Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ahava Love Letter - "Happy Birthday Israel!"

Ahava Love Letter
Happy Birthday Israel!

“Who ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Is a country born in one day? Is a nation brought forth all at once? For as soon as Tziyon went into labor, she brought forth her children.” (Isa. 66:8 CJB)

Dear family of friends,

Celebrations are meant to express love and appreciation for those being honored. We rejoice with ones reaching a milestone in their lives, whether as individuals, a group, or even a nation.

At sunset on May 9, 2011, the nation of Israel celebrates her 63rd birthday. Even as the prophet Isaiah foretold centuries earlier, the Lord would return His Chosen Ones to their Promised Land. Jews have always lived in this eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, but in 1948 they once again had this portion of the earth in their hands, never to give it up again.

Birthing a baby is tough work. As a husband, and then as a father, I stood by my wife’s side, doing all I could during the “out coming” of our four children. Granted, my labor was only putting ice chips in her mouth, and  offering a hand to squeeze on until it turned blue. That was nothing compared to what she endured. And coming through the birth canal for each child had to have been a rough trip too. That I know. I did it once myself!

At the time of Israel’s rebirth, and every year since then, you, my friends in Israel, have been surrounded by hostile and warring nations committed to destroying your history and very lives. The years of amazing survival, growth, and becoming a “blessing to the nations” since that first year, has been achieved by your perseverance, blood, and commitment by living in The Land. And most certainly by the hand of the Most High God, Who has promised to protect you for all eternity. And that He will.

I salute the people of Israel. I say “Well done!” for all that you have indeed done. And despite the daily pressures, both in the natural and the spiritual, through the battles you have fought, and will fight, you will, for generations to come, prove that you are indeed the Chosen Ones of the Living God of Israel!

Happy birthday Israel!

Ahava to all, and especially to you, my Israeli friends,

Steve Martin

P.S. We still have a few seats left on our annual Ahava Adventures ministry trip to Israel Oct. 29 – Nov. 8. We need to hear from you now if you are planning, or are even considering coming, on this lifetime opportunity. It is at a cost of only $2495 (which no one may never see again) from Charlotte, NC to Tel Aviv (and back of course!) Check our website or e-mail me at ASAP.

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider sending a charitable gift to help us bless Messianic Jews in Israel. Our website lists the opportunities available. You can send checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Ahava Love Letter #25   Date: May 7, in the year of our Lord 2011    

Israel Flag In The Wind - Photo by Steve Martin

Evening Honoring Israel 2011 - Beit Yeshua, Beit Shofarot, Highway To Zi...

Evening Honoring Israel - Gid Anthony sings "Reign In The Midst of Your ...

Evening Honoring Israel 2011 - Curtis Loftin - "God Writes His Name Over...

Honoring Israel Night - Beit Yeshua, Beit Shofarot, Highway To Zion & Love For His People

In a sign of unity in support of Israel, Beit Yeshua hosted this Night Honoring Israel in Lincolnton, NC May 6, 2011.  Night was led by Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams. Beit Yeshua was joined by Beit Shofarot (Yossi Wentz), Highway To Zion (Cathy Hargett), and Love For His People. (Steve & Laurie Martin). Photos by Steve Martin

Friday, May 6, 2011

President Shimon Peres Address Celebrating Israel’s 63rd Year

Dear Friends,

As we celebrate 63 years of statehood, we can look back on the historic miracle of the birth of a nation – the State of Israel. And we can laud one of our greatest leaders, David Ben-Gurion, for declaring the establishment of a Jewish state – a homeland – one momentous day in May 1948. Immediately afterward we were attacked – outmanned, outnumbered, outgunned.

From the debris of the War of Independence arose one of the best and most moral armies in the world. The desert turned into a model of state-of-the-art agriculture admired by all. Israel’s development in fields such as hi-tech, science, technology and medicine has placed her at the forefront of advances in these areas the world over.

On the day of the proclamation of the State of Israel, it was stated that this newly founded nation would be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel. We abide by the Jewish code of moral values instilled in us.

