Thursday, April 3, 2014

Night With Julie Joyner - MorningStar

"Night With Julie Joyner" - April 3, 2014 at the 50+ Generation Conference at MorningStar Ministries. Thank you Julie Kilgore Joyner for sharing your beautiful gift of music.

Photos by Steve Martin
Love For His People

Delight yourself in the L-rd, Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

Heart Banner
Please click above to view photos!

Figs  Shomron flowers
 Heart of G-d Ministries
Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the L-rd and He will grant you the desire of your heart.

If anyone is coming from America in April who'd be willing to bring over a few items for us, 
please email us.
Todah - Thanks!

Summer Journey
Shofar painting

Praise the L-rd for open doors to return to the USA and Canada this summer in order to bring worship and the Word out of Zion and sound a clarion call for Aliyahbefore the Jewish people coming trembling from the west. 
There are a few open dates on our itineraryfrom Toronto to Texas and we hope to see many of you dear ones along the way, G-d willing of course!

With the desire to bring pastors from around the world to stand with Israeli believers, Promise Keepers and One Message are bringing a special event to Jerusalem Sept. 17.  For details, click here

Outreach booklets
YP cover

Praise the L-rd for the recent ads in social media sources like Facebook, Google and You Tube which resulted in 24,000 hits from Israelis looking for information about G-d and the Messiah! Ariel and Richard are working together with a sense of urgency to complete the second booklet plus three new websites, with the help and blessings ofKehilat Ha Carmel.  Please pray for these two men of G-d as they labor in the harvest fields.       

Bud and blossom
"In the days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will blossom and sprout, and they will fill the whole world with fruit."  
Although we are experiencing more intense attacks than ever from the enemy (thank you for praying for our children!) we continue to praise G-d for the blossoming of the fig tree:  

*  What a delight to sit across from a new Israeli believer at a Bible study, listening as she processes the Word and marveling at her growth in the L-rd.
*  What a delight to employ a new Israeli believer and get to pray with her as we work together.
*  What a delight to share with a university student who asks what it means to follow G-d.
*  What a delight to share with a builder who says he believes in G-d and asks why I follow Yeshua.
*  What a delight to share the Living Stones Experience at a meeting with several Israelis and then for them to ask how I came to be a follower of Yeshua. (Of course, I told them!)
*  What a delight to meet a graphics artist while I was hitchhiking, who asked how I came to faith.

Blood red moons are due this year

Should we run and hide with fear
Or should we practise standing firm
Armed and ready with concern
That we have asked and been forgiven 
That we are Holy Spirit driven
That we are called to watch and pray
With loving hearts, prepare the way
Oh may we live what we believe
Speaking truth that can't deceive
But cuts to marrow and to bone
The very Words that bring us home

Sunset over field

When you come to Israel, please join us in our home for Living Stones visit from Canada 
a time of worship and sharing, a time of Israeli folk dancing and a delicious meal served with love and magnificent view of the Sea of Galilee, the Golan and the Jordan Valley!   And when in the Galilee, please stay at the ARC, Aliyah Return Center guesthouse! 
All five CD's are available via our website.   Enjoy song clips here!   Download lead sheets here.
Todah rabah - thank you so much for your love and prayers and support.  We pray that you will walk in the fullness of your callings in Messiah and that G-d will empower you to share Messiah's love in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost ends of the earth....
In Yeshua's love,  
Richard and Carolyn Hyde
If you'd like to partner with us, please visit our webpage or click here:
partner with us icon 
Heart of G-d Ministries /  PO Box 461546  /  San Antonio, TX 78246 USA
or:  PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda  15220  Israel
We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 

Implanted Chip Coming for Mark of the Beast? - CBN News

Implanted chip coming?

