Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pastors Prophesy Trump's Prophetic Destiny as Election Looms - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Pastors Prophesy Trump's Prophetic Destiny as Election Looms

Earlier this week, while visiting Las Vegas, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had a prophetic moment with pastors Marc and Denise Goulet.

Joining the pastors on the dais, Trump received a prophetic word from Denise, who said:
What I was hearing the Lord say was, "This is My son with whom I am well pleased." The Lord was showing me how you, Mr. Trump, Donald, as a young—as a little boy—growing up, that you were a good son. 
You had a good father, and He was saying, "I have prepared you for this time—for such a time as this." You have been groomed and prepared for this kind of battle. God has given you the backbone and the courage to say, "Yes" to this challenge.
The Goulets then took turns praying over Trump, praying for his safety—both physical and spiritual. They also declared the "arrows" of the campaign had been removed and their effect had been removed from him and his family.
Then, Denise gave a prayer of thanksgiving for raising up Trump for a time such as this:
I thank You that You have prepared him for such a time as this. Lord, You have Your hand on this man and I thank You for it. Lord, I thank You that he's fearless ... and that he is courageous, and I thank You for that boldness that [Trump] has.
You are bold—and this is this comes from the Lord, this comes from God. He has created you—yes, created you in your mother's womb, and he has created you for such a time as this. And Lord I thank you. Lord, we desire to have that kind of boldness in the Church, in the Kingdom of God.
Yes, we are called to bring Heaven on Earth, and we need the boldness of the Lord to do this, and I thank You that he's been able to do that.

3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Hebrew: Our Ancestors' Dialect ✡ "My King Upon Tzion" - Israel365

‘Truly it is I that have established My king upon Tzion, My holy mountain.’

וַאֲנִי נָסַכְתִּי מַלְכִּי עַל צִיּוֹן הַר קָדְשִׁי

תהילים ב:ו

va-a-NEE na-SAKH-tee mal-KEE al tzi-YON har kod-SHEE

Today's Israel Inspiration

As opposed to Psalm 1 which heralds the ‘man’ who walks in the ways of God, Psalm 2 is directed to nations and kings, rebuking those derelict peoples who reject the Lord and seek to destroy Israel. The Sages suggest a number of possibilities for which enemy the psalm is referring to: Nimrod, Pharaoh, Gog and Magog. No matter who the enemy is, it is ultimately doomed to destruction. God has chosen a king from among the Children of Israel who will serve as His anointed one on Zion, His holy mountain. Once the people of Israel conquer and settle the land, the anointed one, king of Israel, will assume the role of defender of Israel and protect Israel from harm’s way. With their unique approach to reveal extraordinary teachings extracted from the Bible, such as this one, eTeacher will no doubt introduce you into a world of astonishing discoveries.

How Did Jacob Become Israel?

When we look at the names of Biblical characters in Hebrew, we see the things that cannot be seen in translation. Discover the roots of Israel's name.

Hidden Depths of Hebrew Teach the Essence of True Love

Learning Hebrew is the best way to truly understand the Bible and the secrets God wanted to share with mankind through the Holy Language.

Great Gift! Tea From Israel!

Perfect for a dinner party or large gathering, this seamlessly packaged assortment of teas will be a polished conclusion for any event! Eight flavors are assorted into a ready to present, reusable wooden box, and available in 48 individual packets. Makes a great gift!
Save $49 when you buy 2! »

Today's Israel Photo

The hills of Haifa shine with the glimmer of the sun's rays, ending the light on a sweet note, warming the land before finally setting drawing a close to the day.
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Hallo, My name is Sospeter Ruoro and am from Kenya. I have been studying about Israel because I fully believe with the end time prophesy and also believe in the peculiar position that God choose Israel as a nation to be.I have been reading the Book of Daniel about Temple restoration and It has been a mystery to me until I read the Article about appointment of High Priest and training of Priests. am grateful to you and I really ask to be updated in every event and prediction of the Messiah and if possible you may post to me all the prophesy relating to Messiah and what you expect Messiah to be. thank you
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Matt Redman's Times Square Viral Video Sets Internet Aflame With Worship - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Thousands poured out their hearts in Times Square as Matt Redman led them in his hit "10,000 Reasons." 