We are still facing evil forces, especially those that emanate from Iran. This call, by a regime that is a danger to the entire world, should be met by an uncompromising mobilization of the international community. We are determined, together with our supporters everywhere, to fight anti-Semitism and delegitimization.

The State of Israel is prepared to do its share, even at a painful cost, to achieve peace with our neighbors. We are hopeful that the winds of change sweeping our region will herald new opportunities of peace, security and prosperity for all.

We all share the hope that Gilad Shalit will be reunited with his family immediately.

The bridges of kinship that link the Jewish state with the Jewish communities around the world are vital to us. You are full partners in our success. Looking back, we have much to be proud of. Looking forward, we still have much to achieve. Together we can accomplish anything and everything. Together we can prevail. And together we shall celebrate many more independence days to come.

President Shimon Peres Address Celebrating Israel’s 63rd Year

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Is Allah the God of the Bible? - Dr. Bill Duerfeldt


Is Allah the God of the Bible?

Way back in 1982 my wife, Cindi, and I took our second trip to Israel.  One day a Muslim cleaning lady came into the hotel room while we were still in the room.  Somehow she detected that we were Christians.  (We were attending a Christian conference and maybe there were brochures in the room or something to that affect.  I don’t recall and it doesn’t matter.)  Anyway, in her broken English she pointed to us and said, “Christian”; she pointed to herself and said “Islam”; and then she waved her hands around the room – either indicating the hotel, or more probably all of Israel – and said “Jew”.  Then she looked heavenward and said, “All same God.”  Smiling brightly she left the room. 

At the time I took her comment at face value – after all, Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship one God.  Moreover, in the Islamic faith, Jews and Christians are included with the Muslims as “People of the Book”.  So, at the time I concluded we all must worship the same God, yet each in our own way, and in our own understanding.  It sounded good at the time.

But is that really true?  Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the same God?  Is “Allah”, the god of the Muslims, also the God of the Bible?  Let’s look at the facts.

Let’s begin by first looking at the God of the Christians and the God of the Jews.  Do these two religions worship the same God?  Without belaboring the point, I think it is self-evident that Jews and Christians do worship the same God.  For example, the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) liberally quotes from the Tanakh (Old Testament), making abundant references to the God of Israel.  Moreover, there is nothing in the Brit Chadashah which contradicts the Tanakh (unlike the Koran, which we shall see later.)  And, of course, Yeshua (Jesus) identified Yahweh, the God of Israel, as His Father and ours.

This God of the Tanakh and the Brit Chadashah has a proper Name.  His Name, as revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 3) is written in Hebrew with four letters (yod, hey, vav, hey).  These four letters are called the Tetragrammaton (Greek = “Four Letters”) and is written יְהוָה. The Name is probably pronounced “Yahweh”, although no Jewish person, would ever attempt to actually pronounce The Name for fear of breaking the Third Commandment.  Instead, whenever the Tetragrammaton appears in Scripture, the Jewish person will read “Adonai” (Lord).  In our English Bibles, the Tetragrammaton is nearly always translated LORD, and written in all capital letters.  (Occasionally the Tetragrammaton is translated GOD, also all in capitals; for example:  Ezekiel 11:16.)

This God – the God of Israel, the Living God, the God and Father of Yeshua (Jesus) – also goes by many other Names throughout the Scriptures.  He is El Shaddai – God Almightly.  He is El-Elyon – God Most High.  He is Yahweh Tzava’ot – the LORD of Hosts.  And the list goes on and on.  Yet despite His many different Names, it is clear from both the Tanakh and the Brit Chadashah that the God and Father of Yeshua is identical to the God who revealed Himself to Moshe (Moses) on Mt. Sinai.   After all, Yeshua Himself was born, lived, and died as a Jew; as did all His original Apostles and disciples.  They were not worshipping some foreign god; something which would have been utterly inconceivable to them.  They were worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – the One True God of the people of Israel – Yahweh.

Well, then…what about Allah?

