Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Revive, Renew, Rejoice! ✡ "A Flower of the Field" - ISRAEL365

As for man, his days are as grass;
as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

אֱנוֹשׁ כֶּחָצִיר יָמָיו כְּצִיץ הַשָּׂדֶה כֵּן יָצִיץ

תהילים קג:טו

e-nosh k'-kha-tzeer ya-mav k'-tzeetz ha-sa-deh kain ya-tzitz

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today is the last holiday in the exciting Hebrew month of Tishrei, the final culmination of the festivals celebrating the new year and its blessings. We call this day "Simchat Torah", meaning "rejoicing over the Torah". Throughout this holiday, Jews all over the world take the Torah in their arms and proceed to dance and sing in an outpouring of love for God and His commandments. Interestingly, the Torah is often compared to a tree. Why is this? Explain our rabbis: just as the tree, which has countless leaves and branches from which it grows greater and grander, an ever-flourishing plant, the Torah's many facets and lessons teach us the intricacies of life, helping us grow each and every day. As we enter the new year, the Land of Israel needs your help to truly flourish in the way of the Torah.

Sunrise Prayers at the
Western Wall

See thousands sing, dance and pray together at the Kotel as the festival holiday of Sukkot draws to a close on Hoshana Raba.

Reenacting an Ancient Temple Service, Reviving Times of Old

On Wednesday, Kohanim dressed in ceremonial garb and led the third annual reenactment of the joyous water libation ceremony that was once part of the Temple service.

Is There Proof The Exodus Really Happened?

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus by Timothy Mahony, is a video presenting an examination of a plethora of information gathered during twelve years of research and travel, in an attempt to unlock and reveal evidence of one of the most well-known stories within biblical history, The Exodus of the Jews from Egypt.
Last Chance to Save 7% Storewide »

Today's Israel Photo

In the northern parts of Israel's most desolate land, the Negev desert, bright tulips grow with vigor, teaching each and every one of us how God's power defies all human logic.

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Jo T. from Florida for planting 4 trees!
Matthew D. from Texas for planting a tree!
Daniel Alena H. from Vodnany, Czech Republic for planting 2 trees!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Richard Irving from South Carolina.

“I Am Grateful For All You Do”

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Mario Murillo: Gullible Christians are Helping to Kill America - CHARISMA NEWS

(Submitted Photo)

