Friday, May 6, 2016

The Mother of Jewish Royalty ✡ "Built up the House of Israel" - ISRAEL365

May God make the woman who is coming into your house like Rachel and Leah,
both of whom built up the House of Israel.

יִתֵּן יְ-הוָה אֶת הָאִשָּׁה הַבָּאָה אֶל בֵּיתֶךָ כְּרָחֵל וּכְלֵאָה אֲשֶׁר בָּנוּ שְׁתֵּיהֶם אֶת בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל

רות ד:י’’א

yi-tayn a-do-nai et ha-i-sha ha-ba-a el bay-te-kha k'-ra-khayl u-kh'-lay-a a-sher
ba-nu sh'-tay-hem et bayt yis-ra-ayl

Shabbat Inspiration

The Book of Ruth tells the story of the Moabite princess Ruth, who, through great self-sacrifice, finds her way to the ultimate truth of the Torah. She becomes the 'mother of royalty,' the great-grandmother of King David, and the ultimate ancestress of the Messiah who will come from this royal lineage. This Mother’s Day, show your mother how much you love her and how much you love Israel by shopping the Israel365 store, filled with beautiful jewelry, inspiring books, and Dead Sea cosmetics and nourishing creams. Receive a printable Mother's Day card telling your mom her gift from Israel is on its way!

Treat Your Mom to a Dead Sea Spa

Pamper your mother with the natural wonders of the Holy Land! Treat her like a queen with these products made from the nourishing ingredients of the Dead Sea. This fantastic Mother’s Day bundle includes three Dead Sea Mineral items that are sure to rejuvenate that special woman in your life. Includes Canaan Nourishing Facial Cream, Sea of Spa - Dead Sea Intensive Protection Hand Cream, and Sea of Spa - Dead Sea Body Butter.


Postcard From Israel

Here are 2 minutes full of breathtaking reasons why you should book a flight to Israel!

Weekly Torah Portion: Holiness

This week's portion begins with an exhortation to “be holy.” The verses then outline how to achieve that holiness, and notably, most of the laws pertain to man’s interaction with his fellow. The focus on social law makes Judaism unique.

Today's Israel Photo

Yuval Shlomo's fantastic image of a Jerusalem home shows an artistic Star of David, 'Magen David', on its door.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Thank You for the Updates that Keep Us in Touch”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thank you for your updates that keep us in touch with what is happening in Israel. We have three groups that meet regularly to pray for Israel and its people... God bless you all from us Margaret New Zealand.

Thank you for the video clips, I have been to Israel twice (three months in all) and have traveled your stunning country extensively. I love  the land and the people. there is no other place in the world that can compare, I pray continually that your enemies will never gain a foothold in your land, You are God's people and if you turn to Him and trust in Him all will be as it should be. Please continue the good work and the sending of the videos. Have courage! Lay-la tov. Clive Holland. Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu Natal, Republic of South Africa
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Ameriggedon - We Have Lost Control (Day 1) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Ameriggedon - We Have Lost Control (Day 1) - The Jim Bakker Show

 Gary Heavin

Gary Heavin
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2990 | Aired on May 5, 2016

Galatians, Isaiah, Revelation
Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

The Next Employment Crisis Is Here: Job Cuts At U.S. Companies Jump 35 Percent In April - 2016 Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Layoffs - Public Domain

Posted: 05 May 2016 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Should we be alarmed that the number of job cuts announced by large U.S. companies was 35 percent higher in April than it was in March?  This is definitely a case where the trend is not our friend.  According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, U.S. firms announced 65,141 job cuts during April, which represented a massive 35 percent increase over the previous month.  And so far this year overall, job cut announcements are running 24 percent higher than for the exact same period in 2015. 

Meanwhile, on Thursday we learned that initial claims for unemployment benefits shot up dramatically last week.  In fact, the jump of 17,000 was the largest increase that we have seen in over a year.  Of course the U.S. economy has been slowing down for quite a while now, and many have been wondering when we would begin to see that slowdown reflected in the employment numbers.  Well, that day has now arrived.

