Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hungarian Neo-Nazis Vandalize Holocaust ‘Living Memorial’ - JNI BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

The Living Memorial, a monument in Budapest’s Liberty Square before the destruction. (JNi/Screenshot)

Hungarian Neo-Nazis Vandalize Holocaust ‘Living Memorial’

“Let the lying lips be dumb, which speak arrogantly against the righteous, with pride and contempt.” Psalms 31:19 (The Israel Bible™)
The Living Memorial, a monument in Budapest’s Liberty Square, was vandalized over the weekend, after a call by the neo-Nazi website Kuruc.info to destroy it, the website Hungarian Free Press reported Sunday. The Living Memorial was erected back in 2014 in protest against the monument to the German occupation erected by the government, which deflects Hungary’s responsibility for the Holocaust and pins it solely on the Germans.
An estimated 600,000 Hungarian Jews perished in the Holocaust.
For more than two years, the Living Memorial has served as a site for regular talks, lectures, discussion groups, musical performances and commemorations.
One Alitea Guzmán wrote on Kuruc.info: “I promise that one night, in the beginning of September, I will walk by the Living Memorial and I will pack up four or five kilograms of  the display, which legally is considered to be garbage, into a strong bag. And putting that into my car, I will take it to where it belongs. Naturally, I won’t dump it into the Danube, because that is already very polluted.”
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Now, as promise, hundreds of photographs which were on display at the site have been torn up and other memorabilia items which had been added to the Living Memorial by survivors and descendants of survivors have been destroyed or stolen.
The Living Memorial group issued a statement saying, “With the exception of a few smaller incidents, respect towards the victims of the Holocaust always protected the memorial from the worst attacks. But yesterday something happened, which until now nobody dared to commit.”
According to the Hungarian Free Press, the Living Memorial group filed a police report immediately after the attack on the monument. The activists noted that Liberty Square is well-equipped with CCTV cameras, so police should be able to identify the perpetrators. But they also revealed that they “do not expect any meaningful response from the state.”

Why the 'Duck Dynasty' Family Keeps Speaking Out in Face of Vicious Attacks - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Alan Robertson

Why the 'Duck Dynasty' Family Keeps Speaking Out in Face of Vicious Attacks


Alan Robertson, the eldest son of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, spoke once again at the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

During that speech, "the beardless brother" explained why his family continues to be vocal about their Christian faith and how it informs their decisions, particularly in light of the response it elicits from those who oppose a Christian worldview.
"I don't know that, in my lifetime, I've ever seen more of an attack on traditional values traditional family and, really, religious liberty—that's where we're living today," he said. "Every time that I come in and speak for anything associated with FRC, or with Tony, I get the most vile, vicious, mean notes on my social platform that you can ever imagine.
"Because I'm a person obviously in the public eye part of our family, and so we're not supposed to talk about what we talked about—who we are, in essence. I guess, you know, it's OK for other people, but not so much for us. So we're blasted."
Tony Perkins is "a really convincing guy," he quipped, saying in response to questions about why he continues to endure the attacks. The FRC president keeps convincing him to come back, he said, but added there are really three reasons why he continues to "do what I do."
"One is that I don't run from a fight," he said. "Especially when I'm right—and we are right about what we're talking about and so we don't need to run from them. You know, as dad said last night, ultimately our conscience and who we are, those of us who are believers know that God has put us in this position on this Earth to be a mouthpiece for Him. ...
"In America, we have over 300 years of history on our side and success because this country was founded on the things we believe in and we should be able to talk about that consistently and not be maligned, but we are. But you know what? That's OK, because God also told us that we would be persecuted for living that godly life and speaking what we speak.
"If Jesus Christ—if it was good enough for Him to be persecuted, then it's good enough for me. I'm not going to back away from the fight.
"I also want to join and support those who are willing to fight this cultural war for our soul—and that's what it is, a fight for the soul of America—because we know that we're citizens of this great country and very proud of that. We're also citizens of another country—of someplace that's higher, someplace that we want all men and women to ascend to—and really that's the third reason why.
"Because I love the folks, even the ones who malign, and talk bad, and hate, and say the things that they say. Whether they hate me, I love them anyway, and I want them to know about eternal life. I want them to know there's something beyond. I want them to know there's something better than your family right here in the here-and-now—a life that's unimaginable when turned to Christ and turned to God."
Robertson also discussed why he's voting for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. He also addressed the concerns of evangelicals who still haven't been convinced to do the same.
"So we're at this point, again. You know it hasn't taken us too long to get here—where things are in pretty bad shape—in fact, it's at such a crossroads that I believe, as many have said on this stage during the week, that we're at a toppling point. It's so dangerous and it's so scary.
"Some of the decisions that we see that come down through the judiciary now, and through the Supreme Court, of course what's happening and mostly not happening through the legislative branch—in 2016, we're at a crucial moment and I believe we're at a clear choice, as well.
"Now, you know we've got same ol' same ol' coming in on the Democratic side. I mean, it's just so—in fact, the only thing that adds to it now is we got a person who we know how self-serving she is. And not only wanting to take forward what's been happening for the last eight years, but also then to serve her own interests.
"It's a clear choice, because you look on the other side and you see a man who we're not sure about, you know, because he's never been a politician—which could exactly be the answer we need, that God has raised up this person for this moment in time—but here's what I appreciate about Donald Trump ...
"He's evolving in the right direction. You know, he talks openly about where he was, and certainly the news media's gonna put out there every possible thing they can find about where he was, but he's telling you about where he's coming to.
"So, again, I'm not saying he's the next Ronald Reagan, but I'm saying he has a lot of the qualities of a person that evolved from one place to another place, because they see how bad America has gotten ...
 "I'm clearly going to vote for Donald Trump in two months there's no doubt about it. I'm gonna be that guy. And to my fellow Christians, evangelicals, and those who said, 'I just, you know, I made my decision in the primary'—because I mean I supported someone else, I mean a lot of us did but—when it comes down to it, if I were a #NeverTrump, I would hope that person would have been a #NeverHillary far before they were ever a #NeverTrump.
"You've drawn that line in the sand and you said, 'Well, you know, I just don't know if my conscience will allow me to step over it.' Well, I hope you drew another line that was #NeverHillary before that. So, listen, let's wipe that off and let's go back and let's remember and look at what's going to happen if we don't do the right thing.
"I love what Dr. Dobson said last night: We can't quit now. We can't just say, 'Well, you know what? Maybe if we lose this election, then we can start looking for four years down the road.' We're running out four-year terms for our great country.
"The judicial is waiting. The legislative is waiting. It's up to us to do the right thing. It's so crucial at this moment at this time. I want to encourage all of you to trust in God's ability to raise up who He raises up. That doesn't always be the person in our mind that we think it should be. God has done amazing things throughout human history by raising up people that no one can imagine to make a difference."
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Points Out Troubling Pattern in America - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Points Out Troubling Pattern in America


Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

On the Jim Bakker Show, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn explains how pivotal it is for America to turn back to God in order to slow down the coming judgment.
"The ball is already rolling. All it will take now is any leader who is not strong enough to stop the ball from rolling and it's going to accelerate. Right now we have a very very...we've never had an election like this; we've never had a choice like this; we've never had a decision like this. A lot of believers are torn..."
Cahn's new book, The Book of Mysteries, is ranking number one on Amazon.com. Check out this video where he points to the ultimate answer for America.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of awakeningtv.com, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.
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Is Donald Trump Israel's Only Hope? - Israel Today

Is Donald Trump Israel's Only Hope?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump last week warned that if he is not elected America’s next president, it will spell doom for Israel.
The Iran nuclear deal brokered by the Obama Administration “is going to destroy Israel — unless I get elected. Then Israel will be just fine,” Trump said at a campaign stop in Cleveland.
Regarding the agreement that lifted sanctions on Iran in return for more openness regarding its nuclear program, a deal the Iranian leadership has since treated with great disdain, Trump called it “one of the worst negotiated deals I have ever seen.”
Whether or not they believe Trump’s “messianic” prediction, a growing number of Israelis are urging locals who hold American citizenship to vote for the controversial real estate mogul.
“I urge all eligible voters to register and vote for [Trump], who can significantly help strengthen of the State of Israel, as well improve the ties between us and the US,” said Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, during a visit to a local Republican field office last week.
While a majority of Israelis still hold fond memories of Bill Clinton, and therefore support Hillary, many fear the Democratic candidate would push Israel to make dangerous concessions to her enemies. And there is little hope that she’d get along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
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Syria Says It Downed Israeli Jet; IDF Denies Claim - Israel Today Staff

Syria Says It Downed Israeli Jet; IDF Denies Claim

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
State-controlled media in Syria on Tuesday claimed that the Syrian army shot down an Israeli fighter jet and a drone that had violated the country’s airspace, a claim that was quickly denied by the Israeli army.
Israeli aircraft did indeed conduct an overnight mission in Syrian airspace after Syrian mortar shells once again landed on the Israeli side of the Golan Heights on Monday.
But Israeli military officials said all aircraft returned safely to base following the operation, despite having been fired at by Syrian forces.
“Two surface-to-air missiles were launched from Syria after the mission overnight to target Syrian artillery positions,” read the Israeli army statement. “At no point was the safety of IDF aircraft compromised.”
Monday’s mortar incident in the Golan was the fifth such case of errant fire resulting from Syria’s ongoing civil war in the past week. Israel has repeatedly stated that it will not tolerate spillover from that conflict endangering the lives of Israeli citizens.
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Biblical Cities, Biblical Figures ✡ "Izhar, Khevron and Uzziel" - ISRAEL365

And the sons of Kehat by their families: Amram and Izhar, Khevron and Uzziel.

וּבְנֵי קְהָת לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָם עַמְרָם וְיִצְהָר חֶבְרוֹן וְעֻזִּיאֵל

במדבר ג:יט

uv-nay k'-hat l'-mish-p'-kho-tam am-ram v'-yitz-har khev-ron v'-u-zee-ayl

Today's Israel Inspiration

We are all familiar with the Biblical city Hebron, burial place of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs, but did you know that Yaakov's great grandson was named Hebron? Son of K'hat, Hebron was actually Moses' uncle, named after the city of his forefathers, generations preceding his birth. Learn all about Hebron (the city) and its rich Biblical background in a fascinating eBook.

Hebrew Music Monday with 'My Hebron'

Complete with uplifting pictures of the holy city, this music video says it all. 'Hebron Sheli' means 'My Hebron'.

Demolition Begins Near Hebron

Border Police forces evicted 10 families and demolished their homes in the Mitzpe Avichai community in Kiryat Arba, just outside Hebron, on Tuesday. Residents reported that hundreds of soldiers deployed around Kiryat Arba to secure the demolitions.

Today's Israel Photo

Grace & Rick Knelsen's photo of the quaint alleyways and shops in Safed (Tsfat), northern Israel.
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