Friday, February 24, 2017

Greg Laurie Recalls Melania Being Being Touched By The Lord At Prayer Service - HELLO CHRISTIAN


First Lady Melania Trump may have had a quiet start to her duties at the White House, but she has been bombarded with media atten...
Carrie Underwood Teaches Her Son To Sing 'Jesus Loves Me' In Beautiful Video 
Christian country singer Carrie Underwood is not afraid to make her faith known in the public sphere. Nor is she hiding the fact that she...
Greg Laurie Recalls Melania Being Moved To Tears By The Lord At Inauguration Service 
First Lady Melania Trump may have had a quiet start to her duties at the White House, but she has been bombarded with media atten...
Witches Worldwide Vow To Cast Spells On Trump All Spring 
A coordinated witchcraft attack against Donald Trump? I got a call on Thursday afternoon from Dave Kubal, president of Intercessors for...
A Biblical Response To Teen Vogue's Shocking Abortion Advice Article 
The startling article “What to Get a Friend Post-Abortion” was recently published by Teen Vogue, guiding teenage girls on h...
Pastor Describes Trump's Florida Rally As 'Demonic' 
Pastor Joel Tooley did not have a positive experience when he attended President Trump's Florida Rally at the weekend. He even went...
The Guy Who Leads John Piper's Church Sounds EXACTLY Like Him, And It's Hilarious 
The man who now leads famed preacher John Piper's Bethlehem Baptist Church sounds EXACTLY like his predecessor. And it is brilliant....
Daughter Of Martyred Missionary Jim Elliot: ‘His Life Was Not Wasted’ 
The daughter of martyred missionary Jim and Elizabeth Elliot recently spoke out about her father’s death and how she believes Go...
4 Ways Smartphones Can IMPROVE Your Spiritual Life 
There is plenty of opinion out there that is trying to convince us that smartphones are solely responsible for our lack of spiritual growth a...
Iraqi Christians Erect HUGE Cross After Being Liberated From ISIS 
Following years of persecution, pain and hardship, these Iraqi Christians have declared their new found freedom by erecting a vast cross in...
Joyce Meyer: "We Can't Live With One Foot In The World And One In The Kingdom" 
God is looking for his people to follow Him, whatever it takes. Too often, we pick and choose what we like from the scriptures, and end...
ISIS Shoots Christian Father, Burns Son Alive In Egypt 
A Christian father and his son have been brutally murdered Wednesday in Egypt’s North Sinai region, an ISIS stronghold.&nbs...
5 Things To Do When Tragedy Strikes Your Family 
It was a sunny September day in the year 2000, and I was driving home from work, ready to clean up and go to a prophetic conference...
All 240 Family Christian Stores Are Closing Down 
Family Christian Stores is having to close all its stores for good. Two years ago, suppliers wrote off $127 million in debt so that they...
This Christian Rock Group Is Taking China By Storm 
American Christians have a lot to choose from when it comes to faith-based rock bands. Hillsong United, David Crowder, Bethel and othe...
John Piper Explains How We Can KNOW The Bible Is True 
How can we know the Bible is really true? Have you ever asked that question? Perhaps you don't feel best equipped to answer it, and...
6 Ways To Make Sure Your Church Is Dementia Friendly 
There are 5.4 million Americans with Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common cause of dementia. This can be a devastating illness r...
Christian Missionary Sentenced To 40 Years For Sexually Abusing Kenyan Children 
A US missionary has been sentenced to a 40-year jail term after he was found guilty of sexually assaulting three girls and a boy whilst...
10 Things You Should Know About The Healing Ministry Of Jesus 
Today we turn our attention to 10 features of the healing ministry of Jesus.1. Jesus healed hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Contr...
The 5 Best Ways To Disagree With Someone 
You’re never going to agree with every sermon your pastor preaches. You certainly won’t agree with each blog post tha...
Pennsylvania School District To Remove Ten Commandments Monument 
The New Kensington-Arnold School District, about 20 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, has agreed to settle a federal lawsuit by taking down...

Bring a Joyous Purim to the IDF ✡ "My Lord Fights the Wars" - ISRAEL365

For my lord fights the wars of the Lord. And let no evil be found in you all your days.

כִּי מִלְחֲמוֹת יְ-הֹוָה אֲדֹנִי נִלְחָם וְרָעָה לֹא תִמָּצֵא בְךָ מִיָּמֶיךָ

שמואל א כה:כח

kee mil-kha-mot a-do-nai a-do-nee nil-kham v'-ra-a lo ti-ma-tzay v'-kha

Shabbat Inspiration

Incredibly, we find one of the ethical foundations of the Israeli army right here in today's verse. The prophetess Abigail reminds King David that he may only fight God's wars - which at that time were against the Philistines - and not wars of vengeance against his enemies. To this day, the nation of Israel is required to defend itself and to strengthen the Promised Land. Other wars are not permitted. We are proud to support Israel's brave young soldiers who uphold this Biblical mandate.

Defending the Holy People of Hebron from Terror

Join Rom, an officer in the Nahal Brigade, as he and members from his unit walk through Biblical Hebron so they can gain the knowledge necessary to protect the holy city.

First Bedouin IDF Colonel Represents a Proud Israeli Minority

In 1948, the IDF created an “IDF Minorities Unit”. These special units are like a miniature of Israel’s inclusive population. It’s truly a miracle that such diverse communities join together to protect the Holy Land.

How Were the Fruits of the Land in Israel Used in
Biblical Times?

