Thursday, June 22, 2017

The political correctness surrounding Islamic terrorism is so shocking you have to hear it for yourself - Israel Video Network

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 Israel Video Network June 22, 2017
In a satirical piece, The Rebel's Faith Goldy adopts traditional media and political lines used following an Islamist attack in covering the Finsbury Mosque attack to underscore the bizarre and backwards logic the West is used to following an episode of Islamic terrorism.
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Radical Islamists actually believe that their murderous actions count as double during Ramadan.
Today's Defense feature - One of the best armies IN THE WORLD!
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Field trip for Pakistani kids. What a blessing! Report and photos from Moses Julius, Love For His People - Pakistan Director

More than 40 were able to go on the field trip!


 Greeting to you in the name of Yeshua HA’Mashiach. 

I am glad to announce that every year Shalom Today Ministry arranged a trip with Orphans, Widows and Underprivileged families at Sozo Water Park.

This year in the month of June we are thankful to Co-founder Steve Martin and Laurie Martin (LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE Ministry) sponsored this trip to make it possible with these special people.

Shalom Today Ministry is officially affiliated with LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE MINISTRY in Pakistan. Both ministries have the same goal, mission, and vision. We are thankful for all of you those are standing with us in helping these people. We request it to you please join hands with us to promote the LOVE of Messiah and LOVE of Israel here in Muslim Country Pakistan.

For more information please contact Love For His People Founder Steve Martin. ( You can now use the "Donate To Bless" tab at the top of our ministry blog website.


Mr. Moses Julius 
Love for His People Ministry (Pakistan) 

Thanks Moses for your leadership! Everyone likes field trips, especially to the water park and the rides. Glad we can bless the good people of Pakistan.

And thanks for the great photos and videos!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

 Moses Julius (left) - Love For His People - Pakistan Director

Moses Julius

Have fun buddy!

For more information please contact Love For His People Founder Steve Martin. ( You can now use the "Donate To Bless" tab at the top of our ministry blog website.

Thank you,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

President Trump's Middle-East Peace Push Has Begun - CHARISMA NEWS

President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is in Israel to begin working toward a Middle East peace deal. (Reuters photo)

President Trump's Middle-East Peace Push Has Begun

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, Wednesday in Jerusalem.
"This is an opportunity to pursue our common goals of security, prosperity and peace, and Jared, I welcome you here in that spirit. I know of your efforts and the president's efforts, and I look forward to working with you to reach these common goals," Netanyahu said.
Kushner is visiting Israel along with U.S. Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt, who met with Netanyahu Tuesday. Greenblatt also met with Isaac Molho, Netanyahu's envoy for negotiations with the Palestinians, and traveled to Ramallah to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman downplayed the U.S. officials' visits.
"There's nothing [going on] behind the scenes," he told Israel Radio. "Things are simple and transparent. Trump's representatives are still in the learning stages ...They want to understand what the parties are proposing, what the basic interests are, what the basic position is for both Israel and the Palestinians. We are open to dialogue with the Americans. The Palestinian issue is not a new issue on the Israeli government's agenda."
This article was originally published at Used with permission.
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UN Excuses Wife-Beating as Natural Reaction to 'Israeli Occupation' - Israel Today

UN Excuses Wife-Beating as Natural Reaction to 'Israeli Occupation'

Thursday, June 22, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
First, they called terrorism a "natural reaction" to the presence of Jews in the Holy Land. Now, Palestinian men are being excused by none other than the United Nations for taking out their frustrations with Israel on their own spouses.
At a UN Human Rights Council debate earlier this month, the director of UN Watch, Hillel Neuer, challenged a new report blaming Israel for when Palestinian husbands beat their wives.
"Is it right to continue infantilizing Palestinians, such that when a man in Ramallah beats his wife, we encourage him to say ‘Israel made me do it’?" Neuer asked the report's author, Dubravka Šimonovic, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women.
Neuer further noted that while Israeli counter-terrorism measure might put pressure on the Palestinian population, that doesn't explain why violence against women is equally prevalent in the neighboring countries of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt.
Nor was there any excuse for Šimonovic's lack of actual evidence to support her conclusion.
But, most notably, Neuer wondered how the report could draw a dubious link between Israeli security and Palestinian spousal abuse, while ignoring entirely the regular weekly sermons by Palestinian Muslim clerics encouraging such domestic violence.
Neuer clearly hit a nerve, because the chair of the debate, UNHRC Vice-President Amr Ahmed Ramadan, broke with protocol by refusing to thank the speaker, stating instead:
“I would like to say thank you, but I can’t—because I think that you need to respect this Council more in the next days.”

