“Tirelessly” – Time To Consider by Steve Martin

“We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.” John 9:4-5, NASU
Jesus (Yeshua) was fully aware of the amount of time He had when He walked this earth, knowing that the Father had given Him a mission and He was to get it done. No matter what. We also have been given a measure of time to fulfill that which the Lord has given for us to accomplish. Knowing when, how, and with whom is so vital in completing our tasks. Prayer must be in the puzzle.
At times Yeshua spent nights in prayer on the mountain. He would often go off by Himself to spend time with the Father, before the next day’s sun arose and He was to lead the 12 disciples and speak to the masses.
Not only when an important decision would arise that He had to make, but throughout the three plus years He had to do it.
“Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles: Simon, whom He also named Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; Matthew and Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called the Zealot; Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot who also became a traitor.” Luke 6:12-16, NKJV
Other Scriptures speak of His commitment to prayer; His times of seeking the Father for instruction; the life He led with discipline and commitment daily. So should we.
“Modern-day” Christians have somewhat given up on the disciplines required of each of us to do as the Lord says to do. Lack of daily Bible reading. Prayer only on a Sunday morning when someone else says it. Possibly even out loud.
Sit back and watch the “anointed” or the “called” do their thing, because they are on “staff” at the church, while we watch the sports teams do their thing. At least the sports guys know what discipline is needed to accomplish their team’s goals. They may even have personal goals if they want to achieve fame and fortune while they have the time and platform. And then they can later become a politician and tell us what we need to do, as if their “wisdom” in their former field enables them to speak and act out of that realm.
What power we give to those who speak the loudest. And destroy the most. Depends upon what eyes you are looking through, and if any common sense still exits, along with foundational morals required to actually live a life worth living.

Yeshua was tireless in His pursuit of the Father’s will. He was no sloth. He was no sluggard. He was not the One to let others do it, except after He had trained them as to how they should do it.
What about you? Have you given of yourself lately to do for others as you would have them do for you?
Got any incentives lately? Need a push in the right direction to get up and get going?
How much time do you actually think we have, anyway?
“I have told you these things so that you won’t be caught by surprise. They will ban you from the synagogue; in fact, the time will come when anyone who kills you will think he is serving God! They will do these things because they have understood neither the Father nor me. But I have told you this, so that when the time comes for it to happen, you will remember that I told you.” John 16:1-4, Complete Jewish Bible
Sounds like the world we are living in now, right?
It is time to consider even more so what you are doing with your life. How much time do you think you yet have to waste it on pursuing personal gain, that will only be burned up later? How much time do you have to live for the Lord, as He intended you too?

Those who are pursuing the heart of the Father, to know and do His plans, be encouraged! Your eternal reward is great in heaven, as you have not wasted that which He has given you.
For those who may need some pushing…He knows. I hope you will seek Him to know it too. Even tirelessly if that is what it will take.
Probably so.
Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People Founder/President

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Time To Consider #6 – in the year of our Lord 7.15.2020 – “Tirelessly”
Wednesday, 3:00 am in Charlotte, NC USA
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