacrificing themselves in order to kill Jews, they are doomed. They have rejected the basic principles of the sanctity of life, principles necessary to secure civilized human society, and if this downfall is not confronted, resisted and stopped immediately, it will result in the complete degradation and ruination of what is known as the Palestinian people.
My I add, that anyone who supports, condones or justifies in any way this present wickedness shall also be responsible for the outcome.
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