Monday, July 24, 2017

"Your Love Awakens Me" - Transformation Church (TC) worship with KJ - Pastor Derwin Gray, Indian Land, South Carolina

"Your Love Awakens Me" - Transformation Church (TC)  Worship leader - KJ 

Pastor Derwin Gray
Hwy. 521 Indian Land, South Carolina

Screens shots from video (Steve Martin)

Published on Jul 23, 2017

"Your Love Awakens Me" - Transformation Church (TC) worship - Pastor Derwin Gray July 23, 2017

Worship leader - KJ

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

"Here It Comes! Your Time is Now!" by Anne Marie Molster - THE ELIJAH LIST

"Here It Comes! Your Time is Now!" 

by Anne Marie Molster - THE ELIJAH LIST

July 22, 2017

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzThe words "Here it Comes!" sure got my attention. "What is coming?" you might ask...well many of the things you've been longing for...

You'll be highly encouraged in this word by Anne Marie Molster as she shares:

Ready yourself in your spirit and be prepared in the natural to receive all that the Lord has in store for you! Many things are about to fall into divine alignment that will create an ease to settle over your life. He does not set us up for failure, but provides all that we need to have victory in Him. He will cause your life to become one that will draw others in as you carry His light where He leads you. You shall lack nothing in the natural because He has made you whole in the spirit!

Amen to that! -heartedly receive this word and all that God has in store for you!

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"Here It Comes! Your Time is Now!"
by Anne Marie Molster, Boonsboro, MD

Your Appointed Time is Upon You!

"For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." Habakkuk 2:3 

It is time to stand and be ready to do the things the Lord has placed within you. He is causing the words spoken to Jeremiah to echo in your spirit, beckoning you to stand – stand free of insecurity, free of doubt – full of confidence that He, the Lord, shall go with you.

You need not fear man and what they will say about you. 

The Lord God has placed a fire in your heart that burns to release the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth to all those He places in your path. 

He will fill your mouth with the words He desires you to speak, He will enable your hands to do the work He has called you to do, and He will strengthen you to walk in the confidence of the Lord! You need only to stay focused on His Word, His truth and His voice – all else will fall into place and anything that is not of Him shall fall away.

He Makes All Things Possible

God does not place a desire in you to fulfill His will so that you can simply put it aside out of concern that you are incapable in the eyes of others. He places that burning desire there so that nothing except doing exactly what He has asked you to do will satisfy your spirit. You long to please Him and Him alone. Because of this, He makes all things possible even when they seem impossible.

Ready yourself in your spirit and be prepared in the natural to receive all that the Lord has in store for you! 

Many things are about to fall into divine alignment that will create an ease to settle over your life. He does not set us up for failure, but provides all that we need to have victory in Him. He will cause your life to become one that will draw others in as you carry His light where He leads you. You shall lack nothing in the natural because He has made you whole in the spirit!

A Lifetime of Blessing

This is a walk of faith, but your Father in Heaven is faithful. He takes pleasure in blessing you in this lifetime. His favor is falling over you like a waterfall. He is pouring out His glory from Heaven so that you may share it with others. The changes He has made in you and your life will be recognized by many, and His grace upon your life will be undeniable, causing others to crave their own relationship with the King of kings.

On a recent morning, the Lord highlighted the Scriptures of Jeremiah 1 to me. I heard the voice of the Lord say, "Here it comes!" My spirit became excited – jumping within me – as the revelation that all of His preparation over the years, all of the trials we have had, all of the pain we have endured has brought us to this moment where He will be magnified as the One who provides and cares for those who love and serve Him.
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5 NLT)
"The Lord replied, 'Don't say, "I'm too young," for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don't be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!' Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, 'Look, I have put My words in your mouth!'" (Jeremiah 1:7-9 NLT)
"I Have Carried You Every Step of the Way"

On that morning the Lord continued to speak these words:
"Rise today in confidence that I knew you before I formed you long ago in your mother's womb for My purposes alone. I have carried you every step of the way. Although you have experienced painful circumstances and at times even trauma, I have hidden you in a place of safety in order that you would not be crushed – only pressed into a vessel made perfect to carry My glory.
 "You have reached your kairos time in which favor and blessing will pour upon you. You will be recognized by others as set apart for My purposes. Many will be drawn to you so that they may be given new hope in a life that has seemed hopeless to them. You shall reflect My light into their lives, so that they may see the beauty I am able to create from ashes.