Mario Murillo: Gullible Christians are Helping to Kill America

Satan's masterstroke of deceiving, dividing and diluting Christians in America is now paying off.  He has fooled gullible Christians into helping kill America.
Millions of believers are blind to the disaster a Clinton presidency will be to their jobs, their church and their children.
They have been pickled by preaching that tells them Daddy with take care of everything, America will be okay no matter who you vote for.
Max Lucado is telling everyone that because God is on the throne, November 9th we will be fine.  History, the Bible, and the facts about Hillary Clinton refute this.
God was on the throne when Hitler rose to power.  God was on the throne when Stalin extinguished the hope of millions.
God is on the throne as Christians all over the world are being killing by radical Islam.
God is looking for heroes to rise up and—by His power—intervene to save America.  He uses people.
If Hillary wins, we will not be fine on November 9th.  The Bible says, "Proverbs 29: 2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked person rules, the people groan."  Prepare for years and years of groaning if she wins.
James Riley said:  "Texas pastor Max Lucado leads what he calls a 'red state' church, but Max has a maxim:  "I don't want anybody to know how I vote."  Max does this to make sure the Democratic voters in his church, the ones who support abortion on demand, Islamo-pandering, and class warfare are not made to feel uncomfortable. However, Max recently broke his neutrality pledge...  According to Max:
'I would not have said anything about Mr. Trump, never — I would never have said anything if he didn't call himself a Christian. It'd be none of my business whatsoever to make any comments about his language, his vulgarities, his slander of people, but I was deeply troubled ... that here's a man who holds up a Bible one day, and calls a lady "bimbo" the next.'
Think on that for a moment. Max closes his eyes to another "Christian," Barack Obama, who stands foursquare for the slaughter of millions of unborn babies, at your expense, but Donald Trump called a lady a "bimbo?"
Evangelist Beth Moore has also decided to help Hillary.  "Beth Moore is standing in the gap for Hillary.  Beth Moore is breaking away from fellow evangelical leaders/speakers who stand with Donald Trump, saying she can no longer do so after hearing the 2005 recording of his off-the-record conversation with Billy Bush.  Moore suggested that Trump's words from 11 years ago highlight how men are "objectifying" women today, and she made clear that she will not support Trump over it. She issued a number of tweets on the topic, not one of which criticized Hillary Clinton for the way she has treated the women who allege Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them — women like Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick." -Awr Hawkins, Britebart News.
The fact is, neither Max nor Beth have said anything about Bill and Hillary Clinton.  So, where is their Christianity when it comes to protecting America from tyranny?
Beth, what is your opinion of Hillary enabling a rapist?  Or her laughing at a 12-year-old girl that was raped?  Why aren't you talking about that?  Is Hillary wins, Bill Clinton will be immoral in the White House...General Colin Powell said, "Bill is still —–ing bimbos."  What kind of a role model is that for men?
Max, Hillary said she will force religion to change its beliefs.  What are you doing to protect the sheep from that?
Eric Metaxas said, "if Hillary Clinton is elected, the country's chance to have a Supreme Court that values the Constitution—and the genuine liberty and self-government for which millions have died—is gone. Not for four years, or eight, but forever."
Instead of raising up an informed electorate who could vote as a moral bloc, the modern pulpit has created gullible Christians—Christians who are about to help Hillary push the nation over a cliff.
Is the motive  really about women and love of people? Or is it—once again, political correctness?  Are popular leaders wanting to look good to outsiders—hedging their bet that Hillary is going to win—and they will escape the wrath of the new order.  Are they living in denial about the evil that will befall America once she is in the White House?
One of the most amazing and revealing statements Trump ever made—he made to pastors.  The asked them why they let the country get in this condition when—all along—they had the power to get what they wanted.
He told them that there are 50 million of you, and if you had worked together you could have elected everything from city councilmen, to state Assemblymen, to Congressmen and presidents.  He is painfully correct.  That is not just a statement of our influence but of our responsibility.
We could stop this insanity if we unified against real—not imagined evil.  If we could see our real duty in this election–if we could get over our false sensibilities and hurt feelings...we could save the country.  The great heroes of our faith, who witnessed tyranny would grab us and shake to our core if they saw our apathy and naiveté in the face of this threat.
I am not fretting over the fate of Christianity.  I am fretting over my nation.  I know Christianity will survive without America, but America will not survive without Christianity.  America...as you have known it will not survive Hillary Clinton.
Mario Murillo is a California-based evangelist and an author.
This article was originally published at MarioMurillo.org. Used with permission.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Chosen by God: The Man Who Ate Honey, but Pulled Down Pillars - GRANDSTAND

