Monday, September 25, 2017

PowerUp! Have You Ever Heard God Whisper? | Anne Graham Lotz: Is God Speaking Through the Storms? | What Does the Bible Say About the Last Days? - SpiritLed Woman

SpiritLed Woman PowerUp!
Monday, September 25, 2017
Have You Ever Heard God Whisper?

How do you find those intimate moments with the Father? (Max Pixel)
Have you ever been desperate to hear from God? We have all been there. Our desire to press in to hear God's whisper is often what pushes us either to go deeper or to throw our hands up and walk away. Once while praying, I asked the Lord why I had not heard His voice in a long time. He spoke to my spirit and said, "Pat, I have gone to another level, and I am waiting for you to get here."

You see, it's not enough that we come to the altar. The journey doesn't stop there; the journey with God actually begins at the altar. After the altar, it's time to go to the secret place, because it is there we will hear His whisper. Have you ever heard God whisper? When you do, it will change your compass and put wind in your sails! God's whisper is deep calling unto deep (Ps. 42:7). He will show Himself powerful in the gatherings of His people, but make no mistake:  It is in the secret place that He reveals Himself to His beloved sons and daughters.

So how do you get to that secret place? How do you find those intimate moments with the Father? How do we hear from a very personal God who desires to speak with us and lead us and longs to minister life to us? Here is a key we have found: the way we position ourselves impacts the volume of God's voice. The surroundings we choose to be in either position us closer to God or farther away. When God calls us deeper in Him, we must put away all distractions and allow our faith level to rise. As Hebrews 11:6 says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." read more 
 LOVING GOD by Mike BickleDaily Devotionals
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New Evidence Reveals Why the Bible Called Ancient Israel the 'Land of Milk and Honey' - CBN NEWS

Evidence shows honey was being produced by bees here nearly 3,000 years ago, around the time of the prophet Elisha. (Pixabay/ARLOUK)

New Evidence Reveals Why the Bible Called Ancient Israel the 'Land of Milk and Honey'


Standing With Israel

The biblical fall feasts began this year last Wednesday evening with the Feast of Trumpets. Traditionally, it's called Rosh Hashanah—literally "head of the year"—and celebrated as the Jewish New Year. One of the traditions is to dip apples in honey for a sweet year.

The Bible calls Israel the land of milk and honey. But where did the honey the Bible writes about come from?
For a long time, it was accepted that the honey part came from dates—one of the seven species in the land of Israel mentioned in Deuteronomy.
Now an amazing discovery indicates beekeeping may have been a big industry thousands of years ago. Evidence shows honey was being produced by bees here nearly 3,000 years ago around the time of the prophet Elisha.
Bees connected to honey are mentioned only a few times in the Bible, and beekeeping is never mentioned, but several years ago, archaeologists uncovered a strange installation.
"We saw that we have here a row of cylindrical—of clay cylinders—each one of them is about 2-1/2 feet long and about 1 foot in diameter," Hebrew University archaeologist Amihai Mazar told CBN News. "We realized these must be bee hives."
The apiary—the place where the hives were found—is at a site in the Jordan Valley called Tel Rehov where some archaeologists believe Elisha lived about a century later.
Mazar says the type of bee was native to Turkey, pointing to its ancient trade relations with Israel. Remnants of the bees were found at the dig.
"These are the most ancient bees ever found in the world," Mazar said.
The artifacts were recently displayed at the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv.
Each hive was made of unbaked clay mixed with straw. At one end of the cylinder there was a small hole for the bees to enter and exit. At the other end, a fitted clay lid could be removed to extract the honey.
"Date honey was definitely very important and perhaps the term was used for both of them," Mazar explained. "But it's clear they knew very well how to raise bees. There were very sophisticated apiaries here, and I think that maybe much of the biblical honey—davash—is really bees' honey."
Researchers estimate there were at least 180 hives and maybe more than a million bees. Each hive could have produced about 11 pounds of honey each year, making it a suitable business effort.
"In addition, the wax was very important—the bee wax. It was important to different types of industries and crafts," Mazar said.
Apparently, the apiary met with a sudden violent end. It was covered with a thick layer of destruction, including mud bricks and charred wooden beams.
The hives were never used again. 
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