Monday, October 17, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: After many delays, the battle to liberate Mosul from a hellish ISIS nightmare is about to begin.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

After many delays, the battle to liberate Mosul from a hellish ISIS nightmare is about to begin. Here’s the latest.

by joelcrosenberg
The good news: two years after the Islamic State swept through large swaths of north-western Syria, and seized control of upwards of one-third of Iraq, a coalition of U.S, Arab and Kurdish military forces are poised to launch a massive new battle to liberate the city of Mosul, Iraq's second largest.
The bad news: how much time do you have?
  • For one thing, while ISIS is losing ground in Iraq, and even losing some ground in Syria, it's ideology has spread to some three-dozen countries.
  • Second, ISIS is recruiting jihadists from well over 100 countries.
  • Third, ISIS operatives and loyalists are launching deadly terror attacks all over the world, including in North America and various NATO countries.
  • Four, the battle for Mosul -- repeatedly promised yet repeatedly delayed over the past year -- could cause ISIS to slaughter many more innocents.
  • Fifth, the battle for Mosul could also create a massive new refugee surge.
In the days ahead, I'll keep you updated on this multi-national effort to retake Mosul, end the hellish ISIS-led genocide against Christians and Yazidis, and drive ISIS out of northern Iraq once and for all. I'll also report on a fascinating Iraqi proposal to create a new province in northern Iraq where Christians and other minorities can be safe.
For now, please join me in praying for the people of Mosul. Please pray the Lord would liberate them from the ISIS nightmare they have been suffering for two years. Pray that the Lord would show grace and favor on the coalition preparing to attack ISIS. Please pray, too, for the various Christian ministries (including the organization we founded,The Joshua Fund) that is trying to minister to refugees in Iraq, strengthen the local persecuted Church there, and be a light in the darkness.
That said, here's the latest news reports on preparations for the battle of Mosul:
"Thousands of troops are massing outside ISIS-held Mosul in preparation for a battle that could spell the end of the terror group in Iraq," reports the UK Daily Mail. "The fight to reclaim the city is expected to begin next week in what will be the biggest Iraqi military operation since the US-led invasion in 2003."
"A successful conquest would destroy ISIS's last bastion of power in the country, and represent a serious blow to its legitimacy," the British paper notes. "Some 30,000 Iraqi troops are expected to take part in the battle, with support from US special forces and western coalition warplanes."
The BBC reports:
  • A planned military offensive to reclaim Mosul from so-called Islamic State (IS) could see up to a million Iraqis flee their homes.
  • The UN's refugee agency has told the BBC how it and its partners are gearing up to deal with the expected humanitarian crisis by building camps to house those in need.
  • The much-delayed operation to drive IS from Iraq's second-largest city is expected to begin this month, more than two years after the jihadists over-ran Mosul and proclaimed its caliphate.
  • In preparation, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and its partners are stepping up contingency plans, informed by a number of lessons learned from previous offensives, such as Falluja, says Bruno Geddo, a UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Iraq....
  • An estimated 3.3 million people -- equivalent to almost 10% of the population of Iraq -- have been uprooted by fighting since the start of 2014. Those currently fleeing Mosul and its surrounding areas join about half-a-million people who fled the city in June 2014.
  • There are no firm figures on how many people remain in Mosul, but there were more than two million when IS took the city more than two years ago.
  • Mr Geddo estimates the population could now be "anywhere between 1.2 and 1.5m people."....
joelcrosenberg | October 16, 2016 at 2:23 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

The 360° video tour of Jerusalem that will connect you like never before - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

The 360° video tour of Jerusalem that will connect you like never before - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK
daily israel update banner 2
Naftali Bennet takes us on an unforgettable tour of the city in each and every one of our hearts. Blessings from Jerusalem!

Why Many Christians Never Taste the Abundant Life Jesus Promised - JOYCE TILNEY CHARISMA NEWS

Step into the rhythm of the Holy Spirit to find abundant life. (Ezra Jeffrey)

