Thursday, September 15, 2016

More Jobs Shipped Out Of The Country: Ford Moves All Small Car Production To Mexico - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 14 Sep 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

What is going to happen when America finally doesn’t have any manufacturing jobs left at all?  On Wednesday, we learned that Ford Motor Company is shifting all small car production to Mexico.  Of course the primary goal for this move is to save a little bit of money.  This hits me personally, because my grandfather once worked for Ford.  He was loyal to Ford all his life, and he always criticized other members of the family when they bought a vehicle that was not American-made. 

When I was young I didn’t understand why making vehicles in America is so important, but I sure do now.  By shipping jobs overseas, we are destroying jobs, we are destroying small businesses and we are destroying our tax base.  If we want to be a wealthy nation, we have got to make things here, and hopefully we can get the American people to start to understand this.

In 1914, Henry Ford decided to start paying his workers $5.00 a day, which was more than double the average wage for auto workers at the time.

One of the reasons why he did this was because he felt that his workers should be able to afford to buy the vehicles that they were making.  This is what he wrote in 1926
“The owner, the employees, and the buying public are all one and the same, and unless an industry can so manage itself as to keep wages high and prices low it destroys itself, for otherwise it limits the number of its customers. One’s own employees ought to be one’s own best customers.”
These days Ford is going in the complete opposite direction.  Pretty soon, Ford won’t be making any more small vehicles in the United States at all
Ford is shifting all North American small-car production from the U.S. to Mexico, CEO Mark Fields told investors today in Dearborn, even though its plans to invest in Mexico have become a lightning rod for controversy in this year’s presidential election.
Over the next two to three years, we will have migrated all of our small-car production to Mexico and out of the United States,” Fields said.
Could Ford keep jobs in America?

Of course they could.  During the second quarter of 2016, Ford reported a net income of 2,000,000,000 dollars.

But if they move production to Mexico they can boost that profit just a little bit higher.
Shame on them.

Needless to say, Donald Trump is quite upset about this move by Ford.  This was his response
“We shouldn’t allow it to happen. They’ll make their cars, they’ll employ thousands of people, not from this country and they’ll sell their car across the border,” Trump said. “When we send our jobs out of Michigan, we’re also sending our tax base.”
And he is exactly right about all of this.  We can’t afford to lose more good paying jobs, we can’t afford for the middle class to shrink any more than it already has, and we certainly can’t afford our tax base to continue to deteriorate.

We may think that we can live on borrowed money indefinitely, but that is going to catch up with us in a major way at some point.

Sadly, Ford is not the only auto company doing this.  Just like Ross Perot once predicted, there is a giant sucking sound as good paying auto jobs leave the United States and head to Mexico
Ford isn’t alone. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles said earlier this year it will end production of all cars in the U.S. by the end of this year as it discontinues production of the Dodge Dart in Belvidere, Ill. and the Chrysler 200 in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
In recent years, automakers that include General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, Mazda, Toyota and Volkswagen have all announced plans to either expand existing plants or build new ones in Mexico.
The bad news for American workers won’t end once all of our manufacturing jobs are gone.
Today there are millions of Americans that make their living by driving, but the revolution in self-driving vehicles threatens to make large numbers of those jobs obsolete.

Ford, General Motors, Tesla, Google, Apple and a whole host of other big corporations have been feverishly working on this technology, and many of the tests have gone very well so far.
Once this technology starts being rolled out on a widespread basis, the job losses could be absolutely staggering.  Just consider the following numbers which come from Wolf Richter
  • 1.8 million heavy-truck and tractor-trailer long-haul drivers in 2014, expected to grow 4% a year (BLS), with a median pay of $40,260 in 2015. At this growth rate, there will be 1.94 million long-haul drivers by the end of this year.
  • 1.33 million delivery truck drivers in 2014, expected to grow 4% a year (BLS), with a median pay of $27,800 in 2015. They’re picking up and/or delivering packages and small shipments within the city or region, driving a vehicle of 26,000 pounds or less, usually between a distribution center and businesses or households. At this growth rate, there will be 1.44 million drivers by the end of this year.
  • 233,700 taxi drivers and chauffeurs in 2014, growing at 13% annually (BLS). They earned a median pay of $23,510 in 2015. One in five worked part time. This doesn’t – or doesn’t fully – reflect the “rideshare” drivers working for Uber, Lyft, and the like.
  • “Over 500,000” rideshare drivers are estimated to ply the trade in the US. It’s a high-growth sector: the number of Uber drivers in the US doubled in 2015 from the prior year to 327,000. Half of them worked 15 hours or less per week.
In order to have a thriving middle class, we have got to have middle class jobs.