The video, initially posted in August, has now set the internet aflame with worship.  
As America faces political turmoil, it is vital we turn our hearts to our Creator.  
Share this to inspire your friends! 

3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: After much prayer and soul-searching, I have reluctantly decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

After much prayer and soul-searching, I have reluctantly decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket. Here’s why.

by joelcrosenberg
This is not easy for me. I did not get to this point lightly. Rather, it has been a matter of intense examination of the candidates and party platforms, studying the Scriptures (particularly I Samuel 8-12; see below), and listening to many thoughtful voices in the debate.
Anyone who has been tracking my writing during the course of this campaign knows how deeply concerned I am about Mr. Trump -- his lack of experience, flip-flopping on issues, and the unkind and at times even vulgar or vitriolic language he uses against his critics. I had hoped he would be defeated in the primaries. Or challenged by a plausible third party candidate. Or would drop out after the release of the deeply offensive video of him speaking with Billy Bush.
But this is where we are. Now, it is truly is a binary choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. There’s no way around it, and the moment of decision has arrived.
True, I had previously stated that I could “never” vote for Mr. Trump. So I readily concede this is a reversal. I have no doubt I will disappoint some for changing my position. But this is where I am, and I want to explain how I got here.
The heart of the matter is this: I have been going through what many Evangelicals are going through – an internal battle between competing convictions.
I could never support Hillary. Indeed, much of my professional life has been fighting the Clintons, dating back to when I worked for Bill Bennett and Jack Kemp at Empower America, and for Rush Limbaugh as director of research. So the question for me has been this: should I vote for Trump, a third party candidate, write-in a candidate, or not vote at all? For many of my friends, this hasn’t been a difficult choice. For me it’s been difficult to determine which of my deeply held convictions should be elevated as paramount, even when the others I hold so dearly are being violated.
To be sure, my vote is not more important than anyone else’s. I know many Americans are struggling the same way I am. Indeed, in writing this I’m not even trying to persuade you to agree with me. I have friends whose deepest convictions tell them they simply cannot vote for Mr. Trump, that they will trust the sovereignty of God and live with the consequences. I respect them. I don’t question their motives. I know exactly where they’re coming from.
But for those who are interested, here are ten reasons why I have decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket:
  1. The most important is this: Hillary Clinton must never be elected President under any circumstances. She must be stopped. As I have written, she would be an absolute catastrophe for America. Should she be elected and the Democratic Platform enacted, this dynamic would accelerate the country towards divine judgment and implosion.
  2. Hillary and her advisors may have committed federal crimes. The decision by the Director of the FBI to reopen the criminal investigation put into sharp relief for me  the gravity of the situation facing us.
  3. Electing Hillary could very well lead to a constitutional crisis that could paralyze the federal government and make us vulnerable. These were points made this week by Doug Schoen, a senior Democrat pollster and strategist who once worked for President Bill Clinton. Schoen announced that he – a long-time Hillary supporter – could no longer in good conscience vote for her. This helped persuade me that I could no longer in good conscience avoid casting a vote to stop her.
  4. Aside from criminality, Hillary is the most corrupt and flawed candidate ever to run on a major party ticket for President. Americans are exhausted by the culture of corruption and scandal that perennially surrounds the Clintons. Four more years would distract us from tackling the serious challenges facing the American people.
  5. Hillary Clinton is the poster child for “politics as usual” at a time when we need change.
  6. Yes, as I stated above, I have deep reservations about Mr. Trump. I have not sugar-coated these concerns. Rather, I have written and spoken about them throughout the campaign. In January I wrote 39 reasons why a Trump presidency would be a catastrophe (see here and here). I concede this could still turn out to be true. But it also should be noted that in the ten months since I wrote those columns, an excellent Republican Platform was drafted and approved. Also, Mr. Trump has made a series of very specific and attractive commitments. He has promised:
    1. To pursue pro-life policies at the federal level