RFID Opening Doors 
for Mark of the Beast?
By Mark Martin
CBN News Reporter, Thursday, April 03, 2014

Mark Martin is a reporter and anchor at CBN News, covering various issues from military matters to alternative fuels. Mark has reported internationally in the Middle East and traveled to Bahrain to cover stories on the U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Follow Mark on Twitter @MarkMartinCBN and "like" him at

It's been called a "bar code on steroids." Radio Frequency Identification identifies people or things and transmits information through microchips.

Is it all about convenience, or are there biblical implications?

Thrilling Convenience

A banner at the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions Expo, or IAAPA as it is known, reads "Prepare to be thrilled!" And if you're into amusement parks, the expo is the place to be.

Each year, theme park entertainment grows more exciting and cutting edge, like the Tru-Trackless Ride Systems.

From trackless to cashless, the operators described the latest ways to make the park experience more convenient for customers and employees.

That includes RFID.

"We're going to have the ability to do it through an RFID chip," Megan Morrow, with the company Core Cashless, an exhibitor at IAAPA, said. "So it would be as simple as walking up, tapping your card to accept that form of payment on the system."

"RFID technology can sense when either a certain device... or if that device is on a person, where they are, what they're doing, and depending on how you want to use it, it can help with things like data collection," Patrick Frickleton, also with Core Cashless, explained.

How It Works

RFID uses radio waves to transmit information at a distance. A microchip in an RFID tag contains unique identification numbers.

Tom Foster, who works for Precision Dynamics Corporation, said the organization pioneered the technology around the turn of the century.

"We use a passive chip, which means there's no battery, so it lays dormant on your wrist until it comes in contact with an RFID reader," Foster explained.

Companies like PDC, which produce RFID products, say the technology helps with areas such as access control, keyless entry, and cashless point of sale.

Precision Dynamics developed the first kiosk that dispenses and encodes RFID wristbands for amusement park purchases. It's like a wallet on your wrist.

"You simply have the ability to spend," PDC sales manager Greg Cetera said. "Here, again, RFID is going to drive sales."

Convenience vs. Privacy

It raises a number of questions, however, like what about privacy? And can the information on that wristband be stolen?

"With the RFID technology, we're not tracking anybody," Foster said. "There's a two- to three-inch read range required to be able to read that information on the tag, and if you can read that information on the tag, there's nothing you can do with that information because everything is encrypted also on the back-end server."

That may be the case with the wristbands, but consumer privacy expert Dr. Katherine Albrecht is concerned about RFID technology in general and what the future holds.

Katherine Albrecht

"They want RFID tags in your refrigerator, in the objects that you buy, and ultimately, as Dr. Katina Michael is making so clear, they want these tags in us," Albrecht shared on her nationally syndicated radio show.

"We're using radio frequency to identify things and transmit information all the time nowadays," Albrecht said. "I think what is coming next, though, is what the marketers and developers of this technology call the 'Internet of Things.' This idea is that every physical object would have its own equivalent of an IP address encoded into the microchip."

She said their goal is to track the consumer's habits.

Mark of the Beast

Beyond the privacy concerns, Albrecht said RFID technology carries biblical implications, with hobbyists embedding microchips into their flesh.

"There will be a time when humanity will be forced to take a mark, and that mark will be on the right hand or the forehead," said Albrecht, referring to Revelation 13:16-18. "It is the number 666; we're told to pay attention and look out for that, and people who do not take that mark, of course, will not be able to buy or sell."

"Some people say RFID will be the mark of the beast because it can be a mark in your hand that you can transmit," Albrecht added.

"If it isn't, and it may well not be; there may well be something that comes next beyond that to become, to fulfill that biblical prophecy, but every one of those steps was getting us closer to that end destination," she said.

Radio isn't the only way that she is getting her message out about the dangers of RFID technology and what it can lead to. She's also a best-selling author, writing books for both adults and children.

Caution Against Blind Acceptance

Albrecht has devoted a decade to studying RFID.

One result of her research is the book, Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID.

She especially wants to reach younger readers with her book I Won't Take the Mark, a Bible Book and Contract for Children to help kids understand the book of Revelation.

