Monday, June 5, 2017

Chuck Pierce Releases Shocking Prophetic Word | Trump the No. 1 Topic on the Agenda of the Bilderberg Group This Year | Parents Shocked

Charisma Media
Monday, June 5, 2017
The White House
Chuck Pierce Releases Shocking Prophetic Word
It sounds very similar to the dream God gave the pharaoh in the days of Joseph.
U.S. President Donald Trump takes his seat before his speech to the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Trump the No. 1 Topic on the Agenda of the Bilderberg Group This Year
These meetings are designed to be highly secretive, and for many years you were labeled a "conspiracy theorist" if you even suggested that the Bilderberg Group existed.
American Dispatch
A drag queen performed during a children's talent show.
Parents Shocked by Adult Drag Queen Performance— at Grade School Talent Show
The school district has yet to apologize for scarring children for life. 
Ministry Leader on Death's Door Discovers Power of Jeremiah 17:14
"Her condition was so grave the doctors only gave her a 3 percent chance of survival and predicted she probably wouldn't last the next 24 hours."
Standing With Israel
How We're Seeing Amos 9:14 Prophecy Fulfilled Before Our Eyes
These seven principles show us how to respond in this prophetic time.
Evangelist Benny Hinn and world-renowned Nigerian Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Believers' LoveWorld Inc. and Christ Embassy are partnering to launch a brand new Christian cable television channel.
Benny Hinn to Launch Christian Network Highlighting Power of God
Will you be tuning in?
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Clickbait News and Israeli Humor -Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Clickbait News and Israeli Humor

Monday, June 05, 2017 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Clickbait refers to news portal content designed to lure readers into clicking sensationalist headlines or pictures.
The clicks themselves generate revenue, hence, the clickbait news has little to do with news and much to do with generating income. The clickbait is the digital version of yellow journalism that profits from sensational and fake news. The difference, however, is that previously yellow journalism was in a category of its own. Today, clickbait is used by practically all news portals.
Israel is no exception. Clickbait now appears almost daily on our main news portals such as Ynet, Mako and NRG.
Here are a few headline examples from Israeli digital newspapers and news portals which will help identify clickbait headlines and pictures. The daily Ha'aretz: "[Chef] Meir Adoni drowns Caesarea in oil"; Mako news portal: "Glass coffin was found under a house with a chilling finding in it"; Walla news portal: "Porn star fan of Bibi Netanyahu"; NRG news portal: "Ouch: What happened to young girls on water slide?"
But a growing number of Israelis have learned to spot clickbait, and have turned the phenomenon into a sort of humor contest.
The latest example comes from Ynet with the headline: "Faceless fish was discovered along the shores of Australia." The item itself reports on a deep-sea fish discovered by an Australian expedition. The fish itself was discovered back in 1873, and the supposed faceless creature has a face, albeit not of the common kind. "It has neither distinct eyes nor nose, and its mouth, well," says Ynet, "it's on the lower part." This piece of news is practically worthless apart from the clicks it generates.
This piece of "news" attracted some well deserved comments. Here are some of them: "Is this a kosher fish?"; "How could this fish have a stinky head."; "It looks like one of the Meretz party [extreme left] voters."; "Why did you kill it, morons?"; "This is probably a piece of wreckage from the Malaysian airplane [that went missing]."
Some of the comments on such clickbait "news" items are so funny that people are now looking for them, and in so doing are playing right into the hands of those designing them. Nevertheless, clickbait has become a good source of humor for bored employees and students.
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'God Is Good in the Midst of Evil!' Justin Bieber Ministers at Manchester Concert - 06-04-2017 CBN News Benjamin Gill

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
'God Is Good in the Midst of Evil!' Justin Bieber Ministers at Manchester Concert
CBN News Benjamin Gill
Justin Bieber's Christian faith has been growing and on display in recent months, and now he just used it to reach out and minister God's goodness to a British nation reeling from recent terror attacks.
Terrorists used a vehicle to mow down pedestrians on London Bridge Saturday night and then jumped out and stabbed more people to death. That came two weeks after a suicide bomber killed 22 victims, many of them young girls, attending an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.
At the "One Love Manchester" concert Sunday night, which had already been scheduled before the London attack, Grande returned to the stage to offer comfort to a grieving city.
Grande sang some upbeat and motivational pop anthems as the audience cheered loudly for the singer.
Other music stars like Katy Perry and Justin Bieber also joined in the concert to encourage the hurting and raise money to help victims. But Bieber didn't just offer some music and a message of resilence, he had a message of faith to offer as well.
"God is good in the midst of the darkness. God is good in the midst of the evil," Bieber told the massive crowd.
"God is in the midst no matter what's happening in the world, God is in the midst, and He loves you and He's here for you," he said. 
"I just want to take this moment to honor the people that were lost, that were taken. We love you so much. To the families, we love you so much," he said. "Put both hands up to honor those people right now. Everybody say, 'We honor you. We love you.'" 
The crowd thundered back, "We honor you, we love you!"
Two weeks ago Bieber made a bold but simple declaration of faith on his Instagram page.All it said was, "I follow Jesus."