Deuteronomy 8:8 tells of the Seven Species of fruit native to the Land of Israel; wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and date. Besides for being delicious, these seven varieties of fruit have many other practical uses. The Jews living in the Land of Israel in Biblical times practiced sustainable living by not wasting any elements of the fruit of the land. Discover the interesting and thoughtful ways in which the Seven Species of the Land of Israel played important roles in the daily lives of Biblical Jews.
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Today's Israel Photo

Despite intense training in the Jordan Valley, an amazing young Israeli soldier from the Givati Brigade takes time to wear tefillin (phylacteries) during his morning prayers.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Ronald Engle from Indiana; Kameron Owens from Arizona; Ronald Hall Sr from New Hampshire; Bandar Alomairi from Jeddah, SA.

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Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Peter Hirsch from Pennsylvania; Diane Jewkes from the UK; Gael Lehrer Kennedy from California; Sondra Brown from Virginia.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Virginia Mattmann from Kentucky; Dan Morris from Virginia; Carolyn Hill from Mississippi; J Mcleod from South Africa.
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Thank You

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“May the Lord Bless and Keep You”

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Rabbi Tuly,  There is none in the universe like my BELOVED! HE is not a man that he would lie. HE is forever faithful in spite of my lack. What HE says comes to pass. The exsistance of Israel being one of the greatest and most obvious fulfillments of HIS WORD. May the LORD of all creation bless and keep you and make HIS face to shine upon you and give you peace for helping me to keep my eyes on my BELOVED when I am so easily distracted by the day to day as a commercial fisherman in Kodiak, Alaska. Hold the course - Charlie Freeburg
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Jesus' Matthew 19 Commandment Under Attack - MICHAEL YOUSSEF/LEADING THE WAY CHARISMA NEWS

Jesus spoke very specifically about marriage in Matthew 19. (Public Domain)

Jesus' Matthew 19 Commandment Under Attack

Today, we are surrounded by a culture that is constantly attacking God's plan for marriage and family life. The Lord Jesus Christ addressed this crisis in Matthew 19.
Some Pharisees came to Jesus and said, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?" (v. 3). Instead of giving them the grounds for divorce, Jesus gave them the grounds for marriage: 
"He answered, 'Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning "made them male and female," and said, ""For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh" So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man put asunder'" (Matt. 19:4-6).
When we consider the crisis in our families and marriages today, what should be the response of a Bible-believing church? I believe our response is to trumpet loudly and without fear or hesitation what Jesus said in Matthew 19 and what God the Father said in Genesis 2: that marriage belongs to God's created order. From the beginning, the Creator made them male and female. It is not up to us to mess around with this holy union.
Prayer: Father, I pray that You would forgive our nation for what we have done to the institution of marriage. Help me to stand up for what You have put in place and to be a powerful picture of what a Christ-centered family should look like. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"... for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. ... Then the rib which the lord God had taken from man, He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man" (Gen. 2:20c, 22).
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click Here to draw closer to God!

WATCH: Carrie Underwood's Son Sings The Song That Brings Us All Comfort - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Carrie Underwood performs at the Grammys. (REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson)

WATCH: Carrie Underwood's Son Sings The Song That Brings Us All Comfort

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Crooner Carrie Underwood isn't the only one who sings in her family.  
According to a new Instagram video, the country star is raising her son, Isaiah, to sing along with her.  
But he's not starting with "Jesus Take the Wheel." Rather, there's something much simpler—and more comforting—in his repertoire: "Jesus Loves Me." 
Led by his mom, the toddler sings out the words to the classic that brings us all comfort.  
WATCH HERE the video and go ahead and sing along with a smile. 
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click Here to draw closer to God!

This 2,000-Year-Old Mystery Is Now Uniting Jews and Christians - CBN NEWS

The Arch of Titus in Rome, Italy (Wikimedia Images)

This 2,000-Year-Old Mystery Is Now Uniting Jews and Christians

CBN NEWS  charisma news

Standing With Israel
The Vatican and Rome's Jewish community are teaming up to celebrate a symbol of Judaism depicted on one of the world most famous historical artifacts, but lost to the world for 2,000 years.
The menorah was a seven-branched candelabra made of solid gold that served as one of the sacred vessels in the Holy Temple. 
In 70 A.D., the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and looted the temple of its treasure, including the menorah, bringing many of the artifacts back to Rome.
This triumphant procession is depicted on the Arch of Titus in Rome.
The location of that menorah has been the subject of intense speculation for centuries as it is both historically and culturally important.
According to some scholars, it remained in Rome until the city was looted by Vandals in 455. Others say it was destroyed in a fire. Still, there are some accounts that it was taken to Carthage and then modern-day Istanbul.
In 1818, the Tiber River was searched for precious objects, in part because of a report that the menorah sank in a shipwreck.
This new exhibit, "Menorah: Worship, History, Legend," includes about 130 artifacts, including a 2,000-year-old stone block found by archaeologists in an Israeli synagogue. 
"This is a historic event," said Ruth Dureghello, the president of Rome's Jewish community. The menorah has connections to Rome "so such an important exhibit could only start here," she added.
The purpose of the exhibit is to trace the history of the menorah and its influence on Christian art and artifacts. 
Because there are close ties between the Jewish and Christian faiths, menorahs have been used in churches as liturgical items according to the deputy director of the Vatican Museum and one of the curators of the menorah exhibit. 
"Menorah: Worship, History, Legend" will open in May and will be presented at the Vatican Museums and at Rome's Jewish Museum. 
This article originally appeared at
Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.
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