Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Speaking in Arabic, Druze Diplomat Scolds Anti-Israel UN Assembly - Israel Today

Speaking in  Arabic, Druze Diplomat Scolds Anti-Israel UN Assembly

Wednesday, December 28, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Nizar Amer, Israel’s Counselor for Economic and Social Affairs at the UN, laid into Syria’s representative for accusing Israel of human rights violations.
Amer noted the hypocrisy of such an accusation coming from a member of the Syrian regime, which has killed well over 100,000 of its own citizens in recent years.
He, as an Arabic-speaking citizen of Israel, went on to note that minorities live very well in the Jewish state.
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Circle January 15th: 70 Nations Will Gather In Paris To Discuss The Creation Of A Palestinian State - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 27 Dec 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

On January 15th, representatives from 70 different countries will gather in Paris, France for an unprecedented global conference.  The stated goal of this conference is to promote a “two-state solution” as the way that lasting peace will be brought to the Middle East.  In Israel, there is a tremendous amount of concern that whatever is agreed upon at this conference will immediately be used as the basis for a UN Security Council resolution that would permanently divide the land of Israel and create a Palestinian state.  

But things would have to move very rapidly in order for that to happen, because Barack Obama’s time in the White House comes to an end on January 20th, and Donald Trump has already made it exceedingly clear that he would never support such a resolution.

The UN Security Council resolution that was passed on Friday was one of the most significant events that we have witnessed in decades.  Resolution 2334 made all Israeli settlements in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem illegal, it set the 1967 ceasefire lines as the border between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and it granted every single inch of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians.  But it stopped short of giving official UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state, and that is why this conference on January 15th is so important.

On Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will lay out a plan which many believe will serve as the blueprint for the upcoming conference in Paris.  This is something that I discussed yesterday.  Apparently Kerry has been working on this for quite some time, and according to the Times of Israel, Jewish officials are fearful that he may propose something drastic…
At a press briefing Tuesday, State Department spokesman Mark Toner confirmed Kerry’s plans for the speech, though he refused to detail whether the top US diplomat would use the opportunity to announce a new American initiative, which officials in Jerusalem fear he may.
Toner said the secretary holds the conviction that “it is his duty in his remaining weeks and days as secretary of state to lay out what he believes is a way towards a two-state solution” and that “it’s always important to keep the process moving forward.”
If Kerry’s plan is embraced by the conference in Paris, it is anticipated by many that it would serve as the basis for a UN Security Council resolution that would formally create a Palestinian state before Donald Trump is inaugurated on January 20th.  The following comes from the Guardian
The Israeli government is reportedly fearful that any guidelines agreed in Paris would be turned into another UN resolution before Trump’s inauguration, and it has ratcheted up its rhetoric, presenting itself as the victim of an international conspiracy.
A spokesman for Netanyahu claimed to have “ironclad evidence” that the Obama administration had plotted behind the scenes to promote the UN resolution. Israel has said it will present evidence against the Obama administration to the incoming Trump team.
If what an Egyptian newspaper is claiming is true, then there may very well be an international conspiracy at work against Israel.  According to a transcript published by the Al-Youm Al-Sabea newspaper, John Kerry and U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice met with Palestinian officials in early December and presented Kerry’s plan to them at that time…
In a meeting in early December with top Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, US Secretary of State John Kerry told the Palestinians that the US was prepared to cooperate with the Palestinians at the Security council, Israel’s Channel 1 TV said, quoting the Egyptian Al-Youm Al-Sabea newspaper.
Also present at the meeting were US National Security Adviser Susan Rice, and Majed Faraj, director of the Palestinian Authority’s General Intelligence Service.
Kerry is quoted as saying that he could present his ideas for a final status solution if the Palestinians pledge they will support the proposed framework. The US officials advised the Palestinians to travel to Riyadh to present the plan to Saudi leaders.
The Obama administration is denying all of this of course.  But if it is true, then the betrayal of Israel by Obama is much deeper than any of us realized.