Interestingly, amongst the many Names of God in the Tanakh, there is an Aramaic word, אֱלָהּ (pronounced “‘elahh”; and translated God or god) which does appear some 95 times.  In 79 of those cases, the word clearly describes “Yahweh”, the God is Israel.  (e.g. Ezra 5:1). In the other 16 instances, the word refers to a pagan god. (e.g.,Daniel 5:4)  It’s noteworthy that in three verses of Scripture (all in Daniel), the same word is used both for the God of Israel and for a pagan god, although the distinction is easily made by the context.  These are Daniel 2:47, 3:28, and 5:23.

In addition, a similar Hebrew word  אָלָה (or “alah”) also appears in the Jewish Scriptures – some 36 times, as a matter of fact.  Interestingly, in fully one half of those occurrences in the Tanakh, the word “alah” is translated as “curse”.  [See Deut. 29:20 as one example.] 

Now, some may argue that the word “allah” is simply the Arabic word for “god”, just as “el” is the Hebrew word for “god”.  That is true.  But is that the whole truth?

Consider Exodus 34:14:  “For you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose Name is Jealous, is a jealous god.”   If we put in the Hebrew for three of the key words, the Scripture would read – “For you shall worship no other “el”, for “Yahweh”, whose Name is Jealous, is a jealous “el”.

Likewise, in Arabic it would read – “For you shall worship no other “allah”, for Yahweh, whose Name is Jealous, is a jealous “allah”.  However, no Muslim would ever accept that rendition.  To a Muslim, Yahweh is not God; Allah is God.  According to the Koran, “Allah” is not simply a linguistic Arabic designation for God – such as Deus in Latin or Dios in Spanish.  In fact, Islam unequivocally teaches that Allah is his proper name!  (Sura 3:2)

This point is made abundantly clear in the reciting of the Shahada, the statement of faith required by every new convert to Islam, and recited at least twice daily by every believing Muslim – “I bear witness that there is no allah but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger (or servant.)”.  This is in stark contradiction to the entire Bible.  As we have already seen, God’s proper Name in the Bible is the Tetragrammaton – and this Name occurs over 9000 times!   In contrast, the two words “alah” and “elahh” occur only 131 times combined, and can mean either “any god”, or even “a curse”.  The point I want to make clear is that neither “elahh” nor “alah” can ever be considered to be God’s proper Name.  The Scriptures are absolutely explicit -- His proper Name is יְהוָה (Yahweh).

But let’s look even deeper.  How does “Allah” of the Koran, compare with “Yahweh” of the Bible?  Do they share the same attributes; the same characteristics?  Do they interact with history and humanity in the same way?  In other words, are they the same Being as the followers of Islam proclaim? 

I will take up that discussion in a forthcoming “Ahava Love Newsletter

Dr. Bill Duerfeldt, Asheville, NC.

israel today | Israel to US: Congrats on bin Laden kill, now stop criticizing us! - israel today

israel today Israel to US: Congrats on bin Laden kill, now stop criticizing us! - israel today

Monday, May 2, 2011

March of Remembrance - Cathy Hargett, Highway To Zion founder

March of Remembrance - Anne Frank diary entry read by Jewish 13 yr old

March of Remembrance - Steve Martin, Love For His People

March of Remembrance - China Grove, NC

March of Remembrance - Rabbi Yossi Wentz of Beit Shofarot Messianic Syna...

March of Remembrance - China Grove, NC

In memory of the more than 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, Love For His People took part in the annual March of Remembrance on May 1, 2011. As part of this world-wide event, we marched in the China Grove/Landis, NC streets (northeast of Charlotte, NC.) Jews and Gentiles came together on this day to honor those killed in the six death camps (and two more concentration camps) in Europe. (Video recording by Steve Martin)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dreams From A Father's Heart: Dreams From A Father's Heart - Sharing The Love

Ephraim (on right) with orphans while living in Ghana, before fleeing to Liberia in March, 2011.

Ephraim (center) with orphan boys.

Ephraim on Skype when talking with Steve Martin.