"Do not be afraid when others do not receive you. For they will hear what you are saying and although they appear to not be listening, your message will echo in their spirits until it cannot be denied any longer. Your life is marked with My goodness and although it does not relieve you from difficulty and hardships, I have covered you in My grace and goodness so that you may always prevail in victory over all things.
"I am saying to you, 'Here it comes!' You will witness My power and favor come upon you like a tidal wave, bringing unbridled joy to your days! You have been faithful in your pursuit of Me, it is My time to give to you abundantly as you step into the plans I have for you! 
Mark My words, you will stand in awe of all that I have for you! HERE IT COMES!"
"Get up and prepare for action. Go out and tell them everything I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them, or I will make you look foolish in front of them. For see, today I have made you strong like a fortified city that cannot be captured, like an iron pillar or a bronze wall. You will stand against the whole land—the kings, officials, priests, and people of Judah. They will fight you, but they will fail. For I am with you, and I will take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken!" (Jeremiah 1:17-19 NLT) 

Anne Marie Molster

Anne Marie Molster is a prophetic writer who desires to share the heart of the Lord while encouraging others to step into the secret place that He has reserved just for them. She carries the gift of a seer who is given visions and dreams that speak into her life as well as the lives of others. By stepping into His presence, she is able to hear of His love for His children and His great plans for them, which she then shares through a written word. By sharing her encounters, she desires to bring others into a deeper relationship with the Lord, so that they understand that they too can hear His voice and experience a relationship that surpasses all others. She longs to help many step into the Kingdom to see all the amazing gifts He has prepared for each to enjoy.

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The truth about the Temple Mount crisis they aren't telling you - Israel Video Network

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This week a lot of people died in Israel. How did it all happen? What critical facts did the media leave out? And why do some headlines make it look like there's no moral difference between the victims and the attackers who killed them? We break down the events, the facts and the media failures.
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"Why don't you condemn terror?"

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Today's Start-up Nation feature - With more startups per-capita than anywhere else in the world, this is where the best and brightest meet.

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A Mystery Investor Has Made A 262 Million Dollar Bet That The Stock Market Will Crash By October - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 23 Jul 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

One mystery trader has made an extremely large bet that the stock market is going to crash by October, and if he is right he could potentially make up to 262 million dollars on the deal.  Fortunes were made and lost during the great financial crisis of 2008, and the same thing will happen again the next time we see a major stock market crash.  But will that stock market crash take place before 2017 is over?  

Without a doubt, we are in the midst of one of the largest stock market bubbles in U.S. history, and many prominent investors are loudly warning of an imminent stock market collapse.  It doesn’t take a genius to see that this stock market bubble is going to end very badly just like all of the other stock market bubbles throughout history have, but if you could know the precise timing that it will end you could set yourself up financially for the rest of your life.

I want to be very clear about the fact that I do not know what will or will not happen by the end of October.  But one mystery investor is extremely convinced that market volatility is going to increase over the next few months, and if he is correct he will make an astounding amount of money.  According to Business Insider, the following is how the trade was set up…
  • To fund it, the investor sold 262,000 VIX puts expiring in October, with a strike price of 12.
  • The trader then used those proceeds to buy a VIX 1×2 call spread, which involves buying 262,000 October contracts with a strike price of 15 and selling 524,000 October contracts with a strike price of 25.
  • For reference, bullish call spreads are used when a moderate rise in the underlying asset is expected. Traders buy call options at a specific strike price while selling the same number of calls of the same asset and expiration date at a higher strike.
  • In a perfect scenario, where the VIX hits but doesn’t exceed 25 before October expiration, the trader would see a whopping $262 million payout.
I will be watching to see what happens.  If this mystery investor is correct, it will essentially be like winning the lottery.

But just because he has made this wager does not mean that he has some special knowledge about what is going to happen.