Unfortunately, big corporations have become absolutely obsessed with finding ways to eliminate expensive American workers by sending jobs overseas or by replacing them with technology altogether.

The elite will always need people to cut their hair and wait on them at restaurants, but those aren’t the kinds of jobs that can support middle class families.

As I noted yesterday, for the first time ever the middle class in America has become a minority and poverty is on the rise all over the nation.  The long-term trends that are eviscerating the middle class are accelerating, and there doesn’t appear to be any quick fix which will turn things around dramatically any time soon.

So the middle class is going to get smaller and smaller and smaller, and that has dramatic implications for the future of this country.

IDF Breaks Ground on Massive, High-Tech Underground Gaza Wall - Abra Forman BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

IDF Breaks Ground on Massive, High-Tech Underground Gaza Wall

“And he took courage, and built up all the wall that was broken down, and raised it up to the towers, and another wall without, and strengthened Millo in the city of David, and made weapons and shields in abundance.” II Chronicles 32:5 (The Israel Bible™)
The IDF has begun construction on a massive, $600 million underground wall along the Israel-Gaza border intended to halt Hamas terror tunnels used to launch attacks and funnel weapons.
The wall, which will run the length of Israel’s 60-kilometer border with the Gaza Strip, will reach to a depth of several dozen meters, said IDF officials. The concrete barrier will also stretch above-ground.
The wall is the largest engineering project ever to be carried out by the IDF engineering corps, said General Gazi Eizenkot, IDF Chief of Staff.
Israel broke ground for the first portion of the new barrier along northern Gaza, near the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, which comprises a cluster of Israeli communities living under the constant threat of infiltration from terrorists burrowing underneath the nearby border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.
High-tech detection systems and sensors incorporated into the thick concrete wall will represent an additional barrier to terrorists.
Support the IDF Today
The IDF first proposed the wall in 2014, following Operation Protective Edge, a conflict with Hamas which saw terrorists entering Israel using a network of underground tunnels reaching from Gaza into Israel.
Over 30 tunnels were then discovered and destroyed. Since then, IDF forces have uncovered another two tunnels. Hamas has continued to dig new underground passages unabatedly.
Earlier in the year, residents in southern Israeli towns bordering Gaza began complaining of hearing the sounds of tunnels being dug underneath their homes, prompting a renewed call for IDF action. In February, Prime Minister Netanyahu vowed to construct a barrier in order to “defend ourselves against wild beasts.”
The Defense Ministry approved the budget for the project, which will total 2 billion NIS and take several years to complete, in July.

North Carolina's Lt. Governor Just Gave an Epic Response to the NCAA - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Dan Forest
North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forest gave an epic response to the NCAA's decision to pull several championship sporting events from his state as a result of a law that prohibits opposite-sex use of private facilities, like bathrooms. (Video Screenshot Image)


Editor's Note From Love For His People: My family lives in North Carolina. We have for the past 22 years. I am glad we still stand for righteousness, truth, and God's Word. All of these are more important than money. 

Thank you North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory and  Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, and all who stand strong.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

North Carolina's Lt. Governor Just Gave an Epic Response to the NCAA


The NCAA became the latest sports organization to pull events out of the state of North Carolina following its decision to ban opposite-sex use of bathrooms, showers and locker rooms.
As a result of the "controversial" House Bill 2, the NCAA yanked seven championship tournament events across several sports, including several 2017 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament games slated for Greensboro next spring, from the state. The decision applies only for the 2016-17 academic year.
But Lt. Gov. Dan Forest offered an epic response:
The NCAA's action sends a message to every female athlete and female fan attending their events that their privacy and security in a bathroom, shower or locker room isn't worth the price of a ticket to a ballgame.
We have seen the NCAA's attitude toward women before when they stood by and did nothing during the rapes at Baylor. For years, we've seen the NBA turn a blind eye toward women victims of domestic abuse at the hands of their star players.
Why should we be surprised now at the NCAA continuing this pattern of discrimination and degradation of women? The line has now been drawn in the sand, first by Hollywood, now by the NBA and NCAA, either accept their 'progressive sexual agenda' or pay the price.
North Carolina will not play that game. We value our women too much to put a price tag on their heads.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Editor's Note From Love For His People: My family lives in North Carolina. We have for the past 22 years. I am glad we still stand for righteousness, truth, and God's Word. All of these are more important than money. 