Dreams From A Father's Heart: Dreams From A Father's Heart - Sharing The Love: "Dreams From A Father’s Heart - Sharing the love of a father to the next generation In a time when they are needed the most, 1 Cor..."

Thursday, April 28, 2011

israel today | Israeli official blames Obama for Syria massacres - israel today

Israeli official blames Obama for Syria massacres

Israeli official blames Obama for Syria massacres  
Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor on Wednesday said US President Barack Obama bears much responsibility for the current massacre of pro-democracy activists and other civilians in Syria.
Speaking on a popular Israel Channel 10 news talk show, Meridor accused Obama of giving Syrian dictator Bashar Assad "carte blanche to slaughter his people."
Meridor was referring to Obama's comparatively mild response to the pro-democracy revolution in Syria after he publicly backed the toppling of Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak and ordered NATO air strikes against the regime of Libya's Muammar Gaddafi.
Obama's failure to demand Assad also step down, and the lack of any substantive response to the Syrian regime's heavy-handed tactics against the demonstrators has only encouraged Assad to do whatever it takes to remain in power.
Earlier in the week, the Obama Administration did announce that it no longer viewed Assad, whom it had previously painted as an Arab "moderate," as a viable peace partner for Israel. Most Israelis already knew that.
Meanwhile, Europe has been feebly trying to fill the void left by Obama. The European Union on Wednesday declared that "all options" are on the table for punitive measures against the Syrian regime, but refrained from making any specific threats.
The same day, a European effort to have the UN Security Council officially censure Damascus was blocked by Russia, China and Lebanon.

israel today Israeli official blames Obama for Syria massacres - israel today

Palestinians burn Joseph's Tomb, Jews denied access - ISRAEL TODAY


Palestinians burn Joseph's Tomb, Jews denied access

Palestinians burn Joseph's Tomb, Jews denied access    
Just days after Palestinian police officers murdered a Jewish worshipper at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus, an Arab mob once again set fire to the burial place of the biblical patriarch on Tuesday.

It is still unclear whether Tuesday's riot was in celebration of the killing of 25-year-old Ben Yosef Livnat as he prayed at the shrine on Sunday, or in protest over ongoing Jewish visits to the holy site.

It is not the first time the Palestinians have burned and otherwise desecrated Joseph's Tomb, which in addition to housing the burial place of the biblical figure, is also the site of a small yeshiva.

The so-called "Oslo Accords" signed between Israel and the Palestinians in 1995 stipulated that Joseph's Tomb would remain an Israeli-controlled enclave open to Jewish worshippers and religious students.
But at the start of the Al Aqsa Intifada in 2000, a Palestinian mob backed by Palestinian Authority police officers assaulted Joseph's Tomb, killing an Israeli soldier in the process. Israel subsequently surrendered control of the site on the condition that the Palestinian Authority would protect and maintain it.

Instead, the Palestinians immediately destroyed the domed tomb and set fire to the yeshiva. Numerous times over the past few years, visiting Jews have reported signs of fires, swastikas and other graffiti and desecration of both the tomb and Jewish prayer books.

The repeated assaults on Joseph's Tomb have not deterred some Jews from visiting the site on a regular basis. But their ability to do so may become increasingly difficult.

On Wednesday, the Israeli army arrested a group of 30 Orthodox Jews determined to pray at Joseph's Tomb. Army officials said they can not guarantee the safety of Jews who enter the site.

israel today | David Wilkerson, lover of Israel, dies in car accident - israel today

israel today David Wilkerson, lover of Israel, dies in car accident - israel today

Israel lost a dear Christian friend and supporter on Wednesday when David Wilkerson, pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, was killed in a tragic car accident near Dallas, Texas.

Wilkerson is perhaps best known abroad for his 1963 book "The Cross and the Switchblade," which chronicled his earlier years ministering to drug addicts and gang members in New York. The book was eventually made into a hit movie starring Pat Boone, another staunch Christian supporter of Israel.
In 2003, Israel Today editor Aviel Schneider had the privilege of interviewing Wilkerson during a visit to the UK. That interview is reproduced below.

israel today: As an American Christian, how did you feel about the war in Iraq?