For example, just look at what Ruffer LLP has been doing.  They are a $20 billion investment fund based in London, and they have been betting tens of millions of dollars on a stock market crash which has failed to materialize so far.  But even though they have lost so much money already, they continue to make extremely large bearish bets
As of earlier this week, Ruffer had spent $119 million this year betting on a stock market shock, $89 million of which had expired worthless, according to data compiled by Macro Risk Advisors. The investor has gradually amassed holdings of about 1 million VIX calls through three occasions so far in 2017, and each time a significant portion expired at a loss.
Blame a subdued VIX for the futility. The fear gauge was locked in a range of 10 to 14 for the first three months of 2017, and while it has since climbed to as high as 15.96, it has been stuck well below 14 since a single-day plunge of 26% nine days ago. Earlier this week, the index closed at its lowest level since February 2007.
But that doesn’t mean Ruffer is giving up. Already loaded up on May contracts, the firm has continued to buy cheap VIX calls expiring later in the year — wagers costing about 50 cents.
I can understand why Ruffer has been making these bets.  In a rational world, stocks would have already crashed long ago.

The only way that stock prices have been able to continue to rise is because of unprecedented intervention by global central banks.  They have been pumping trillions of dollars into the financial markets, and this has essentially completely destroyed normal market forces.  The following comes from David Stockman
The Fed and its crew of traveling central banks around the world have gutted honest price discovery entirely. They have turned global financial markets into outright gambling dens of unchecked speculation.
Central bank policies of massive quantitative easing (QE) and zero interest rates (ZIRP) have been sugar-coated in rhetoric about “stimulus”, “accommodation” and guiding economies toward optimal levels of inflation and full-employment.
The truth of the matter is far different. The combined $15 trillion of central bank balance sheet expansion since 2007 amounts to monetary fraud of epic proportions.
In the “bizarro world” that we are living in today, many companies are trading at prices that are more than 100 times earnings, and some companies are actually trading at prices that are more than 200 times earnings.

Stock prices have become completely and totally disconnected from economic reality.  As I discussed the other day, U.S. GDP has only risen at an average yearly rate of just 1.33 percent over the past 10 years, but meanwhile stock prices have been soaring into the stratosphere.

Nobody in their right mind can claim that makes any sense at all.  Just like in 2000, and just like in 2008, this absolutely ridiculous stock market bubble will have a horribly tragic ending as well.

Once again, I don’t know what the exact timing will be.  Stocks could start crashing tomorrow, but then the Swiss National Bank could swoop in and buy 4 million shares of Apple just like they did during the months of January, February and March earlier this year.

The biggest players in this ongoing charade are the global central banks.  If they decide to keep pumping trillions of dollars into global financial markets, they may be able to keep the bubble going for a little while longer.

But if at any point they decide to withdraw their artificial assistance, those that have placed huge bets against the market are going to make absolutely enormous piles of cash.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Entering Into Worship That Breaks the Bonds of Egypt - KENDALL SPIRITLED WOMAN CHARISMA NEWS

But there is a much deeper level of worship, one in which we are unable to express ourselves verbally or non-verbally—where we are utterly passive. (Pexels)

