Monday, June 18, 2018

Israel Foils Mass-Casualty Attacks in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem; What’s Really Holding the Arab World Back from Progress - United with Israel

United with IsraelLargest Hospital in Northern Israel Prepares for War; The Land of Milk and Honey…and Beer! Hamas’ Fire Terror Persists, Israel Hits Back; The Miraculous Ethiopian Aliyah to Israel 
Israel Foils Hamas Mass-Casualty Attacks in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
REVEALED: What’s Holding the Arab World Back from Progress?
IDF Helps Christian Israeli-Arab Soldiers Serve Their Nation
Hamas’ Fire Terror Persists, Israel Hits Back 
WATCH: The Land of Milk and Honey…and Beer! 
Largest Hospital in Northern Israel Prepares for War 
WATCH: The Miraculous Ethiopian Aliyah to Israel, 3 Decades Later   
Fire Terror from Gaza Deals Massive Blow to Israeli Honey Industry 
WATCH: Israel Combats Desertification for a Better World 
Russia Celebrates ‘National Day’ for First Time in Jerusalem 
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PowerUp! A Sure Way to Gain Access to God's Ear | 6 Wonderful Weapons of Warfare You Can Use When the Battle Wears On | Your Spirit-Filled - SpiritLed Woman

SpiritLed Woman PowerUp!
Monday, June 18, 2018
A Sure Way to Gain Access to God's Ear

(Unsplash/Marina Vitale)
Waiting isn't a curse. It's a blessing. Patience is a gift from God. Your life would be so much more joyful if you learned how to wait with patience. King David said in Psalm 40:1-4:

I waited patiently for the Lord, and He turned to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet on a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our God; many will see it, and fear, and will trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man who places trust in the Lord.

Earlier he said: "Wait on the Lord; be strong, and may your heart be stout; wait on the Lord" (Ps. 27:14).

When you wait patiently on the Lord, you gain access to His ear. God hears the prayers of those who wait patiently for Him. When you wait on the Lord, He will come to your rescue. He will deliver you to safety. When you wait patiently on the Lord, your worship will go to a whole new level. When you wait patiently on the Lord, people will see what He has done for you. Your time of waiting will turn into a testimony, and all who witness your deliverance will come to fear and trust in the Lord. When you wait patiently on the Lord, you will be blessed, and your heart will be strengthened. Your patient waiting shows God that you trust Him with your whole life, and He rewards faith like that in big ways. Listen, you can't tell me that waiting on God isn't worth it.

Prepare your heart to begin to wait knowing that God is going to take care of you. Get ready to understand what it really means to trust God with your when.

As I have said before, we are all in the same boat when it comes to waiting. We all need something. We can also be in the same boat of victory, if we learn that waiting is always worth it. read more 

Daily Devotionals
More from SpiritLed Woman

6 Wonderful Weapons of Warfare You Can Use When the Battle Wears On
When we think of spiritual weapons, we tend to think only about the Word of God being our sword, but we tend to forget that Scripture gives us more defensive weapons to use. 

Your Spirit-Filled Response to the Shattering Sting of Betrayal
When we feel betrayed, rejected, disappointed and disillusioned, our response is very important.

When Setting Boundaries Is the Best Choice for Your Marriage
This is not about your happiness. 

Jesus comes to untie the ropes that are holding you back.
Finding Spirit-Led Significance in Your 50s and Beyond
Have you accepted the lie, agreed with the argument, that life is over and there is nothing left?
Walking in the Spirit podcast
Walking in the Spirit podcastGo deeper in your faith and ignite your walk with the Holy Spirit. Receive reflections and revelations on prophetic insights, spiritual warfare tools and practical advice for everyday Christian living. Each week, best-selling author Jennifer LeClaire encourages you and lights the fire placed within you to crave more of the Holy Spirit. Listen now
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Daily Praise ✡ "The Likes Of What We Heard We Have Now Witnessed" - Israel365

The likes of what we heard we have now witnessed in the city of God of hosts, in the city of our God— may Hashem preserve it forever!
Psalms 48:9 (The Israel Bible™)

אֲשֶׁר שָׁמַעְנוּ כֵּן רָאִינוּ בְּעִיר־יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת בְּעִיר אֱלֹהֵינוּ אֱלֹהִים יְכוֹנְנֶהָעַד־עוֹלָם
Hear the verse in Hebrew

ka-a-SHER sha-MA-nu KAYN ra-EE-nu b’-EER a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT b’-EER e-lo-HAY-nu
e-lo-HEEM y’-kho-n’-NE-ha 
ad O-lam

Daily Praise

In the times of the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple), a special psalm was sung by the Leviim(Levites) on each of the seven days of the week. In the absence of the Beit Hamikdash, Jews continue to say these daily Tehillim (Psalms) at the end of the morning prayers, in memory of the times when the Temple stood and in hopes of its redemption and restoration. About this psalm, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks writes, is “a hymn of praise to the beauty and endurance of Yerushalayim, the city that outlived all those who sought to conquer it.” 
Sing daily praise

70 Rows of Olive Trees for 70 Years of Israel's Independence


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About The Israel Bible: The Five Books of Moses Chalice Boettcher says, "For the scholar, it means everything to go back to the original language."

Next Tree Planting:July 8, 2018                                                     


Our Latest Olive Tree Donors

Todah Rabbah (thank you) to Russell & Julie Jenkins, Desiree Barnett, Tom & Deb Garrett


Planting and Praying in Israel's Biblical Heartland                     


Recent Holocaust Campaign Donors

Todah Rabbah (thank you) to William Herschman from the USA, Lillie Fowler from the USA, Yohana Meir-Chauval from New Zealand
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