Wilkerson: I preached about Saddam Hussein’s fall and warned our President that everything revolves around Israel. Oil is not the main concern. Saddam planned to destroy Israel, with the help of other Arab nations. Saddam Hussein is a stubborn person, and I’m thankful that God gave our President this strong conviction to save Israel from him.

israel today: Do you really believe that President Bush will choose to be biblically driven instead of politically correct concerning Israel?

Wilkerson: That’s why I call on American Christians to pray for our President daily and also to pray against the anti-Semitism that still exists in the Church. God warned me when I first established Times Square Church that we must always remain faithful to Israel. And I always have.

israel today: You are here in Europe, where many Christians have no understanding of the US-led war in Iraq.

Wilkerson: Many Christians in Europe simply don’t understand God’s Word. Saddam’s rockets were only aimed at Israel, not at neighboring Arab states. Beyond that, rising anti-Semitism in the churches can be felt here, particularly in Great Britain.

israel today: Would you describe Islam as a peaceful religion, as your President did?

Wilkerson: I read the Koran and I am sure that this book is false teaching. Islam is a religion of destruction. I find it so strange that Gospel preachers don’t understand that God didn’t break His covenant with Israel. God gave the Land to Israel, and every nation that wants to destroy Israel will be punished.

israel today: You have great courage to take such a strong pro-Israel stand.

Wilkerson: I’m often criticized in the Christian world for this. But I feel God’s rich blessing for it, which is much more valuable to me.

israel today: After the war in Iraq, Israel is once again at the top of the world’s agenda. Do you think the ‘roadmap’ has a chance to bring peace between Israelis and Palestinians?

Wilkerson: No! How can Bush, who knows the Bible, have no fear of God and pressure Israel into territorial compromise for the sake of the roadmap? God will punish him for it. The dollar will fall, Bush will sink into depression and he could very well lose the next election. I pray daily that the President’s believing advisors will influence him more than his political advisors.

israel today: In other words, you’re saying there’s no human solution to the conflict between Israel and the Arabs?

Wilkerson: God has promised to protect His people. He’s made a covenant and given them the Promised Land. He set the nation’s borders and He will safeguard them. I don’t see a realistic hope for peace because I can’t imagine that Israel will relinquish the Jewish settlements, as the Arabs are demanding. The Arabs also say there won’t be peace unless East Jerusalem becomes the capital of a Palestinian state. But that’s strictly against God’s will. My friend, if the world forces Jerusalem to be divided, it will come to chaos.

israel today: We in Israel can thank God that He is our secret weapon.

Wilkerson: Please publish my warning to the nations that take a stand against God’s people and His city Jerusalem. God said this and He will fulfill it. Shalom and God’s blessings.

David Wilkerson - On To Glory April 27, 2011

AN ANCHOR IN THE STORM - one of his final posts.

“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil” (Hebrews 6:19).

The anchor referred to in this passage of Scripture is hope. Not the hope of this wicked world, but the hope founded on God’s oath to keep, bless, govern those who trust him.
This hope alone is our anchor in the storm falling on the earth at this present time. The writer of Hebrews admonished, “Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (6:12).

God made an oath to the “heirs of promise” who are all those who are in Christ. He made an oath in order to end all strive—all doubts—so that “…we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us” (6:18).


He kept his word to Abraham—he will keep his word to you as you trust him. We need strong consolation in these times.

After all is said and done—and all the sermons have been preached on hope—it comes down to this: Are we willing to commit all into his hands—rest in his Word—and stand without wavering in the love of God, fully convinced his promises to you will be fulfilled?

