Friday, October 21, 2016

One Of The Most Amazing Biblical Discoveries In Israel - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

One Of The Most Amazing Biblical Discoveries In Israel


Hezekiah’s tunnel. One of the most astounding archeological discoveries in ancient Jerusalem (David’s city), which lies just outside of the walls of what is today known as the “old city of Jerusalem”. The commonly known old city was built and expanded by Jewish kings and leaders from the 11th century BCE until the 5th century BCE.
In 701 BCE, realizing that when ready he would need to rebel against the Assyrian rule, the Jewish King Hezekiah, decided to direct the waters of the Gihon spring flowing outside of the walls of Jerusalem, to the west and into the city, so that the city’s residents could access water during the siege that that would come. He, naturally, stopped the flow of water outside of the city so that the Assyrians would not have a ready source of water. This is all recorded in one verse in Chronicles II (32:30) “This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper spring of the waters of Gihon, and caused them to flow down on the west side of the city of David. And Hezekiah prospered in all his works.”
The work of digging the tunnel throught the sheer rock, in those times, was staggering. The masons carving out the tunnel, centimeter by centimeter, from the two ends of the 533 meter stretch needed to calculate the angles exactly, making sure that the tunnel would gradually descend towards the city at an angle of 0.6 thousandth of a degree, and that they would actually meet in the middle. The engineering and efforts involved in planning and digging the tunnel, which included the fact that only 1 mason could work from each side of the tunnel (the width of the tunnel is between 70-80 centimeters), all point to an almost miracle.
Later in 1880, when an inscription in the tunnel was found by accident by a Jewish schoolboy, the digging of the tunnel could be perceived in all its drama and glory.

Russian Fleet Sails for Final Blowout in Syria, Increasing Tension With the US - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Russian Fleet Sails for Final Blowout in Syria, Increasing Tension With the US

“Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.” Ezekiel 38:2 (The Israel Bible™)
Against a backdrop of increasing tension with the US, the Russian fleet passed through the English Channel on Friday en route to Syria in the country’s largest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War. The British Royal Navy is “man marking” the Russian fleet as it passes their shores, keeping a distance of about five miles in order to monitor it.
According to Western intelligence reports, Russia is sending its entire Northern Fleet and part of its Baltic Fleet, a total of eight warships including one aircraft carrier. The armada is sailing to the Mediterranean to reinforce the Russian military presence in Syria.
A senior NATO diplomat told the Telegraph, a major British news service, that the deployment was part of a renewed Russian attack in Aleppo.
“They are deploying all of the Northern Fleet and much of the Baltic Fleet in the largest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War,” the diplomat said.
“This is not a friendly port call. In two weeks, we will see a crescendo of air attacks on Aleppo as part of Russia’s strategy to declare victory there.”
Russia and the United States are at odds in Syria, with Russia supporting Syrian President Bashar Assad and the US supporting anti-Assad rebels. Both countries have a military presence in the region, though Russia has a more substantial military commitment including advanced anti-air systems. Confrontations have already come close to sparking a multi-national conflict. In November, Turkey, a NATO member and American ally, shot down a Russian bomber over Syria, killing the Russian pilot and a rescue serviceman. War was averted through diplomatic negotiations. Russia initiated severe economic sanctions.
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Friction between the two super-powers is growing on the home-front as well. Last Friday, Vice President Joe Biden US Vice President Joe Biden threatened Russia with a cyber-attack in a Meet the Press televised interview.
“We’re sending a message,” Biden warned. “We have the capacity to do it. It will be at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact.”
The vice-presidential threat comes as a result of claims  Russian  interfered with the American elections by launching cyber-attacks and hacking more than 100 Democratic Party officials and groups.
Russia is taking the cyber-threat seriously. Sergei Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the US, told SCMagazineUK an online news service for computer security professionals, that the US government has not yet provided proof that the cyber-attacks on the Democratic National Convention was perpetrated by Russia. Yuri Ushakov, the Russian presidential aide, told SCMagazineUK that Russia has already begun designing protective measures.
Ivan Beregovoy, a senior IT engineer of CyberZahita, a Russian developer of IT solutions, said to SCMagazineUK that the US is unlikely to conduct massive cyber-attacks on Russia’s critical infrastructure due to its own vulnerability to such attacks. The US is considered to have a higher level of vulnerability since its businesses and infrastructure are much more dependent on computerization than Russia.

Outpouring of Christian Support for Israel, Decrying UNESCO Resolution - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Outpouring of Christian Support for Israel, Decrying UNESCO Resolution

“And it shall come to pass that every one that is left of all the nations that came against Yerushalayim shall go up from year to year to worship the King Hashem of hosts and to keep the Sukkot.” Zechariah 14:16 (The Israel Bible™)
An outpouring of Christian support for Israel and decrying the UNESCO vote began during Sukkot, a Jewish holiday prophesied to have multi-national relevance.
The resolution passed last week on the day after Yom Kippur, and was ratified by UNESCO’s Executive Committee on Tuesday. It referred to the Temple Mount, the Western Wall, Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem, and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, in Arabic terms, erasing any Jewish or Christian connection to the sites. It also solely blamed Israel (referred to as an “occupying nation”) for the violence in the past year, destructive construction on the Temple Mount by the Muslim Authority, and for its self-defensive blockade against shipping into Gaza.
The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ) issued a statement last Saturday decrying UNESCO’s “scandalous resolution”.
“This is tantamount to rewriting history and stripping these sites of their 4,000 years of Jewish and 2,000 years of Christian connection,” ICEJ Executive Director Dr. Jürgen Bühler wrote. “This represents a calculated insult against the Jewish people as well as an affront to over two billion Christians worldwide who know full well that as a faithful Jew, Jesus regularly visited the holy Jewish Temple on this site, taught there, and was zealous for its calling as a ‘house of prayer for all nations’.”
The ICEJ is currently hosting it’s 37th annual Feast of Tabernacles conference which brought over 5,000 Christian representatives from all over the world in support  of Israel. The conference culminates in a spectacular parade displaying multinational support for Israel.

