Friday, March 25, 2016

Shabbat Shalom ✡ "A People That Shall Dwell Alone" - ISRAEL365

For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from thehills I behold him: lo, it is a people that shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations

כִּי-מֵרֹאשׁ צֻרִים אֶרְאֶנּוּ וּמִגְּבָעוֹת אֲשׁוּרֶנּוּ  הֶן-עָם לְבָדָד יִשְׁכֹּן וּבַגּוֹיִם לֹא יִתְחַשָּׁב

במדבר כג: ט

kee may-rosh tzu-reem er-e-nu u-mig-va-ot a-shu-re-nu hel am l'-va-dad yish-kon u-va-go-yeem lo yit-kha-shav

Shabbat Inspiration

Today's verse describes an attempt by the wicked Balaam to curse the Jewish people. His plan was foiled by God, and instead he utters a reluctant compliment, “Indeed this is a people that dwells alone and is not counted among the nations.” For better and for worse, the Jews have always been set aside from among the nations and singled out for special treatment. Israel receives an utterly disproportionate amount of coverage by the media, most of it negative, yet there is an inherently positive lesson in this solitude: the people of Israel are singled out for a holy purpose. They are chosen by God to remain faithful to Him and to fulfill the Biblical mandate of teaching His truths to the world. Now you can wear a personal reminder of God's words and biblical truths. Our beautiful collection of Nano jewelry is engraved with words of Scripture from the Land of Israel.

What You Don't See on the News about Israel and the Palestinians

Why do hundreds of thousands of Palestinians cross into Israel each year? While the world focuses on the conflict, here are some of the things you haven't heard.

Weekly Torah Portion:
A How-To Guide of the Sacrificial Offerings

This week's portion describes all of the sacrificial offerings in the Holy Temple, with insight into how they affect our lives today.

"Jewish Soul" Music CD

This album of Jewish soul music captures the multifaceted talent of Cantor Deborah Katchko-Gray. From traditional-sounding chazzanut to the more exotic Yemenite songs, from the familiar synagogue Shabbat tunes to her creative and unique, more artistic pieces, the ten tracks of this CD encompass a spectrum of Jewish sound. Cantor Deborah’s stirring “Hineni” will haunt and move you, while her folksy English songs like “We Came to Sing in Jerusalem” will leave the listener humming and uplifted. Let her beautiful voice and gifted music inspire you!

Today's Israel Photo

Today's beautiful photo by Yehoshua Halevi features Mount Hermon, the country’s highest point with a 2,814-meter peak. It served as the northern boundary of the Promised Land
(Deut. 3:8).

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Cannot wait to get my e-mails. So encouraging and at this moment a great help for my daughter and son in-law as they are going through a difficult financial time. You are a Blessing to everyone all over the world. Shalom, Elizabeth Johanna G., South Africa.

I'm very happy everyday with Israel365 news... I'm an evangelical Christian man in France and I support Zionism and Israël, by my prayers to G.od and His great goodness and love... Everyone of the Israel365 team, stay blessed... Gilbert and Mireille
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Ancient Byzantine Church Uncovered in Gush Etzion by Michael Bachner - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Excavation Site of Byzantine Church in Migdal Oz 23.3.16

The cave and crypt with the newly discovered mosaic. (Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS)
Excavation Site of Byzantine Church in Migdal Oz 23.3.16 The cave and crypt with the newly discovered mosaic. (Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS)