Thank you North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory and  Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, and all who stand strong.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

The Shared Hope of Reconciliation and Restoration in the End Times - ARIEL BLUMENTHAL/REVIVE ISRAEL CHARISMA NEWS

The Global Gathering in Munich, Germany, in 2015
The Global Gathering in Munich, Germany, in 2015 (YouTube)

The Shared Hope of Reconciliation and Restoration in the End Times

Standing With Israel
The Bible has a lot to say about the resurrection from the dead—both Yeshua's and ours—at the end of the age.
To bring the dead to life in full glory is something the whole creation is yearning for (Rom. 8:18-23). We will be raised in a resurrection body that is as different from this one as the fully mature wheat plant is so much more "glorious" than a simple grain of wheat.
This new, heavenly body is imperishable, glorious, powerful and spiritual. Yeshua Himself is the resurrection. He is God's "firstfruits of the harvest from the dead" (John 11:25; 1 Cor. 15:23-44).
What could possibly be compared to this incredible hope, this awesome power that is at the core of our faith? What would it mean to say that something is actually like the resurrection from the dead?
Actually, there is one place in Scripture where such a comparison is made, as it describes the restoration of gospel faith among the Jewish people.
Life From the Dead
In Romans 11:12 and 11:15, the apostle Paul essentially says the same thing two different ways. The majority rejection of Yeshua by the Jewish people in the first century is described as "transgression," "failure" and "rejection." But in the mystery of God's plan, because of His covenant faithfulness, even this terrible hardening and judgment of Israel results in amazing "riches" and "reconciliation" for the nations (Gentiles).
Then, as Paul looks into a prophetic time tunnel toward the end of the age, foreseeing the time of Israel's restoration and "acceptance," he declares that this can only signal a "how much more" period of riches and reconciliation for the world that is–in its awesome power and drama—akin to "life from the dead," a kind of resurrection!
Beloved, this is exactly what we have been experiencing. As Israel—the Jewish nation—has been gradually restored over the last 130 years, both physically and spiritually through the gospel of Yeshua, we have witnessed the greatest expansion of worldwide Christianity since the first century. Missions, church growth, Bible translations and various prayer movements have been expanding at an exponential rate. All of this is the how much more of verses 12 and 15.
We Live in an Amazing Time of Restoration
Over the last several years in the Gathering movement, we have been experiencing this special grace for "the reconciliation of the world." As Asher Intrater has written over the last two weeks (Part 1Part 2), this has even come to touch very deep issues in the 4,000-year-old relational dynamics within the Abrahamic family in the Middle East. Last week, he and I and several others from Israel went to London to spend three days in worship, prayer and fellowship with many leaders, especially from Egypt. Our focus was not on reconciliation, but on coming together to worship the King. But as we did so, the Spirit moved powerfully, especially among the youth, to bring us to yet a deeper place of reconciliation, unity and a sense of shared destiny (Eph. 3:6).
Only a few years ago, if you had told me that we would have such meetings with so many Egyptian leaders, and that together the Holy Spirit would lead us into prophetically removing strongholds that have plagued our peoples and region for thousands of years, even from the time of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac, I would have said you were crazy! But it is happening!
We are living in this amazing time of the restoration (and reconciliation!) of all things spoken about by the holy prophets (Acts 3:21), like Isaiah's promise for Egypt, Assyria and Israel, as it begins to be fulfilled through a remnant from each nation (Is. 19:23-25).
All of this is a kind of "warm up" for the next Global Gathering that will take place in Jerusalem Nov. 7-11. We expect to see several thousand from the Far East, many hundreds from the Middle East, and many more from around the world as we gather at the Jerusalem Arena.
As in every gathering, our focus will be to joyfully worship Him in song, dance and proclamations. How exactly will the Holy Spirit lead? We don't know, but we are full of expectation, and we invite you to come and join. For more information about this next Gathering, click HERE
For the original article, visit
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Reclaiming the High Places for the God of Israel - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