Let Jews Pray on the Temple Mount!
In an open act of defiance, 15 Christian parliamentarians from Europe, Africa and Latin America visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs and other parts of Jewish Hebron on Thursday.  They are in Israel to participate in the annual Israel Allies Foundation conference, which is co-sponsored by the World Jewish Congress. This annual conference held during Sukkot brings Christian and Jewish pro-Israeli lawmakers from various countries. The tour of Hebron,  organized by the Council of Judea and Samaria (Yesha), was the first time a group of foreign parliamentarians visited the Jewish community of Hebron.
The UNESCO resolution establishing an Islamic religious monopoly over the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron clearly rejects the Bible which states that Abraham purchased the site.
And the field, and the cave that is therein, were made sure unto Avraham for a possession of a burying-place by the children of Heth. Genesis 23:20
The participants included MEP Bas Belder, MEP Branislav Škripek, MP Jeppe Jakobsen of Denmark, MP Antero Laukkanen of Finland, MP Inga Bite of Latvia, MP Kees van der Staaij of the Netherlands, MP Peter Östman of Finland, MP Pablo Casado of Spain, MP Marek Krajčí of Slovakia, MP Alfred Heer of Switzerland, Minister Ruperto Long of Uruguay, Congressman Gerardo Amarilla of Uruguay, Congresswoman Karla Prendas of Costa Rica, MP Kenneth Meshoe of South Africa, and MP Reverend Matanga of Malawi.
On Thursday, 19 parliamentarians from 17 countries participating in the conference signed a declaration against UNESCO’s resolution, presenting it to Deputy Minister Michael Oren (Kulanu).
In addition to the visiting diplomats, over 30,000 Israelis visited the Biblical city in a call to protest the UNESCO resolution. It has been 50 years since Israel conquered Hebron and the Temple Mount in the Six Day War.

Which Candidate Resonates with Israelis? - CBN News Julie Stahl, Chris Mitchell

Which Candidate Resonates with Israelis?

10-21-2016   CBN News Julie Stahl,  Chris Mitchell
JERUSALEM, Israel – Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump – who would be a better U.S. president for Israel? That question may not be the priority for most Americans, but it's a major concern for Israelis and Americans living in Israel.
Despite all the troubles around them, Israelis are paying close attention to the U.S. election process.
"If you look at the nightly news or any of the daily newspapers, it's often the lead story," said Dan Feferman, expert on U.S.-Israeli relations.
Israeli politicians and government officials stay out of American politics. They may have their preferences, but they know they'll have to work with whomever the American people choose in the end.
Israeli citizens, on the other hand, definitely have an opinion about which candidate would be best for Israel.
"Hillary," Sheldon Schorer, former head of Democrats Abroad in Israel, told CBN News. "She is very, very supportive of Israel.  She understands the need for Israel to maintain its identity as a Jewish state and the need for its security. With Donald Trump, I just don't know."
Mark Zell, head of Republicans Abroad in Israel, said he favors Trump.
"It's Donald Trump, and the reason is first of all that he has set up a special team to deal only with Israel-related policy matters," Zell said. "When you look at the other side, you get Obama."
"I think both candidates would be quite good for Israel in the sense that they are perceived to be highly pro-Israel as far as their statements, as far as their rhetoric," Feferman said.
According to an opinion poll released in September, Israelis have mixed feelings. At that time, 43 percent preferred Clinton, compared with 34 percent for Trump.
But when asked specifically which candidate would be better for Israel, 38 percent answered Trump, while 33 percent said Clinton.
Feferman says Israelis want a president who would take a stronger stance on global threats like Iran and ISIS.
"Given the very strong support toward Israel from the Republic(an) Party over the past two decades and given the more critical tone from the Democratic Party toward Israel over the past decade or more, Israelis today generally tend to prefer and feel more comfortable with Republicans than they do with Democrats," Feferman told CBN News. "And it's interesting that in this election, those roles seem to be reversed and more Israelis prefer Clinton."
Feferman and others believe that's because Clinton is a known commodity.
Schorer says the estimated 200,000 Americans living in Israel who are eligible to vote in the U.S. elections generally lean more toward conservatives than their Jewish counterparts in the U.S.
"In recent years there's been an immigration into Israel from American and mostly they are committed American Jews to whom being Jewish is important," Schorer explained.
"Many of those are religious. Many of them care for greater Israel. Many of them live in the settlements so where the democratic policies under President Obama have been somewhat hostile to settlement activity, naturally they would gravitate toward Republicans," Schorer continued. "So there's a shift."
Zell believes the number is much higher, saying some 85 percent of Americans here vote Republican.  
"You see this pin, Trump 2016?" he said, pointing to his lapel. "I'm getting everyday people coming up to me, ordinary Israelis. They have no right to vote. They give me a hug or tell me quietly, in secret, you know, giving me the thumbs up."
Although it's questionable how much of an impact absentee ballots have on U.S. elections, many of the voters here come from important swing states like Florida and that might just tip the scales.