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Sunday, June 4, 2017

3 Countercultural Ways Jesus Dealt With Satanic Activity - DR. CAROL PETERS-TANKSLEY CHARISMA NEWS

Jesus modeled this authority for effectively overcoming wickedness.
Jesus modeled this authority for effectively overcoming wickedness. (Tim Trad)

3 Countercultural Ways Jesus Dealt With Satanic Activity

Jesus's life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension defeated the kingdom of darkness. His victory in the spiritual realm is vital for our lives both now and in eternity. But evil is still present in our world. How Jesus dealt with evil while on Earth is an example of how we can and should deal with evil as His followers.
As difficult as our lives may seem and as much demonic opposition as we may feel we are facing, we will never see Satan and his whole kingdom of darkness arrayed against us to the degree that Jesus personally experienced. In order to save humanity Jesus had to accomplish the destruction of Satan's kingdom. The incarnation was, along with all its other aspects, an invasion into enemy territory.
For Satan and his realm, Jesus presence here was an ultimate declaration: "This means war!"
Yet Jesus seemed completely unruffled by such strong opposition. He never showed fear or anxiety when He encountered demons or those controlled by them, or even Satan himself. In the Gospels, we never see Him on a hunt for demonic activity; His focus on being about His Father's business of saving humanity seemed unshakable.
But whenever Satan or his demons showed up, Jesus responded with calmness and absolute authority over them.
Jesus' Encounters With Evil
Jesus frequently encountered those who were under the control of demons. The Gospels make several summary statements about Jesus healing those who were possessed or tormented. (Examples include Matt. 4:248:16Mark 1:32–34; and Luke 4:41.) We have many stories of individuals Jesus set free:
  • The sick woman whom "Satan bound for eighteen years," healed on the Sabbath (Luke 13:16).
  • The epileptic boy brought by his father for healing when His disciples could not accomplish the task (Mark 9:25–27).
  • The demon-possessed man who had been relegated to living in the tombs (Luke 8:26–40).
Jesus comes across as calm and composed, while the demons respond with desperate cries and fear of torment.
This was so very different from what those around Jesus were used to. Ancient Jewish literature recounts how the people of Jesus' day lived in certain fear of demons. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain a number of prayers and liturgies that were used to try to bring relief from demonic oppression. Josephus describes an elaborate ritual involving roots and incantations and spells by which one Jewish exorcist Eleazar attempted to cast out demons. Both the people in general and those who attempted to get rid of demons approached the whole idea with much fear and anxiety.
And here comes Jesus. He has no incantations, no spells, no rituals, no stylized prayers, no sacred objects, no angst, no fear and He doesn't get all worked up. Sometimes casting out demons became dramatic only because of their resistance to Jesus's words. The summary Gospel passages make most such encounters seem almost commonplace and likely no more dramatic than a simple "Get out!" (Mark 1:34).
No wonder the people were astonished (Mark 1:27).
The Authority in Jesus' Words
Every time He encountered Satan or his demons, Jesus responded with calm, authoritative words. This began at His initial encounter with Satan when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Each time Jesus defeated him not with a display of power, but with His words—words from the Old Testament Scriptures (Matt. 4:3-10).
Every time after this that Jesus encountered evil, He responded the same way. He spoke with authority and the demons had to leave. If the demons were causing any sickness or disease, it had to leave along with them. The Roman centurion understood this: "Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof. But speak the word only, and my servant will be healed" (Matt. 8:8).
Keep in mind as you contemplate Jesus's words that this was not some magic show. God spoke the worlds into existence with His Word. Jesus is called the eternal Word of God (John 1:1). The power and authority of God Himself was present in those words Jesus spoke. That's why He spoke as He did to Satan in the wilderness. God's power is present in His Word—in Scripture, as Jesus spoke it, and as you and I speak it as well.
You Can Do It Too!
Can you imagine the awed excitement with which Jesus' disciples heard Him say, "You want to do the same things you've seen Me do? You want to preach the good news, heal people, cast our demons and raise the dead? Yes, you can! It's time for you to go out and do it" (See Matt. 10:8).
I can picture them going out two by two, perhaps wondering if it would really work. John says to Peter, "Did you hear Him say what I heard Him say? Do you really think we can do it?" And Peter responds, "You bet! And I'm going to the very first chance I get!"
On their way to the first village Peter, John, and the others would have rehearsed over and over again exactly what they had seen Jesus do and how He had done it. They would have remembered the words He used, the look on His face and even the feeling in His voice. They would have determined to do it exactly as their Master had done. The results were spectacular!
They must have had a predetermined time and meeting place to catch up with Jesus again. When they got there they exclaimed, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us through Your name" (Luke 10:17b). They would have acted as Jesus did, with no fear, no rituals, no anxiety, no long stylized prayers. They just spoke in Jesus' name.
How should you and I deal with evil?
So what does this mean for you and me? What does Jesus as our divine example show us about dealing with evil?
  • Have no fear or anxiety. We have absolutely no need to experience fear or anxiety in our encounters with Satan or his kingdom of darkness. We don't go out looking for "a devil behind every bush"; there will be opportunity enough to exercise the authority Jesus has given us when evil presents itself. We are to be alert and firm, but not anxious. (See 1 Pet. 5:8.)
  • Fill your mind and heart with God's Word. If Jesus needed Scripture to successfully resist temptation and Satan, you will need it too. Spend time reading, studying and memorizing the Bible. If those words are in your heart, the Holy Spirit will bring them back to your mind when you need them as you encounter evil.
  • Remain focused on what God gives you to do. Jesus and His disciples remained focused on ministering to the hearts, minds and bodies of people. The fact that doing so aroused Satan's opposition was almost secondary. Remain focused on what God has given you to do and nothing more nor less. If accomplishing that mission stirs up the devil's opposition, so be it.
Maintaining your focus is important. C.S. Lewis wisely opined that thinking too much or too little about Satan and his kind are equally dangerous traps: "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors."
It's your focus that's important.
Jesus encountered evil more than any of us ever will. You and I can face the kingdom of darkness with the same calmness and authority He did.
Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley is both a board-certified OB-GYN physician and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. As an author and speaker, she loves helping people discover the Fully Alive kind of life Jesus came to bring us. Visit her website at
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What Does The Bible Say About Israel? | Israel Answers - ICEJ USA