Ancient Byzantine Church Uncovered in Gush Etzion

“Even them will I bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer; their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon Mine altar; for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7 (The Israel Bible™)
A colorful mosaic and various archaeological artifacts have been recently unearthed at the site of a large, uniquely structured Byzantine basilica in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem.
The discovery was made at the Khirbet Bureikut archaeological site in Migdal Oz, where the Byzantine church was originally discovered in 1977, and indicates that the inhabitants there were very wealthy. The newly discovered mosaic indicates that the church was originally built in the fourth century, according to Hananya Hizmi, Head Staff Officer of Archaeology of the Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria.
Excavation Site of Byzantine Church in Migdal Oz 23.3.16. Haim Shkolnik (L) and Hananya Hizmi (R) with the newly discovered mosaic. (Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS)
Excavation Site of Byzantine Church in Migdal Oz 23.3.16.
Haim Shkolnik (L) and Hananya Hizmi (R) with the newly discovered mosaic. (Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS)
“We started to expand the excavation at the end of 2015 to find out where all this wealth came from, since this area was probably isolated from major communities during the Byzantine era,” Haim Shkolnik, who led the excavation on behalf of the Archeology Staff Officer, told Tazpit Press Service (TPS).
Artifacts recently discovered at the excavation include over five kilograms of glass items, pottery fragments, around 50 coins, including one of Alexander Jannaeus, and a handle with the seal of the Three Biblical Magi.
Some of the newly discovered artifacts. Excavation Site of Byzantine Church in Migdal Oz 23.3.16 (Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS)
Some of the newly discovered artifacts. Excavation Site of Byzantine Church in Migdal Oz 23.3.16 (Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS)
“The findings at the church indicate great wealth,” Shkolnik informed TPS. “There were many types of marble and glass used and it had drainage channels, a rare feature for Byzantine churches. It also had an underground crypt with two staircases leading down to it, which is also a very rare feature.”
According to Hananya Hizmi, the church was built on a cave from earlier times. “The cave was converted to a crypt and used to buried martyrs,” he said. “The Basilica has a prayer hall, aisles, a narthex running across the structure and an atrium with a big water hole. The church is built of massive stone blocks, suggesting that it was built on an earlier structure.”
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“The church is different in its design from what was normal at the time,” said Shkolnik. “It was possibly founded by monks arriving from Syria, as was common in the fifth century.”
The practice of worshipping in the cave began in the fourth century and the cave was converted to a crypt when it was expanded in the 5th century and the church was built. The basilical complex was built during the Byzantine era. According to Shkolnik, the findings indicate that it had been a major pilgrimage site. The place ceased to serve as a church after the early Muslim conquest.
Excavation Site of Byzantine Church in Migdal Oz 23.3.16 (Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS)
Excavation Site of Byzantine Church in Migdal Oz 23.3.16 (Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS)
“We found evidence suggesting that they shattered many of the church items, contrary to what some believe about the ‘enlightened’ Muslim conquest,” Shkolnik noted.
The place also saw some activity in the ninth century, but that activity ceased until it was renewed by the Mamluks in the 14th century. The site was then abandoned until it was excavated in 1977.
The Archaeology Staff Officer is the body responsible for enforcing the antiquity laws in Judea and Samaria. It has Jewish and Palestinian employees and is in charge of protecting and developing over 2,500 archeological sites found in the region.

Rick Joyner & Jorge Parrott: Go & Preach the Gospel (Prophetic Perspectives)

Rick Joyner & Jorge Parrott

Jorge Parrott, MorningStar Missions Director

Watch here: Rick Joyner & Jorge Parrott: Go & Preach the Gospel (Prophetic Perspectives)

Go And Preach the Gospel
Rick Joyner
Jorge Parrott
Thursday, March 24, 2016

 Rick interviews Jorge Parrott, MorningStar Missions Director, about various missional work going on around the world through the efforts of MorningStar’s Missions Department and its missionaries. Jorge tells how you can get involved.

Dutch Sheets: "The Year of Joel 2:16" - The Elijah List

Dutch Sheets: "The Year of Joel 2:16"

The Elijah List
Mar 25, 2016
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
There are few people, whose revelation I listen to more closely than Dutch Sheets.
Dutch has dedicated his life to restoring the nation of the United States back to God and of course, that of the entire Body of Christ throughout the earth.
Below, Dutch has some great new Words from the Throne of God about this being the very YEAR of JOEL 2:16!

Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber. Joel 2:16
The Lord is calling the Body of Christ to consecrate themselves unto the Lord. Whatever you do, don't miss out on this Move of God by failing to do this.
Now please really read carefully and fully absorb this message from the Lord, through Dutch Sheets!
By the way friends...our "What is God Saying for 2016?" Elijah List conference set is one of our TOP SELLERS right now! And YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD just below!
This truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase this TOP SELLER in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to: PLUS: HEY! Please EXPLORE our more than 4,000 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts at:

As we have heard from many prophetic voices, the year 2016 is full of promise for seeing a great turning in America. At the start of the year, the Lord also spoke to me about this season we have stepped into, telling of spiritual recalibration and a great convergence within His Church. He spoke of restoring our passion, our vision, our heart for service, and our love for His Word. The Lord even told me of a great shift toward righteousness within our government in 2016. 
What the Lord made clear to me, however, is that all He desires to do this year can happen only as we make prayer our priority.
A Huge Surge of Prayer
For much time, I have been sensing that a huge surge of prayer is coming to America in 2016. A great work of preparation has been done, and this wave of prayer will now hit its stride this year. A conversation I had with my dear friend and son in the Lord, Will Ford, put a phrase to what I had been sensing. Based on a dream given to his wife, Will said, "The year 2016 is the year of Joel 2:16."
Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber. Joel 2:16
This verse highlights God's present call to personal lifestyles and mass gatherings of fasting and prayer. The subsequent verses speak of the fruit of such devotion: deliverance, restoration, and a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Over the last few years, I found myself grieving over what I considered to be a loss of momentum, or even a dying, of the "prayer movement" in America. But the Lord changed this by giving me a prophetic message and a practical method for mobilizing the masses to pray. (Photo via Dutch Sheets app)
The story behind the Appeal To Heaven flag is creating vision and issuing a call to the Church concerning God's plan for a resurgence of prayer. Between onsite attendance on unique online views, over 50,000 hungry people engaged in our most recent Appeal To Heaven Conference. And at the writing of this piece—only four months after its launch—nearly 300,000 people have downloaded the Give Him 15 daily prayer app to help guide them in unified intercession and Scriptural decrees for America.
I have never seen as many significant prayer gatherings planned for this nation as are scheduled for 2016. We are told that Lou Engle's AzusaNow stadium gathering in Los Angeles on April 9 is seeing thousands of registrants per day, and on that same day tens of thousands of pastors will gather at our nation's Capital to pray. The recent Harvest America stadium gathering in Dallas looked like the days of the Jesus People Movement, with masses of people surrendering their lives to the Lord, and Together 2016 is aimed at gathering 1 million people on the Mall in Washington, DC this summer.
And there is still more to come. I was fascinated by what took place at a recent meeting in Colorado Springs, CO hosted by Dick Eastman, whom I consider to be the patriarch and strongest apostle of prayer in America. Leaders from prayer ministries across several denominations convened to develop a unified strategy for shifting the nation through prayer.
Clearly, God has birthed and breathed life upon these and many other prayer efforts to help prepare the way for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit in America. Let your heart be filled with hope!

ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Appeal to Heaven Movement!
Another generation is about to receive their version of a prayer movement, and what God is about to do is bigger than what He did in prayer in the 1990's; He's taking us all the way back to what He did through prayer in America in the 1770's. Many are not aware that America was birthed through prayer.
The Lord used General Washington, the commander of our military at that time, to commission a flag with a message of hope stitched across its top. "Appeal To Heaven" became more than a catchphrase, it became a prayer movement, which swept through the colonies, empowering a fledgling nation to rise up in supernatural strength against the giant of their day.
In resurrecting the Appeal To Heaven flag, the Lord is communicating His desire to resurrect the prayer movement for the rebirthing of this great nation. He is taking us back to the founding of our nation, affirming His covenantal promises with us, and equipping us with what we need to take out the giants of our day and shine as a city on a hill and light to the nations once again. It's going to be amazing! (Photo via Dutch Sheets)
Those who respond to what the Spirit is saying to the Church in this hour, taking up the mantle of prayer, will become new wineskins filled with new wine. New paradigms, systems, and structures will come into place to make way for what God is releasing into the earth.
Schedules and agendas are changing to make room for Holy Spirit's invitation to personal lifestyles of fasting and prayer. Pastors and leaders across America are hearing Heaven's call to re-prioritize and give prayer the place of preeminence in their churches and ministries. Houses of prayer will spring up from among them, and new schools of prayer will be launched, as well.
A new awakening and outpouring of prayer is coming to America. We must make room for it. Let this be our Joel 2:16 year, in which we gather, consecrate ourselves, and through prayer see the Lord shift the nation!
Let communing with Him be our priority this year!
Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Email: click here
Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering Believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its godly heritage. 
Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging Believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. Dutch and his wife Ceci have been married for 35 years and now reside in the Dallas area. They treasure time spent with their two grown daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren.
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Jonathan Cahn - The Mystery of the Shemitah: Confirmed - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Jonathan Cahn - The Mystery of the Shemitah: Confirmed

Jim & Lori Bakker with Jonathan Cahn

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2960 | Aired on March 25, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Home » Video Archives » Mystery of the Shemitah: CONFIRMED

The Garden Tomb: Where Jesus Rose Again? - CBN News Chris Mitchell

The Garden Tomb: Where Jesus Rose Again?
CBN News Chris Mitchell

JERUSALEM -- On Easter Sunday, millions of Christians around the world will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In Jerusalem, thousands of Christian pilgrims visit what many believe to be the site of that resurrection. 
Located near the heart of Jerusalem is a place called The Garden Tomb, what some believe was the Garden of Joseph of Arimathea. Here is where some believe Jesus died, was buried, and then rose from the dead. 

