Wednesday, February 25, 2015

As Anti-Semitism Rages, Christians Stand with Israel

As Anti-Semitism Rages, Christians Stand with Israel

CBN News image
At a Washington conference on extremism last week, President Barack Obama claimed the world's terror threats were not rooted in Islam. He sees the issue as a law enforcement problem -- a battle with difficult rogues of all faiths, not a civilizational war.
The president told the conference hosted by the State Department, "The notion that the West is at war with Islam is an ugly lie, and all of us, regardless of our faith, have a responsibility to reject it."
But his remarks come as much of the globe is engulfed in a growing flood of hatred of Jews and persecution of Christians, a large portion of it coming from the Muslim world.
That includes terror groups such as ISIS, the founders of an Islamic empire, and Iran, whose leaders have preached the extermination of Israel for decades.
In addition, French President Francois Hollande visited a cemetery where Jewish graves, some hundreds of years old, had been defaced. He warned that acts of anti-Semitism there doubled in the past two years, with the number skyrocketing in 2015.
The most tragic were the murders in a kosher deli near Paris following the mass slayings at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper.
The murder of a Jewish man in Copenhagen; the January assassination in Argentina of prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was investigating Iranian connections to a bombing at a Jewish community center in 1994 that killed 85 people; and the killings of 21 Egyptian Christian Copts in Libya -- these are just a partial list of atrocities committed in 2015 against Jews and Christians by Muslim radicals.
Now, a new survey shows anti-Semitism is rampant on U.S. college campuses. Fifty-four percent of Jewish students say they saw acts of anti-Semitism at their colleges across the nation during the first six months of the 2013-2014 academic year. That's according to a study released by Trinity College and Brandeis University.
At another conference in Colorado, Christians and Jews heard a very different message from the one outlined by the president: to stand firm in the face of the growing persecution.
Wayne Hilsden, senior pastor at King of Kings Community in Jerusalem, spoke at a "Stand Firm for Israel Summit" hosted by Resurrection Fellowship in Loveland earlier this month.
He exhorted believers in Jesus to speak up on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people and to brace for fierce opposition.
Hilsden asked participants from more than a dozen nations and nearly two dozen states, "How many of you know that the more hatred comes against the Jewish people, those who stand with them in their time of trouble will also be hated?"
"We will also be slandered. We will also be lied against and falsely accused. It goes with the package," he said.
At the summit, Hilsden announced the launching of a new group called FIRM: the Fellowship of Israel-Related Ministries. The goal is for believers to learn from the book of Daniel -- to learn from the times we're in and to take a stand, regardless of what it costs -- and to do it in love.
"This is one of the most intimidating times in history, when the attacks of the enemy can spread like wildfire around the world, never eradicated," he cautioned. "And when we are attacked, we will be tempted to attack our accusers in return. But when we stand firm, let us be like Daniel and not return evil for evil; let us love our enemies."
Messianic Jewish leader Jonathan Bernis is president of Jewish Voice and a FIRM board member. He said fundamental Islam is the "carrier of the new anti-Semitism" and that Christians won't be spared in the spirtual battle that is upon us.
"I think the answer for the Muslim world is the same as the answer for the Jewish world, and His name is Yeshua -- Jesus," he told CBN News.
The leaders at the Colorado summit believe there is a special calling for young people, who respond better to calls of support for Israel and the Jewish people when they understand that the character of God's name is at stake.
"Because God's covenant is, endures forever. Because God's covenant is everlasting; because He's a faithful God. Because the calling and the gifts of God are irrevocable, that's why we stand with Israel," explained 22-year-old Michael Mistretta, one of the summit's Jerusalem-based organizers.

Are You Serious?! Bill Gates Said That About Israel?

Secrets about the Israeli Technology

Israel is one of the leading countries in the field of biotech research, standing side by side with the European nations and the US. This phenomenon is strange for a country that is in an area which isn't leading the field of academic research, and most of its population hasnt achieved more than basic education. So how did Israel become a technological oasis?

FREE Map of Israel ✡ "I Give To You For a Possession"

When you come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you for a possession.


כִּי תָבֹאוּ אֶל אֶרֶץ כְּנַעַן אֲשֶׁר אֲנִי נֹתֵן לָכֶם לַאֲחֻזָּה

ויקרא י’’ד:ל’’ד

kee ta-vo-u el e-retz k'-na-an a-sher a-nee no-tayn la-khem la-a-khu-za

Today's Israel Inspiration

You will often hear of the biblical lands of Judea & Samaria being referred to as the so-called “West Bank”, or the “occupied territories.” But, can Israel be an occupying power in its own land? We know that according to the Bible, Israel does not exist by the grace of the United Nations, but by the grace of God on the basis of an everlasting covenant to which the Lord swore a solemn oath. Learn more about the real story of the Land of Israel with a free pocket size booklet that includes 13 colorful maps!

Connect with Israel!

You're gonna love this awe-inspiring video showing the beauty of the Land with meaningful Biblical verses.

US Congressmen Stand With Bibi

With a week to go before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, two Republican representatives visited Israel last week to demonstrate their support of the Jewish state.

Purim Basket

A unique opportunity to send an Israel365 Purim basket to show solidarity with the People of Israel. We will be packing the baskets ourselves and distributing them to individuals or families of your choosing: to an IDF soldier, a family in need or a family living on the front lines in Judea and Samaria.

Today's Israel Photo

The city of Shechem in Judea & Samaria by Boruch Len. Shechem is first mentioned in Genesis 12:6 as Abraham's first stop in Israel. Later, Joseph was buried here. See also Psalms 60 and 108 for King David's mention of this city with strong roots in the Jewish nation.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's beautiful photo by Yehoshua Halevi featured Mount Hermon, the country’s highest point with a 2,814-meter peak. It served as the northern boundary of the Promised Land (Deut. 3:8).

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Elias Tavares from Sau Paolo, Brazil. Toda Raba!

“Thank You Rabbi Tuly for the Daily Beauty of Israel!”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thank you Rabbi Tuly for the daily beauty of Israel!  I look forward to it everyday. I was with the 3,000 who went to Israel in 2011 to support Israel with Glenn Beck. It changed my life. We are praying here in Williamsburg, Virginia for Israel daily. God bless you Sir.- Linda Riddle

I am a Christian in Ethiopia. Everyday when I pray, I pray for the people of Israel because my God is the God of Israel, the God of Abraham! We Ethiopian Christians love you, pray for you & your government. May your God ,the God of Abraham, Isaque and Jacobi  have mercy on you. Hailebirhan Getu Jemberu, Ethiopia
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries - Month of February report

Dear friends,
We are thankful for your commitment to Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries. This month we used your contribution to purchase some Bible story coloring books and workbooks. 

I am so excited to see our Shalom Today kids showing their interest in supporting Israel and praying for the peace of Jerusalem.  They even made a chart to show their solidarity with His Chosen People. 
This coming week, we have planned to open our free kids school and adult literacy center.  Please understand that we are in constant need of your prayers, and we truly appreciate them as well. 

Love and Blessing, 
Mr. Moses Julius