With less than a month to go in his presidency, Barack Obama has decided to launch an all-out attack on Israel.  Once Resolution 2334 passed and the uproar against it was limited, that emboldened the Obama administration to go for broke.

Now it looks like they actually could try to get a Palestinian state created before he leaves office on January 20th, and if that happens it will be absolutely catastrophic for America.  You see, the truth is that we have been warned for many years that our land will be divided after the land of Israel is officially divided into two states.  Many of us have been watching for the creation of a Palestinian state for a very long time, and now we may be right on the verge of it happening.

When Donald Trump takes office he would not be able to reverse the creation of a Palestinian state, but one thing that he could do would be to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

If that happens, the Palestinians are promising to throw a massive temper tantrum
When asked how the Palestinians would react if Trump carried out his promise to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, Erekat reportedly said the Palestine Liberation Organization would rescind its recognition of Israel and ask Arab states to expel their US envoys.
Erekat made precisely that threat in a December 19 conference call organized by the Wilson Center policy forum. He said he would immediately resign as the chief Palestinian negotiator, and that “the PLO will revoke its recognition of Israel” as well as all previously signed agreements with Israel. Furthermore, said Erekat, all American embassies in the Arab world would be forced to close — not necessarily because Arab leaderships would want to close them, but because the infuriated public in the Arab world would not “allow” for the embassies to continue to operate.
Ultimately, everything that is happening now is setting the stage for the biggest war in the Middle East that we have ever seen.

So instead of this “peace process” being the solution, it is actually going to cause the Middle East to explode in violence.

For a very long time I have been warning that the worst days of the Obama era were still in front of us, and we are currently watching that play out right in front of our eyes.  This betrayal of Israel is the worst thing that he has done during his entire time in the White House, and now America is greatly cursed as a result.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Another Key Architect of President-Elect Trump's Pro-Israel Policy is Taking an Important White House Job - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

President-elect Donald Trump's corporate legal counsel and most trusted personal adviser, Jason Greenblatt, will follow him to the White House in January. Greenblatt was one of the chief architects of the president-elect's pro-Israel policies. (Submitted photo)

Another Key Architect of President-Elect Trump's Pro-Israel Policy is Taking an Important White House Job

During the course of the 2016 presidential election cycle, President-elect Donald Trump touted his love and appreciation for Israel and the Jewish people, but that message and how it was articulated was largely the result of Jason Greenblatt's efforts.
As we have previously reported, Greenblatt—who has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of The Trump Organization for the past 20 years—was one of the principle architects of the Trump campaign's pro-Israel policies, as well as for outreach to evangelical Christians in the late stages of the general election. He will now continue to serve the president-elect as his Special Representative for International Negotiations.
"Jason is one of my closest and most trusted advisors," Trump said. "He has a history of negotiating substantial, complex transactions on my behalf, as well as the expertise to bring parties together and build consensus on difficult and sensitive topics. His talents lend themselves perfectly to the role I have asked him to play, assisting on international negotiations of all types, and trade deals around the world."
The new position has never been created before, and the announcement will no doubt draw questions from the liberal mainstream media about what role Greenblatt might play, particularly in light of the continued absence of a nominee for U.S. Trade Representative. Based on his background, he could easily serve in that capacity, as well.
The Presidential Transition Team released the following biography:
Mr. Greenblatt received his J. D. degree in 1992 from the New York University School of Law. Following law school, Jason worked for Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson before joining the Trump Organization. Jason is a frequent lecturer and public speaker about a variety of topics.
Jason has been an Adjunct Professor of Management at Yeshiva University where he taught a course entitled Real Estate 101: The Anatomy of a Real Estate Deal. Jason also founded a website whose purpose is to promote bonding between parents and their teens and which is designed to teach teens the importance of giving back to society and other life lessons.
"I am deeply grateful and humbled by President-elect Trump's decision to appoint me to represent the United States in international negotiations," he said. "I have known President-elect Trump for two decades and firmly believe that he is a leader with tremendous vision, skill and talent.
"It is an exceptional honor for me to join President-elect Trump and the incredible team he is assembling as they set out to change the world for the better and Make America Great Again. My philosophy, in both business and in life, is that bringing people together and working to unite, rather than to divide, is the strongest path to success.
"I truly believe that this approach is one that can yield results for the United States in matters all over the world. I look forward to serving on President-elect Trump's team, and helping to achieve great outcomes for our country."
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YEAR IN REVIEW: 5 Things President Obama Has Done to Destroy America - LARRY TOMCZAK CHARISMA NEWS