Why Many Christians Never Taste the Abundant Life Jesus Promised


Have you ever been like me, thinking, "What is going on?" I love the Lord, go to church and study the Word, but sometimes things just don't seem to click.
Jesus promised us an abundant life. He told us to be of good cheer, He had overcome the world. One day as I was meditating on some things in my life, things I didn't understand, I heard a whisper in my heart, "Find the rhythm of life."
After meditating on this for months, little by little I began to feel like I was beginning to get a glimpse of that rhythm. I began to see it was not what I was doing that was important in my life, but who I was and, of course, who I was effected what I did.
The Holy Spirit began to bring to my remembrance Scriptures I had hidden in my heart years before. One was 1 Thessalonians 5:23, which says, "May the very God of peace sanctify you completely. And I pray to God that your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
We are to keep our whole spirit, soul and body blameless. I realized in that moment how each area affects the others and that our spirit, soul and body had to flow together in "rhythm" so we would not stumble and fall in life.
It is hard to get out of bed a little early to read the Bible and have some quiet time when you are totally exhausted because you have not taken care of your body, have not exercised, eaten a healthy diet and are stressed out over money. It is also hard to be a positive influence on your family and friends when you are discouraged, depressed and disappointed, a reflection of an unhealthy soul.
After serving the Lord on the mission field and traveling to the nations for several years, everything in my life seemed to collapse. I could not cope with my life. I was totally exhausted, I had no desire to study the Word of God, and I felt totally alone. What happened?
After a year in this condition, the Lord sent an "angel" to tell me God loved me. I had never met the woman face-to-face, but I had encouraged her with a letter after reading her book. She was cleaning her desk one day and found the letter I had sent. God spoke clearly to her, "Call her and tell her I love her." When I heard those words, I began to weep and the healing process started in my heart. God had not forgotten me. In fact, I believe He called a stop to my traveling to save my life.
I had gained 75 pounds during this time, and now I was fighting guilt and condemnation in this image-obsessed world. I cried out to the Lord for help. "Lord, I need a word from You." I love to hear God's voice, and I knew that Jesus said that His sheep follow Him because they hear His voice (John 10:4, 27).
One day the Lord spoke, "Break the habit." I knew immediately what He meant—my food habit. From that day, He began to reveal to me how I had to walk in unity with myself to conquer this battle. I had to pursue health in my spirit, soul and body to overcome in this world. I had to keep my temple strong and take care of it so I had the strength to renew my soul and build a strong spirit.
I believe that's what is missing in this "diet-crazed, body-imaged world" that has crept into the Church. The devil has always used food to destroy God's people. Why can't we stop eating when we know certain foods are not good for us? Why does all the information about health seem to go right over our head? You cannot fix a spiritual problem with a natural solution. Food addiction is fast overtaking smoking to being the No. 1 cause of death from a preventable disease.
One day, I saw the words, "The devil wants you fat!" My heart was pierced. The last thing I wanted to do was please the devil. "God," I cried, "please forgive me for not taking care of my body." When I submitted my food problem to the Lord, He gave me a battle plan that worked from the inside out, and took 90 pounds from my body. I had found the rhythm of life! My spirit, soul and body had to walk in unity to overcome in this world. When Jesus promised us abundant life, it was not an abundance of things; it was an abundance of joy, peace and righteousness. Romans 14:17 says, "For the kingdom of God does not mean eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
My testimony of deliverance and finding my rhythm in life is shared in my book, Why Diets Don't Work – Food Is Not the Problem. The book and workbook are available
Joyce Tilney is the Founder of Women of God Ministries, teaching women today from women of yesterday. She is an author and Bible teacher. Visit for more information. Her book and workbook, Why Diets Don't Work – Food Is Not the Problem, share her testimony of how the Lord helped her lose 90 pounds. Visit the website for information.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 16 Oct 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

It sure seems like an odd time to be provoking a war with Russia.  As I write this, we stand just a little bit more than three weeks away from one of the most pivotal elections in U.S. history, and Barack Obama has chosen this moment to strongly threaten the Russians. 

As I wrote about on Friday, Reuters is reporting that Obama is contemplating “direct U.S. military action” against Syrian military targets, and the Russians have already indicated that any assault on Syrian forces would be considered an attack on themselves.  The rapidly deteriorating crisis in Syria has already caused tensions with Russia to rise to the highest level since the end of the Cold War, but now Obama is adding fuel to the fire by publicly considering “an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia”. 

Apparently Obama believes that Russian hackers are interfering in the election and so he wants payback.  The following comes from an NBC News article entitled “CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia“…
The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.
Current and former officials with direct knowledge of the situation say the CIA has been asked to deliver options to the White House for a wide-ranging “clandestine” cyber operation designed to harass and “embarrass” the Kremlin leadership.
The sources did not elaborate on the exact measures the CIA was considering, but said the agency had already begun opening cyber doors, selecting targets and making other preparations for an operation.
Somebody should tell Obama that he is not playing a video game.  A cyber attack is considered to be an act of war, and the Russians would inevitably retaliate.  And considering how exceedingly vulnerable our cyber infrastructure is, I don’t know if that is something that we want to invite.