Chosen by God: The Man Who Ate Honey, but Pulled Down Pillars


Temple of Apollo on Sunset

He doesn’t drink wine, he has a tendency to lie, he has a weakness for women and his hair is sort of a big deal. No, I’m not talking about Donald Trump.
I’m referring to Samson, God’s appointed judge over Israel.
The biblical book of Judges chronicles a 300-year period of the nation of Israel’s history. In this book, we are introduced to a man named Samson.
Then the woman gave birth to a son and named him Samson; and the child grew up and the Lordblessed him. ~ Judges 13:24
Samson was appointed to serve as judge over Israel at a time when the people were absent any consistent, strong or righteous political leadership. The story of Samson takes place before the reign of kings in Israel, and during a time when everyone “did what was right in his own eyes.”
Samson is an interesting character, to say the least. He’s not your traditional Moses or David or Daniel. Moses was “more humble than any man on earth,” David was a“man after [God’s] own heart,” and Daniel was delivered from extreme persecution on a number of occasions because of his unwavering faith toward God.trump-fox-998x624
Samson, on the other hand, often chose the easy route. Whether it be by lying, deceiving or direct disobedience, Samson usually found a way to get what he wanted without acting righteously.
My guess is Samson – who slept with a prostitute and was a womanizer  – probably wasn’t a role model that Israel’s parents told their children to imitate.
So why did God appoint someone like Samson, when at other times he raised up Othniel, the son of Caleb; or Deborah, the prophetess; or Gideon, the general? Surely somebody with qualities more similar to these individuals would have made for a better role model and judge to lead Israel back to God.
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, declares the LORD. ~ Isaiah 55:8
To answer that question, we must go back to the very beginning of the story. In Judges 13, an angel of the Lord appears to Samson’s mother. The angel tells Samson’s mother that she will be blessed with a son and that he “shall begin to deliver Israel” from their enemies. (Note: the angel does not say that Samson will deliver Israel from their enemies, but that he will begin the process – this is important).
The angel told Samson’s parents that their son would be a “Nazirite to God from the womb.”
The Nazirite vow was taken by individuals who dedicated themselves to the Lord. The vow prohibited a person from consuming wine or “strong drink,” cutting their hair or coming in contact with a dead body. This means that the Lord was sanctifying Samson for a special purpose.
As a blessing, God endowed Samson with incredible strength. The source of his great strength came from his hair. But while Samson’s strength allowed him to accomplish great feats, it also often led to terrible misery and tragedy in his life.donald-trump-terre-haute-in-ap
On one occasion, Samson was attacked by a lion while traveling with his parents. He used his great strength to overcome and kill the wild beast. Continuing on his journey, he came across a foreign woman who he described as “right in his eyes.” He demanded that his father “get her” for him. His parents were displeased with his request and implored him to choose a righteous woman from among his own people. Samson refused. But the Bible tells us that his parents “did not know that it was of the Lord.” His parents failed to remember that God always has a plan.
God is always in control.
Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes. ~ Judges 14:3
Later, Samson returns to the dead carcass of the lion that he had killed. Starving, Samson noticed that there was a swarm of bees and honey in the body of the lion. The Bible says Samson “scraped the honey into his hands” and went on his way eating. Unfortunately, this means that Samson broke his Nazirite vow by touching a dead body. Samson had sinned against God. It is not recorded that Samson ever asked for forgiveness of this sin – in fact, the Bible tells us that he kept this a secret from his parents.
On another occasion, Samson falls in love with a woman called Delilah. This woman enticed, betrayed and sold Samson into the hands of his enemies. Instead of choosing a woman who would have pleased God and his parents, Samson chose a woman who cared nothing for his well-being. He may have suspected this, because he lied multiple times to her to cover up the source of his great strength. Finally, he became so annoyed with her that he succumbed to the pressure and told her his secret. This was one of Samson’s great failures – and it would ultimately cost him his life.
Up to now you have deceived me and told me lies; tell me how you may be bound. ~ Judges 16:13
After being betrayed and sold into the hands of his enemies, Samson would have his eyes gouged out and be forced into hard labor in a foreign land. God’s plan had failed because Samson was the wrong man for the job. He had broken his Nazirite vow, lied on numerous occasions and chosen women who were not pleasing to God. Realizing that the situation was hopeless, and that Samson was a lost cause, God forsook his chosen leader.