You can take that kind of faith beyond the veil into the holiest! (Note: And David now has...)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Praying Zoe - for Israel

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Josh. 24:15 The Sham of Our Government and the First Amendment - Sharia Has Come to America The Sham of Our Government and the First Amendment - Sharia Has Come to America

A Prophetic Call to Prayer Given by Lance Lambert - The 2 Spies

A Prophetic Call to Prayer Given by Lance Lambert

Sunday April 17, 2011
Taken from the website of Lance Lambert
Lance Lambert
It is well with you that you intercede for Israel that she be saved, for it is My purpose to save her. I will complete the circle of Redemption that began with Abraham and my promise that a great nation would come forth from him, and that in him would all the families of the earth be blessed. And so it has happened! For Israel became the vehicle through which My Word has come to all the nations; And also My Salvation; and the knowledge of My Purpose. From this nation, above all, came the Messiah. Soon the fullness of the Gentiles will have been saved, and I will turn again to Israel, to My Jewish People. They shall be reingrafted into their own olive tree, and My promise to Abraham will be gloriously fulfilled. Then their hardness of heart will melt, their blindness be turned into sight, and their suffering to radiant Glory. This is My determined purpose, and I shall not be turned from it. It will shortly begin to be fulfilled. I will turn all their weakness into unbelievable power, and I will use this nation as the last witness to the world as to who I am.
Take very seriously what is taking place in the Arab world. It is no good for Israel! It is not a move toward freedom and true democracy, but an enormous gain for militant Islam. They will seek to annihilate and liquidate Israel, but they will not only fail; their strength and power will be broken, and a huge harvest of souls will be saved from amongst them.

Hear Me, I call you to intercession! It will not be easy. All the powers of My enemy are centred and focused on stopping this people from coming into My Redemption and Salvation. But he will fail! I look therefore for those who will stand in the gap, who will build up the wall; those who will stand in the place of intercession.

Shortly also I will begin more serious judgment on the Western nations. I will bring them to nothing; I will turn them upside down; I will grind them to powder. They will not know what has hit them. It will seem as if there is nothing left of what once I worked in those nations; Especially that Superpower. I will bring it to weakness; she will no longer be super, but a pity of the nations.

Hear this Word of Mine; I call you to intercede for those who belong to Me in those nations; that they will be saved from it! Hear this cry. My heart yearns for those who belong to Me, that they might be clear in their understanding, clear in the way that they are to walk in the midst of all this. Do hear Me! For I speak to you who love Me, and who have this morning remembered Me; I do not desire judgment, but judgment of the most serious and devastating kind will fall upon those nations. Hear this Word from Me, and obey My call to intercession! 

Monday, April 25, 2011

VIETNAM -- BACKSEAT - Morris Rudduck Update

I boarded the flight home upon completing this most recent leg in my mission to Vietnam, I had a strong image of my main mode of transportation within the communities I served: the backseat of a motorbike.

Yet, this image unveils more. My role with the Vietnamese people is a backseat role. In the simplicity of this very basic mode of transportation, I serve as a catalyst, an equipper and mobilizer. What I've come to do is not about me, but those I serve.

Vietnam is an anomaly. Comparatively small and economically behind many others, its people is its most remarkable asset. Innovative and industrious, they are making a mark and creating ripples with their contributions to the global economy.

Within their ranks is a remnant of Christians, who in many regions have paid an extremely high cost for their faith. From Vietnam's economically bleak times of the 80s and early 90s, has come an attitude that has viewed and treated Christians as second-class citizens.

The Timing
 However, that is changing, but not without some hurdles. Our God's economy program has come at a pivotal time and is becoming an important part of the change underway, as scores of those attending our workshops have begun establishing their own business enterprises with the goal of serving as a people of influence, who are contributors in building their communities.

The Fruit
Many have traveled distances to attend these workshops. In one we conducted on this trip, some had traveled 200 miles to attend. Since I recognized some faces I'd seen before, I asked who had started a business as a result of one of our workshops. More than 20 raised their hands. Then I asked who was intending to start a business after that workshop. The number responding was roughly another 15. So after starting their businesses, some are coming back to get a refresher on doing business God's way. Many more are coming for the first time to be equipped with the mantle of an economic community-builder. In my backseat role, this is the fruit from just one locale.

We've now ministered in 16 cities or villages across this nation. During this trip, we conducted three workshops in three cities; one being a new area for us.