At this point, U.S. firms are laying off people at a rate that we have not seen since the last financial crisis.  Here is what Zero Hedge had to say about these latest numbers…
While one can debate the veracity of the BLS’ seasonally adjusted data, one thing is certain: when a company announces it will layoff thousands, it will. So for all those who suggest that all is well with the US jobs picture based on initial claims reports, here is the latest report from Challenger according to which the pace of downsizing increased in April jumped by 35% to 65,141 during the month of April, from the 48,207 layoff announcements in March.
Looking further back, in the first four months of 2016, employers have announced a total of 250,061 planned job cuts, up 24% from the 201,796 job cuts tracked during the same period a year ago. This represents the highest January-April total since 2009, when the opening four months of the year saw 695,100 job cuts in the aftermath of the biggest financial crisis in modern history.
So what is causing this?

Why are firms laying off so many people all of a sudden?

My readers are very well aware of the pain that the energy industry is experiencing at the moment, but surprisingly it was not the energy industry that announced the most job cuts in April…
Computer firms announced 16,923 job cuts during the month; the highest total among all industries. That total includes 12,000 from chipmaker Intel, which is shifting away from the traditional desktop and laptop market and toward the mobile market. To date, computer firms have announced 33,925 job cuts, up 262 percent from a year ago, when job cuts in the sector totaled just 9,368 through the first four months of the year.
Yes, the U.S. energy industry has lost well over 100,000 good paying jobs since the beginning of last year, but the downturn is so much broader than that.  All over America corporate earnings are down, and when earnings fall it is inevitable that layoffs will follow.
As I have written about previously, earnings for companies listed on the S&P 500 have fallen a total of 18.5 percent from their peak in late 2014, and it was being projected that corporate earnings overall would be down 8.5 percent for the first quarter of 2016 compared to the same period a year ago.

And in the chart that I have posted below, you can see that corporate profits after tax have been falling precipitously since peaking in mid-2015…

corporate profits

As this new economic downturn intensifies, the layoffs will accelerate.

In plain English, that means that a whole lot more people will be losing their jobs.

Unfortunately, a very large percentage of Americans didn’t learn anything from the last crisis and are living on the financial edge.  In fact, the Federal Reserve says that 47 percent of all Americans cannot even pay an unexpected $400 emergency room bill without borrowing the money or selling something.

So just like back in 2008, we are going to see huge numbers of people unable to pay their bills when they lose their jobs.  Foreclosures are going to skyrocket, and lots and lots of families are going to be put out into the street.

This is why I have been preaching the importance of having an emergency fund for years.  It is absolutely imperative to have an emergency fund that can cover your bills for at least six months in the event that there is a job loss or some other sort of major disaster strikes.
If you have not done this already, you are probably already too late.

The cold, hard reality of the matter is that it would take most families quite a while to save up a six month emergency fund if they are starting from zero.

So if you are in this position and you lose your job, you may have to move in with family or friends when your money runs out.

I don’t mean to be cold, but this is the situation that we are facing.  The next employment crisis is already here, and it is going to get much, much worse.  No matter who becomes “the next president”, job cuts are going to accelerate and good jobs are going to become exceedingly difficult to find.

I am certainly not advocating that anyone give up.  If you still have a good job for the moment, tighten your belt and use this time to feverishly prepare the very best that you can.
Sadly, tens of millions of Americans believed that this bubble of false prosperity would keep on rolling, and so they wasted immense amounts of precious time and resources.  Now the day of reckoning is here, and vast numbers of our fellow citizens are going to discover the horror of being unprepared.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

What Happened When This Muslim Ruler Tried to Kill His Christian Daughter - BIBLES 4 MIDEAST CHARISMA NEWS

A Muslim ruler's daughter accepted Christ.