At the end of last week, Vice President Joe Biden also publicly threatened the Russians
On Friday, Vice President Joe Biden met “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd for an interview that has raised serious concern in Russia.
Without bothering to question the authenticity of the claims, Todd took the allegations of Russian hacking at face value, opening his interview with a loaded question: “Why haven’t we sent a message yet to Putin?”
After a moment of stunned silence, Biden responded, “We’re sending a message. We have the capacity to do it and it will be at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact.”
When Todd asked if the public will know a message was sent, Biden replied, “Hope not.”
The Russians firmly deny that they had any involvement in the hacking, and so far the Obama administration has not publicly produced any firm evidence that the Russians were behind it.

Perhaps the Obama administration privately has some evidence, but at this point they have not shown that evidence to the American public.

So for Joe Biden to be making these sorts of threats is a very dangerous thing.  The Russians are taking these threats very seriously, and they are preparing to protect their interests
‘The threats directed against Moscow and our state’s leadership are unprecedented because they are voiced at the level of the US vice president.
‘To the backdrop of this aggressive, unpredictable line, we must take measures to protect (our) interests, to hedge risks,’ a Kremlin spokesman said, according to RIA Novosti news agency.
Here in the United States, most people don’t even realize that we could be on the verge of a major conflict with Russia.

But over in Russia things are completely different.  Talk of war is everywhere, and the potential for war is the number one topic in the Russian media right now.  Just check out some of the recent Russian media headlines about the conflict between our two nations…

-“Bad News for Washington: Syrian Conflict Revealing New World Order
-“US anti-Russia rhetoric goes nuclear with threats of covert cyber-attacks
-“Who can win World War Three if it can be won at all?
-“In Contrast to Clinton, Trump Has No Appetite for War With Russia

And one Russian television network recently instructed their viewers to locate the nearest bomb shelter in case a nuclear war between the United States and Russia suddenly erupts…
A terrifying Russian television broadcast explicitly told civilians to find out where their nearest bomb shelter is and repeatedly asked viewers if they were ready for nuclear war.
One apocalyptic broadcast told viewers on Moscow’s state-owned TV channel NTV: “If it should one day happen, every one of you should know where the nearest bomb shelter is. It’s best to find out now.”
I don’t believe that the Russians are crazy to be thinking that a war might be coming.
To me, it almost seems as though Obama wants one.

Could it be possible that a conflict with Russia will be used to alter, change or influence the upcoming election in November?

The truth is that it isn’t going to take much for the shooting to begin.  If Obama orders airstrikes against Syrian forces, the Russians have said that they will shoot back
Ash Carter has threatened Russia with “consequences”. After blowing up the ceasefire, the Pentagon – supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff — now is peddling “potential strikes” on Syria’s air force to “punish the regime” for what the Pentagon actually did; blow up the ceasefire. One can’t make this stuff up.
Major-General Igor Konashenkov, Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman, sent a swift message to “our colleagues in Washington”; think twice if you believe you can get away with launching a “shadow” hot war against Russia. Russia will target any stealth/unidentified aircraft attacking Syrian government targets – and they will be shot down.
The only serious question then is whether an out of control Pentagon will force the Russian Air Force – false flag and otherwise — to knock out US Air Force fighter jets, and whether Moscow has the fire power to take out each and every one of them.
I discussed the potential for war with Russia in my latest video.  Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and war with Russia will be put off…

But without a doubt the crisis in Syria is not going to be resolved any time soon because it is one giant mess.  Most people don’t realize that the Syrian civil war has essentially been a proxy war between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam from the very beginning.  Jihadist rebels that are being armed and funded by Saudi Arabia and Turkey are fighting Hezbollah troops that are being armed and funded by Iran.  And now Turkish forces have invaded northern Syria, and this threatens to cause a full-blown war to erupt between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds.  Of course ISIS is right in the middle of everything causing havoc, blowing stuff up and beheading anyone that doesn’t believe in their radical version of Sunni Islam.

It is absolutely insane that the United States and Russia could potentially go to war because of this conflict.  Both sides are determined to show the other how tough they are, and one false move could set off a spiral of events from which they may be no recovery.

The American people very foolishly elected Barack Obama twice, but up until now the consequences have not been quite as dire as many had been projecting.

However, right here at the end of his second term Obama is facing a moment of truth.  If he ends up dragging us into a war with Russia, the American people will ultimately bitterly regret putting him into the White House.

Joel C. Rosenberg: What is “Sukkot,” the Feast of Tabernacles, and why do Jews celebrate it?


