Showing posts with label spirit of religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit of religion. Show all posts

Monday, April 13, 2020



April 13, 2020 New post on Lana Vawser Ministries

I had a dream recently and I heard the Lord saying over and over “I am about to deal with and break the spirit of religion.”

God is going to deal with the religious spirit in this new era in ways we have never seen. I still remember the day many years ago when the Lord whispered to me “A mighty move of My Spirit is coming and if you do not have eyes to see and ears to hear and live close to My heart you will be greatly offended by the move of My Spirit”

Immediately I was taken back to story after story in the Gospels where there Pharisees were so offended by Jesus and by His acts. The pride that was carried by the Pharisees when Jesus walked the earth is the same pride that God is dealing with in the Church right now and it has only just begun.

The Lord is cleaning house. His love is so ferocious and so deep for the world and for His Bride, that He is bringing a deep purification to His Church. My friend Anita Alexander had an encounter with the Lord where she heard the Lord say “I love the world enough to deal with My house” and that’s exactly where we are now.

The WAY that the Lord is going to move is going to shake the religious mindsets and expose the spirit of religion in the Church in a way we have never seen. The Lord’s heart in shaking up His house in such intense ways in this new era is to bring forth His true ecclesia and to see His people walk in humility and purity before Him and carry His Spirit.’

‘There is going to be great demonstrations of offense in the way the Lord is going to move, where He will move, how He will move and those areas of offense will expose the religious spirit but He is about to deal with it and break it. The dealings of the Lord to bring down this religious spirit and expose it is going to be intense and there may be mess in the shaking but the Lord is going to bring forth healing to His bride, He is going to bring forth freedom in His Bride, He is going to bring total reformation to His Church.

The Lord has had me in Luke 7:36-50 so much lately, the story of the woman who anointed the feet of Jesus. There is MUCH in this story that the Lord is revealing for the era we have entered that I will be sharing over the coming months but there will be radical demonstrations of worship, a deeper level of worship than we have ever entered and encounter with the Lord and WHO the Lord will use and the WAY we see Him move in this era that will OFFEND if you do not have eyes to see and ears to hear.

There is a sound of worship, adoration and “undignified” expression of love for Jesus that is going to be seen in the Church and in the harvest coming in, in this new era that if we don’t carry the heart of God and know Him well, could find the people of God criticising or standing against a move of God and that is not a place we want to be. This deep undignified worship of Jesus that doesn’t care what others think or are caged by the fear of man, will arise in the earth like never before, it will be so undignified that religious mindsets and where the religious spirit resides will find it offensive. (2 Samuel 6:14-22) This will be key in the Church moving out of Saul’s house and the David’s arising in the earth.

The Church will transition into a deep place of worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)The move of God that’s coming and the fear of the Lord being restored to the Church is going to expose the religious spirit and the pride of man, and bring forth such a beautiful work of His Spirit bringing cleansing and purification for a greater positioning of Isaiah 60.

There’s such a deep invitation into His heart right now, deeper than ever to hear His heartbeat, hear His voice and see and hear as He sees. God is dealing with this spirit of religion, He is dealing with elitism, and with pride. He is thundering to His people that humility is the key.

“He has told you, O man, what is good;

And what does the Lord require of you

Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion),

And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?” (Micah 6:8 – AMP)

One of the ways God is going to deal with the spirit of religion is He is going to DISRUPT and INTERRUPT in this new era and He is going to move in such a powerful way, He is going to demonstrate that He is the God who cannot be controlled or contained.

He is going to raise up the true ecclesia. He is going to raise up the Church in ways we have never seen. He is truly looking for those who truly love Him and follow Him. He is bringing His people into freedom. He is bringing His Church into freedom. Where the religious spirit has contained, suffocated and killed there is a dealing of the Lord upon that religious spirit.

There is a great urgency of the hour as we move further into this new era that we embrace the move of God whatever it looks like, to live so close to His heart that we recognise Him and His move even if/when it looks different to what we expect and not be offended or kill a move of God because it doesn’t fit into our box.

There has been a civil war in the Church and it will flare up louder than ever as God deals with this spirit of religion in this new era, but know in the ‘noise’ when it happens, that there is a mass deliverance upon the Church and the sound of freedom will resound and as the shaking and deconstruction happens, as we transition into the new thing God is doing and going to do, the true ecclesia is going to arise in unity (John 17) strength, humility, boldness and power.

In the deep dealing of this religious spirit in the Church by the hand of God, the true Bride will arise in His love and power and shine in the earth like she has never shone before.

Lana Vawser Ministries | April 13, 2020 at 6:36 pm | Categories: Prophetic Words | URL:

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Lana Vawser: "Texas, I Am Coming In a Way I Have Never Come Before!" - THE ELIJAH LIST


Lana Vawser: "Texas, I Am Coming In a Way I Have Never Come Before!"