Whether our next president can help dismantle some of what Barack Obama has done remains to be seen. (Reuters)

YEAR IN REVIEW: 5 Things President Obama Has Done to Destroy America

Editor's Note: 2016 was a big year in the church—and in the world. This week we're looking at some of the biggest stories of the year, selected based on feedback from our readers. Thanks for reading Charisma News this year and stay tuned as we continue expanding our coverage in 2017 to include more spiritual insights on the stories that matter most to you.

This article was published November 10th.
Here's the Deal, by Matt Barber
"I'm the author of all your pain."
In Spectre, the 25th James Bond film currently in theaters, Oscar-winning actor and villain Christoph Waltz snidely tells Agent 007 these words. While a bit of an overstatement, the point is well taken.
As the years unfold, I am persuaded that countless millions will identify words like these with the Obama presidency. Whether our next president can help dismantle some of what Barack Obama has done remains to be seen.
Barring a spiritual awakening in America and the resulting returning to our conservative values led by a uniquely gifted commander-in-chief, the repercussions of Barack Obama's "transformation of America" will be catastrophic.
It's why seven years ago Rush Limbaugh said his desire for the Obama presidency was simple: "I hope he fails."
Scripture tells us, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man beareth rule, the people sigh" (Prov. 29:2, ASV). Plainly stated, people have cause to either rejoice or mourn dependent on whether their governing authorities are God-fearing or unrighteous.
When competent and godly leaders rule, they set a tone for the society as they conduct affairs according to God's standards. The result will not be utopia but rather a general happiness, prosperity and stability in the land. President Obama does not fit this category and that is a primary reason why there is so much mourning throughout our land.
I step back knowing I prayed for this man every single day of his terms in office yet must respectfully but forthrightly assess his "fruit" as disastrous. What he has done has been unbelievably detrimental to the Judeo-Christian principles upon which our nation was founded. Are you aware of how far we've fallen under his leadership and lack thereof?
Five Major Areas of Decline
1. The Military
Besides what has been called the "gayification" of our Armed Forces, we've seen the undermining of religious expression among our military chaplains and officers. Lieutenant General (retired) William Boykin put it best, "If chaplains and other personnel are censored from offering the full solace of the gospel, there is no religious freedom in the military."
There have also been massive reductions in military personnel, leaving us dangerously vulnerable in the event of a crisis, plus military frustration at the highest level in decades. "There's a level of dissatisfaction among the uniformed military that I've never seen in my time here" said John McCain, Senate Armed Services Chairman.
For this I mourn.
2. Marriage and Family
President Obama's aggressive advocacy of the LGBTQ agenda has brought devastation to the traditional family. He endorsed gay marriage; violated young girls by forcing school districts to allow boys who identify as girls to have full access to the girl's locker room and showers; undermined the Defense of Marriage Act; celebrated the LGBTQ lifestyle by affirming people "coming out" and appointing unprecedented numbers of LGBTQ proponents to government positions; and, now endorses efforts to ban "conversion therapy" counseling for youth struggling with gay and transgender confusion.
President Obama has worked aggressively to transform marriage, sexuality and our children into considering participation in the LGBTQ lifestyle as a normal, healthy sign of liberation!
His official White House website touts efforts to stop counseling young people struggling with same-sex attraction and transgenderism as "protecting America's youth."
For this I mourn.
3. Radical Islam and Terrorism
President Obama's timid approach to dealing with the menace of ISIS and other radical, Islamic jihadists is unbelievably reckless. Believing that we can somehow diminish their strength and effectively defeat these barbarians by ignoring them or downplaying their threat, strains credulity. Their growing threat coupled with the Iranian "nuclear deal" is bringing us to an apocalypse.
The latest terror warning in Sinai with 224 passengers killed in the "downing" of a Russian plane caused the Wall Street Journal to bluntly state in a lead editorial, "The greatest folly of the administration's Mideast policy has been to imagine that an arms–length approach to the region's troubles would keep its problems away from us. But as with the refugee crisis in Europe, or ISIS inspired jihadist attacks in the US, the tragedy in Sinai is another reminder that trying to downplay the threat of terrorism only brings its risks closer to home."
For this I also mourn.