Wait… that is how the story ends, right?
Actually, no, it’s not.
I will never leave you and I will never abandon you. ~ Hebrews 13:5
While in captivity, Samson’s hair began to grow again. And as his hair began to grow, he began to regain strength. On a certain day, when his captors were feasting, they called out Samson to amuse them.
To them, he was nothing more than a clown; an entertainer.article-frontpage-0616
They chained him between two pillars and “looked on” while Samson entertained them. Samson was humiliated by his enemies, who believed that they had defeated him. They never suspected for a moment that he would be able to avenge himself. But then again, they had not factored in God.
God heard Samson’s plea for help, and He answered him. Samson regained his miraculous strength and used it to bring righteous vengeance upon the enemies of the Lord. With one giant heave, Samson pushed on both of the pillars he was chained to, and collapsed the temple on top of all of his enemies. The number of people he killed that day were more than he had killed in his entire life. As a warrior, that says a lot. Samson died – but he died on God’s terms. He had judged Israel for 20 years.
O Lord God, please remember me and please strengthen me just this time. ~ Judges 16:28
You see, God has a plan. And His plan is perfect. We have a very narrow view of the world in which we live, and we are often confused why things transpire around us the way that they do. We see something that looks dangerous, and we run. We see someone who looks flawed attempting to ascend to the highest office in the land, and we ridicule them.trump-bible-facebook-640x4801-e1454796773626
We say, “He can’t be president – he’s nothing like Christ!” Or, “He can’t be my child’s role model – he has said nasty things about women! On TV, no less!”
Who said a ruler had to be like Christ? No man is devoid of sin like Jesus was. While others are living better lives, and perhaps obeying the Word of God more faithfully than others, that doesn’t give us the moral high ground, as Christians, to discount a leader’s ability to rule over us. A person’s ability to govern a country is not predicated on his religion.
Is it? 
According to Scripture, the kings of ancient Babylon and Persia – Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus – believed in God. One sinned mightily on numerous occasions; the other was“appointed” by God. Both served God’s purpose of preserving His people.
Of course, as disciples of Christ, we should all be striving to appoint leaders who are morally upright and sound in spirit. Our mission in life is to bring sinners to Jesus, so it would be nice to have a righteous ruler who loudly echoed our message. But what about Samson? He turned to the Lord in the closing moments of his life, but where was his godly and spiritual example – as judge over Israel – the other years of his life?
Donald Trump is a sinner.
Donald Trump is not perfect.
Donald Trump is not a great spiritual role model.
Check, check and check. Now let’s look at his policies:
  • Appoint conservative Supreme Court justices
  • Destroy radical Islamic terrorism
  • Secure our country’s borders
  • Restore law and order
  • Negotiate fair trade deals
  • Lower taxes on the middle class
  • Repeal and replace Obamacare
  • Bring back American jobs from overseas
  • Make America energy independent
  • Get rid of political correctness
  • Protect the Second Amendment
  • Balance our federal budget
  • Preserve Social Security
  • Repeal the “Johnson Amendment”
  • Bring education back to the states (abolish Common Core)
  • Take care of American veterans
As voters, we should cast our vote for the individual who is most capable of improving and protecting our country. As Christians, we should be out on the streets spreading the good message to those lost in sin. As we accomplish our task, Lord willing, society will draw closer to God. As society improves, so will our presidential nominees.
Trump will not infringe on our rights to worship and peaceably assemble. Trump will appoint Supreme Court justices “in the mold of Justice Scalia.” As Christians, this should comfort us. And yet, while the Supreme Court does have great authority over the law of the land, Christians should not put all of their faith in man. Our faith should be in God.
How much more do I need to say? It would take too long to recount the stories of the faith of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets. ~ Hebrews 11:32
In spite of his sins, Samson was given a spot in the “Heroes of Faith” chapter in Hebrews. In this chapter, Samson is listed alongside Abraham, Moses and David. Sadly, you wouldn’t know that Samson had great faith in God by just looking at the life that he lived. Samson was misguided about many things, which is evident by the many mistakes and shortcomings he committed. But no one can take away Samson’s spot in Hebrews 11. The inspired author of Hebrews lists him with the other great heroes of faith for a reason.
Yes, Trump has eaten “honey” – but who’s to say he won’t also pull down “pillars?”

