There is so much viable revelation and truth in this word by Johnny Enlow for our current day...that we wanted to get it out to our readers ASAP.
When a word like this hits hard prophetically, it needs to be released and declared into the atmosphere. This is a word that needs to be released into the airwaves on a grand scale and into the 7 MOUNTAINS as you'll read about in great detail.
Johnny shares this now word about reformation:
Last week while with the Lord I heard, "The present reformation is greater than 100 revivals." ...We must make the shift from revival-mindedness to reformation-mindedness. ...Accepting the reformation mandate is committing to finding a dwelling place for our God in the 7 mountains (media, economy, government, education, arts/celebration, family and religion) of society. That is how the whole earth becomes full of His glory (Hab. 2:14).
You have been called to the 7 mountains to bring reformation in our day. I pray as you read through Johnny's word, the Lord speaks to you about the mountain(s) you are called to shift and reform!
Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Greater Than 100 Revivals is Here"
Last week while with the Lord I heard, "The present reformation is greater than 100 revivals." I knew He was speaking to me out of the paradigm that we communicate from, which is the understanding that we must make the shift from revival-mindedness to reformation-mindedness. His great priority at this time is us shifting out of longing for a visitation (revival), to us partnering in making earth a place of habitation (reformation). This also requires us shifting from church-mindedness to Kingdom-mindedness as we agree with Matthew 6:33 and, "Seek first the Kingdom of God."
God will visit almost anywhere (much like we will), but He has more requirements as to where He will actually dwell. Accepting the reformation mandate is committing to finding a dwelling place for our God in the 7 mountains (media, economy, government, education, arts/celebration, family and religion) of society. That is how the whole earth becomes full of His glory (Hab. 2:14).
According to Revelation 4:5 and 5:6, there are 7 Spirits of God that are 7 blazing flames of fire, 7 horns and 7 eyes of God—that are looking to bring the Godhead a place of habitation on the earth. The fullness of the King and His Kingdom can never be seen in the Church even if it were some kind of nightly revival setting.
Therefore, He wants us to know that He is already more ahead of us than most of us imagined at making earth ready for more of Heaven. While many keep wondering, "Why revival tarries," He wants us to know that a more important matter of societal reformation is in full Kingdom-throttle.
Reformation is Happening Now in All 7 Mountains
Reformation matters are occurring across all 7 mountains in very profound ways. Here are some:
"These are devastating days for satan's kingdom!"
In MEDIA, the enemy is not dead, but is in absolute disarray and absolute implosion. This will continue until the reformation-minded sons and daughters of the King arise and shine and bring the salt and light of truthful and hope-filled seeing and reporting into mainstream media. Our assignment in every mountain always involves not just being "truthful" but in being bearers of good news, as that is what the word Gospel means.
President Trump is the bull in this China shop overthrowing the establishment, and it is now up to us to arise with missional understanding. Major reform is already in the works.
In EDUCATION, the acknowledged failure of our present system is creating all sorts of new opportunities for school models and systems that are now exploding in the form of charter schools and other alternative school models. I am personally aware of a public school replacement model that has gone under the radar, but still has over 300 new successful schools nationwide with top of line outcomes. This is just the tip of the iceberg as education reform is advancing in many, many ways that will be evidenced shortly.
In GOVERNMENT, it is quite obvious we are going through massive overhaul and yes, a "draining of the swamp". As it is playing out before us, it is evident that as many Republicans as Democrats are in the swamp, and so this is not a partisan thing taking place, but a rather a sweeping reform.
President Trump is of course the catalyst for all this and he is only beginning. Explosive revelations such as who really was in "Russian collusion" are only going to increase. The FBI, the IRS, the Attorney General's office and the Intelligence Community have already been exposed for their duplicity and outright crookedness.
President Trump will continue to prosper in his exposure of that which has been treacherous. Do not be deceived by his low approval numbers thinking that will slow him down, as it will not. He is anointed/appointed to spearhead reformation and it will continue. His "extremely low" approval rating of 35-43% (depending on who you believe, CBS-Rasmussen) is still better than Ronald Reagan's approval ratings were after TWO years (1/31/83) after becoming President. Ronald Reagan went on to win a record 525 electoral votes, 49 of 50 States, and defeated Walter Mondale by a whopping 18.2% in the popular vote in 1984.
President Trump carries a Romans 13:4 mandate: "He is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, BE AFRAID; for he carries not the sword in vain, for he is a minister of God, an avenger to execute wrath on him who does evil."
This is not the authority that a church minister is to carry, but it is an authority that is entrusted and expected by one called to the mountain of government. The accountability and responsibility is even higher when you are in the lead nation of the world position of the United States, as you now have the expanded assignment of dealing with rogue nations that are led by clearly evil people such as North Korea, Iran and arguably Venezuela. Expect President Trump to be ever increasing the pressure on these nations as it is within his reformation assignment.
In ECONOMY, the reformation is igniting above perhaps any mountain. The unemployment rate is down to 4.2% and that is now becoming a real number as so many more jobs are now available (at least 1,000,000 since election) and it is not just people giving up on the job market. Furthermore, the Dow Jones continues to skyrocket and is now approaching 24,000. There have been 70 new record highs set for the Dow Jones since Donald Trump was elected President. This despite being fought tooth and nail for almost every economic stimulus that President Trump proposes.
