Friday, November 4, 2016

Archeological Breakthrough at Yeshua's "Tomb" - Ron Cantor MESSIAH'S MANDATE


Archeological Breakthrough at Yeshua’s Possible Tomb

Ron Cantor —  November 3, 2016   MESSIAH'S MANDATE

A breakthrough discovery was found at Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem’s Old City. In brief, archaeologists have dug deeper into what some believe to be the tomb of the Messiah and they found a cross on it. If it is the tomb of Yeshua, the cross would have been added much later. At the time of His death and resurrection, the cross was not a symbol of the faith, but rather the fish is probably the earliest symbol. Some of the first Greek-speaking believers turned the Greek word for fish, Ichthus, into a creative acronym for “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.”

Was the Cross a Symbol?

However, at the time of His death, the cross was a symbol of execution. It would be like wearing an electric chair around your neck. It became more popular in the late second and third centuries, finally adopted by the anti-Semitic Emperor Constantine as the official symbol of political Christianity.
Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, who sought to identify the significant biblical sites in the fourth century.
So what does this conclude? More than likely that Constantine’s mother, Helena, who in 326CE went throughout the Holy Land with a delegation seeking to identify places considered holy, identified this as Yeshua’s tomb. She is also credited with finding the original cross (which of course, she did not). Locals who told the delegation that Roman Emperor Hadrian had built a pagan temple over the tomb to declare the supremacy of the Roman state religion over the New Testament faith led her to this place. This is the emperor who changed the name of Judea to Palestine and sought to destroy the existence of Jewish life and culture in 135CE. Hadrian’s pagan temple was destroyed (though some of its remains have been identified) and Constantine had a church built above the tomb.
It is important to note, that Constantine popularized the idea of building shrines or church buildings, not as dynamic houses of praise and worship, but as memorials.
“The great era of church buildings began with Constantine’s patronage of the church in the fourth century. He commissioned basilicas to signal his support of the new religion and to advertise his reign.” source
The slab on the tomb pictured goes back, it is believed, not to the first or even fourth century, but to the Crusades (1099CE). What this says is that at least a thousand years ago, the Crusaders thought this to be the tomb of the Messiah. “We can’t say 100 percent, but it appears to be visible proof that the location of the tomb has not shifted through time, something that scientists and historians have wondered for decades,” said Fredrik Hiebert, National Geographic’s archaeologist-in-residence.[i]

Definitely COULD be Yeshua’s

Furthermore, this tomb is consistent with the way that wealthy Jews, such as Joseph of Arimathea, buried their dead. However, it doesn’t prove that Yeshua was the Jewish person buried there. Of course, there are no bones in this tomb! Approximately a year after burial (when the body had completely decomposed) the bones would be collected and placed in a stone box called an ossuary.
Ossuary, where bones of the deceased were stored and placed in the tomb.
Ossuary, where bones of the deceased were stored and placed in the tomb.
While I am not a fan of the practice of building church structures over places of significance (often people come from all over the world just to touch a stone or light a candle, assuming there is spiritual power apart from relating directly with the Father through Jesus), I can’t help but be moved at what might be the burial spot of Yeshua.
“We may not be absolutely certain that the site of the Holy Sepulchre Church is the site of Jesus’ burial, but we certainly have no other site that can lay a claim nearly as weighty, and we really have no reason to reject the authenticity of the site.”[ii]
When the researchers removed the marble slab that for centuries had covered the tomb for its protection, that were stunned to find it completely in tact.

First Ever Photographs of Tomb

Clearly the archeologists were moved, as we can see in the short movie. The marble slab revealing the tomb had not be seen by a human for centuries and had never before been photographed. Before resealing, the team will spend the next five months gathering data. It will be interesting to see if they find any markings or graffiti connecting it to Yeshua.
As exciting as this finding may be, nothing compares to the intimate relationship with Yeshua that is available to anyone, anywhere, who puts his or her faith in Him.

Scientists Capture New 'Pillars of Creation' from Space - CBN News

Scientists Capture New 'Pillars of Creation' from Space
CBN News 11-03-2016
These massive pillar-shaped cosmic structures may be 7,500 light-years away, but that does not dim their vivid beauty. They resemble the "Pillars of Creation" images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope nearly two decades ago in 1995.
This time, a team of researchers led by Anna McLeod, a doctoral student at ESO, captured the groundbreaking images with the Mutli Unit Spectroscopic Explorer, an instrument that can view cosmic bodies in 3-D.
The colorful pillars are tall clouds of dust and gas and are the perfect breeding ground for new stars. According to Discover Magazine, stars are born out of gas and dust pillars just like the ones captured in these new images.
Although the creation of new stars from gas clouds may be mesmerizing, it is closely followed by death. When new stars are born, the pressure and radiation is strong enough to rip apart the clouds they are created from.
The relationship between stars and their nebulous creators are complex and poorly understand. Researchers hope images like these will give them deeper understanding into the complexities of the universe.  