4. The Economy and National Debt
Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics at Boston University tried to wake up our leaders in testimony before the U.S. Senate. He stated emphatically that "Americas fiscal insolvency and it's generational consequences means our country is broke. It's not broke in 75 years or 50 years or 25 years or 10 years. It's broke today. Indeed, it may well be in worse shape (currently almost $19 trillion in debt) than any developed country, including Greece."
Yet our president keeps spending, raising the debt limit, promising entitlements, all the while adding almost as much debt as all previous American presidents combined. And don't forget he conveys how our economy is booming while conveniently ignoring over 90 million people not in the workforce; 50 million on food stamps; Obamacare premiums skyrocketing; and, the inevitable day of economic reckoning drawing near.
"Time is running out. Get ready for a roller coaster ride through hell!" warns economic forecaster Larry Edelson.
Forbes magazine helps us comprehend this staggering amount, which is leading us to the inevitable economic crash: "In 2015, Taylor Swift did 55 concerts and earned $80 million. She would have to perform 365 concerts a year for three years to simply pay for ONE DAY OF INTEREST accrued on our debt." Get the message?
For this I likewise mourn.
5. Illegal Immigration and Prisoner Release
President Obama refuses to enforce laws concerning the massive influx of illegal immigrants into our country, knowing these are grateful, potential Democratic voters! The majority is Hispanic but there are Muslims as well. Europe is being overrun by the immigrant crisis and what is happening there will be our lot in 10 years unless new leadership acts swiftly, legally and compassionately.
Have you noticed some signs of the times? Hamtramck Michigan City Council now has a Muslim majority. Washington, D.C. joins other locales in giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
Our president also believes in leniency and amnesty for drug felons. Almost 50 percent of the inmates in federal penitentiaries serving time for drug offenses are now having their sentences automatically reduced.
"These are young people who made mistakes that aren't that different than the mistakes I made and the mistakes that a lot of you guys made," the president told journalists recently at a federal prison in Oklahoma.
The reality is 75 percent of these individuals are violent criminals. Their "mistakes" consist not merely of smoking a casual joint but distribution of hard drugs, often involving gangs and weaponry. Their felony convictions resulted in many of the 44,000 who die from drug overdoses each year. Consider also the scores of young people getting addicted, families being destroyed and children now executed in drug gang wars like the nine-year-old boy a week ago.  
Are these harmless, victimless crimes and simply minor "mistakes?" Or is this an example of misguided "mercy" that likewise brings in new Democratic voters? Read "Obama's Tragic Let 'em Out Fantasy" in the Wall Street Journal on 10/25/15 to learn more.
Yes, for this I also mourn.
Here's the Deal: In 2009, President Obama declared these words regarding his Obamacare victory, "Elections have consequences. And at the end of the day, I won!"
It would do us well to remember that in the 2012 presidential election, Obama beat Romney by 5 million votes. Over 17 million evangelical Christians stayed home and did not vote. Is voting important?
For the past seven years we learned the hard way that President Obama was serious about his pledge to "fundamentally transform America." I believe without question that his lack of character and questionable commitment to his professed Christian faith have wreaked havoc on the moral landscape of the United States of America. May we redouble our efforts in prayer, fasting and civic engagement to see competent, godly leaders raised up so mourning may be silenced and some rejoicing begins afresh in our land! 
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 43 yrs, Intercessors for America board member and best-selling author. His new, innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Click (here) for his "Here's the Deal" weekly podcast.
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Israelis Stunned, Not Surprised, By UN Resolution - CBN News Julie Stahl, Chris Mitchell

