Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Shower Your Beloved With Gifts of the Holy Land ✡ "Firmament Showeth His Handiwork" - ISRAEL365

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork.

הַשָּׁמַיִם מְסַפְּרִים כְּבוֹד אֵל וּמַעֲשֵׂה יָדָיו מַגִּיד הָרָקִיעַ

תהלים יט:ב

ha-sha-ma-YEEM m'-sap-REEM k'-VOD el u'-ma-a-seh ya-dav ma-gid ha-ra-kee-a

Today's Israel Inspiration

Anyone who has seen the sky in Jerusalem will tell you that there is something about it that is bluer, brighter and more vibrant than anywhere else on Earth. As the verse by King David states, the sky itself seems to tell of G-d’s glory. Looking into the vast expanse, one can’t help but marvel at the greatness of Creation and feel a sense of awe in our Creator. And, of course, looking into the sky over Israel, one feels an interconnectedness with the Biblical forefathers, who stared up into the same sky. Bring along a little piece of that beautiful blue expanse wherever you go with our stunning collection of Roman glass jewelry by Rafael.

Israel Uncovers an Ancient Glassworks Center From the 4th Century

Less than a year ago, the Israel Antiquities Authority uncovered the oldest glass-making center ever found in Israel where glass was produced and exported around the world!

102 Members of Bnei Menashe Lost Tribe Return
to Israel

“After 27 centuries of exile, this lost tribe of Israel is truly coming home. But we will not rest until all the remaining Bnei Menashe still in India are able to make aliyah as well,” said Michael Freund.

Today's Israel Photo

The Hermon River is a peaceful setting in Israel's Golan where you can simply sit and reflect. Here you can see as the stream is just beginning to fill from abundant, blessed early winter rains.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Gail Siegler from New York; Angus Marryshow from Florida; Lorna Doss from Missouri; Sharyn Flannery from NSW, Australia.

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Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Meillet Claude from Israel; Bernard Lieberman from Georgia; John Pearce from Nevada; Simon Huber from Germany.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Judith Davies from California; Francine Van Divier from California; Sau King Pang from the UK; Star Stuhr from Nebraska.
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“A Dream Come True”

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I enjoy read this email for one year now and I love these email every day and now President Trump and  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reunited together again looking for world peace is a dream come true I am bless for Israel that they need this badly protect this God Holy Land of Israel. If I myself would truly love to stay in Israel in Jerusalem and learn their way of life with God prayer and Joy of life with Israel’s people.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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'Selling Baby Parts Like Widgets on an Assembly Line': Pro-Lifers Blast P. Parenthood - CBN News Paul Strand

'Selling Baby Parts Like Widgets on an Assembly Line': Pro-Lifers Blast P. Parenthood