What Happened When This Muslim Ruler Tried to Kill His Christian Daughter

A Muslim ruler's daughter accepted Christ. (Flickr/Creative Commons)

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Najima* is the daughter of a Muslim ruler.
Since childhood, she was a strong believer of Islam. She compulsorily practiced Islam by reciting the Quran, doing namaz prayer five times every day, fasting in the month of Ramadan and giving zakat to the poor and needy.
After her school years, she went to a Western university for higher studies, though she never missed her regular practices of Islamic pillars.
One day, she found a tract in her table, in which she read, "For Jesus hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" (2 Cor. 5:21, NKJ).
The verse struck her.
"How can Jesus ... be sin for us?" she asked herself before throwing the tract away. But that verse came to her mind again as she went to bed that evening.
No matter how much she tried to forget that verse, it was projected in her mind again and again. She couldn't sleep.
Then she felt her room filled with light like day. From the light she heard a voice, "Daughter, you're a sinner. There is none righteous, no, not one: All are gone out of the way; they are together become unprofitable. But I came to take all of your sins. I did ransom for many. Believe Me and accept Me. I give you eternal life".
She understood it was the voice from Jesus Christ and she knelt down and accepted Him as her personal Savior and Lord.
She declared her faith to her friends first, then to her house.
When she told her family that she had become a Christian, her father and brothers exploded in a rage.
They stripped her naked and bound her to a chair fixed to a metal plate with which they wanted to electrocute her. She asked them to lay a Bible in her lap at least.
Her father responded, "If you want to die together with your false religion, so be it." One of her brothers added, "That will show that your religion is powerless."
Although they had bound her, she was able to touch a corner of the Bible. She felt a strange peace, as though someone were standing beside her. Her father and brothers pushed the plug into the socket—and nothing happened. They tried four times with various cables, but it was as though the electricity refused to flow.
Finally, her father, angry and frustrated, hit her and screamed, "You are no longer my daughter." Then he threw his daughter out into the street, naked. She ran through the streets, humiliated and in pain. Shaking and tearful, she ran to a friend. People looked at her, curious rather than shocked. Her friend let her in, clothed her and gave her shelter.
The next day, her friend asked neighbors what they had thought when they had seen a girl running naked through the streets.
"What are you talking about?" they responded.
"We saw a girl was running with a wonderful white dress like angels. We asked ourselves why someone so beautifully clothed had to run through the streets. Actually with her dress we felt she was flying."
God had hidden her nakedness from their eyes, clothing her in a beautiful white dress.
She became stronger in her Christian faith. But her father came to know where she was. Her mother and brothers went to see her and called her back. She did not go with them and told them that she would not lose her faith in Jesus Christ.
Then her father himself went there and took her back home by force. She is still under house arrest. Because of her change of faith, the ruler banned all other religious movements and activities in his region.
Recently two women missionaries of "Bibles for Mideast" visited Najima at her house. They wore veils and introduced themselves as Najima's classmates and got permission to see her. She was happy to see the missionary women. She prayed with them. She asked all the children of God around the world to pray for her. She asked prayers for her father, mother, brothers and sisters and all the Muslims of her country to experience the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Najima said to the women of Bibles for Mideast, "Lord Jesus Christ gave me freedom from sin and death. I experience that real freedom and peace in mind."
*Name has been changed for security reasons. 
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A drone just flew over Auschwitz and captured something incredibly powerful - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

On this day, we remember the loss of 6 million of our people. We remember this loss that so profoundly defines our past, our present and our future.

Especially today, and every Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, we resolve to remember this loss so that we may educate every future generation about this tragic chapter in our history.
We remember these darkest days of the Jewish people. We remember how faith and hope led to the creation of the Jewish homeland. We remember the paramount importance of protecting and defending Israel's existence. We resolve to never forget and to always proclaim "Never Again."
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"A Day of Destruction" ✡ Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day - ISRAEL365

A day of destruction and desolation, a day of blackness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness.