The garden is a two acre oasis in the often hectic city of Jerusalem. British Christians bought the garden 125 years ago and formed The Garden Tomb Association. For years, they've allowed visitors here free of charge. 
"What we do have here in the Garden is a perfect representation of the Biblical accounts at the end of the four Gospels. Everything in those four Gospels matches what we show people here in the Garden," Richard Meryon, director of The Garden Tomb, said.
Touring the Garden
Today, nearly a quarter of a million visitors pour into The Garden Tomb each year. Guide Steve Bridge took CBN News on a tour visitors get when they come to the garden.     
"What we plot out is the basic geography that we have in the Bible," he explained. "Jesus was crucified outside of the city walls at a place called Golgotha. And in the immediate area to where Jesus was crucified there was a garden that belonged to a rich man by the name of Joseph of Arimathea."
We came first to the place the Bible calls "Golgotha," where the book of Matthew says "and when they had come to a place called Golgotha, that is to say, Place of a Skull." 
"What are some of the main questions people ask you when they come here?" we asked Bridge.
"Some of the main questions, certainly from Christian groups would be can we be certain that this is the place where Jesus died and He was raised to life," Bridge said. "People often ask how come there are two places, here and there is the Holy Sepulcher?"
Weighing the Evidence
The question arises because some believe Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulcher is the actual place of the crucifixion and resurrection, not the Garden Tomb. Constantine's mother Queen Helena helped build the church in 326 A.D. 
The archeological weight supporting the church's claim is substantial. For example, the Roman emperor Hadrian built a temple on the site in the second century because local Christians venerated the site as the place of Golgotha.   
But the evidence for the Garden can be compelling. The gospel of John says, "... at the place where jesus was crucified, there was a garden ... "  (John 19: 38; 41)
If you have a garden, you need lots of water, especially in the dry Middle East. The Garden Tomb contains one of the oldest and largest cisterns in Jerusalem. It's 2,000 years old and holds about 200,000 gallons of water.
"So the tomb we have here is a typical of a first century Jewish rolling stone tomb. It's dated at least 2,000 years, possibly older," Bridge explained to CBN News.
The Empty Tomb 
In the Garden, the Bible also says there was a tomb. 
"It is carved out of solid rock. It's a man-made tomb and that's how the Bible describes the tomb in which the body of Jesus was laid," Bridge said of the tomb, while we we standing next its entrance.
"This channel that you can see in front of the tomb entrance is where the stone would have sat that would have been rolled to seal the entrance to the tomb. So finally, the most important thing about this tomb itself is that it's empty."
We went inside for a look.
"What we're looking at when we're looking at this direction is through into the burial chamber itself," Bridge explained. "And what you have inside the burial chamber are these two areas where a body would be laid, one just down here and one on this side."
The tomb itself seems to fit the Bible's description. But whether The Garden Tomb or the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is the site of the resurrection of Jesus, many Christian pilgrims take with them a profound affirmation of their faith
"I'm a Bible teacher in the states. And want to take some of this passion back, that Jesus is who he says he is, that he is the son of God, and he did walk this earth," Kelcey Gillespie, a Christian who made a pilgrimage here to Jerusalem, told us.
Celebrating the Person
As people celebrate Easter, those at The Garden Tomb stress it's not the place, it's the person.     
"The Bible writers really weren't that interested in establishing where Jesus died. We have very little information," Bridge said. "The Bible writers themselves were much more interested in Jesus Christ himself who he is. Why He died."    
"That's what we want people to take away, that the tomb is empty. And we as Christians, of all the world's faiths, serve a living God who's overcome death, who's has dealt with the sin in our life," Meryon said. "And Jesus is the centrality of our Christian faith, is He not?"
"And so here at the Garden that's what we want people to take away is the living Lord Jesus. The Easter weekend is the weekend that changed the world," he added. "The weekend that Jesus died and was buried and rose again for me and for you."

