Thursday, September 8, 2016

Czech Republic Backtracks on Jerusalem Capital Denial - JNS BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Czech Republic Backtracks on Jerusalem Capital Denial

“Yerushalayim, that art builded as a city that is compact together.” Psalms 122:3 (The Israel Bible™)
The Czech Education Ministry reversed its decision requiring the company that prints atlases for the country’s schools to stop naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Education Minister Katerina Valachova told Czech Radio on Tuesday, the Prague Daily Monitor reported.
“Jerusalem is Israel’s capital from the viewpoint of the declaration of the country to which this relates, which means Israel,” Valachova said. “If there is a sentence relating to all of the international steps, I believe that this fact will not offend either side.”
Palestinian Ambassador to Prague Khaled Alattrash convinced the government to force textbook publisher Shocart to rewrite all books listing Jerusalem as the capital or risk losing certification.
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Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat wrote to Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka on Sept. 4 urging him to rescind the decision.
“Jerusalem is on the map!” Barkat responded to the decision.
Barkat said he’s thankful to the Czech government for its decision and “for refusing to surrender to Palestinian incitement and lies. I am pleased that my letter to Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and the additional diplomatic efforts have positively impacted this decision.”

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: A big, new, 10-year military aid deal between the US & Israel was supposed to be done by now.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

A big, new, 10-year military aid deal between the US & Israel was supposed to be done by now. Where is it? Here are two possibilities.

by joelcrosenberg
With the Middle East on fire, both the American people and the people of Israel face real and growing threats.
Syria continues to implode. Iraq is a disaster. The Islamic State keeps launching barbaric attacks throughout the region, as well as in Europe and is trying to pull off a major attack inside the U.S. Meanwhile, Iran is on the path towards building nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles.
Now more than ever it's vital to strengthen and expand the security alliance between the U.S. and Israel. Yet there's a glitch.
All summer long, observers of this special alliance have been expecting a formal announcement that the Netanyahu government has accepted a new 10-year military aid package offered by President Obama.
Yet the summer has come and gone, and no announcement has been forthcoming.
The broad contours of the new "Memorandum of Understanding" between the two countries were already publicly known last February, and it was believed a deal would be completed rather quickly.
In April, 83 of 100 U.S. Senators -- led by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-Delaware) -- sent a letter to the White House urging the President to boost security assistance to Israel, especially in the wake of the highly controversial nuclear deal the administration cut with Iran and the security disasters unfolding in the epicenter.
"In light of Israel's dramatically rising defense challenges, we stand ready to support a substantially enhanced new long-term agreement to help provide Israel the resources it requires to defend itself and preserve its qualitative military edge," the Senators wrote.
Since then, there have been repeated reports of an imminent deal.
Yet more than a month has passed since Mr. Nagel's visit to D.C., and still no deal.
While there could be any number of reasons for the delay, consider two.
Scenario #1 -- The deal is done but leaders in Washington and Jerusalem are delaying until later this Fall to make a big, splashy announcement.
The operating theory here would be that Obama and his political handlers didn't want news of such an important agreement to be made public during August when so many Americans were on vacation and the two political conventions dominated the headlines. A Fall announcement would maximize the White House's ability to assure voters that Democrats are, in fact, "pro-Israel," despite a rocky relationship between Obama and Netanyahu over the last eight years.
Scenario #2 -- The deal has been derailed and the Israeli government has not, in fact, accepted Mr. Obama's offer.
Under this theory, perhaps Mr. Netanyahu and his team think either: A) they can strike a better deal as we get closer to the American elections; or B) they can strike a better deal with the next President in 2017, whoever that may be.
The current M.O.U. was negotiated by the Bush administration in 2007. It doesn't expire until 2018. In theory, that does give Israel more time to get better terms. It doesn't have to make a decision in 2016.
The last M.O.U. was a very favorable deal for Israel and was clear evidence of a strong alliance and shared security interests between the two country.
It provided Israel at least $3.1 billion a year over ten years. It has also allowed Israel to spend up to 40% of that in Israel, on weapons systems developed by Israeli defense contractors, and on fuel for fighter jets. The rest must be spent on military hardware  from American defense contractors.
What's more, the current deal does not prevent Congress from passing additional military aid for Israel above and beyond the M.O.U. in any given year.
Thus, when you include additional missile defense funds for Iron Dome and so forth, Congress is set to provide Israel $3.4 billion in 2016, a full $300 million above the current M.O.U. figure.
Mr. Netanyahu entered the negotiations for the new M.O.U. reportedly asked for $5 billion a year for ten years.
But Congressional sources tell me the administration is only offering $3.3 billion a year, a full $100 million less than Israel will receive in 2016.
And the White House is apparently insisting on a provision that Congress cannot provide additional funding in future years, even if the security situation vastly worsens in the years ahead. The new offer would also severely limit the amount Israel could spend inside Israel.
Should the Israeli government accept such a deal if it would prevent a future American president and Congress from increasing funds if the situation warranted?
Should Israel accept a deal that locks in less annual American military assistance than it currently receives?
Should it do so especially at a time when Iran -- Israel's sworn enemy -- is being provided upwards of $100 billion or more, the end of economic sanctions and a clear pathway to nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles?
Sen. Graham doesn't like how the White House is handling the situation. He won't presume to tell the Israeli government what to accept or not to accept, but from an American perspective he believes it's critical that the deal with Israel not only be generous but also create flexibility given the security meltdown underway in the Middle East.
Israel is not voluntarily “giving up” its initial request, but it is being strong-armed by the administration to back away, Graham told Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin.
joelcrosenberg | September 8, 2016 at 12:48 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Former Navy Chaplain Secures Another Victory for Religious Liberty - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Lt. Cdr. Wes Modder