Before he is done, I believe he will have the Dow above 30,000 and true unemployment at or under 3%.
None of this is or was projectable by the economic "experts" but is because of the anointing that is on President Trump which is totally connected to the assignment of the reformation of nations. It is the enemy that wants the world economy killed. God wants it revived, even while knowing many will misuse the prosperity. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. Our God comes that we might have the abundant blessings of life.
If you are a lover of God and His Kingdom and an entrepreneur, these are the best of days coming up. The only way you will remain, as it were, on the outside looking in, is if you are running on the old, disapproved of narrative, wine/whine skin, that says we are headed for dark days and advancement of satan's kingdom.
Prosperity will be elusive for you if you stick with that storyline and furthermore, you would be rather without purpose for prospering with that mindset. These are devastating days for satan's kingdom and you can exponentially increase that reality as you embrace the proper narrative of it being our God's Kingdom age, and then finding your place in that narrative. As an aside, if you financially prospering is dependent on an overall financial collapse or the collapse of the dollar, or the bottom dropping out of Wall Street, then I believe you will be very disappointed.
In the FAMILY mountain, many reformation breakthroughs are taking place and we of course desperately need that. Upgraded new tools for communication and new tools for inner healing/recovery are coming in ever increasing waves.Some major shift in the spirit-realm was decreed that has women and their justice, their destiny, and their freedoms being prioritized.
"The present reformation is greater than 100 revivals."
Wonder Woman was a movie with a divine message and a divine timing, even if it didn't have perfect theology for all of you "perfect theology" watchers. That movie was directed by a woman and it carries an anointing on it that particularly the next generation is sensitive to. Then we had the message of Hurricane Irma and the release of woman into full leadership that I already spoke into.
It is of no coincidence that as we have shifted into the new Hebraic year of 5778, that a very noteworthy shift towards women's justice matters has also taken place. Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy, died September 27, and it meant something significant in the spirit realm. He is the man most responsible for pornography going mainstream and by extension, the one most responsible for women being objectified. It is no light thing. Almost immediately upon his passing, it's as if a switch went on that now has Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood, and an ever-increasing array of powerful men, who have been taking sexual liberties of women, and are now being exposed.
A new line in the sand is being drawn on behalf of women that society will not retreat from, as an intolerance for sexual harassment goes viral. Unfortunately, the Church has some of its own exposures forthcoming in this process as powerful men in Church have been exhibiting this same behavior towards both women and men.
Ultimately, the greatest reformation catalytic power will be activated when women are embraced and released into their full leadership stature. When women fully arise, sex-trafficking and mainstream pornography will be almost exterminated as these are a part of the same root system, and they are extremely related. Great reformation is in effect, but just starting for this mountain.
In ARTS/CELEBRATION there is a huge reformation going on that has just been given a turbo boost by the Harvey Weinstein revelations. Major studios are about to receive deathblows as deeply embedded culture gets exposed and a whole new operating system gets introduced into Hollywood. Much of this coming reformation of Hollywood will be spearheaded by women, as the yoke of powerlessness is broken off of them.
In RELIGION/CHURCH the great reformation taking place involves expanding our parameters of assignment from within the four walls of the church to the 7 mountains of society. The next phase then involves understanding that what we are assigned to carry into the 7 mountains is not rules or finger-pointing, but rather presence, heavenly solutions, and almost anything that comes under the banner of LOVE. We must go into the mountains as Caleb, the treasure hunter, and not as the giant-obsessed, grasshopper-minded 10 spies. We have been scaring each other with our giant-reporting.
Even as we are just celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, we are being quickly ushered into an entirely new Societal Reformation that begins with the Church reforming its reason for existing. God has never needed us to be the rules-committee for earth, but has always desired us to be the presence-carriers. What is new for the pioneering presence-carriers is the understanding that the presence is not just for goosebumps, but it is for the reformation of society. We are headed for accelerated heavenly displacement of darkness as we fully reform to this original intent. This, of course, was laid out in Jesus' first message when He said, "You are the light of the world."
Unprecedented Angelic Hosts
For anyone who can see in the spirit-realm, it is quite obvious that unprecedented angelic hosts and beings have been sent to earth, and in particular the United States "for such a time as this." Learning to recognize them and learning to work with them is a major next step for anyone getting on board with this Reformation Train. They are here because it is time for a great work on earth for the Kingdom of God. God knows that most of His people are still asleep to the reformation assignment, but He has found "Gideon and his 300" and He is moving all of Heaven to work with them.
As in Gideon's day, soon most of the army will also engage, but it is our assignment to turn them into Believers of the new narrative by our own successes. Billions of great warring angels are already here for this momentous time, as Heaven needs no angelic protection for themselves. They are here not to rescue us and for sure not to escort us off the planet. They are here so that "the giants" of the Promised Land of the 7 mountains look like and become "bread" for us (Numbers 14:9). One taken "Jericho" in the Promised Land is greater than 100 "water from the rocks" in the wilderness. We are no longer in the wilderness. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth
Johnny and Elizabeth
Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.
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