יוֹם שֹׁאָה וּמְשׁוֹאָה יוֹם חֹשֶׁךְ וַאֲפֵלָה יוֹם עָנָן וַעֲרָפֶל

צפניה א:ט’’ו

yom sho-a u-mi-sho-a yom kho-shekh va-a-fay la yom a-nan va-a-ra-fel

Yom HaShoah

Today marks Holocaust Remembrance Day, which in Hebrew is called "Yom HaShoah" and comes from our verse in Zephaniah describing the devastating destruction of Jerusalem. Yom HaShoah was established by the Knesset and coincides with the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, remembering not only the destruction of European Jewry, but recalling the heroic revolt. This summer, join Rabbi Tuly Weisz on a Tour of Remembrance to Poland, as we memorialize the six million who perished, and strengthen our commitment to God.

IDF Shares Stories of Survivors 

To commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, the IDF shares stories of the survivors and remembers the fallen.

Reinstating the Mitzvah That Brings The Third Temple Down From Heaven [PHOTOS]

At Passover's end, a group of Jews went out to a field in southern Israel and harvested a small quantity of barley for a purely Biblical purpose rarely fulfilled these days: to offer up the omer, or the wave offering, to God.

Provide Hot Meals for a Holocaust Survivor

Those who survived the Holocaust are inarguably some of the most resilient and inspiring people this world has ever known. Unfortunately, today, many elderly survivors do not receive enough provisions or the financial assistance required to meet their daily needs. Help sustain them in in their need. Donate $50 today and you can provide a week's worth of hot meals for one survivor.

Today's Israel Photo

Photo of the archaeological ruins on Mount Gerizim near Shechem/Nablus by David Rabkin.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robin Sussman in memory of her parents Sigmund and Barbara Beer.

“So Grateful for Technology!”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Dear friends, I live in the Far North of New Zealand which must be as far away from Israel as you can get so learning Hebrew is unusual. So grateful for technology! -Jacqui Malcolm

May God bless Israel , may His peace be upon the land and the people of Israel for ever. I visited the country 13 times, I learned the language to a good degree, all because God has put love in my heart for Israel and the Jewish people. I am originally from Serbia, but live in Canada. Am yisrael hi. Sarah Crnak
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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34 Nahal Ein Gedi Apt #17
Beit Shemesh 9909875

'The Armageddon Code': Is the Fulfillment of Prophecy of the Second Coming Imminent? - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

The Armageddon Code deals with the controversial subject of the Rapture.
The Armageddon Code deals with the controversial subject of the Rapture. (YouTube)

Strang Report, by Steven Strang, Founder of Charisma magazine
With impactful events taking place in the world these days, there seems to be a sense among many that something big is about to happen. The Middle East especially continues to be hotbed of activity, dating back to nearly 70 years ago when Israel became a nation. The last couple of years have seen the significant rise of the terrorist group ISIS in Syria.
Is it possible that these events are a setup for the prophecies spoken about in the Bible that we refer to as the "Second Coming?"
I grew up in the church with the teaching that the church would be raptured before the Second Coming. As teenager, I began to learn that many other Christians believed other theories about the Second Coming. It seems that, as time has passed, things have become more confused, especially when theologians and pastors talk about events and entities such as the Great Tribulation, the Millennium, the Antichrist, the mark of the Beast and the rapture itself—whether or not it is going to happen before or after the tribulation, or perhaps midway through.
To grapple with these topics, Charisma House released a new book this week called The Armageddon Code by New York City journalist Billy Hallowell, the faith and religion editor for The Blaze. He takes an arm's-length view of the various views of the Second Coming. He tries to explain these views to people who are usually confused by all the contradictions. The book also presents some research showing what Protestant ministers believe about the Second Coming. The results were surprising.
I had the privilege of interviewing Billy Hallowell on The Strang Report podcast, which will be online in a few days. We talked about how the book is being released this week in what they call "a thunder clap," in which 136 people sent out information about the book at the same time to a combined total of more than 2 million people. It helps to draw attention to this important book.
We also talked about the study conducted by Lifeway Research in which 1,000 pastors, drawn randomly from the population, revealed what they believe. The greatest group—36 percent—believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. The next largest group—25 percent—believe that the rapture is not be taken literally. Most of these pastors come from what we would call more liberal segments of the church. Interestingly, 73 percent of Pentecostal pastors believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. Yet I remember when I was a child nearly all Pentecostals would have believed it.
One chapter of the book deals with questions surrounding the Antichrist:
  • Exactly who is he and what will his personality be like?
  • Where will he come from?
  • When will he arrive on the scene?:
Interest in the end times is at an all-time high. But what does the Bible really say about what will happen and when? Why are there so many different viewpoints among Christians, and are any of them right? With questions like these, it's no wonder that the subject of the end times creates confusion, doubt and anxiety for many people today.
I encourage you to pick up a copy of The Armageddon Code wherever Christian books are sold or online. There is so much more information that I can go into in this short newsletter, but click here to order the book or find out more information about it.
Hallowell also interviews "experts" on end-time prophecy and what they believe. He conducted interviews with Greg Laurie, Tim LaHaye, Joel C. Rosenberg and even Hank Hanegraaff on what they believe. He lays it all out for the readers and allows the readers to decide for themselves.
I am finding the book fascinating reading, the topic is fascinating, and I encourage you to let me know what you think about end-time prophecy by leaving your comments below. 
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma and CEO of Charisma Media. Follow him onTwitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and hereto sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Never Again, Never Forget: On Holocaust Remembrance Day, here are four true heroes to remember.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Never Again, Never Forget: On Holocaust Remembrance Day, here are four true heroes to remember. Who will be the heroes of our time, standing against evil & genocide?