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

What is “Sukkot,” the Feast of Tabernacles, and why do Jews celebrate it?

by joelcrosenberg
Shalom from Israel and Chag Same'ach -- happy holidays!
We have just begun the third of the Fall Feasts. The first was Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year. The second is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This one is known as Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles. What is this feast all about? Why do we as Jews celebrate it? And how does it relate to the prophetic plan of the Lord, as laid out in the Scriptures?
These are  important questions, and to provide the answers I commend this excellent article to you. I hope you'll read it and discuss it with family and friends, and share it with others on social media. Thanks, and may the Lord bless you as you study His Word and draw nearer to Him day by day.
““In that day I will raise up the tabernacle [sukkah] of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations who are called by my name,” declares the Lord who does this.” Amos 9:11-12
joelcrosenberg | October 17, 2016 at 10:01 am | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Your Choice or God’s? - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Your Choice or God’s?

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“You were in a faraway country, but I reached out to you. I called you from that faraway place. I said, 'You are my servant.' I chose you, and I have not rejected you." (Isaiah 41:9, ERV)

Decisions made by the Lord God are not always the decisions we ourselves would have made. And as for me, I certainly am glad of that. He is God and I am not.

Some decisions I have made over these six decades of life weren’t the best, and I had to live with the facts that followed. But those times when I knew I couldn’t make the right choice, and was certainly fearful of making the wrong one; when I sought my Lord to get His plan and purpose…

Life is good when that happens.

We often see the road ahead of us with unclear vision, through blurred eyes. We may have done all the good “homework” we could have, to get as much clear vision as possible, but at times we still lack the confidence that it wasn’t enough. We still have that uncertain feeling. And so we need to lean on and trust the Lord even more, believing He knows what He is doing.

I get that same uneasiness when it comes to this year’s USA political elections. To begin with, it is not about whether I will vote or not. That decision was firmly made when I promised to be a “light on a hill”, both in spirit, soul and body. (Christians who neglect to use this one main arsenal in our fight for the Lord’s purposes, for good, freedom and justice, are simply missing it on this point. Why would you not vote, and then just sit back and say, “God’s will be done.” He made us to be part of His will that is to be done.)

The Lord’s choice to perform His will has not always been the one those surrounding His choice would have made. Let’s look at a few biblical examples.

When Samuel came to anoint the Lord’s anointed, how many of the father’s sons in Bethlehem were brought forth, while he left one out in the sheep’s pasture, tending dumb sheep? I believe the count was seven sons. (In our case, I believe the count was 16 others who came forth to be chosen. They weren’t, while many said, “No way” about the 17th one.) David later proved to be a mighty man of God. Rightfully God’s choice.

A despicable, deplorable, unredeemable Pharasitical named Saul was, beyond all counts at this historical time, quite possibly the chief of sinners among men (as he himself later wrote in I Timothy 1:15.) He himself thought he was doing God’s will by persecuting those who had made a decision to follow Yeshua. For sure he, among the many “righteous”, would not have been elected to turn the Gentile world to serve the Living God of Israel!

But ah ha! He was the Lord’s chosen one to take His Gospel to the nations!

I clearly recall the history written about a prostitute named Rahab, who secretly let the Israelites into the Canaanite town of Jericho, before the walls came tumbling down at His command days later. What would have happened if these warriors, who themselves had been chosen by God, had refused to let this ungodly one be used by their God? You know the answer as well as I do.

And let us recall how our Almighty God had chosen and then anointed to use another unsuspecting one - Cyrus the Persian king, the non-Jew, to do His will concerning His people.

"Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held — to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut:

2. 'I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.

3. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, am the God of Israel.

4. For Jacob My servant's sake, and Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known Me.

5. I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me,

6. That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other;

7. I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things.'” (Isaiah 45:1-7, NKJV)

How about our own great 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, who rarely attended church or spoke with a “Christian” mouth, until the last five years of his secular life. He and his policies had been turned down as President by those who were enslaving millions of men, women, and children. Many of those whom believed themselves to be Christians, doing the Father’s will. We know how that turned out, and who really was on God’s side for righteousness and justice.

Who says the Lord can’t take one such as these and use them for the good of His people? Which God do you serve? One Who sits idly by, or One Who acts on behalf of His people?

I heed these words written in the sacred Scriptures:

“You were in a faraway country, but I reached out to you. I called you from that faraway place. I said, 'You are my servant.' I chose you, and I have not rejected you. Don't worry—I am with you. Don't be afraid—I am your God. I will make you strong. I will help you. I will support you with my right hand that brings victory.

Look, some people are angry with you, but they will be ashamed and disgraced. Your enemies will be lost and disappear. You will look for the people who were against you, but you will not be able to find them. Those who fought against you will disappear completely. I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand.  I tell you, 'Don't be afraid! I will help you.' People of Israel, descendants of Jacob, you may be weak and worthless, but do not be afraid. I myself will help you."

