Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Trump Advisor: West Bank Belongs to Israel - Israel Today

Trump Advisor: West Bank Belongs to Israel

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A senior officials in US President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team visited this week and stated that the so-called “West Bank” clearly belongs to Israel.
Becky Norton Dunlop (pictured) was touring the areas known biblically as Judea and Samaria when she told reporters:
“Anyone who comes and visits Judea and Samaria sees that it is an inseparable part of the State of Israel.”
She went on to debunk the notion that Jewish settlers in the region are all hostile toward local Arabs.
“During the visit we saw that Arabs living in Israel are completely able to work together with their Israeli neighbors,” Dunlop said. “The international community has to take note of what is really happening here instead of listening to the mainstream media which doesn’t report the news but rather invented things.”
Many in Israel expect the failed “two-state solution” to finally be put to bed during Trump’s presidency. Senior members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet are calling for increased building in Judea and Samaria after Trump takes office.
Dunlop was joined on the tour by Republican members of the US Congress, as well as a number of European parliamentarians.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Balfour Declaration's Comeback - ISRAEL TODAY

Dec. 20, 2016


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The Balfour Declaration's Comeback
The Balfour Declaration's Comeback
Britain looks to be following America's lead in returning to its overtly pro-Israel policies of years past
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WATCH: Life as an Israeli Soldier
WATCH: Life as an Israeli Soldier
An inside look at what it is like to be an Israeli soldier, day in and day out
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Your last chance for a personal Hanukkah offer!
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Arab Member of Knesset Suspected of High Treason
Arab Member of Knesset Suspected of High Treason
Police have evidence that Arab MK smuggled 15 cellphones, other items to jailed Palestinian terrorists
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Franklin Graham: Forget Russian Hacking, God Intervened In The Election! - HELLOCHRISTIAN

Franklin Graham: Forget Russian Hacking, God Intervened In The Election!


Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has always sought to be involved in the political process through fervently stirring up an atmosphere of prayer amongst Americans. Thus, he is certain that the Lord God alimghty intervened in the election of President-elect Donald Trump. Now, of course, there are accusations of Russian hackers helping the billionaire businessman win the White House. 
Franklin, however, would rather remain on the side of faith. “Do you think the Russians interfered with the outcome of the U.S. election or was it God?” Graham tweeted. "Graham understands the sovereignty of God and is right to attribute all things to His plan. Instead of fretting about world events, we should learn to rest in this providence," writes Scott Slayton at Christian Headlines. 

Lights & Miracles: A Hanukkah Celebration ✡ "He That Walketh Uprightly" - ISRAEL365

He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh truth in his heart.

הוֹלֵךְ תָּמִים וּפֹעֵל צֶדֶק וְדֹבֵר אֱמֶת בִּלְבָבוֹ

תהילים טו:ב

ho-LAYKH ta-MEEM u-fo-AYL TZE-dek v’-do-VAYR e-MET bil-va-VO

Today's Israel Inspiration

This verse teaches that those who do “what is right” and “speak the truth” will merit to dwell with the Lord. According to Rabbi David Kimchi, “speak the truth” implies that it is not enough to think or know the truth, but you must speak about it and spread it. Finding the truth in a world of falsehood is a constant challenge. Especially with regard to Israel, there is an abundance of misinformation that is spread. It is therefore important to learn effective tools for speaking up on Israel’s behalf and countering common adverse claims made against Israel. Spreading the truth about Israel will bring the world closer to peace and closer to God. The same holds true for the tragedy of the Holocaust. All too soon after the war concluded, deniers crept up publicly stating the genocide had never occurred, an embarrassment to the thousands who endured the horrific catastrophe. It's therefore our absolute duty to ensure they live the remainder of their lives with dignity, restoring their faith in humanity, and promising that 'Never Again' means never again.

Twin Holocaust Survivors Recount Their Harrowing Tale

Identical twin sisters Iudit Barnea and Lia Huber were deported to Auschwitz in 1944 where they suffered the infamous medical experiments of Josef Mengele. Today, they are thriving in the Land of Israel with families of their own.

How One Man's Christian Faith Saved Jewish GIs from Nazi Death Camps

In a remarkable World War II story that almost went untold, a devoutly Christian US Army sergeant refused to turn over his Jewish soldiers, even after a gun was placed to his head.


This beautiful sterling silver ring is inscribed with a verse from Song of Songs. The verse written in Hebrew, “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li” translates to ” I am to my Beloved and my Beloved is to me.” This unique ring is handcrafted in Israel, and is part of our Jewelry Sale! Save $15 with minimum $75 jewelry purchase.
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Today's Israel Photo

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"Todah Rabbah" to Donna Waters from Tennessee; Cheryl Bame from California; Rosslyn Johnston from New Zealand; Laura Swartz from California.
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