Watch here: CBN News
--Originally aired March 31, 2010

Jonathan Cahn - The Mystery of Ishmael, The Shemitah on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Jonathan Cahn - The Mystery of Ishmael on The Jim Bakker Show

Collapse of oil prices at Shemitah

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2961 | Aired on March 24, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Home » Video Archives » The Mystery of Ishmael

More Islamic Terror Coming: ISIS Has Sent 400 Trained Fighters Into Europe To Conduct Terror Attacks - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Skull Smiling - Public Domain

Posted: 24 Mar 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The recent attacks in Paris and in Brussels were just the tip of the iceberg of a massive wave of Islamic terror that is soon coming to Europe.  As you will see below, the Associated Press is reporting that ISIS has specially trained “at least 400 attackers” and has already sent them into Europe with specific instructions to conduct terror operations.  

So Barack Obama may not think that we have anything to be concerned about, but the facts on the ground tell us a completely different story.  Thanks to Europe’s openness to “war refugees” from Syria, it is very easy for radical jihadists to get into countries such as France, Belgium and Germany.  And once they are on European soil, there are plenty of other disgruntled Islamic refugees that they can recruit to their cause.  Europe stands on the precipice of the greatest terror crisis that it has ever known, and the attacks that are coming next are likely to be far more deadly than anything we have seen so far.

As I mentioned above, the Associated Press is reporting that ISIS has already sent “at least 400″ trained fighters into Europe for the purpose of conducting terror attacks…
Security officials have told The Associated Press that the Islamic State group has trained at least 400 attackers and sent them into Europe for terror attacks.
The network of interlocking, agile and semiautonomous cells shows the reach of the extremist group in Europe even as it loses ground in Syria. The officials, including European and Iraqi intelligence officials and a French lawmaker who follows the jihadi networks, describe camps designed specifically to train for attacks against the West.
And just in case you were tempted to think that this threat was not real, you may want to consider what happened in France on Thursday.

According to NBC News, police in Paris were able to foil a terror attack that was in “the advanced stages” of planning…
Raids in northwest Paris have foiled a terrorist attack, French officials said late Thursday.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve gave a press conference in Paris announcing there was an operation underway in Argenteuil, a commune in the northwest suburbs of Paris.
One man was arrested Thursday morning Cazeneuve said, adding that the operation thwarted a potential attack. Police were raiding his home again laterThursday evening.
The suspect was a French national who was in “the advanced stages” of a terror plot, the minister said, calling it a “major arrest.”
Of course much of the rest of the world is already solidly in the grip of Islamic terror.  The number of people killed by Islamic terror attacks has been increasing year after year, but the western media only seems to get excited when an attack happens in North America or Europe.

I came across the following tweet earlier today, and it makes this point perfectly…
— ㅤ (@ledgerdicaprio) March 22, 2016

For instance, did you even hear about the horrific Islamic terror attack that happened in the Ivory Coast earlier this month?  Gunmen opened fire on a very crowded beach in a key resort area on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for the bloodshed.  The following comes from the New York Times
Gunmen opened fire on picnickers and swimmers enjoying a perfect day at three beach resort hotels near the Ivory Coast’s capital on Sunday, killing 16 people and leaving bodies strewn across the bloodstained sand. It was the third major attack in West Africa since November, and verified fears that the spread of terrorism across the region was far from over.
The attack, on the first sunny Sunday in weeks, took place in Grand-Bassam, a popular palm tree-lined getaway for Ivorians and foreigners. Fourteen civilians and two members of the country’s special forces were killed, as well as six gunmen, according to a spokeswoman for the president.
So why do we get so bent out of shape when there is an attack in France or Belgium, but not when there is an attack in the Ivory Coast?

And what does that say about us?

As ISIS and other Islamic terror groups conduct more attacks in North America and Europe, the pressure to conduct military action in the Middle East is going to become very intense.  For a long time I have been warning about the potential for World War III to erupt in Syria, and U.S. troops are already taking on a more prominent role in Iraq.