Reclaiming the High Places for the God of Israel

Thursday, September 15, 2016 |  
Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
“Why do you always feel you have to climb mountains?” my wife Linda asked me with a note of exasperation on our recent visit to see friends in Wales.
I avoided the standard answer, “Because they are there!” since, for me, that isn’t the reason; I am not looking to conquer Everest or anything like that, although I did scale the 10,000ft escarpment of the mighty Drakensberg range in South Africa when I was a teenager.
So, as I scrambled up the steep slopes of Cwmcarn in South Wales, I got thinking. And I concluded that it must be a spiritual quest to draw closer to God. It’s so exhilarating to get away from all the noise and clatter of daily life, breathe fresh clean air into your lungs and commune with the Lord about your concerns.
And I found myself reading with fresh insight about the transfiguration of Jesus – how he took his closest friends up a mountain to share in the mighty revelation of who he was. Yes, those who seek a closer walk with God will share in a greater revelation of his power. You will know, for sure, that he is the Son of God – and that you should “listen to him!” (Matthew 17.5)
A true mountaintop experience awaits those who witness the grandeur of our mighty Creator and hear his “still, small voice” just as Elijah did on Mt Horeb (1 Kings 19.12) and as Moses did on Mt Sinai, where he was instructed to write down the Ten Commandments. And in the Sermon on the Mount (of Beatitudes, above Capernaum), Jesus expanded on this with the most sublime teaching ever known as he showed that he had come, not to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it. Indeed, had Jesus appeared on the mountain with Moses and Elijah to emphasize this very point: that he had come to fulfill both the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah)?
God’s words are heard most clearly on the mountaintop. That’s why there’s an ongoing battle for the high places, both in the physical and spiritual realm. Thus the Golan Heights are strategically vital for Israel’s security. We also saw how Elijah, through his courage and confidence in God, defeated the false prophets on Mt Carmel. And there is an ongoing battle over Jerusalem – also known as Mt Zion – as evil schemes multiply against the city God calls his own.
Through our prayer and proclamation, we need to recapture the high places for the God of Israel, paving the way, in the spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist, for the return of the Messiah.
I’ll never forget an experience some 35 years ago when, on one of my mountain walkabouts, I gazed intently across the valley at a large cross erected on the hilltop as part of an Easter message. 
It was dusk, the cross was lit up, and I found myself focusing my attention on the symbol, meditating on its meaning, when all of a sudden I was surrounded by a bright light. I checked to see if it might have been car headlights, but there was no-one about. It was an awesome, yet frightening moment as I felt the presence of God. I guess it was a little taste of what those three disciples felt on the Mount of Transfiguration. Matthew wrote that they were “terrified”. It’s not the sort of experience that is supposed to make us feel important, but to humble us, which is why the Master told them: “Don’t be afraid.”
On another occasion around that time, I was contemplating the launch of an evangelistic newspaper when, as I got to the top of a hill, I was stunned by the view before me. But the Lord dropped the words of Isaiah into my mind: “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news…who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” (Isa 52.7) Yes, an evangelist’s feet are more beautiful even than the mountains and valleys of our Creator! (The paper still circulates around the UK, and has won many to the Lord.)
And whereas the giving of the Law on Mt Sinai came amidst a terrifying spectacle of fire and shaking, the prophet Haggai wrote that a time would come when God would once more shake all nations (again preparing for the return of Messiah – see Haggai 2.6f) so that, as explained in Hebrews 12.27, what cannot be shaken will remain.
Talking of high places and what cannot be shaken, witness the amazing testimony of Stanley Praimnath, the only known survivor from the impact zone at New York’s World Trade Centre towers on September 11 2001.
As United Airlines 175 was about to strike Tower 2 in front of his very eyes, Stanley cried out to God and dived under his desk as part of the wing sliced through his 81st floor office. Everything was smashed except his desk which, with his Bible on top of it, provided him temporary cover before making his incredible escape. Within an hour, the 110-storey building collapsed, as its twin had done, leaving 3,000 dead and the iconic Manhattan skyline covered in smoke and dust.
Stanley’s riveting tale is chronicled in Plucked from the Fire (Rosedog Books) co-authored with William Hennessey.
“My survival is all about God and his grace, because I’m not a hero,” he says. “The Lord is the hero. If you call on Him with all your heart and soul, he will intervene on your behalf and deliver you.”
For him, 9/11 can also now be seen in a positive light as 91.1 – in other words, Psalm 91, verse 1, which says: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
I am particularly moved by the picture of the Bible on Stanley’s desk. As that massive skyscraper shook and collapsed from a blazing furnace, God’s Word remained – and saved its owner.
Speaking of the end times, Jesus said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (Matthew 24.35)
Why not climb that mountain and seek the Lord? You will surely hear his still, small voice.