THE ELIJAH LIST  Aug 29, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Church, if you've been following the news, you know this is a very CRITICAL TIME for the state of Texas, as Hurricane Harvey has brought much flooding to hard hit areas in the south especially...and the flooding is not over yet!
Let's keep fervently praying for the flood waters to cease, for the safety of lives, and for rescue efforts underway even now!
Lana Vawser writes a prophetic word of HOPE for Texas in her latest word as she shares:
"There is a NEW DAY upon you, Texas. There is a NEW DAY upon you, Texas. I am with you, I am holding you, I am releasing the manifestation of the new day of destiny written in the scrolls of Heaven over you Texas. As this storm has come to devastate, I am coming to ACTIVATE—to activate a greater tipping point of breakthrough upon you, Texas. A whole new level of signs, wonders and miracles as I show up. I am fighting for you Texas."
Let's partner our prayers with Lana's prophetic words and decree God's goodness and mercy over the great state of Texas! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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As I have been sitting with the Lord and praying for Texas and the devastating situation with Hurricane Harvey, I heard the words:
"The tide is turning in Texas."
I believe this is a decree of the Lord over the major breakthrough that has been happening and will continue to increase over Texas as the outpouring of His Spirit continues.
As I continued to sit with the Lord I heard the words:
"Texas, I am coming in, I am coming in—in a way I have never come in before. I am coming in a way you have never seen before. I am coming, I am coming, I am coming. I am going to make a way where there is no way. The tide is turning in Texas. The way it 'has been' will no longer be that way.
"The ground the enemy has occupied in Texas is being uprooted"
"There is a NEW DAY upon you, Texas. There is a NEW DAY upon you, Texas. I am with you, I am holding you, I am releasing the manifestation of the new day of destiny written in the scrolls of Heaven over you Texas. As this storm has come to devastate, I am coming to ACTIVATE—to activate a greater tipping point of breakthrough upon you, Texas. A whole new level of signs, wonders and miracles as I show up. I am fighting for you, Texas.
"I am standing with you, My people, as you decree. What the enemy has sent against you, I will turn! Where the enemy has come to devastate, I am coming to ADD to you! There is a battle in the heavenlies happening over Texas right now, but I have released My angels of recompense. Prepare for visitation. I am coming, and I am coming as the King of glory. You will see My glory like you have never seen, My people.
"Lift up your eyes and command this storm to pass, command this storm to turn. For the enemy's attempts will be turned on their head, and you will see Me come, your King of glory. Your greatest days of visitation are upon you, My children. Your greatest days of outpouring are upon you and have begun and are about to increase in a way you have never seen. I am going to show up unexpectedly in your midst and you will be left in awe.
"The enemy has come to bring terror and fear, but I am coming to restore AWE. I am coming to reveal My goodness, My nature, in a way you have never seen. The TRAIN OF MY ROBE will FILL TEXAS. My glory is coming in unprecedented ways. It's a new day. No longer moving with the old; the guards are shifting, the positions are changing, the 'making room' for the new thing I am doing is happening.
"I am coming fiercely and furiously with My fire and you will see My holiness like you have never seen before, My people. Unprecedented encounters with Me! My glory and holiness will be seen amongst you leaving you crying out, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.'"
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The Ground the Enemy Has Occupied in Texas is Being Uprooted!
I then saw a tidal wave of His Spirit (I am not referring to this hurricane or flood, but one of the Spirit) come in, flowing with such peace and strength through Texas and a DEEP UPROOTING was taking place. The Lord was going into the "hidden places" in Texas, and He was UPROOTING the "ROOTS" and "LEGAL GROUNDS" that the enemy has had in Texas. I then heard the words:
"The ground the enemy has occupied in Texas is being uprooted. I have come in response to the cries of intercession of My people and I am uprooting strongholds, and a whole new move of My Spirit is about to be released in Texas. The areas where the enemy has rejoiced over 'land taken'—now his days of greatest mourning are upon him as he is reminded of his defeat, as he is reminded of his position—under the feet of My people.
"There is a NEW DAY upon you, Texas."
"Now My people will rejoice and a whole new level of praise will rise from My people in Texas as the strongholds of old come tumbling down. I make a way in the wilderness, streams in the desert, and a whole new area of breakthrough in areas that have been held by the enemy have suddenly turned and handed to My people to begin to extend My Kingdom in greater ways."
The Idol of Religion is Coming Down!
I saw the enemy and other demonic figures dancing around what looked like an "idol" and it reminded me of Baal. As they were dancing around and rejoiced at this idol that they had built within Texas, I saw lightning fall from Heaven and suddenly strike this idol, and it not only tumbled down to the ground, but it was completely destroyed into dust, and then suddenly where it was, a HUGE FOUNTAIN appeared in its place.
I then heard the Lord say:
"The idol of religion is coming down. I am striking down religion. I am striking down the spirit of religion, and where it had its greatest hold, I am raising up FOUNTAINS OF LIFE and My living water, and many will come to DRINK of My salvation and revelation—from ALL over the world. The very areas where this spirit of religion has had its strongest hold, I am breaking it, I am removing it, and those places shall be known as WELLS of My Spirit and revelation, and will be KEY in the OUTPOURING I am releasing.
"Get ready, Texas! I am coming in a way that is unexpected, I am coming in a way that's completely new, and the TRAIN OF MY ROBE is going to COVER TEXAS, as I step in as the King of glory and My HOLINESS is restored in Texas like NEVER before.(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries 