In fact, the International Business Times is reporting that U.S. marines are now “on the front line” in the fight against the Islamic State…
The Islamic State group is trying to retake control of the oil fields it lost two years ago in the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan by launching rockets at Kurdish and Iraqi soldiers. In an attempt to earn back the massive amount of cash it used to fund its international terrorism in 2014, the group has focused its resources on attacking Makhmur, a city just 75 miles miles from the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. So far, the group, also known as ISIS, has succeeded in outgunning the Iraqi forces in the city, but a new contingent of American Marines might change the outcome on the ground.
“Several weeks ago, thousands of Iraqi troops began occupying a tactical assembly area in Makhmur. This is part of the force generation associated with the liberation of Mosul,” Col. Steve Warren, spokesman for the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, said in a press briefing this week. Mosul is the de facto ISIS headquarters in Iraq. “These Iraqi forces, along with their coalition advisers, require force protection,” Warren said. “So we constructed a small fire base to do just that.”
The U.S. Marines in Iraq are on the front line and have been tasked with protecting Iraqi units in Makhmur — a scenario President Barack Obama wanted to avoid as long as possible during his time in office.
And what happens when ISIS or another terror group is able to set off a chemical, biological or nuclear weapon in a major western city?

That would change the world literally overnight.

As I have been warning, most people have no idea how incredibly fragile our society truly is.  Humanity has created weapons that are frighteningly powerful, and it is only a matter of time before terrorists acquire these weapons and begin using them.

The free and open society that we are all enjoying today is on borrowed time.

All it is going to take is the detonation of a single weapon of mass destruction in a major western city and everything will change.

Franklin Graham Takes a Bold Stand Against NFL's Christian Persecution - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Nathan Deal

Franklin Graham Takes a Bold Stand Against NFL's Christian Persecution

Evangelist Franklin Graham has asked his followers to pray for Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, who is weighing whether or not to sign into law a religious freedom protection bill in the wake of widespread outrage from LGBT activists and corporate interests. (Reuters photo)
As Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal continues to contemplate whether or not to sign a bill to protect religious freedoms in his state, a number of corporate interests have weighed in.
But now, in an official statement, evangelist Franklin Graham has weighed in on the issue, as well. He shared his comments on social media after learning of the threats issued by the National Football League to remove Atlanta from consideration for a future Super Bowl date.
"Atlanta is a great location for the Super Bowl, but the NFL has come out against Georgia's religious exemptions bill, threatening that it could impact Atlanta's consideration in the Super Bowl selection process for 2019 and 2020," he said. "LGBT forces and corporate super powers are using this threat to try to stop the bill that would protect pastors from performing same-sex marriages and give faith-based organizations permission to deny use of their facilities for things outside their religious beliefs."
House Bill 757, also known as the Religious Freedom Protection Act and the Pastor Protection Act, would protect pastors, faith-based organizations and business owners with sincerely held religious beliefs from being forced to violate their conscience. The bill has passed the Georgia House of Representatives and Senate, and is supported by a number of conservative and faith leaders.
In response, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said through a spokesman, "NFL policies emphasize tolerance and inclusiveness, and prohibit discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other improper standard. Whether the laws and regulations of a state and local community are consistent with these policies would be one of many factors NFL owners may use to evaluate potential Super Bowl host sites."
Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank has been eager to get the Super Bowl back in his home city for years. And because of the NFL's reaction, he has also joined the chorus of corporate interests opposed to the legislation.
"I strongly believe a diverse, inclusive and welcoming Georgia is critical to our citizens and the millions of visitors coming to enjoy all that our great state has to offer," he has said. "House Bill 757 undermines these principles and would have long-lasting negative impact on our state and the people of Georgia."
Other corporate interests that have weighed in against the legislation include the Walt Disney Company, which frequently films on location in the state, and the Coca-Cola Company, which is headquartered in Atlanta. Dozens of other corporations have also attacked the legislation, saying it promotes discrimination.
Graham, however, disagrees with those assessments:
"It does not legalize discrimination as opponents are trying to say, rather it helps contain the growing discrimination against Christians who simply want to live out their faith. The bill has already passed both houses of the Georgia legislature and has the support of Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle."
Deal has said he will make his decision in the next few weeks. In the meantime, Graham is urging his followers to join him in taking a bold stand for religious freedom.
"Let's pray that Gov. Deal will protect the religious freedoms of Georgians," he said. "Write him and let him know how you feel about this—stand up against this NFL blitz!"
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