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

V'ahavta (...and you shall love...") Hadassah from Jerusalem - “Just Say Yes”

וְאָהַבְתָּ    ‘…And you shall love…’ 

V'ahavta (...and you shall love...")
Hadassah from Jerusalem

“Just Say Yes”

“Now the LORD had said to Abram, ‘Get out of your country, from your family… to a land that I will show you…’ So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him.” Genesis 12:1,4

God said. Abram obeyed. He left everything- home, family, friends, country, all that was familiar. He was going… only God knew where. Abram trusted, completely. He said, ‘Yes’ by his obedience.

One night in 1979, God spoke to my husband and told him to take his family to Israel. To live. At the time, we had no idea why we would go to Israel. We weren’t missionaries. We knew nothing about Israel other than what was in the Bible and the news. We had no friends there. And we hadn’t a clue about Jewish immigration - Aliyah as it's called. We hadn’t even heard the word before!!

Clueless would adequately describe us at the time. 

The only thing we knew for certain - God said “Go”. We said, “Yes”.

With our hearts looking towards the Land, we spent the next 10 years learning and getting prepared. Finally, in 1989, we took our five children and followed the Lord to Israel. It wasn’t a Garden of Eden. There were probably more tough times than good ones. LOTS of ‘giants’ in the Land and, as we learned, in our hearts also. We were tested and tried and stretched. And…. we learned.

We learned who Y’shua really is and what a relationship with Him is like. We, on the battleground, became more experienced in spiritual warfare. We practiced loving when we weren’t loved. We experienced the Presence of God.

Through all of that there never was a time that we regretted our decision. We have now lived here for a combination of 18 years.

Haifa Bay - photo by Hadassah 

This week I was blessed to travel the Land for five days. From Caesarea, to Haifa Bay, to the Sea of Galilee, and Capernaum.  Down to the Dead Sea and then on to Mitzpa Ramon, a crater near Egypt. What a wonderfully blessed place this is.

While I was watching the sun come up from the crater and worshipping, I was overcome with gratitude. I cried out to God, “Why have we been allowed to live here?”

And just as at times before when we have asked this question, the answer was the same - because you said “Yes!”

Mitzpa Ramon, a crater near Egypt

Those who follow Y’shua have many times when He says to us, "Leave all that is familiar. Move into My will. Receive My promise, My task, My desire."

It is always so easy to start weighing out the pros & cons of obeying. But like Abram, God is wanting our unqualified yes!

In relation to Israel (which is what these messages are about), what is He asking of you?

Using the Word as your insight to His will and plan, where is your part?

What about sharing the Gospel with Jewish people who do not know their Messiah as yet? 
(Romans 1:16, 10:1)

To pray for the peace of Jerusalem? (Psalm 122:6)

To be a watchman on the wall? (Isaiah 62:6)

To comfort His people? (Isaiah 40:1)

If you are truly Jewish, to make Aliyah? (Isaiah 43:5,6; Jeremiah 29:11-14)

If you are Gentile - to help facilitate the Aliyah? (Isaiah 49:22)

Has He made His desire known?  He has a place for you in what He is doing these days in Israel.   

I would encourage you, like Abram, to say, ‘Yes’.

With our love from Israel,


Nissim & Hadassah
Jerusalem, Israel
June 2017

Hadassah and Nissim, her accountant husband, live in a settlement just outside Jerusalem with their dog Molly. After making Aliyah (immigrating) from the U.S. with their five children in 1989, they are now semi-retired and open their home to guests and those wishing to make Aliyah. When not busy with their 16 'GrandWonders', they enjoy a quiet life of study, prayer and learning to serve the LORD.


Donate to Bless families in Israel, Pakistan and Northern Ireland. 
Love For His People, Inc. is a 501(c)3 ministry in the USA.

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