Monday, December 12, 2016

I have to be careful in my search... - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr Erez Soref President of  ONE FOR ISRAEL 

Yeshua called us to follow him and to become "fishers of men". As a follower of the Messiah, do you see yourself as a fisherman or woman?

We have found God has given us a great net to use - the internet! And we are always thrilled to hear each and every message that comes in from people responding to what they have seen in our videos and websites. Praise God with us for the great catch of fish he is bringing in! 
Who wants to go fishing?

Please take a moment to watch my message below.


"Hi, my name is M, 25 years old. I am Jewish, and come from a Modern Orthodox family. I have been watching your videos for a while now, and I'm curious to find out more about Jesus. Because of my background I have to be careful in my search. I would like to speak to someone if possible. Thanks."

Since receiving his message, we have reached out to "M" and provided him with an email address he can contact. Please pray that we will be able to plug him into a believing community nearby, and that he will find the truth he's earnestly searching for.

This one came last week from 'Hagar', a law student in her twenties from Tel Aviv:

"I researched your website, watched a million of your videos, and now want to take an active part in order to learn more and adjust my life in accordance to what you are preaching. Can you please connect me with someone who can give me more information?"

Three more messages like this came in two days after we released a video about the real origin of the rabbinic oral-law. These are exciting days for the gospel in Israel!

Please pray for Hagar, Lilian, David and Gina who got in touch with us asking to be connected. Pray that they would find their Messiah, Yeshua, and be rooted and established in love among other believers in their area.


The Jewish Roots of The Christian Faith - Course Promo

Enjoy the gift of discovering the  
Jewish roots of your faith! 
Special holiday price on this course: 
30% off throughout the month of December.


Some people argue that Isaiah only said a "young woman" would give birth, rather than specifying that she would be a virgin. What does the Hebrew word used in Isaiah 7:14really mean? "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the 'alma' shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." If this was about a married woman who got pregnant, there would be no value to the "sign". Women get pregnant every day. But the prophet is predicting something unusual; he is prophesying that "the alma shall conceive." Continue reading...


It was the first year of King Darius' reign, and the long exile of the people of Israel in Babylon would soon come to an end. Daniel was reading Jeremiah. Then, the penny dropped..."I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes." (Daniel 9:2-3)
He realized that the prophecy was going to be fulfilled very soon, so he rolled up his sleeves and got praying with all his might. But why? If he knew that God would do this anyway, why did he have to ask for it? Continue reading...


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ONE FOR ISRAEL, 47 Pinkas david St. POB 13401, Netanya, 42138 Israel

Your news from Israel - 12 December 2016 - The Jerusalem Journal


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In Israel, Ran Peker is a legend. During his military career, he fought in four of Israel's nation-changing wars. From the time he enlisted in 1954 until, as a Brigadier General, he left the IDF in 1984, Peker flew 350 missions - and shot down 7 enemy jets. READ MORE...


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The war in Syria is moving south, toward Jerusalem, and with an international coalition of stunning strength. That coalition includes the the first-ever Shiite army which is also a foreign legion. Expected to number 50-70,000, it is shifting the focus of soldiers from political and tribal allegiances to a single religious identity. READ MORE...


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In the 21st century, when threats develop over a period of years, the challenge is to keep the world from yawning. Speaking at the Saban Forum over the weekend, Israel's Prime Minister and Defense Minister emphasized ongoing threats to peace from Iran and the Palestinian Authority. READ MORE...


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The US-led coalition to liberate Mosul from ISIS has petered out. ISIS leaders and troops are strolling back into town without a fight. Meanwhile in Aleppo, ISIS is on the run from a Moscow-Tehran coalition. Why has the US op failed? And when Trump inherits the problem, Jerusalem wonders, will he turn the entire fight against Islamic State over to Putin, and by default Iran? READ MORE...
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Around the world, news agencies are finding it increasingly difficult to fund their operations. As a result, the quality of news, especially written news, is suffering. If you do not want to see this happen to news about Israel, from Israel, we need your help. 
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Our primary financial need is to pay those who write for us. Many do so at no charge. Even so, every laborer deserves to be paid. Inasmuch as we pay our reporters, we facilitate their lives in Israel, encourage them and insure more and better stories in the future.
There is also a need to go on location where stories are happening stories. Because we are already in the Middle East, we do not have to go far. Still, there is a cost in sending reporters to places "on the ground" where stories are happening. Partner with us in this work through your monthly donation.
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Jerusalem 91010

Revealing the Hidden Temple Vessels of Jerusalem - Video Manager BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Revealing the Hidden Temple Vessels of Jerusalem

In the latest video from the ARK Report project, Ark Expert Rabbi Harry H. Moskoff takes the viewer to three real sites where Temple treasures may have been buried, according to his theory.

Father Heroically Holds Son as They Plunge to Their Deaths - Israel Today

Father Heroically Holds Son as They Plunge to Their Deaths

Monday, December 12, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A grief-stricken nation on Monday laid to rest Dr. Omri Nir and his 10-year-old son, Ilai, who were tragically killed by a fall during a hiking trip in the Judean desert.
Omri and Ilai were part of a larger group including 15 other children that set out to hike the Tze’elim Stream near the Dead Sea on Friday.
During one of the descents, Ilai lost his footing and fell onto his father before continuing to roll toward a nearby cliff.
Omri did not hesitate and leapt for his son, wrapping Ilai in a protecting embrace before they plunged into the canyon below.
A medic with the group quickly descended and found Ilai still breathing. Omri was already gone.
Two days later, following frantic attempts to complete Omri’s mission to save his son’s life, doctors at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva were forced to declare Ilai dead.
“Now you will be together forever,” one family member was quoted as saying by Israeli media, as they prepared to lay to rest Omri and the child for whom he gave his life, little Ilai.
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