“Not every star shines at the same time.” Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry

Oct. 5, 2022 Charlotte, North Carolina USA Greetings to my family and friends of Love For His People Ministry. It is so encouraging when the Lord speaks a word to you, unexpectedly. At those times when you may not feel as strong as others, or gifted, or assured of what you are doing and how you are doing it. Sometimes as you watch others flow in their gifts, you wonder if you will ever “measure up”. Do you ever feel that way too? Be encouraged with this: our Lord knows how to encourage us, and tell us, in His way, “You too shine.” A simple word from the Holy Spirit does that. He brings encouragement. Please read my message, “Not Every Star Shines at the Same Time”, written below. Ahava and shalom, ![]() Steve Martin, Founder, Love For His People Ministry P.S. Please continue to pray for our good friends for over 35 years, Edgar and Indira Persad, of Charlotte, North Carolina, along with their families (Nadira & Alan, Shamila and Joel, and Robbie and his family). Edgar has been in the hospital for 12 days, having had a brain tumor removed. See the accompanying photo of Edgar being ministered to in his hospital bed in Charlotte, North Carolina. |
“Not Every Star Shines at the Same Time” “He determines how many stars there are and calls them all by name.” Psalm 147:4, Complete Jewish Bible Each star shines in brilliance and power. Some are more prominent than others, and we notice them at different times in the heavenly skies. As the nighttime gets darker, we seem to see more and more of them, until they fill the sky with their brightness and glory, especially if you are viewing away from the city and other man-made lights. The Lord Creator created each one, special in their own sphere of influence and reach. According to Scripture, the Word of God, He has given each one a name. (Psalm 147:4) As I stood in the hospital room with a long-time friend of over 35 years, Edgar Persad, three other men and a spiritual woman, mutual friends from another church that Edgar and his family attend, had come to pray prior to his scheduled surgery in a few hours. He was having a brain tumor removed that had come back cancerous from the three biopsy tests after the first surgery to remove the built-up fluid. Their prayers were mighty. They called upon the Name of the Lord Jesus in full faith and power. They spoke of His promises over Edgar, assuring Him that the Lord is our Deliverer, our Healer, the One Who stands in the gap for all of us, especially in our time of need. Scripture was read from the Bible app on the cell phone. I took some memorable photos and two short video clips, to share with others who were not able to be here expressing the same love. (I am a firm believer that the Lord has put in place those who give testimony through photography and video.) I knew these images in real-time would encourage friends and prayer intercessors around the world, shared on Signal and other social connections, to also keep praying as Edgar faced the second brain surgery to remove that large tumor in between the pineal gland. (From Wikipedia: “The pineal gland, conarium, or epiphysis cerebri, is a small endocrine gland in the brain of most vertebrates. The pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone which modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles. The shape of the gland resembles a pine cone, which gives it its name. The pineal gland is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join. The pineal gland is one of the neuroendocrine secretory circumventricular organs in which capillaries are mostly permeable to solutes in the blood.”) You know how you sometimes feel when you are with others, and their “spirituality” seems so much more than yours? In some ways, I felt I didn’t “measure up” to their spiritual walk and ability to successfully petition the Lord, especially in verbalizing it forth. And so, I stood quietly, yet in agreement, and listened. Then the Holy Spirit spoke a peaceful, simple word to me.“Not every star is seen at the same time.” I was taken aback, not expecting He would say something to me at that time, with the focus on Edgar, as it should be. Wow. Even during the care and concern we give for others, our Lord is building, strengthening, and encouraging ourselves. But most often that is how it turns out, isn’t it? He knows what we need too when we need it. It was most encouraging to hear that inner voice of the Holy Spirit. And I wholeheartedly give thanks for all the gifts given to us, as shown through these men and women. These were now the ones shining in their atmosphere. More fully in Psalm 147, briefly quoted above, is the description of the goodness of the Lord and how He is so actively working in the nations today. Especially in the people of Jerusalem and Israel. “Halleluyah! How good it is to sing praises to our God! How sweet, how fitting to praise him! Adonai is rebuilding Yerushalayim, gathering the dispersed of Isra’el. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines how many stars there are and calls them all by name. Our Lord is great, His power is vast, His wisdom beyond all telling. Adonai sustains the humble but brings the wicked down to the ground.” Complete Jewish Bible An old saying was once all over in art and such, “Grow where you are planted.” We are also called to shine the light He has put in us, in our sphere of influence and gifting. As each does his or her shining, all will be built up and encouraged. Ahava and shalom, Steve Martin, Love For His People, Founder Message #115 in this series – in the year of our Lord 10.04.2022 – “Not Every Star Shines at the Same Time”, Tuesday, 4:50 pm in Charlotte, North Carolina |
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Steve Martin
STEVE & LAURIE MARTIN - LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE FOUNDERS My good wife Laurie and I (45 years in October 2022!), through the ministry of Love For His People we founded in 2010, give love and support for our friends in Israel and in other nations with friendship, humanitarian aid, and social media support, along with Steve's messages, and our Ahava Adventures trips to Israel. Steve has also authored and published 34 books. We live in the Charlotte, NC area. We have four adult children, spouses, and eight grandkids.