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

NEW VIDEO: Debunking Planned Parenthood myth - Lila Rose LIVE ACTION

As Planned Parenthood spends $30 million* to influence the upcoming elections and our country’s political leaders, we are launching a brand new video today exposing one of the key myths America's largest abortion chain tells about its business.

To justify its half billion dollars in taxpayer funding, Planned Parenthood downplays abortion — falsely claiming that abortion only makes up three percent of its business — and instead plays up its cancer screenings and “women’s health care.”  
However, Planned Parenthood’s own numbers prove its real priority is abortion. Planned Parenthood's own reporting shows it doesn’t perform a single mammogram, and it performs less than two percent of all women’s cancer screenings in the United States! Yet Planned Parenthood commits over 30 percent of America’s abortions - 887 abortions a day; over 320,000 abortions a year.
With your help, millions more Americans will be exposed to the truth, and we will continue to build public pressure to end the half billion dollars in taxpayer subsidies Planned Parenthood receives every year.  
Please share the video today.  Let’s prove that Planned Parenthood’s millions of dollars are no match for the millions of voices speaking up for the most vulnerable among us, our precious preborn children.
In the fight for life,
Lila Rose

 Lila Rose
 Live Action

* "Inside Planned Parenthood's $30 Million Campaign For 2016," Huffington Post, May 16, 2016.
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'I Needed Peace, He Was There.' Iranian Prisoner Finds Jesus Before Execution - CBN News Benjamin Gill

'I Needed Peace, He Was There.' Iranian Prisoner Finds Jesus Before Execution
CBN News Benjamin Gill
A prisoner who was executed recently by Iran wanted the world to know he became a follower of Jesus Christ while in prison.
Alireza Asadi had been convicted on charges of drug trafficking. After a year in prison, he told his brother he had become a Christian.
Before his execution on August 27, Alireza had asked his brother Mohsen to tell the world about his newfound faith in Christ.
Mohsen told the Farsi Christian News Network about when he first found out his brother had become a believer.
"One day, Alireza called and said, 'I came to Jesus and accepted Him as my Lord!'" Mohsen recalled.
"At that time it had been about one year since Alireza had been in prison, but he said he felt like a free man. He explained to us how he had forgiven everyone and reached a kind of peace that you could only experience with Christ. In prison, he talked about Jesus to his fellow prisoners, and they gathered together and prayed," he said.
Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who had once been held hostage for his faith by the Iranian regime, shared on Facebook a translation of Alireza's final conversation with his brother.
In that conversation Alireza talked about a Christian prisoner who had shared with him.
"I truly believe that there is a new season starting for me. And this new season is much, much more pleasant than the worldly life," he said. "I can finally be in peace. I don't have any stress or bad feelings and everything goes well with me."
Alireza went on to tell Mohsen that some of his old drug friends were in prison with him, and he had shared his faith with them.
"For many of you it was a question if I am a Christian or not. But now I say that I am a Christian. And now I have 1 or 2 days till I will die. And I hope it will never happen to you guys," Alireza recalls telling his friends.
"During these moments you forgive all the bad that has happened to you. But the most I want tell you is the best experience that I had. And that was meeting Jesus. And I don't want to force you guys, but please start to get to know Him. If you just read 2 sentences from the Bible, you will never leave it again," he told them.
Alireza said he had hoped to get out of prison to start preaching, but told his brother to spread the word of his salvation since he was about to be executed.
"When I ended up here in prison I realized that God is the true God. I wanted God to show himself to me," Alireza recalled. "He was there when I needed him. I needed peace, He was there."
"I lost many friends, but I know that I could find my comfort in Him. And when I commanded the devil to leave, I saw that the evil didn't dare to come near me anymore. I felt and saw that the name of Christ is the name above all names and that the enemy doesn't have any authority over me anymore," he said.