Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Israel's Intertwined Physicality and Spirituality ✡ "The children of Yisrael Gave in Abundance" - ISRAEL365

And as soon as the commandment came abroad,
the children of Yisrael gave in abundance
the first-fruits of corn, wine, and oil, and honey,
and of all the increase of the field; and the tithe of
all things brought they in abundantly.

וְכִפְרֹץ הַדָּבָר הִרְבּוּ בְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל רֵאשִׁית דָּגָן תִּירוֹשׁ וְיִצְהָר וּדְבַשׁ וְכֹלתְּבוּאַת שָׂדֶה וּמַעְשַׂר הַכֹּל לָרֹב הֵבִיאוּ

דברי הימים ב לי:ה
v’-khif-ROTZ ha-da-VAR hir-BU v’-NAY yis-ra-AYL ray-SHEET da-GAN tee-ROSH v’-yitz-HAR ud-VASH v’-KHOL t’-vu-AT sa-DEH u-ma-SAR ha-KOL la-ROV

Today's Israel Inspiration

The tithes brought to the Bet Hamikdash and presented to the Priests and Levites is an example of a Biblical commandment which only applies in the Holy Land. A portion of crops grown in the Land is dedicated to the Creator to remind us that despite the tremendous human effort required to produce the crops, our produce is really a gift from God. Gifts were also given to the religious leaders of Israel in exchange for the spiritual sustenance which they provided for the nation. Since the Priests and Levites did not have a portion of land, they were dependent on the rest of the nation for physical nourishment. Such is life in the Land of Israel- the physical and the spiritual are continuously intertwined. At the Israel365 Store, we highlight the Biblical origins and spiritual elements of all of the Israeli products which we sell - combining the best of the physical and spiritual products of Israel.

Prophecy News Watch

Listen to Prophecy News Watch founder Kade Hawkins discuss reporting prophecy in the news in the digital age.

Does Massive Failure of Winter Wheat Crop Signal Amos's End-of-Days Famine?

Wheat harvests around the world are falling dangerously short, raising the possibility that the end-of-days famine prophesied in the Book of Amos as preceding the Messiah has arrived.

“Sing, O ye heavens, for Hashem hath done it; shout, ye lowest parts of the earth; break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein; for Hashem hath redeemed Yaakov, and doth glorify Himself in Yisrael.” (Isaiah 44:23)


Today's Israel Photo

At the exquisite Sarona Market in Israel's bustling Tel Aviv, one vendor has taken Holy Land produce and turned it into a means of livelihood. Just look at those olives shine! Photo by Shutterstock
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Stop the Land Grab! Plant a Tree in Israel »

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Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Arnold Swanson from Washington. Todah rabah!

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VIDEO: 10 Years of Hamas Rule in Gaza - ISRAEL TODAY TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

Israel Today
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

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To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
VIDEO: 10 Years of Hamas Rule in Gaza
VIDEO: 10 Years of Hamas Rule in Gaza
A decade ago Hamas seized Gaza right after Israel withdrew. What's been the result for local residents?
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Judea and Samaria: Who's Allowed to Build?
Judea and Samaria: Who's Allowed to Build?
Israelis are growing frustrated after local media shows Netanyahu has again frozen settlement construction
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God Will Not Be Mocked!
God Will Not Be Mocked!
UK government's snap election blunder forces it into alliance with unabashedly pro-Israel Christian party
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Last Chance To Get Your Digital Golden June Issue. At Half Price!
Last Chance To Get Your Digital Golden June Issue. At Half Price!
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