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
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Lana Vawser's Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.
September 8-10, 2017
Sounds of the Nations Conference
Hope City Church
51 Lusher Rd., Croydon VIC 3136, Australia
(for more information click here)
September 17, 2017 (4pm)
Fire Church Geelong
Salvation Army Northside
92 Cox Rd, Corio VIC
(for more information click here)
September 23-24, 2017
Living Waters Christian Center - Christchurch, NZ
(for more information click here)

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Fresh Move of the Spirit and a Warning - R. Loren Sandford, Charisma Magazine

R. Loren Sandford
R. Loren Sandford
We are coming into the time of a new outpouring of the Spirit. This will not be a reliving of past revivals, nor a continuation of the movements of recent decades. It will be different in ways that would be difficult to explain apart from the actual experience of it.
I can say only that a fresh newness is coming to us who can receive it and that it will be more rooted in the Father's heart and the character of Jesus than any that have come before.
Be aware, however, that historically whenever there has been a fresh move of the Spirit, opposition has erupted. It comes in two forms. The first comes from those who don't really want the Spirit to move, who can't handle the mess it makes or who find their theology threatened by it. It would seem that the spirit of religion cannot allow for anything to occur that human beings cannot control or understand.
I learned long ago that one person's order and decency are another person's boredom and death and that not everyone will be comfortable with the freedom revival brings. Hidden in what might outwardly appear to be chaos may be a well-established order and set of protocols.
On the other hand, beneath an outwardly reserved appearance, someone might be having a deep and powerful experience of God. Let criticism stop, and let us respect one another's natures!
Realize also that it is biblically sound for God to act in ways that are unprecedented and out of the box. There was, for instance, no biblical precedent for the gift of tongues on the Day of Pentecost. While Joel and others foresaw the gift of the Spirit, no passage of the Old Testament could be construed as a clear prophecy of that gift. While God will never actually contradict Scripture or act in a way not consistent with His own nature, He nevertheless "does whatever He pleases" (Ps. 115:3), and we would be wise to make room for it.
The second form of opposition comes from those who want revival and don't mind the mess it makes but who think themselves immune to deception. Specifically in these days to come, the enemy will access weaknesses and unhealed regions of the heart to twist words and perceptions in order to paint the leaders of that move of the Spirit as having less-than-pure motives or as having said abusive or inappropriate things that were neither said nor intended.
As the words actually spoken get twisted and changed, offense will be taken, then held in the heart and fed. If not actually altered, words spoken innocently and in righteousness will often be perceived in ways that distort their meaning and intent.
Those who get caught in this trap will be led to believe that their "discernment" is godly and accurate so that correction becomes exceedingly difficult and is often rejected. The enemy intends this to cause division and to wound and weaken leaders so that they cannot lead as effectively as God intends. Lest anyone in my own circles think I'm speaking specifically of you, know that I am in touch with pastors and leaders in many places who tell me stories that reflect the dynamic I'm articulating. It is not uncommon and comes with the territory.
This two-headed demon of opposition rises simultaneously with an increase in the move of the Spirit and blinds those caught in it to what is really going on. Not one of us is so holy as to be immune to this! I have been privileged to live through the charismatic renewal, the Vineyard movement, shades of Pentecostalism and lately the Toronto Blessing, and I have seen this dynamic played out every time God has launched a new thing.
To think that you are immune to it constitutes the kind of pride that comes before a fall. Don't fall prey to the enemy's strategy! Stand for oneness. Keep your heart clean. Before assuming anything about the heart of another or even what you think you understand from what you've heard or seen, ask questions and then honor the answers you receive.
What's coming is glorious, but the way is narrow that leads to life.
R. Loren Sandford is the founder and senior pastor of New Song Church and Ministries in Denver, Colo. He is a songwriter, recording artist and worship leader, as well as the author of several books, including Understanding Prophetic People, The Prophetic Church and his latest, Visions of the Coming Days: What to Look For and How to Prepare, which are available with other resources at the church's website. 

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