Shine a Little Light ✡ "Candlestick of Pure Gold" - ISRAEL365

And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold:
of beaten work shall the candlestick be made,
even its base, and its shaft; its cups, its knops,
and its flowers, shall be of one piece with it.

וְעָשִׂיתָ מְנֹרַת זָהָב טָהוֹר מִקְשָׁה תֵּעָשֶׂה הַמְּנוֹרָה יְרֵכָהּ וְקָנָהּ גְּבִיעֶיהָ כַּפְתֹּרֶיהָ וּפְרָחֶיהָ מִמֶּנָּה יִהְיוּ

שמות כה:לא

va-a-see-ta m'-nor-rat za-hav ta-hor mik-shah te-a-seh ha-m'-no-rah y'-ray-khah v'-ka-nah g'-vi-e-hah kap-to-re-hah u\fi-ra-khe-hah mi-me-nah yi-hi-yu

Shabbat Inspiration

The original menorah was created by Moses for the tabernacle during the Israelites' sojuorn through the desert and was lit by Aaron the Priest, Moses's brother. When King Solomon built the Holy Temple, he too instructed artisans to create a menorah which was lit by the High Priest of the generation. As instructed by God, the menorahs were made of pure gold, an emphasis that all vessels used to serve God should be whole and refined. Today, people all over the world light a very special menorah, called a Chanukiah (kha-nu-kee-ah), during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. The message of the holiday is that in a world of darkness, it just takes one small light to make everything seem brighter. Spread the inspirational message of the Hanukkah festival by lighting your very own Hanukkah menorah for eight nights.

Show Us the Way, Lead Us to a Brighter Day

In 2013, Rabbi Yitzchok Hurwitz was diagnosed with ALS Lou Gherig's disease. After the disease took hold, his family discovered this song he wrote, filled with life and joy, inspiring them to bring light into their every day.

Did Isaiah Prophesy Russia's New Satan-2 Mega Nuke?

Nuclear scenarios of the magnitude presented by this new weapon are hinted at in Biblical prophecy, most notably in Isaiah.

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Today's Israel Photo

After consulting scripture and numerous Rabbis, the Third Temple Institute created a pristine menorah identical to the way God instructed Moses in the Bible. Today, the menorah stands proud on the stairs down to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, awaiting the day when it will once again be used in the service of God.

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Israelis Vote, Rabbis Predict Trump Victory - Israel Today

Israelis Vote, Rabbis Predict Trump Victory

Friday, November 04, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Israelis with American citizenship have finished voting, and local rabbis are predicting victory for Republican candidate Donald Trump in next week’s US presidential election.
American citizens living in Israel, most of them holding dual Israeli citizenship, finished casting their absentee ballots this week, and an exit poll conducted by iVoteIsrael revealed most chose Trump.
Forty-nine percent of those who took part in the exit poll said they voted for Trump, while 44 percent said they went with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
A mere 30,000 out of an estimated 120,000 US citizens living in Israel bothered to cast a ballot.
But the low voter turnout in Israel won’t prevent Trump from winning the White House, according to rabbis.
The head of the Republican Party branch in Israel, Marc Zell, said a leading Jewish mystic told him that the Zohar, Judaism’s primary mystical work, foretold Trump’s victory centuries ago.
“Two days ago, a great sage came to me — I don’t want to say his name — with all his entourage from Bnei Brak, just to give me this message for Donald Trump,” Zell told the ultra-Orthodox news outlet Behadrei Haredim.
Zell went on to note that initially religious Jews weren’t sure for whom to vote, “but in the last two weeks a decision has been made among the rabbis of all sorts of streams in the Orthodox public in Israel that Trump is the one who will defend Jerusalem, the Land of Israel and the Jewish people.”
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The Miraculous Timing of the Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery - RON CANTOR/FOR REVIVE ISRAEL CHARISMA NEWS

Dead Sea Scrolls (

The Miraculous Timing of the Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery

Standing With Israel
A Bedouin goat herder discovered the Dead Sea scrolls by accident in 1947. I imagine when the Qumran Jewish community hide them, as Jerusalem was about to be destroyed the late 1960s, they wondered who would one day find them.
What they didn't know—not the goat herder, nor the Essene Jews—was that God had planned it out from the beginning!
In late 1947, the United Nations was set to vote on what was called Partition. They would take the remaining 20 percent of the land that Great Britain had promised to the Jewish people in the Balfour declaration of 1917—80 percent had already been given to create the new Arab country of Jordan—and create another state for Arabs and one tiny state for the Jews. (By the way, if anyone tells you that there needs to be a homeland for Palestinians, you can tell them it was created in 1921 and it is called Jordan!) Anyway, the vote was set for Nov. 29.
Getting back to the scrolls, the goat herder had no idea what he had stumbled upon. He was put in touch with an antiquities dealer in Jerusalem named Kando. When Hebrew University Professor Eliezer Sukenik heard of the discovery, he was intrigued. Risking his life because of the Jewish/Arab tensions over the U.N. vote, he arranges a meeting with Kando and, after a brief inspection, he goes to Bethlehem to see the other scrolls. He is overwhelmed as he realizes what he might be reading.
"My hands shook as I started to unwrap one of them. I read a few sentences. It was written in beautiful biblical Hebrew. The language was like that of the Psalms, but the text was unknown to me. I looked and looked, and I suddenly had the feeling that I was privileged by destiny to gaze upon a Hebrew Scroll which had not been read for more than 2,000 years."
After some negotiations, he leaves with scrolls. He catches the bus back to Jerusalem. He was surrounded by Arabs and was quite nervous. Would he actually ever get home with his precious cargo? Yes, and as soon as he arrived home he poured over the scrolls only become more convinced of his historic discovery.
And here is where it gets crazy! I'll just quote the professor:
While I was examining these precious documents in my study, the late news on the radio announced that the United Nations would be voting on the resolution that night—whether or not Israel would be allowed to become a nation—My youngest son Mati, was in the next room, twiddling radio knobs in an effort to get New York. ... From time to time, he would give me a brief commentary on what had been said. It was past midnight when the voting was announced. And I was engrossed in a particularly absorbing passage in one of the scrolls when my son rushed in with the shout that the vote on the Jewish State had passed. This great event in Jewish history was thus combined in my home in Jerusalem with another event, no less historic, the one political, and the other cultural.
The timing of this is clearly prophetic. The scrolls remained hidden for anyone to find for nearly 2,000 years. And on the very day, the very day, that Israel's rebirth was confirmed, a Jewish professor confirms the existence of ancient Israel.
You really have to be intellectually dishonest if you are going to claim that God was not behind Israel's dramatic rebirth. 
Ron Cantor is the lead pastor of Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv, a Hebrew speaking outreach to Israelis. He is also the author of Identity TheftLeave Me Alone—I'm Jewish and his newest book coming out this spring, The Jerusalem Secret, a novel about the first Jewish believers. Ron blogs at
For the original article, visit
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Trump Deepens Commitment to Israel - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Trump Deepens Commitment to Israel

“Behold, I have given him for a witness to the peoples, a prince and commander to the peoples.” Isaiah 55:4 (The Israel Bible™)
In the final days before election, Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has deepened his connection to Israel, personally and politically, in several significant moves.
On Wednesday, Trump signed on a letter presented by two major pro-Israel Christian organizations, which calls for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. The letter, posted online as a petition and organized by  the American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), called for the following commitments:
  1. Implement the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 and relocate the US Embassy in Israel to its capital city of Jerusalem.
  2. Renew and strengthen the US’s Memorandum of Understanding to fund Israel’s growing security needs.
  3. Combat any efforts at the local, state, or federal level to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel.
  4. Monitor Iran’s ongoing violations of sanctions and to toughen current sanctions as well as impose new ones as necessary.
  5. Oppose any imposed solutions to the Palestinian conflict on Israel by outside parties, including the United Nations Security Council.
Since it was posted, approximately 650 Christian leaders have signed the letter, and over 40,000 people have signed the online petition.
According to ICEJ, Clinton has yet to respond to the letter.
Stay up to date with Israel and the Middle East
A 16-point plan  was posted on Wednesday on the Medium publishing platform by Trump’s Israel advisers, David Friedman and Jason Dov Greenblatt. The plan states a strong commitment to the friendship between Israel and the US,  and promises that, if elected, Trump will move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, fight the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement on campus, oppose any imposed Palestinian-Israeli solution that are not a result of direct negotiations, oppose anti-Israel efforts in the UN, and prevent Iranian non-compliance with their nuclear agreements and their support of international terrorism.
Perhaps even more telling is his personal connection to the Holy Land and the God of Abraham. Last week, Trump sent a hand-written note via David Faiman, an adviser, who will place it in the Kotel (the Western Wall). His supplication for divine aid reportedly comes after consulting with his Jewish daughter, Ivanka. The note read:
“May you bless the United States, our armed forces and our allies. May your guiding hand protect and strengthen our great nation.”