Trump Says He Disagrees with 'Rules of Hillary' on Abortion - CBN News Heather Sell

Trump Says He Disagrees with 'Rules of Hillary' on Abortion
CBN News Heather Sells

In an exclusive interview with CBN's Dr. Pat Robertson at Regent University, Donald Trump said that he will "without question" have women in his cabinet and in key positions in his administration.  He also spoke out against Hillary Clinton's support for partial-birth abortion and said that pastors and priests have called him to thank him for clearly explaining his position during the third and final debate between the two candidates. 
"Well, according to the rules of Hillary you can take the baby at nine months and you can imagine what you have to do to that baby to get it out," he said to Robertson, "and you can take that baby at nine months and you can abort.  And a day prior to birth you can take that baby.  And I said that's unacceptable."  
Trump said he sees the pro-life movement becoming more politically popular.  "It's becoming more standard politically and I think that's a good thing," he said.  Research shows millennials increasingly support abortion restrictions even if they don't identify as "pro-life." 
The two men spoke prior to Trump's afternoon rally at Regent University, a Christian liberal arts college in Virginia Beach.
Trump spoke about hiring women as a key pattern in his professional life.  "I've probably had 50 percent or maybe even more than that in executive positions in the Trump organization," he said, "We are a very big company--very, very successful and they do a fantastic job."
He said he looks for energy, honesty, knowledge and the right "instincts" in his employees.
Trump said he will put "new people on the defense team" in his administration and said he will look to the example set by Justice Antonin Scalia when considering replacing Supreme Court justices.  "He was sort of a role model from the standpoint of what I'm looking to do in terms of replacing our judges," Trump told Robertson, noting that the next president will likely replace two justices and possibly even four.  
Trump re-iterated that he will seek to appoint justices approved by the Federalist Society who are pro-life and support the Second amendment.
Trump spoke to a crowd of several thousand on the plaza outside of Regent University's library.  In a clear attempt to reach evangelicals, he said he will work to get rid of the Johnson Amendment.  The 1954 federal statute prohibits pastors and others in tax-exempt organizations, from endorsing or supporting political candidates.
Prior to speaking at Regent, Trump delivered a major address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  He summarized his "100-Day Plan" of  key policy proposals, including lowering taxes and renegotiating major trade agreements like NAFTA.  
 Watch interview here: Trump on 700 Club 
*CBN neither supports nor opposes any candidate for public office.

Iraqi Christians Look Homeward Toward Mosul, Uncertainly - WORLD WATCH MONITOR CHARISMA NEWS

A man returns to his village after it was liberated from Islamic State militants, south of Mosul in Qayyara. (REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani)