02-14-2017 CBN News Paul Strand

WASHINGTON -- Prominent pro-life speakers took on various issues concerning Planned Parenthood during this weekend's #ProtestPP rallies. Demonstrators gathered at some 200 locations across the nation to protest forced taxpayer funding of the abortion giant.
At a rally in front of a clinic in Orange, California, undercover investigator David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress blasted Planned Parenthood for its alleged trade in body parts of the unborn.
"This Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino County is one of the places – this exact clinic right behind me, this exact mega-center where they do abortions up to six months – this clinic is one of the places where for years and years they have been harvesting and selling the body parts of our unborn brothers and sisters, like so many widgets on an assembly line," Daleiden stated.
Daleiden was part of the undercover investigative team that released shocking videos of Planned Parenthood employees talking about this gruesome practice of harvesting those body parts.
"We now know for almost eight years this Planned Parenthood clinic was partnered with DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics up in Yorba Linda, where every week, multiple times a week, their technicians would come into the center and harvest the body parts of late-term aborted children and then re-sell them to make half-a-million dollars every year," Daleiden charged.
He added, "Planned Parenthood knew that this was going on for eight years.  They received kickback contributions from DaVinci in exchange for the relationship.  And for eight years they used a fraudulent inaccurate consent form to try to coerce their patients to give consent for their body parts to be harvested and sold for profit against the law."
"They are an integral part of the criminal trade in the body parts of our unborn brothers and sisters and they must be held accountable to the law for their barbarism," Daleiden said.
Speaking at a rally in Aurora, Illinois, Jill Stanek of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List talked about how Planned Parenthood dominates the abortion scene.
She spoke of Planned Parenthood's record of "killing one in three babies in the United States from abortion.  Their percentage of abortion increased from 20 percent to 34 percent in just six years."
Stanek also noted that the amount of taxpayer funding going to the abortion giant has soared in recent years.
"I'm sure that this is in line with President Obama being in charge: Planned Parenthood's proceeds from our tax dollars increased by 50 percent since 2007," she said.
At the same rally in Aurora, Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League blasted Terry O'Neill, president of the National Organization for Women Foundation, for her recent written critique of pro-life health care advocates.
"One of the things she complained about in her article was the website GetYourCare.org," Scheidler told CBN News.  
"When someone says, 'Well, how are women going to get their health care?' – they're going to go to GetYourCare.org and they're going to find health care that they need in their community.  O'Neill was complaining that that list of health care providers included dentists," he said.
"Some of them are dentists!" Scheidler gasped in a tone of mock outrage, then asked, "Show of hands: Whoever's been to the dentist?"
Every hand at the rally went up.
Then the pro-life leader asked, "Can you go to Planned Parenthood for dental care?  No.  Can you go to Planned Parenthood for the flu?  No.  Can you go to Planned Parenthood if you've got a broken leg?  No."
He continued, "Can you go to Planned Parenthood if you've got behavioral issues, depression, heart disease, if you've got a problem with sleep, if you've got back pain?  One of the most common problems Americans have: back pain.   Planned Parenthood?  Can't help you."
Referring again to the pro-abortion NOW Foundation president, Scheidler concluded, "Terry O'Neill thinks the only thing a woman needs to see a doctor for is an abortion or maybe some contraceptive pills.  Doesn't that show you their mentality?"
"That they would complain we're trying to connect women to dentists along with other kinds of health care," he continued. "We believe in comprehensive health care for Americans.   We want to provide that any way we can."
"And that's what GetYourCare.org is about," he concluded. "And that's the difference between the pro-life movement and the pro-death movement."
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Israeli President Helps Reopen Church Burned by Jewish Extremists - Israel Today

Israeli President Helps Reopen Church Burned by Jewish Extremists

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha on the Sea of Galilee was fully reopened with the help of Israel President Reuven Rivlin this week, some 22 months after Jewish extremists set fire to the compound.
Two rooms in the historic church, where tradition says Jesus performed one of his most noted miracles, were badly damaged in the blaze.
Renovations on the church took eight months. The State of Israel covered one-third of the cost.
Rivlin and his wife were joined by a number of Christian leaders and foreign dignitaries at the celebratory event.
The Israeli president told to those gathered and to Christians around the world:
"We stand up for religious freedom because, as a people, we know very well what it means to suffer religious persecution. And we stand up for religious freedom because we are a democratic state – who believe in the rights for everyone to worship God according to their belief.
“The last time I was here, we stood together and looked at the burnt walls and the terrible graffiti. Today, I visit here again, and see the renewal of this historic, special, and holy place. I want to thank all the people who worked hard to restore this place, and to say clearly; that hate cannot win.”
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Excavating the truth... One bucket at a time! - Israel Today

Excavating the truth... One bucket at a time!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
At the end of the nineties, the Muslim Wakf - the Temple Mount religious council - built a third mosque under the Temple Mount with Israeli knowledge. The mosque was built where Solomon's horse stables once stood. Over 400 trucks of earth and rubble from below the Temple Mount were removed and dumped.
The initial 60 truck loads of rubble were dumped on an organic rubbish dump near Al Azariya and their contents were lost forever. Another almost 350 truckloads were dumped in the Kidron valley. This load of earth was taken by two archaeologists, Prof. Gabriel Barkai and Tzachi Davira. With the help of volunteers they started sifting the debris. Bucket for bucket, without any financial support from the governments of Israel, the team toiled unceasingly uncovering small pieces of truth from the Temple Mount rubble. They have since found thousands of coins, seals, potsherds and mosaic tiles from the time of the first and second temples.
These valuable archaeological discoveries are not only evidence of the Jewish past, but also clear evidence of the Bible's historical accuracy.
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