Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Abbas Tells Trump He Won't Stop Giving American Money to Terrorists - israel today

Aug. 29, 2017

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 EXCLUSIVE: 'I Will Not Hate You'
EXCLUSIVE: 'I Will Not Hate You'
Israel Today speaks to a doctor from Gaza who, despite losing everything, refuses to hate Israel
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 Abbas Tells Trump He Won't Stop Giving American Money to Terrorists
Abbas Tells Trump He Won't Stop Giving American Money to Terrorists
Palestinian leader strongly rejects American demands that he stop providing salaries to anti-Israel killers
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 Watch Israel's Newest Co-Ed Infantry Battalion Hold First Exercises
Watch Israel's Newest Co-Ed Infantry Battalion Hold First Exercises
Women in combat: Israel's newest co-ed infantry battalion, the Lions of the Jordan Valley, takes the field
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 Israel Likes the F-35 So Much, It's Buying 17 More
Israel Likes the F-35 So Much, It's Buying 17 More
By 2024, Israel will deploy a fleet of 50 advanced F-35 Joint Strike Fighters purchased from America
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Hurricane Harvey Has Dumped 15 Trillion Gallons Of Water On Texas And May Be The Most Expensive Natural Disaster In U.S. History - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 28 Aug 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Authorities are now telling us that Hurricane Harvey may end up causing more economic damage than even Hurricane Katrina did.  We already knew that some parts of southeast Texas are going to be “uninhabitable for an extended period of time”, but the latest forecasts are calling for about 10 more inches of total rain than had previously been projected. 

At this moment 15 trillion gallons of water have already been dumped on Texas, and the rain continues to fall.  You can get some idea of the devastation that has taken place in Houston by watching this drone footage.  Essentially, some communities along the southeast Texas coastline have been totally destroyed.

It would be bad enough if 15 trillion gallons of water were dropped anywhere in the continental United States, but for it to happen in the Houston area makes it a disaster of unprecedented proportions.  Houston is our fourth largest city, and that means that millions upon millions of people are being deeply affected by this storm.  As I mentioned above, some experts now believe that this could end up being the most expensive natural disaster in our history
Tropical Storm Harvey has dropped more than 15 trillion gallons of water on Texas, triggering catastrophic, unprecedented flooding in the Houston area. The rains have broken all-time records, exceeding the rainfall totals seen during Tropical Storm Allison in 2001.
There may be no parallel available to any other rainstorm in U.S. history, based on the number of people affected, amount of water involved, and other factors, meteorologists have warned.
Due to its wide geographic scope across America’s 4th-largest city, the ensuing flood disaster may rank as one of the most, if not the most, expensive natural disaster in U.S. history.
And 15 trillion gallons is just the current number.  Meteorologists are forecasting that another 6 trillion gallons of water will fall on Texas before this storm is over.

Just yesterday, authorities were warning that some areas may see more than 40 inches of total rain, but now many forecasts are calling for “as much as 50 inches of rain” before Hurricane Harvey finally leaves Texas…
As the water rose, the National Weather Service issued another ominous forecast: Before the storm is gone, some parts of Houston and its suburbs could get as much as 50 inches of rain. That would be the highest amount ever recorded in Texas.
FEMA’s Long predicted that the aftermath of the storm would require FEMA’s involvement for years.
“This disaster’s going to be a landmark event,” Long said.
If these forecasts are accurate, the rainfall levels will exceed any previous record.

In fact, the amount of rain that has already fallen on southeast Texas would be enough to completely fill the Great Salt Lake in Utah, and then fill it all the way to the top again.

FEMA officials are already saying that they are going to be in the Houston area for “years”.  Tens of thousands are already using temporary shelters, and it is being projected that 450,000 people will ultimately file for disaster assistance…
U.S. emergency management officials said on Monday they were expediting federal resources to Texas to help with rescue efforts after Hurricane Harvey swamped coastal areas of the state and forced 30,000 people to seek refuge in temporary shelters.
Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long said more than 450,000 people were expected to seek disaster assistance due to flooding after Harvey made landfall during the weekend before weakening to tropical storm status.
Of course whenever there is a disaster such as this, bad people are going to try to take advantage of the situation.

According to Houston police chief Art Acevedo, a number of looters have already been arrested
Acevedo also said officers are focused on protecting the city from looters as floodwater recede.
“We’ve already arrested a handful of looters. We’ve made it real clear to our community we’re going to do whatever it takes to protect their homes and their businesses,” Acevedo said. “And when people come from the outside to Houston, Texas, know we’re going to be out in the city, we’re not going to rest as a police department or law enforcement community until people restore their lives.”
I am proud of how the Trump administration and the authorities down in Texas are responding to this unprecedented crisis.  The loss of life appears to be minimal so far, and thousands of people have been rescued from their homes and vehicles.

We never give emergency responders the credit that they deserve.  Day after day they are saving lives in the most difficult of situations, and I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people that are working so hard to help Houston pull through this.

Please keep the people of Houston in your prayers, because this is truly the worst crisis that city has ever seen.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com.



Aug. 29, 2017

Greetings LoveMusic! listeners,

Don Moen is one of the best worship leaders in the Body of Christ, spanning several decades. We have featured his worship and praise songs several times on LoveMusic!, which has been enjoyed by many.

Be Magnified is such a beautiful worship song. Touching the Lord's heart certainly causes His Holy Spirit to in turn touch ours.

Thank you, Don, for leading us to the throne of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May His Name be continually magnified.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC

Charisma's Most Popular Videos and Podcasts of the Week! - Charisma Media

Charisma's Weekly Recap
Aug. 28, 2017
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