    2. To appoint Supreme Court Justices in the model of Antonin Scalia (and has issued a specific – and impressive – list of names from which he promises to draw to make his appointments to the Court
    3. To defund Planned Parenthood
    4. To rebuild the American military
    5. To protect America’s borders
    6. To strengthen America’s alliances with Israel and our Sunni Arab partners
    7. To repeal and replace Obamacare
    8. To cut taxes, reform the tax code, revitalize American manufacturing, create jobs for Blue Collar Americans, and expand economic freedom and opportunity for all Americans
  7. Do I have concerns as to whether Mr. Trump will keep all of these promises? Yes. But I have come to believe it is worth electing him in the hopes that he will keep his word. I am certain Hillary will aggressively pursue an agenda that goes against everything I believe.
  8. I believe Governor Mike Pence would make a superb Vice President.
    1. Lynn and I know Mike and Karen and have the highest respect for them. In our personal time with them, we have been deeply encouraged by their humility and character.
    2. Mike and Karen are devout Evangelical Christians.
    3. Mike is a principled conservative and is deeply knowledgeable and experienced in economic, social and foreign policy matters.
    4. Karen is a great friend, soulmate and counselor to her husband.
    5. More recently, we spent time with them in Jerusalem when the Governor led a trade delegation to Israel. They love Israel deeply. They love the Jewish people. Mike gets the seriousness of the threats posed by Radical and Apocalyptic Islam and is serious about countering them. He has deep respect for our Sunni Arab allies and understands the importance of working together with all our allies in the Middle East to counter Iran and ISIS.
    6. Mr. Trump was wise to choose Gov. Pence to serve as Vice President and deserves credit for the choice. If this is a signal of the type of leaders he will appoint in office, this would be a good thing.
  9. Hopefully, Mr. Trump would also appoint solid, experienced conservatives to key positions throughout the Cabinet and Executive Branch. I know for certain Mrs. Clinton would appoint hardcore liberals if she is elected.
  10. Finally, I have been studying I Samuel chapters 8 through 12 as I’ve been wrestling with the question, “Can I vote for a candidate for whom I have serious reservations?” In this fascinating passage, the Hebrew judge and prophet Samuel is grieved by the direction ancient Israel is going. He is grieved by Israel’s rebellion against the Lord. They want an earthly king, someone tall and strong and decisive -- rather than the Lord -- to govern them, lead them, protect them and solve their problems. Samuel goes to the Lord with great anguish to protest, but the Lord tells him three times to “listen to the voice of the people.” The Lord even directs Samuel to publicly anoint and bless a seriously flawed and woefully inexperienced man named Saul to be the king. The Lord does this even though He knows that Saul will fail the people and need to be replaced. But the Lord gives Samuel one further directive: Make sure the people understand what they are doing, and how urgently they need to turn back to the Lord – not to a man – to see their nation blessed and saved. “Now then, listen to their voice,” said the Lord. “However, you shall [also] solemnly warn them.” Did God tell Samuel to support a flawed man for the highest position of leadership in the nation even though it went directly against Samuel’s conscience? Yes, He did. But Samuel was never to stop calling the nation back to the Lord until the day he died. Now I am not Samuel, and Mr. Trump is not Saul. The details are different. But the principle is intriguing, and it has been helpful to me.
Today, I live in Israel and am a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen. But I was born and raised in the United States. I am an American citizen and profoundly grateful for this birthright. Heroic men and women have laid down their lives to give me the right to vote, and I am grateful. I can’t say I am happy with the choices I have, but I am finally at peace about what I should do.
To be clear, I am not endorsing Mr. Trump. I am simply saying I am going to vote for him (by absentee ballot) because Hillary must be stopped.
In the meantime, I will continue to pray faithfully and earnestly for the Trump, Pence, Clinton and Kaine families and for their teams. I will pray the Lord has mercy on them, and mercy on each and every American.
Finally, I will also keep meditating on a sobering passage of Scripture at this critical moment -- 1 Samuel 12:22-25 – and encourage other believers to do the same:
“For the Lord will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the Lord has been pleased to make you a people for Himself,” said Samuel to his nation. “Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you in the good and right way. Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you. But if you still do wickedly, both you and your king will be swept away.”

