Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My Last Sermon? Mocking REV 12 SIGN | Hurricanes MARIA & Jose - Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

My Last Sermon? Mocking REV 12 SIGN 
Hurricanes MARIA & Jose

Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

Steve Cioccolanti & Discover MinistriesPublished on Sep 19, 2017

How much proof, how many prophetic signs would convince you? Are you expecting? There is now a convergence of signs, though skeptics are still mocking. "As in the days of Noah..." Find out 3 top reasons why Jews don't believe in Jesus.
Pastor Steve issues a heartfelt plea for the Body of Christ to not be like the 10 sleeping virgins. Learn why Christians choose to be intellectuals and critics rather than watchmen, and how to avoid falling into religious traps. The Bible is true, Jesus is coming, and our job is to be prepared and prepare others to meet Him. How would you prepare? NEW RELEASES - Get them at SIGNS (1 DVD): AFTER REVELATION 12 - WHAT'S NEXT? (1 DVD): GOD OF ISRAEL (1 DVD): WHAT WOULD JESUS DO...WHEN HE RETURNS (1 DVD): MUSIC CREDIT: Original music made exclusively for Discover Ministries by world-class composer Tom Hanke. Check him out! Would you like to connect by email? Store up treasures in Heaven, don't heap up wealth for self in the end times!

Netanyahu Delivers Stern Message to Iran in United Nations Speech - Israel Today

Netanyahu Delivers Stern Message to Iran in United Nations Speech

Wednesday, September 20, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pulled no punches during his speech before the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday.
The focus of Netanyahu's speech was the failed nuclear agreement with Iran, which continues to deny international inspectors and violate the terms of the deal.
Iranian officials have in recent weeks boasted that they can restart a nuclear arms program at any moment, and that they remain dedicated to eradicating Israel within 25 years.
Netanyahu told them firmly and boldly that will never happen.
"I have a simple message for Ayatollah Khamenei, the dictator of Iran: The light of Israel will never be extinguished!" insisted Netanyahu.
Photo by Amir Levy/FLASH90
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Shana Tova - Happy New Year 5778 - israel today

On the occasion of Rosh Hashana 5778,
your editorial team at
Israel Today
would like to wish all our friends and subscribers a Shana Tovah - Happy New Year!

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Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, The Messiah - at the Last Trump

Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, The Messiah
 - at the Last Trump


Distributing Blessings ✡ "Blessings Are On The Head Of The One Who Dispenses It" - Israel365

He who withholds grain earns the curses of the people, But blessings are on the head of the one
who dispenses it.

מֹנֵעַ בָּר יִקְּבֻהוּ לְאוֹם וּבְרָכָה לְרֹאשׁ מַשְׁבִּיר

משלי יא:כו
mo-NAY-a BAR yi-k’-VU-hu l’-OM uv-ra-KHAH l’-ROSH mash-BEER

Today's Israel Inspiration

Israel was intended to be an agrarian society. The Torah strengthens the people's connection to the Land of Israel through various agricultural celebrations, commemorations, and obligations.  The Torah commands the Israelites to set aside a certain portion of their crops grown in the Land of Israel for the poor. The corners of their fields, the forgotten sheaves and the grains that fall during harvest are all to be left for the needy. This Biblical imperative is still practiced in Israel today. Each season, farmers throughout Israel leave millions of pounds of produce from their fields, which are collected by volunteers and distributed to poor people all over the country. Meir Panim is an organization that focuses on this imperative by ensuring that Israel's hungry are taken care of through a series of food and welfare programs. Meir Panim works tirelessly to meet the needs of the weakest segments of Israeli society: children, single mothers, Holocaust survivors, and the elderly.

Fight Poverty in Jerusalem

Meir Panim provides both immediate and long-term relief to the impoverished of Israel via a dynamic range of food and social service programs.

Major Charity Operation Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Support Israel’s Needy

To help Israel's needy and raise funds for keeping Meir Panim’s network of social welfare programs in Israel successfully running, the organization launched a crowdfunding campaign on September 11.

The Significance of the 'Seven Species'

The Creator of the world singled out seven species of fruit and grain from the Land of Israel as being particularly blessed. Over the centuries, many have sought to explain the special significance of the ‘Seven Species,’ known as the שבעת המינים in Hebrew (shee-VAT ha-mee-NEEM). Each one contains healthful nutrients that benefit the body and promote wellness. Shivat Natural Cosmetics combine all-natural ingredients and extracts of the Seven Species to bring you skin-supportive cleansing soaps and beauty products that bring you closer not only to nature, but also to the Holy Land.
Shop now and save 23% »



Today's Israel Photo

Sheaves of wheat in Dotan, Israel.
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"Todah Rabbah" to George G. from Florida; Pauline R. from France; Glenn C. from Canada; John G. from the UK.
Plant Vineyards in Samaria »

Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Shane J. from South Africa; Susan M. from Australia; Aryeh S. from Australia; Madhur G. from Australia.
Donate to Holocaust Survivors Now » 

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“Shalom from Kenya”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Israel365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
Shalom from Kenya, God has made you available at the of my need. i write this because for short time i have been in touch with you, have experienced my moving closer God which has made to introduce some lessons in the sharing with church members whatever i get from you or other part of Israel.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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