Iraqi Christians Look Homeward Toward Mosul, Uncertainly

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Tens of thousands of Christians fled from Mosul and its surrounding towns and villages to Kurdistan when Islamic State (IS or ISIS) seized swathes of territory in summer 2014.
Several thousand families have sought refuge in Jordan and Lebanon, while others have left the Middle East to start new lives in Western nations such as Canada, Australia and, in a small number of cases, Britain. Levels of Christian emigration began rising in response to the violence that followed the 2003 US-led invasion and removal of President Saddam Hussein.
Rev. Ammar is a Chaldean priest who fled from the town of Qaraqosh—home to some 60,000 Christians until summer 2014, and now being fought over as the coalition of forces advances on Mosul. He serves displaced Moslawis (people from Mosul) in the Kurdish capital, Erbil, and said: "We hope to be able to return to our houses and towns soon."
Rev. Thabet, of the village of Karamles, said he wanted to return to the nearby Hill of St. Barbara, a mound on top of ruins of ancient Assyrian temples—named after a pagan ruler's daughter who converted to Christianity in the fourth century. "If my town is liberated, then one of the greatest joys would be to have a Mass in the open air on top of the Hill of St. Barbara and celebrate the holy Eucharist [there] again."
Rev. Poulos, from the town of Bashiqa, said: "We are warned that IS possibly put mines in our houses. After villages are liberated, it may still take more than three months before we can go back for a first visit. Returning to our houses then would take even longer." He added that all this week heavy fighting has been reported in his home town. "In Bashiqa it's a true war situation, with Turks, Peshmerga and Iraqi forces coming in—a lot of explosions and fighting."
Poulos is in touch with eight Syriac Orthodox monks living in Mar Mattai (St. Matthew), a monastery on a mountainside less than five kilometers from Bashiqa. "I've called them several times and they hear the sound of bombs. From the monastery they can see that a lot of bombing and fighting is going on. Nobody can go there now, but I hope it will be retaken soon."
The battle was not immediately affecting the monastery (which also houses three displaced families). "We have no problems, but we are watching for the future what will happen."
However, other Iraqi Christians who have moved far from home expressed no desire to return—because some of their Muslim neighbors had sympathized with IS. Rev. Aphram Ozan, a Syriac Orthodox priest in London who fled Mosul in 2011 after his family home was attacked by extremists, said: "I don't think Christians will return to Mosul. In the beginning, the people of Mosul welcomed IS. We were let down by the people; they left us."
Rev. Khalil Jaar, a Catholic priest in the Jordanian capital, Amman, and a partner of World Vision, said "not one" of the 500 or so Moslawi refugee families for whom he is co-ordinating aid was considering returning to the area. He said if adequate protection were offered, some had said they might return briefly to sell their houses, but would then go to their new homes. "ISIS is finished but the mentality and spirit of ISIS lives on in the heart of so many people in Mosul," he said.
One Christian former resident of Mosul in his early 30s recalled that increasing levels of extremism had strained his friendships with Muslims, even before 2003. "Growing up, I had friends who were Muslim. We played together and ate together and their parents treated us as though we were their children. But when some of them got to about 16 or 17, something changed. Maybe they had learnt something from the Quran or from the mosque—they changed and became more extreme, which made a gap between us. They became more extreme than their parents."
Suha Rassam, a Chaldean Catholic from Mosul and author of Christianity in Iraq, said that among her Iraqi Christian friends and relatives, "everybody is excited that Mosul is being liberated." But she added: "Although there are no more Christians in Mosul, I am still concerned about the Muslim population there, that they may not suffer too much and there is no slaughtering of the Sunni." However, she expressed concern that the presence of Kurdish and Turkish forces in the Nineveh Plains around Mosul could lead to both powers making territorial claims there. Extremism took hold in Mosul partly as a reaction against Kurdish expansionism, she said. "Even once Mosul is liberated, we can still expect a lot of trouble. It's not good for the unity of Iraq," she said.  
Christians and others suspect that the aim of the Kurdistan Regional Government is to earn political capital. Some voiced fears that because some Iraqi qualifications are not recognized there and government jobs require Kurdish-speakers, Arab Christians impoverished by their displacement could find themselves subjected to a "Kurdification" process.
One Christian former resident of Mosul whose family fled to Kurdistan said: "For all of history, the Kurds have been killing us, until now. They're trying to put on a good face; they want to liberate themselves from Iraq and show they are better than Iraq. But there's no future for Christianity in Kurdistan: my parents don't speak Kurdish, and because my nephews aren't Kurdish they aren't allowed to go to state school there."
But Poulos said he already knows what he will do if it's ever possible to go back to Bashiqa: "The first thing I will do is go to the church. If the church is not damaged and I can go in, I will pray. After that we will check how much damage is done to the church and to the houses. What needs to be done, what needs rebuilding?" 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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This is the Only Thing You need to Know Before the Election - BRYAN FISCHER/AMERICAN FAMILY RADIO

(Reuters photo)