This is what the Lord himself says. "I am the Holy One of Israel, the one who saves you. "Look, I have made you like a new threshing board with many sharp teeth. You will trample mountains and crush them. You will make the hills like chaff. 16 You will throw them into the air, and the wind will blow them away and scatter them. Then you will be happy in the Lord. You will be proud of the Holy One of Israel.

"The poor and needy look for water, but they cannot find any. Their tongues are dry with thirst. I, the Lord, will answer their prayers. I, the God of Israel, will not leave them to die. I will make rivers flow on dry hills. I will make springs of water flow through the valleys. I will change the desert into a lake filled with water. There will be springs of water in that dry land. I will make trees grow in the desert. There will be cedar, acacias, olive trees, cypress, fir trees, and pines.

I will do this so that people will see it and know who did it. They will notice what happened. Then they will understand that the Lord's hand made it happen, that the Holy One of Israel created it all." (Isa 41:9-2, ERV)

Let it be done, Lord. May Your choice be placed in the position You have called them to, for our sake, and for the sake of Your people Israel.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, Hungary, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the Year of our Lord 10.16.16 - #266 –“Your Choice or God’s?” – Sunday 3:05 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

'Mr. Trump Has Heard the Gospel': 'Duck Dynasty' Star Reveals Sharing the Bible With Donald Trump - BILLY HALLOWELL CHARISMA NEWS

Phil Robertson meets VP candidate Mike Pence.
Phil Robertson meets VP candidate Mike Pence. (Phil Robertson/Facebook)

'Mr. Trump Has Heard the Gospel': 'Duck Dynasty' Star Reveals Sharing the Bible With Donald Trump

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson is known for speaking candidly about his faith and politics, and he has sometimes come under fire for his blunt commentary. 
Robertson, who has a new documentary out titled, Torchbearer—available in theaters and on demand—recently told "The Church Boys" podcast that he held little back when he sat down face to face a few weeks ago with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
The topic of discussion? The ins and outs of the Christian gospel.
"(I discussed) God becoming flesh ... dying for the sins of the world, and, in his case, I said, 'Dying for your sins, Donald, all of them, I figure there's a lot—what do you think?'" Robertson recounted. "He didn't disagree with me."
The Duck Dynasty star said he felt compelled to speak with Trump about his faith after accepting an invite from the candidate's team—and Trump was reportedly receptive to the biblical message.
"I shared that with him, and here's my point—at least he listened and ... I wrote it in symbols, an arrow coming down out of heaven ... God becoming flesh, a cross, where Jesus took away the sins of the world," Robertson said.
He continued, "He was just looking at the symbols—a tomb where they put (Jesus) and three days later an arrow coming out of the tomb, and him going to sit down at the father's right hand."
Listen to Robertson explain his conversation with Trump:
Robertson said Trump asked at the end of the conversation if he could take the illustrations with him, and the reality star agreed.
"Mr. Trump has heard the gospel from my lips," he said. "I owed him that. I loved him enough to tell him." 
Robertson said he felt Trump had an "open heart" to the message he shared.
As for the many critics—many of them Christian and Republican, alike—who have refused to support Trump, Robertson had a message.
"Better a man who sticks his foot in his mouth every once in a while than a woman who pours out lies from her mouth," Robertson said, going on to issue one other comparison between the candidates. "Better one loose cannon that will fire than 10 that are all rusty and worn out."
Robertson also discussed Torchbearer, saying the documentary explores what has happened throughout history when God is pushed to the side.
"If you look at past history—you look all the way back to Adam and Eve—where there is no God the crime rate is always high," Robertson said. "When the love rate is low, the crime rate is always high."
He said it's entirely problematic to allow man—rather than God—to determine right from wrong, claiming that such a dynamic "never ends well."
"Life becomes brutal when there is no God," Robertson said.
The reality TV star said he's concerned that America is separating itself from its historical underpinnings, particularly when it comes to reverence for God.
"We started with God. Thomas Jefferson made that clear in the Declaration of Independence ... the grand experiment was to base a nation on God and his word," he said. "America has replaced biblical correctness with political correctness."
Robertson lamented the idea that God has been cut out of Hollywood, the mainstream media and universities—and said it's time to bring the Almighty back into those cultural arenas.
He also said he's hoping to help people understand the value of repentance and changing their lives, sharing that he too had his struggles early on in life.
"I've been drunk and high and immoral with the worst of them," he said. "(People) have been given life as a gift and immortality through Jesus."
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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