Most of the entrepreneurial endeavors that we've helped and encouraged, begin their ventures small, serving the simple function to feed a family or to support a pastor in his/her work. When designed to support a ministry, we've given keen focus to non-distracting businesses that are able to quickly cash-flow and begin growing with a minimum time-expenditure. Many have testimonies of fast growth and a shift in the community perceptions toward them, as they start assuming leadership roles as a culture within a culture and a people of purpose and influence.

Something New

Another developing dimension of the "new" is the crystallizing of a plan I've been praying about for an American-Jewish Business Center. While the God's economy program targets the church on a proactive entrepreneurial level, the Business Center would be positioned to attract aspiring business leaders whose values seek an honorable approach to business with a Vietnamese identity. By drawing from a Judeo-Christian model of operating as a culture within a culture; values and priorities would be focused on relationships and the good of the community.

With an array of offerings ranging from seminars, consulting and webinars to high-level briefings, each would reflect the wisdom from experts from business, government, law, economics, psychotherapy, security, banking, entrepreneurship, forecasting, energy, manufacturing and more with updates and a focus on key issues that point to defining the enduring model that has consistently brought increase and blessing to nations and societies. In short, this venture would be an outreach to aspiring business leaders who are spiritually seeking "something more."

Still more in the "something new" category during this mission was the opportunity to minister to some spiritually hungry Charismatic Catholics. What I've learned is that there has been an outpouring of the Spirit within the Catholic community in the Saigon area. This is very similar to the Charismatic revival that took place in the US during the late sixties and into the seventies that got its start at a prayer meeting at a Catholic university.

The Catholics in Vietnam experiencing this renewal are turning to the Protestant Charismatics for insights into this new dimension in their walk with the Lord. Again, in my backseat role, it was a great joy to me on two occasions to minister to these brethren.

There's clearly a turning underway for the Body in Vietnam, as the Lord brings fulfillment to the word I first brought them three years ago that God had made them to be the head and not the tail.

However, what touched me most deeply on this trip was a word that my host-pastor shared with me. He told me while he had recently been praying for me that the Lord showed him something about me. Then very matter-of-factly he said that the Lord had told him that I was a father to many nations, but especially to Vietnam. He went on to say that each time I come to Vietnam that something happens as I bring with me the rain of the Holy Spirit and God's covenant of peace that is planted and spread among the people.

By serving as a catalyst in a backseat role, the Lord is exceeding my expectations and bringing forth much fruit. Thank you again for your prayers and your support.

With every blessing,

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

This trip has unveiled a number of dimensions of something new.

In each of the last two missions to this nation, we've learned of congregations acquiring debt-free, through a combination of wise stewardship and some downright miraculous circumstances, their own church facilities. Each one has been new and spacious, able to safely house the activities of the host congregation with far more space than a small crowded home. This trip was no different. Within two days of my arrival, I was bringing the message to still another congregation worshipping in their own newly-built facility.

But there is more. Stepping outside the system and entering God's economy with private business ownership lifts the lid on potential opportunity. Vietnamese Christians who have paid a high cost for their faith are serious about making God their Senior Partner and actively seeking Him in the planning of their business enterprises. God is blessing some in this category beyond their wildest expectations, as they in turn serve as good stewards with the mantle of Abraham, to be blessed to be a blessing.

Expanding the Scope

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chris Tomlin - I Will Rise

Revelation Song, Mercy Seat, Easter, The Passion

2nd Chapter Of Acts Easter Song

Ahava Love Letter - "24"

Ahava Love Letter
“Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

Dear family of friends,

Twenty four elders. Twenty four hours in a day. Twelve apostles. Three wise men (Richard, Herb and Bob – friends of mine.) This 24th edition of Ahava Love Letters.

The Lord likes numbers. He even has a book in the Torah called Numbers! All throughout the Bible He is careful to have recorded the six days of creation. He had Moses list the long life span of Enoch (365 years), while Lamech saw 777 years on earth. Noah lived to be a whopping 950, only to be topped by Methuelah’s mere 969 birthdays. (And you think 77 is an “old” age. Imagine the candles on that huge pomegranate icing flavored cake!)