This is the Only Thing You need to Know Before the Election

Wednesday's night's debate between presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was enormously clarifying for voters. Regardless of the position you take on abortion, you found out all you need to know to cast an intelligent vote. 
For those who believe in the dismembering of unborn babies in the womb, Hillary Clinton is the obvious choice. Ms. Clinton made it clear that she still unapologetically supports partial birth abortion, a monstrous procedure in which a baby is partially delivered before the abortionist punches a hole in her skull and sucks out her brains before crushing the skull and yanking her lifeless body out of the womb. If that's your cup of tea, Hillary is your girl. 
Mr. Trump, on the other hand, called that procedure "unacceptable" and pledged again to only nominate to the Supreme Court judges who believe in the sanctity of life, judges who are prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the abortion issue to the states where it properly and constitutionally belongs. 
(In addition, Mr. Trump has also pledged to sign legislation which will defund Planned Parenthood, make the Hyde Amendment permanent federal law, and ban abortions after 20 weeks.) 
The first of our organic laws is the Declaration of Independence. It unambiguously and emphatically declares that we are created beings (not evolved ones) and that there is a Creator (with a capital "C") who is the source of every single one of our fundamental human and civil rights. 
These rights are "unalienable," which simply means that no earthly agency has the moral authority to take them away from us. The first of these inseparable rights is the right to life. It is the most fundamental of the three fundamental rights listed in the Declaration, for without life there is no liberty to enjoy and no happiness to pursue. 
The Founders enshrined in our very first legal document, the document that brought the United States into being (no Declaration, no United States) the principle that all life is precious since it comes from God, and that the purpose of government is to "secure" that right. The purpose of government is not to grant us rights but to secure the rights already given to us by God. 
So the first sacred duty of the American government is to guarantee and protect the right to life. That is its fundamental, foundational, indispensable moral and legal obligation. Since the right to life comes from God and not from government, no government at any level, or any federal agency, including the Supreme Court, is at liberty to tamper with it. 
It is impossible for a judge at any level, especially at the Supreme Court level, to fulfill his sacred oath of office without a firm, fixed, and unwavering allegiance to this paramount principle. If a judge doesn't get the life issue right, he's not going to get anything else of significance right. 
It should be a given that any prospective Supreme Court justice affirm that there is a Creator and that the Creator insists that the fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property must be protected by government at all levels. If a judge doesn't have a conviction of that sort, he's not qualified to be a judge in traffic court let alone sit on the highest bench in the land. 
The Constitution, the second of our most fundamental organic laws and the supreme law of the land, affirms this. Twice, in the 5th and 14th Amendments, it flatly declares that no one - no one - can be deprived of his right to life without due process of law. That is, before government can authorize the taking of a human life, that individual must be charged with a crime, face his accusers in open court, have access to counsel, and receive a trial by a jury of his peers. Not a single one of these fundamental civil rights is granted to an unborn baby. His life is mercilessly snuffed out through abortion without anyone to advocate on his behalf. 
He is voiceless and helpless, the very definition of the kind of human being government has a sacred duty to protect. Donald Trump understands that. Hillary Clinton does not. 
Every other issue pales into insignificance next to this one, including immigration, the threat of Islam, the economy, and foreign policy. It supersedes even the character issue. Both candidates are of inexcusably low moral character. But one believes in the sanctity of life and the other one does not. One of these two people is going to be setting policy on the life issue for the next four years and well beyond. The Supreme Court justices our next president puts on the bench will be issuing opinions on the life issue long after the next president has vacated the Oval Office. This is almost certainly the last chance we will have to see that the Court becomes a constitutional and life-affirming one. 
The choice we face on November 8 has now come down to a simple, binary choice between life and death. It is a choice between a candidate who is pro-life and a candidate who is pro-death, between a candidate who supports the butchering of babies just inches from birth and a candidate who believes unborn babies must be protected rather than dismembered. It is a choice between pagan barbarism and civilization, between savagery and life, and between medieval darkness and light. Let us pray God we choose wisely.
Bryan Fischer is the host of the two-hour weekday "Focal Point" program on American Family Radio.
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Donald Trump Is God's Chaos Candidate - Dr. Lance Wallnau - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Donald Trump Is God's Chaos Candidate - Dr. Lance Wallnau

Businessman Lance Wallnau tells Jim Bakker that Donald Trump is God's "chaos" candidate. 
The conversation was delivered during the televangelist's seminar on the Republican nominee for president.  
"The Bible calls us sheep, but we don't have to be dumb," Bakker shares.  
"I'm excited that this man has the calling to help change America," Bakker says of Wallnau.

Watch the video to see Wallnau's powerful reasoning about how God has chosen Trump for such a time as this. 
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Surprising to Many, This Music Icon, Bob Dylan, Practices Messianic Judaism - TOBY JANICKI CHARISMA NEWS

Bob Dylan's conversion to Messianic Judaism years ago met with cultural resistance. (Flickr )