Entering Into Worship That Breaks the Bonds of Egypt

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Did you know there is a much deeper level of worship than what we can do? Admittedly, in response to the Holy Spirit our actions of praying, praising, listening, loving and obeying are part of worship. And there is nothing wrong with that. But there is a much deeper level of worship, one in which we are unable to express ourselves verbally or non-verbally—where we are utterly passive. The highest and most intensive worship takes place when we can do nothing but be amazed, when we are rendered helpless and speechless with wonder and gratitude, when we just sit back and watch God work. This is what Isaiah is talking about when he says, "For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength" (Is. 30:15).
In worship at this depth, we are kept from even saying "thank You." For, at the risk of being misunderstood, I am prepared to say that our gratitude sometimes gets in the way of praise. Gratitude can be an attempt to get the balance even again. Probably you have experienced on a human level something of what I am getting at. Someone does something for you, and you know very well that he or she wants you to be thankful, and you are, so you express your gratitude. You try to be extremely thankful so that this person will see how you really feel. Or you try to return the favor in some way. This gives you a feeling of satisfaction.
Have you ever been placed in a situation where there was nothing you could say or do? Someone did something immensely wonderful, and you weren't able to do anything except feel grateful? Or perhaps the person went away, and you wish you could find him or her to say how much you appreciated what was done. And maybe you felt frustrated, and some of your joy was taken away because it was not possible to express your gratitude. On the natural level, we always feel we must do something.
But Isaiah says that our salvation lies in the fact that we do nothing: "In returning and rest, you shall be saved." I did not say that we feel nothing, but that we do nothing. This, says Isaiah, is the best way to live—the way God wants us to live. It constitutes the greatest joy there is. And even though we are rendered helpless—as though we are just standing there with our mouth wide open—God sees how we feel and knows we are grateful.
Yet, though this is what God wanted, the people Isaiah was speaking to did not do this. It reads "... in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. Yet you were not willing" (Isa. 30:15, emphasis added). The people wanted "to do" instead. They said, "for we will flee on horses ... We will ride on swift horses" (v. 16). And that's the way so many of us are. We can't imagine getting satisfaction from anything but "doing." We must be always working, always on the go. We feel guilty if we are not on the move.
Isaiah 30:15 is set in the context of a solemn rebuke. The people of Israel thought they had better ideas than God on how to fight their battles—and they had actually turned to Egypt for help.
And it is at this point that Isaiah had the boldness to tell the people what God envisioned for them: "For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved" (v. 15a). Not in going to Egypt, but in just looking to God and relying on him. "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength" (v. 15b). All God asked for was the complete trust of the people. He wanted them to get their joy from seeing Him accomplish His Word. But they wouldn't have it.
Two Christian doctrines emerge here, the first of which is justification—being made righteous in God's sight—by faith alone. Romans 4:2 says "If Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God." And verse 5 says, "But to him who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness." So if any of us think we will go to heaven when we die because we've tried to live a good life and haven't done much wrong and haven't hurt anybody, then we must see that we are wrong and are at this moment on our way to hell. God does not justify us because of our actions or our words. Justification comes simply by trusting in what Jesus did on the cross.
The second doctrine concerns the living of the Christian life. Our Christian life must be lived without confidence in works. I don't mean it's to be lived without works, but it's to be lived without relying on what we do to get God's approval. We must not feel conscious of any good we are doing but must consider that what we are doing is nothing. As long as we are conscious of our works or derive our assurance from them—as long as we are so impertinent as to conclude that we are saved because we do good things—then we grieve the Spirit and cut ourselves off from the joy that can be ours just by trusting in His Word alone.
Isaiah very much wanted the people to enjoy hearing the voice of God. The way to do this is through rest! "In returning and rest you shall be saved." Hebrews 4:10 says, "For whoever enters His rest will also cease from his own works, as God did from His." And the key phrase here is, "from his own works." We need to stop feeling the need to be always on the go. We must stop getting our joy from "being involved." If we are frustrated and burnt out, then there is no trust. But when we cease from our own work and just do nothing—then we see that God likes us just the way we are—and that is when we worship!
Real worship is directed towards One who doesn't want anything from us for what He has done for us. There are no strings attached. God only wants us to trust Him. He wants us to experience the joy of doing nothing, nothing but resting on the fact that He loves us. God wants us just to look to Him and say, "Lord, I don't know how much I love You. But I know how much You love me." Rest on that and let God love you. Then you will stand in awe.
That's the way we are saved. That's the way we are to love. And that's what will bring true worship by the Holy Spirit.
worshipping god rt kendallAdapted from Worshipping God by R. T. Kendall, copyright 2017, published by Charisma House, Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. In this book Dr. Kendall explains why true worship is fuller and deeper than what most of us believe, and gives us understanding on what God really expects from us through worship. To order your copy, click on this link.
Prayer Power for the Week of July 23, 2017
This week, meditate on the truth of God's Word regarding salvation and what it means to your life here and now. Engage in all facets of praise and worship as you incorporate them into your prayer life. Continue to pray for worldwide revival, and ask the Lord to give you divine connections with those of like mind so you can join with them in praying for our nation, its allies, our servicemen and women, our government and spiritual leaders. Remember Israel and the persecuted church. Read Isaiah 30:15, Hebrews 4:10, Matt. 6:3, Galatians 2:20.
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