Navy chaplain Lt. Cdr. Wes Modder (ret.) is ready for the next chapter in his life following his retirement with full honors. (First Liberty Institute photo)

Former Navy Chaplain Secures Another Victory for Religious Liberty

Tuesday, Modder's 21-year military career came to an end, not as a result of a court martial, or dishonorable discharge, but with a retirement ceremony held aboard U.S.S. Midway. He also received the Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal for meritorious service to his country.
"I am so honored and humbled to have had the privilege of serving my country for the past 20 years," he said. "After such a difficult season, I am grateful to retire from the U.S. Navy with a clear and honorable record."
It could have ended very differently, though.
Modder, who served as Force Chaplain for Navy Special Warfare Command, came under fire after a few sailors objected to the biblical views he expressed during private counseling sessions. In response, the Navy removed him from his unit and threatened to end his career. 
Attorneys for First Liberty Institute, however, escalated the case to the highest levels of the Navy's command structure. As a result, the charges against Modder were dismissed and he was restored to full active duty.
"Chaplain Modder's victory was a not just a victory for him, but for everyone who serves in our military," First Liberty President and CEO Kelly Shackelford said.
Modder's next "duty station" will be Stone Church in Chicago, where he was recently hired to serve as lead pastor. He said he's excited about this latest opportunity the Lord has presented to him.
"I look forward to continuing to follow God's calling to champion the cause of religious liberty for every American."
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Does the Jewish Calendar Hold the Secret to Christ's Return? - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

A centuries-old 'Messiah clock' could reveal the time of Christ's return. (Alex The Shutter/Flickr/Creative Commons)

Does the Jewish Calendar Hold the Secret to Christ's Return?

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

A 200-year-old "Messiah clock" could hold the answer to Christ's return, according to some reports.  
"When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that His steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople (today's Istanbul), you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don't take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute," Jewish Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, also known as the Vilna Gaon, allegedly prophesied in the 18th century.  
Gaon created the Messiah clock in the 1700s. The Vilna Gaon reportedly used his secular and religious scholarly background to come up with a unique method of tracking time based on the Hebrew calendar and a combination of Jewish sources found in the Talmud, Breaking Israel News reports. Based on his specific calculations, the Messiah clock was created and has been slowly ticking down toward his ultimate arrival. 
According to Breaking Israel News:
The clock is based on the six days of creation, with each day corresponding to 1,000 years on the Hebrew calendar. The Vilna Gaon centered his calculations around the Jewish tradition that the Messiah must arrive by the year 6000 in the Jewish calendar, which corresponds to the day before the Sabbath and God's refrain from any work. Currently, the Jewish calendar year is 5776. 
So is Jesus' Second Coming in 24 years? Only time will tell!
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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"Dad Why Did You Leave Us? What Will We Do Without You?" - Esti Eliraz ISRAEL TODAY

"Dad Why Did You Leave Us? What Will We Do Without You?"