Surprising to Many, This Music Icon, Bob Dylan, Practices Messianic Judaism

Recently it was announced that Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature. In light of this, I thought I would share about the connection between Bob Dylan and Messianic Judaism.
For many years the background (or "wallpaper") on my computer's desktop screen was a blurry picture of a man in desperate need of a haircut, wearing tefillin [worn by Jewish men during daily prayers]. People often say, "Cool picture, but who is that?" When I tell that it's Bob Dylan at the Western Wall attending his son's bar mitzvah, I get a mixture of reactions that range from "I didn't know he was Jewish" to "Who's Bob Dylan?"
I was first introduced to Bob Dylan at, of all places, a Christian summer camp. Although I was too young to realize the impact Dylan had had on the culture and politics of the 1960s, I thoroughly enjoyed his anthemic songs such as "The Times They Are A-Changin'" and "Blowing in the Wind." 
When I got home from camp. I was pleased to find a few of Bob Dylan's records among my father's record collection, but what surprised me the most was the gospel album entitled "Slow Train Coming." Unbeknownst to me, Dylan had produced three gospel albums from 1979 to 1981 after a born-again experience through which he said Jesus came and visited him personally. I immediately wondered whether he was still a believer.
Along the way I found the book Restless Pilgrim: The Spiritual Journey of Bob Dylan, coincidentally at my father's house. In it, the author describes a man who has often been misunderstood on his biblical faith journey. The entertainment business would not accept the fact that their cultural icon had become a believer in Messiah Jesus.
While Dylan preached to his crowds in 1979 about the need to repent and turn to the Lord, it was him that fans and critics viewed as Judas. It is not surprising that after only three gospel albums, which included three years of relentless persecution from the media, Bob Dylan hid his face from the public eye. Author Scott Marshall writes in his book of these years:
Perhaps the second verse of Dylan's 1962 song, "Mixed-Up Confusion," best summarizes the situation: "Well, there's too many people/And they're all too hard to please."
Yet besides the newspaper critics and the fans, probably the biggest obstacle that Bob Dylan faced was trying to be a believer in Jesus and still actively practice his Jewish roots. As difficult as this is for Jewish people today, it was even harder in the early 1980s. To most people it was either belief in Jesus or Judaism:
Seemingly, every foray into the Jewish arena is interpreted as flat-out return to Judaism, a renunciation of the truth of Jesus Christ that he confessed more than two decades ago.
Here's a great example of this apparent dichotomy. In the fall of 2001, Dylan spent the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, at an Orthodox synagogue in Encino, California. Then he began his tour in early 2002 with the overt gospel tune "Hallelujah, I'm Ready to Go," a song that speaks of a "wonderful Savior to know." The next night he opened with the song "I Am the Man, Thomas." This song covers the story where the Jesus reveals Himself to a doubting Thomas and declares:
"Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have yet believed" (John 20:29)
For Dylan, it was not an either/or scenario between Judaism and Christianity. He was comfortable with a world that drew from both. 
As I read the story of Dylan's spiritual life, I began to appreciate him more and more. I saw a man who struggled with his identity much as we do today—stuck in between Christianity and Judaism. As with Dylan, many misinterpret the actions of those in Messianic Judaism as either too Jewish or too Christian.
For me, in Dylan's words I often find the heartbeat of a man who at times seems to know the Master better than I do:
"Even so, as far ahead of the pack as Dylan traveled, there's something almost first-century about him. It's not hard to imagine Bob Dylan sitting under the teaching of the Master on a Palestine hillside, listening attentively, questioning respectfully, analyzing thoughtfully. Could it be that this is where Dylan has been getting his insights all along?"
Over the years, Dylan has continued to infuse the biblical text into his songs. It is estimated that between 1979 and 1990, 67 out of the 80 songs he wrote contained allusions to the Bible. As a person, Jesus Himself was not known to answer questions in a straightforward manner.
So too, with Dylan, who dodges them left and right. He has developed it into such an art that any imitation of this style is often labeled "dylanesque." It seems the only way to find out what's in his head is to listen to his music:
If it's really all right there in the music, then Bob Dylan is without a doubt a man who continues to express faith in Jesus while holding on to his Jewish heritage. 
Toby Janicki is a teacher, writer and project manager for First Fruits of Zion (ffoz.org). He contributes regularly to Messiah Journal and has written several books including God Fearers: Gentiles and the God of Israel. You can reach Toby atoutreach@ffoz.org.
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