joelcrosenberg | November 3, 2016 at 3:33 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Jerry Falwell Jr.: From My Personal Experience, Hillary Clinton is a Threat to Religious Liberty - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Jerry Falwell Jr.
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. said in a recent Facebook post that Hillary Clinton would pose a threat to religious freedom, if elected president. (Liberty University photo)

Jerry Falwell Jr.: From My Personal Experience, Hillary Clinton is a Threat to Religious Liberty

Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. has issued the following statement via his personal Facebook account:
Before this critical election, I feel compelled to share a personal experience with Hillary Clinton. The year was 1989. I was serving as general counsel for Liberty University just two years after graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law. This was long before Liberty became one of the largest and most prosperous universities in the nation. In fact, Liberty University was deep in debt in 1989, struggling to make payroll and debt payments every month. Creditors were threatening to foreclose on the campus and the very survival of the university was in jeopardy. My job was to keep the creditors at bay, find badly needed loans, and restructure debt.
One of our donors introduced us to Stephens, Inc. of Little Rock, Arkansas, which I believe was the largest off-Wall Street investment banking firm in the nation at the time. The bankers felt that Liberty could recover; they did a good job for Liberty but was ultimately unable to find the financing we needed.
The attorneys for Stephens, Inc. were a small firm in Little Rock that seemed competent but at the same time were extremely arrogant, condescending and disrespectful to all of us. They had an attitude of superiority like we had never experienced before. They soon began to push Liberty hard to abandon its Christian traditions and doctrinal foundations. Their argument was that Liberty could save a few dollars by issuing tax exempt bonds instead of taxable bonds. At the time, Virginia law did not permit pervasively sectarian universities from issuing tax exempt bonds. Liberty refused to make any changes that were core to our mission and the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that Liberty could not issue the cheaper tax exempt bonds because of our Christian mission.
Something about that experience persistently nagged at me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Not long ago, I was looking through the old files and was shocked to realize that the bond counsel that had attempted to force Liberty to abandon its Christian mission years earlier was none other than the Rose Law Firm! By then, Bill Clinton was president and the Rose Law Firm had become famous from the many Clinton scandals in the 1990s. The names of the law partners on the letterhead I found included Hillary Rodham Clinton, Webb Hubbell, Vince Foster (who was mysteriously found dead in a park a few years later) and others who rose to prominence when Bill Clinton was president.
I have no doubt that, if elected, one of Hillary Clinton's prime targets will be the religious freedoms of all people of faith across our nation. The federal government is already using Title IX to attack the religious freedoms of faith based colleges and universities.
I believe Americans will be wise enough next Tuesday to avoid putting itself through an experience like the one Liberty University was forced to endure in 1989. I believe Americans will elect Donald Trump and Mike Pence and send Hillary Clinton and all her corruption back to the private sector.
The national media, which I consider a wing of the Clinton campaign, recently pushed the false story that a significant number of Liberty University students were opposing Donald Trump. The story was based on a petition signed by a little over a thousand folks, many of whom were not students or faculty of the university (Liberty's record resident enrollment exceeded 15000 this year and online enrollment has averaged near 90000 in recent years). But facts are often inconvenient. A poll taken yesterday of a random sample of 1500 Liberty residential students revealed that 78% are voting for Trump, 4% for Hillary and 18% for other candidates or who declined to answer.
A friend of mine has coined next week's election "TREXIT" because he believes the outcome will be a poll-defying victory for Trump and Pence similar to the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union. Our nation's future is truly at stake. Please remember to vote and to pray for our nation!
After several Facebook users accused Falwell of making up the exchange, he published a photo that shows the documentation he says proves it happened.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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