Showing posts with label sponsor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sponsor. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ahava Adventures - every November in Israel.

Want to go on the next one?

Ahava Adventures Trip For The Next Generation 

- Help Sponsor A Young Person!

Danny Boy's gift shop in Jerusalem
- Ben Martin on Ben Yehuda Street


When I was 23 years old, a measurable time ago, a Bible teacher named Derek Prince began to impact my life with his teachings on Israel, and specifically our debt to the Jewish people. I have never been the same since. And subsequently have been to Israel ten times.

Having served with three ministries, from 1987-2010, that have truly blessed the people of Israel  (Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda Ministries, Derek Prince Ministries and Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse - Barry & Batya Segal), I grew in my love for the Lord Jesus' plans and purposes for that nation and His Chosen Ones.

Camel rides
Now, a major goal of our ministry, Love For His People, is to connect the next generation - yours and my sons and daughters, and grandchildren, to Israel and the Jews. Introducing yours and my family of friends to their family of friends. It becomes an eternal connection.

Will you help us do that?

Every year we will take a number of our young loved ones to Israel, but we need your sponsorship to make it happen.

If you have ever been there, the land where Jesus walked and now His people live, you know the impact it will have on these that are able to go. (I like how the Israel Ministry of tourism puts it, "You (they) will NEVER be the same.")

If you haven't been able to go yet for yourself, or simply can't go for whatever reason, can you help another one go, with a supporting sponsorship contribution? Even $5 will let them eat a falafel on the streets of Jerusalem.

A pleasant place to be!

This year we go November 2-11. Too late for that one, but our hope is that you consider going, or sending another, next November!

If you prefer to send a check, please do so:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

All gifts to sponsor another are tax deductible, and you will be given a tax receipt. We are a USA 501(c)3 non-profit ministry.

Blessings on ye head. We will give much appreciation to you for your gift! And know that you will impact another's life for eternity. I firmly believe that.

Ahava (love in Hebrew),

Steve Martin

Photos below were taken by me while in Jerusalem and other sections of Israel.

Ben & Dov

Bedouin tent

Young men of Jerusalem

Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum) - Children's Exhibit entrance
Arm in arm.

Dad and son Ben, after a hearty lunch in Jerusalem.
Dead Sea experience!

Masada - We pray along with the Jewish people, "Never again."
Dead Sea mud. Get covered!

Young Jewish boys walking home from school.

Ben Martin and young man near the Old City of Jerusalem.

Wedding photo on Tel Aviv beach
 - Mediterranean Sea

A new friend at his coffee shop 
- near King George Street in Jerusalem.

Walk the streets where Jesus did. 
And now His descendants.

Ahava Adventures for The Next Generation
- Help Sponsor Them To Go!