"December: a Time of Surprises and the Release of New Gifts" and "Love, Hope and Joy Being Released"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
The Elijah List
Get ready to cross over into a new time in which things will not go the way they did in the past.
December is going to be a time of surprises and the release of new gifts and revelation. It is going to look strange at times as we are in the midst of a major transition.

Unexpected blessings and deeper insight and revelation are coming.
This is a time to pull back and not get too busy. Take time to listen and write down what God is speaking right now. Expect to hear God's voice and to have prophetic dreams between Christmas and the New Year.
The first part of 2016 will start to ramp up and sudden turnarounds will begin to increase.
Expect sudden acceleration and advancement.
Last New Year's Eve
On December 31, 2014 I had a very powerful spiritual encounter. I literally heard audible cries of people who have been wounded by uncaring Christians and leaders. The Lord told me, "Their cries have reached My ears and I must respond."
After this, I began getting more revelation about the new move from God that is going to be for the outcasts and those who have been rejected by Christianity. This is going to start in 2016 with many people who are wounded warriors.
This new order of things is going to look and feel unusual and stretch your understanding of what is possible.
"But with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26b NIV
The Children of Promise
The spiritual atmosphere is full of expectation right now. Things are pregnant and ready for the birth of something new. But there is a moment of silence just before it happens.
You will need to pause from busyness to capture all that is happening as sometimes it might not be all that dramatic.
God is preparing the ones who have been in a season of obscurity to begin to come forward in 2016.
For many people this has been a painful time of rejection and feeling that they missed God. These wounded warriors are similar to the "children of God" mentioned in Romans 8.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed." Romans 8:18–19
Many people who are going to be part of this next movement have been rejected and wounded and have been in a seven-year wilderness season since 2008. But God has hidden them for this very time to come forward. As this is happening, the earth itself is experiencing birth pains and turmoil.
"We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time." Romans 8:22
Look Back 9 Months Ago
Quite often God will speak to us or release something and it takes time to germinate and form. It is similar to the way a baby comes 9 months after conception. In March 2015, nine months ago, spiritual invitations went out and the wounded warriors and hidden ones began to awaken.
Look back to what started to happen last March but may not have fully taken shape yet in your life. A major verdict happened over the spiritual lives of those who have been hidden and are being called to be part of this next move of God.
Next 9 Months
The next nine months, between December 2015 and September 2016, will be a strategic time of birthing the destiny of many who are called to the next level. Like childbirth, it is often painful and messy and you will be stretched in your understanding of what is possible.
The enemy will try to bring accusations and jealousy against those who are coming forward. You will be able to recognize those who are being promoted by their humility, love and honor.
It will be important for us all to keep in mind that as we cross into this new season we will need to, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past"(Isaiah 43:18).
A Prophetic Sign

I got these prophetic words last week and God spoke to me that as a sign of this new movement coming, a baby girl was born to Facebook CEO and billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan. On the week of Thanksgiving, their daughter Max Chan Zuckerberg was born.
The Zuckerbergs created a fund and pledged to give 99% of its $45 billion to charity to help find cures for diseases and to promote human equality. The Facebook CEO included a letter to his daughter in Tuesday's post. He wrote:
"Max, we love you and feel a great responsibility to leave the world a better place for you and all children. We wish you a life filled with the same
love, hope and joy you give us. We can't wait to see what you bring to this world." (
Read the full story here.)
The meaning of the name Max is the "greatest." We are about to see one of the greatest moves of God that will bring love, hope and joy to the world.
God moved on the Zuckerbergs to give their wealth to charity and it will indeed help starving people and fund the discovery of cures for diseases. God is moving to release finances into the world and into the Kingdom of God.
This is a time to have love, hope and joy!
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. His high energy, prophetic messages have been shared on television, radio and the internet for over a decade. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope and having fun! His unique style helps people discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.
Doug releases Daily Prophetic Words online and is the author of several books, including Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation and Personal Development God's Way. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.