"I am stunned at the number of people who have gone to VBS and summer camp and Bible school and Sunday school, and they've never even heard of the mark of the beast," Albrecht said. "The churches aren't preaching it; they're not discussing it."

"There's an embarrassment factor about this, which is ironic because throughout all of history, it's been a huge topic," she continued. "Now that we're actually seeing these technologies develop before our eyes, no one wants to talk about them."

Albrecht is working to change that, wanting people to think before blindly accepting new tracking technology.

Chuck D. Pierce: "This is a Season of Glory Change!" And "Dragons Are On the Move"

Chuck D. Pierce:
The Elijah List

Newsletter Dated Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chuck D. PierceDear Glory Movers:

This past weekend was just incredible. The overall word was "This is a season of Glory Change!" Ask the Lord about the changes coming into your life. Can you receive a new move of His Glory?

Below is a prophetic word that came forth Sunday morning. Also notice the picture reflecting the "dragon storms" moving across the United States when this word was being given.

"A Glory Change I'm Bringing Into the Land!"

"This is not the same as you've seen in the past. This is not the same as what you've asked for in other seasons. 

This is a different Glory – a Glory change that I'm bringing into the land! You will shudder at the changes that are on the way in your land and in other lands and with other people!

"For this is a time that the blood that runs deep will now be sanctified. This is a time that My Spirit will go deeper than I have gone in the past. For this is a time of birthing what is new, but yet bringing forth that which is old, and treasures will erupt! Treasures will erupt! Treasures will erupt!

"I will bring forth what has not been seen, and I will cause your gifts to come alive in ways they've never come alive. You will feel the shuddering birthing pains within you, and from that you will bring to birth the change that is necessary for you to enter into this season.

"So know this: Dragons are on the move, and even the Great Dragon is now mounting up. Nations that will align are now aligning. So watch carefully and look deep into the circumstances around you. For these are days of great change.

"Watch the signs on your road for your road is now changing. New opportunities are coming. Watch now, for I will realign your path!"

Three Dragon StormsNote: According to Airing NewsThis is a really unusual weather situation, according to the National Weather Service: Three low pressure systems in line over the entirety of North America. NASA Goddard describes them as "three atmospheric dragons." 

(Photo via Airing News)


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. 

Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. 

He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Possessing Your InheritanceThe Future War of the ChurchThe Worship WarriorGod's Unfolding Battle PlanInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, andTime to Defeat the Devil

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:

Lessons of Love - Kamran Yaraei (former Muslim) with Rick Joyner - Prophetic Perspective on Current Events Video

Kamran Yaraei - former Muslim 
now a believer in Jesus

Lessons of Love

Rick Joyner
Kamran Yaraei

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Kamran shares that God asked him to talk with Muslims about Him. His T.V. shows share “Lessons of Love” with millions of people in Iran every week.
Watch here: Lessons of Love - Rick Joyner Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

When Lies Become Truth - in the Holy Land

When Lies Become Truth

Wednesday, April 02, 2014 |  Aviel Schneider  ISRAEL TODAY
The conflict over the Promised Land ultimately revolves around the right of succession or inheritance. Against this background, Jordanian tribal leader Sheikh Ahmad Adwan caused a stir when he declared that the Holy Land rightfully belongs to the Jews.
At the same time, several Israeli medJews, ia outlets reported on the escalating religious struggle for the Holy Land. In his new book "To Whom Does This Land Belong?", Israeli Professor Nissim Dana examines the numerous Islamic passages according to which Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) was and still is promised to the Children of Israel.
The religious aspect of the conflict is beginning to rival the political in the hearts and minds of many Israelis.
The rest of this important article appears in the April 2014 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
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Benayahu's Brit (Circumcision)

Benayahu's Brit (Circumcision)

Jewish practice 
in obedience to God

Jerusalem, Israel
April, 2014