Israel Answers
What Does The Bible Say About Israel?

What the Bible says about Israel is very clear. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to understand God’s covenant with Israel. For thousands of years God has seen Israel as precious in His sight. Watch our next video to learn more. And don’t forget to share!
What Does The Bible Say About Israel?
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Pentecost: The Purpose and the Commandments -Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Pentecost: The Purpose and the Commandments

Sunday, June 04, 2017 |  Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY
Pentecost, or Feast of Weeks, is the conclusion of Passover that took place seven weeks earlier. The two holidays are connected via the Counting of the Omer which started on the second day of Passover. The counting of 49 days represents the preparation and anticipation for the giving of the Torah, that, according to Jewish tradition, was given on Pentecost.
Following this line of thought, on Passover the people of Israel were freed from the bondage of the Egyptian slavery hence, from the physical aspect of slavery. On Pentecost, with the giving of the Torah, the people of Israel were made free from the bondage of the natural laws through obedience to the divine commandments which are in the Torah.
This perceived contradiction of law and freedom baffles Christians, many of whom have been trained to think of the Law as enslaving rather than making one free. Secular Jews also tend to think along these lines. For them the Torah takes away the freedom to live as one wishes.
But from the long-held Jewish perspective, the Pentecost marks a joyous event in which the people of Israel agreed to accept the Torah, something that shouldn't be taken for granted, given the natural reaction to the many laws that, as stated, seemingly restricts rather than extends freedom.
The contradiction between Law and freedom has occupied Jewish sages from time immemorial, and their conclusions are profound. Commenting on the physical aspect of the divine Tablets as described in Exodus 32:16 – "the tablets were God’s work, and the writing was God’s writing engraved on the tablets" – the Talmudic sage rabbi Joshua son of Levi takes advantage of the Hebrew language, and slightly changes the vowels of "engraved" to reach the conclusion that one should read "freedom" - (herut instead of harut). "Freedom on the tablets" thus have become the way in which Jews view the commandments.
How the commandments make one free was explained by the renowned scholar Yeshayahu Leibowitz, in his 1953 article, "Practical Commandments." Human beings, he reasons, can't escape the laws of nature. This means that man is bound to the "causal chain of forces … which act upon him and within him." The natural man is enslaved to the natural laws, and as such is "just like the cattle grazing in the pasture, which are also free from the Torah and Commandments; that is, from any law externally imposed.” This bondage includes will and reason. The conclusion, then, is that for man to be truly free, he must have external, divine, forces working within him; forces that are provided through the commandments.
From this perspective, for Jews to be free from their beastly nature, they must accept other laws than human laws in order to transcend nature. Israel is therefore, since the giving of the Law are under a divine unnatural law, that has the external power to elevate them to a higher state that can make them a light to the world.
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