Thursday, September 08, 2016 |  Esti Eliraz  ISRAEL TODAY
Herzl Shaul, father of Oron Shaul declared dead in action, passed away Friday last week Friday aged 54. He fought in vain for 2 years for the return of the body of his son which is being held by Hamas in Gaza. After he was diagnosed with cancer a year ago, he continued with his battle "Operation bring Oron back". He was adamant and in the end he forfeited his life.
Herzl's condition deteriorated in July when planned protests against Israel's government drew less support than was hoped for which was a major blow to him. According to his wife, Zahava, Herzl's spirit finally broke and the disease spread throughout his body.
Aviram, his son, addressed Israel's President and Prime Minister saying that his father had died of a broken heart.He had died regretting mourning for Oron who had been declared dead simply because of a bullet hole and bloodstains in his helmet.
Israel Today visited the Shaul family and conveyed our deepest condolences and a little comfort during the "week of mourning". Many parents who had lost their sons during "Operation Tzuk Eitan" came to pay their condolences. Army Generals also came to pay their condolences and told Zahava that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must do everything possible to bring back the body of her son Oron.
Kay, Oron's beloved boxer dog, still waits for his missing master. He lays down in the doorway of Oron's empty room, as he has done every night for the last two years.
Herzl's two surviving sons, Ofek & Aviram promised their father, that they would continue to do everything they possibly can to bring Oron home, as he lay on his deathbed!

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Enjoy Your Flight to Palestine?! - Yossi Aloni ISRAEL TODAY

Enjoy Your Flight to Palestine?!

Thursday, September 08, 2016 |  
Ground crew at the international airport in Belgrade, Serbia last week caused an uproar when they made a final call for an Air Serbia flight to Tel Aviv by urging passengers to board their flight to “Palestine.”
Israeli passengers refused to board until the ground crew retracted and corrected the call.
“Suddenly, the flight attendant announced over the loudspeaker: ‘Passengers on flight 816 to Palestine should proceed to gate C3.’ And she made the announcement twice,” said one of the Israelis. “I couldn’t believe my ears. I asked several people if I heard the announcement correctly. Myself and another Israeli passenger approached the counter and insisted they announce the flight to Israel, not Palestine.”
The managing attendant insisted that the flight was to Tel Aviv, not Israel.
“I told her that it was also not a flight to Palestine, and insisted that the announcement be amended, otherwise we would not board a flight to ‘Palestine,’” the passenger continued.
After heated debate with colleagues, the manager eventually announced the flight to Tel Aviv, and apologies were offered to the Israelis.
Israel Foreign Ministry Spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon called the incident “very disturbing. He promised to bring the issue to the Serbian authorities and Air Serbia, adding that ”it’s inconceivable that an airport employee with a microphone can try and change reality in such a defiant and false manner."
Israel’s ambassador to Serbia, Alona Fisher-Kamm, later contacted the CEO of Air Serbia, who reportedly expressed shock and dismay over the incident.
“This political position doesn’t reflect the company’s position,” he insisted, while apologizing profusely to Fisher-Kamm.
The following day, an investigation by Air Serbia found that it was an airport employee, and not an employee of the airline, that had made the offending announcement. Air Serbia has demanded that airport officials in Belgrade discipline the employee for damaging the airline’s reputation.
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Island Appears in Parched Sea of Galilee - Israel Today Staff

Island Appears in Parched Sea of Galilee

Thursday, September 08, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A new drought is in full swing in Israel, as evidenced by the plummeting water level of the Sea of Galilee, known locally as the Kinneret, which has resulted in the appearance of a large island near its southern shore.
The Galilee today stands some 4.5 meters (nearly 15 feet) below its optimal water level, and is fast approaching its “Black Line”, at which point it will suffer irreversible ecological damage, experts have warned in the past.
The deputy head of the Kinneret Authority told Israel’s Ynet news portal that “everyone needs to pray for a rainy winter.”
But meteorologists have already forecast below average rainfall in the coming months.
Indeed, Israel’s Water Authority bleakly predicted that “the worst is still before us.”
In other words, a miracle is in order.
And while this danger is lost on no one, some are pointing out that the drying up of the Sea of Galilee was foretold millennia ago, and could be connected to the coming of Messiah.
According to ancient Talmudic sage Rabbi Yehuda, “in the generation when the Son of David comes, the house of assembly will be for harlots, Galilee in ruins, Gablan [the rivers of the Golan] lie desolate.” (Sanhedrin 97a)
This prediction is tied to Isaiah 19:5, which reads: “And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be drained dry.”
In remarks to Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of David’s Tomb in Jerusalem, explained that “the Talmud is full of signs that indicate the coming of the Messiah, and every single one of them is undeniably coming true.”
Watch video here: Sea of Galilee
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