And I’ll throw in another number right here - the Love For His People website has reached 40,000 views in just over a year. Check it out!

So what does all this mean? The Lord says, “the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” (Matt. 10:30,31 NLT)

Our value is so important to the Lord that He even knows the number of hairs on our individual heads. (Even if it is easier counting on some than on others.) He even cares enough to let us know that each of our  days are numbered” (Psalm 39:4). Only when they are completed will we go on to be with Him.

There is comfort in knowing this. There can be comfort for Ephraim and the eight orphans in Liberia, who are still living on the street, and for John in India, who is trying to build a home for orphans there. The Lord, God of Israel, certainly knows how He will protect our friends in the Jewish nation, from the warring countries surrounding them. He knows each of us by name, and where we live.

As it is written, “...and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.“ Acts 17:26 (NASB)

In college (my one and only year), when I memorized that verse above, it certainly comforted me. Knowing that the days ahead were in His hands gave me confidence to step out and trust Him. I did, and He has.

Whenever you check the current number in your checkbook (or your on-line bank account), or the days before your next doctor’s appointment, or the cans of vegetables left in the food cabinet, be reminded of His care and love. Believe that His provision, protection and guidance are daily available for each of us.

Twenty four is a good number. So is the Creator Who gave us another means of showing His love.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider donating now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage!)  

Ahava Love Letter #24   Date: April 24, in the year of our Lord 2011 

©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ahava Love Letter - "Seed That Lives"

Ahava Love Letter
Seed That Lives
“Yes, indeed! I tell you that unless a grain of wheat that falls to the ground dies, it stays just a grain; but if it dies, it produces a big harvest.”  (John 12:24 Complete Jewish Bible)

Dear family of friends,

And the next verse says, “He who loves his life loses it, but he who hates his life in this world will keep it safe right on into eternal life!” (John 12:25 CJB)

This doesn’t seem like the way it should be, right? How can you die in order to live? How can you “let go” of what you have, in order to get something even better? Sometimes so much bigger. Even that is hard to imagine or believe. And yet that is what the Lord is calling us to do.

I think it is quite apparent now, all around us, that mankind has missed it. More so than what we used to think, both naturally and spiritually would happen. We thought we basically had it made, particularly as Christians in America. But our economies are hurting. Many families are often separated. Quite a few churches have become a place where people go to be entertained for an hour a week, only to live as the rest of the world for the other 167 hours in between services. It can be quite discouraging at times.

Letting our learned ways die off isn’t easy, and I for one fight against it in ways I sometimes am not even aware of. I know the Lord has said “This is the way,” and then I balk, question, resist, or even oppose the direction I am to go. Sometimes I just don’t see “it”, and still think I have the better way of getting something accomplished. Whatever that “it” is in my life, or yours.

It is not fun to be in a dark, “can’t see the next step” place in life. Buried in the dirt left to die. Like most people, I too want to know the 10 year plan. Or the five year plan. How about just the next week plan? But I am convinced that one day at a time is how He wants to show it to me. Do I have faith for one day, and my daily bread? And so He allows me to die to my own ways, so that I finally choose His. Trust and obey isn’t the easy road to travel. It is becoming the only way.

At my age, I am finally convinced that I don’t have all the answers I thought I did. What I do have is what has died within me, and now has grown. I can offer to others only what 40 years of walking with the Lord has shown me, deep in my spirit. That when I do “die”, then what grows and flourishes is a faith that the rest of the world can’t take away. It is a life that rests on and in Him, not in myself and my abilities.

We are going to need a faith that is built on nothing more, and nothing less, than His commitment to us to accomplish His purposes. I am learning to give up trying to do it my way. I am dying to the way I have known it, so that I can live. Not an easy choice to make. But certainly the only one.

Resurrection life, and the faith to walk it out, will soon mean more to us than good words in the Book. We will know exactly what He has been telling us. It will be a “must way”, rather than just a “suggested way” of life.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider donating now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage!)  

Ahava Love Letter #23   Date: April 19, in the year of our Lord 2011    

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