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, screen capture
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, screen capture
Israelis Stunned, Not Surprised, By UN Resolution
CBN News Julie Stahl,
JERUSALEM, Israel – Tensions are high between Israel and the Obama administration after the United States refused to veto a United Nations resolution.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government is accusing President Obama of helping to orchestrate the vote that condemns Israeli settlement activities in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. 
Israel says that move has pushed peace for the nations further away and as reports suggest the already cold relationship between Obama and Netanyahu is now at an all-time low.
Israelis heading into the Hanukkah holiday were stunned, though not surprised, by the U.N. resolution.

"It means for Israel that USA has decided to provide tailwind to rogue regimes which control the United Nations," said former Israeli liaison to Congress Yoram Ettinger.

The U.N. resolution says Israeli settlements in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem have no "legal validity" and demands a halt to Jewish building. The U.S opposes settlements but has always backed Israel at U.N.

"We agreed that the Security Council was not the place to resolve this issue," Netanyahu said. "We knew that going there would make negotiations harder and drive peace further away. And as I told [U.S. Secretary of State] John Kerry on Thursday, friends don't take friends to the Security Council."

Israel won the territory in the 1967 Six-Day War. Close to 500,000 Israelis live in biblical Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, but Palestinians want it for a future state.

"I am encouraged by the statements of our friends in the United States, Republicans and Democrats," Netanyahu continued. "They understand how reckless and destructive this UN resolution was. They understand that the Western Wall isn't occupied territory." 
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump tweeted it would "make it much harder to negotiate peace. Too bad, but we will get it done anyway!"

Senior Obama aid Ben Rhodes denied Israel had been ambushed and added that Trump's not in charge yet. 
Israel says it has proof that Obama himself was behind the resolution, which it will present to Trump once he's in office.

"There's no doubt that the resolution is in sync with Obama's worldview," Ettinger said. "According to President Obama, irrespective of reality the Palestinian issue is the core cause of Middle East turbulence, the crown jewel of Arab policy-making and the crux of the Arab-Israeli conflict."

Ettinger added that Obama isn't a classic lame duck president but will leave with "thundering steps."

"Those steps could be domestic steps, those steps could be global," he said. "Those steps could be Mideast but we ain't seen nothing yet and we better wait between now and January 20 for further surprises from the White House."

For now, Israel and many in the U.S. are watching, waiting, and praying for a smooth transition of power.

Your news from Israel - 27 December 2016 - Brian Schrauger The Jerusalem Journal


Click to READ MORE
Why is Israel in an uproar about UN Security Council Resolution 2334? As leaders throughout Israel condemn the resolution, passed on Friday, 23 December, the exact text of Resolution 2334 is a critically important touchpoint. Less than 1,000 words in length, this is the complete and undedited text of that resolution. READ MORE...


ISRAEL RESPONDS: 'WE WILL OVERCOME THIS EVIL DECREE' ...UN Ambassador Danny Danon | Video and Transcript

Click to READ MORE
After the UN Security Council passed Resolution 2334 last Friday, 23 December 2016, Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon addressed the entire Council. Speaking plainly and with remarkable clarity, this is a video record and transcipt of what he said, READ MORE...

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Happy Hanukkah from Maoz Israel! - Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram

From all of us at Maoz in Israel and around the world -
Happy Hanukkah! 

May the Lord bless you and your family with His light and love.

MaozIsrael Ministries - US Office: PO Box 535788 Grand Prairie, TX 75053