by joelcrosenberg
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. -- Santayana
Today is Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Here in Israel, the sirens will sound at precisely 10am. Every car, truck, bus and taxi cab will pull to a stop. Every worker will lay down his tools. Every classroom will fall silent. Every Jewish Israeli, regardless of what he or she is doing, will stand at attention, listen to the wail of the sirens, and remember those who were ruthless sent to the gas chamber, simply because they were Jews.
How will you remember the Holocaust today? How will you teach your children about the most horrific attempt to exterminate a single people group in the history of mankind?
I encourage you to make time today to remember the six million Jews -- including 1.5 million children -- were systematically murdered by Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. Read the stories below. Share them on social media. Visit a Holocaust Museum. Watch Schindler's List or one of the other great films about what happened. Read Elie Wiesel's Night. Better yet, find a survivor -- or the son or daughter of a survivor -- and ask them to share their story with you and your family.
Let us honor their memories, and pledge ourselves never to forget them. In so doing, let us pledge to never allow such evil to happen again.
This is not just a time for Jews to remember, or the world to remember the Jews. This is a day for all of mankind to take a decisive stand against evil and against genocide in our time. This is especially critical in the face of the continuing Iranian nuclear threat and the apocalyptic regime in Tehran's repeated vows to annihilate the U.S. and the State of Israel. It is also critical in the light of the genocidal rampage against Muslims, Christians and Yazidis that the apocalyptic leaders of the Islamic State are engaged.
My hope and prayer this year is that in addition to remembering those who died in the “Shoah” (the Holocaust), we will also remember those who lived -- especially four extraordinary heroes who actually escaped from Auschwitz in the spring of 1944 not only to save their own lives but to tell the world the truth about what the Nazis were doing.
I first learned about these men and their extraordinary courage and selflessness upon visiting the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland in 2011. Their stories intrigued me. Indeed, they inspired me to write the novel, The Auschwitz Escape.
Their names are:
  • Rudolf Vrba
  • Alfred Wetzler
  • Arnost Rosin
  • Czeslaw Mordowicz
In 2014, I wrote a column specifically sketching out their dramatic saga, based on the research I did for the book, including meeting with some of the world's leading Holocaust scholars at Yad Vashem here in Israel. I hope you’ll take a moment to read the whole column, and then share it with others.
They are worth remembering. They are worth emulating. Indeed, as darkness falls once again in the epicenter and around the world, may their tribe increase.
joelcrosenberg | May 5, 2016 at 5:51 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: