Thursday, June 22, 2017

DNA Evidence Revealing True Origins of Ancient Egyptians May Prove Biblical Lineage and Today's Top Stories - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

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JUNE 22, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

DNA Evidence Revealing True Origins of Ancient Egyptians May Prove Biblical Lineage


Saudi King Appoints Son as Crown Prince in Move With Possible Implications for Israel

“Instead of thy fathers shall be thy sons, whom thou shalt make princes in all the land.” (Psalms 45:17)

No Need For Your Heavy, Bulky Bible

In the incredible Nano Bible, the spirit and technology of Israel have come together to produce the world’s smallest bible, printed onto a single 5mm x 5mm surface. We are pleased to offer a beautiful Nano Bible collection which includes beautiful jewelry which are infused with sanctity and the word of God. There is no need to worry about your Bible getting damaged or torn, when all of the Books of the Bible have been shrunken down onto a tiny surface which you can keep close to your heart at all times!
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Israeli Minister Uri Ariel Visits State-of-the-Art MS Rehabilitation Center

“And I will make her that halted a remnant and her that was cast far off a mighty nation; and Hashem shall reign over them in mount Tzion from thenceforth even for ever.” (Micah 4:7)

Israel Will Strike With ‘Full Force’ in Any Future Conflict With Hezbollah: General

“For Hashem hath indignation against all the nations, and fury against all their host; He hath utterly destroyed them, He hath delivered them to the slaughter.” (Isaiah 34:2)

900-Year-Old Women’s Jewelry Discovered in Crusader Fortress [PHOTOS]

“We will make thee circlets of gold with studs of silver.” (Song of Songs 1:11)
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PM Netanyahu Meets With Trump Envoys Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt

Trump advisors Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt are in Israel for meetings with Netanyahu and PA President Abbas in hopes of jump-starting a peace process.

PSALMS 72:19

The word ‘Amen’ is one of the most famous examples of an English word that comes from Biblical Hebrew. Even the English word ‘amenable’ which means willing to believe and submit is a direct offshoot of ‘Amen’ which appears throughout the Bible to mean, ‘so be it...
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Daily Picture: Blessed Be His Glorious Name

The Light Rail is a relatively new addition to the landscape of the Holy City, making for easy and fun, modern transport throughout Jerusalem. No matter when you ride, you'll be sure to run into people of all ages, religions, and demographics.
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Christians Across The Nation Are Countering The Anti-Trump Witch Spell - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Witches across the US have been casting spells upon President Donald Trump in an effort to topple him from power as part of the pagan...
Former Navy SEAL And Actor Remi Adeleke On How Jesus Transformed His Life 
Remi Adeleke is a former military man and successful actor. But he hasn't always had it easy. He has been through very dark times in h...
Persecuted Cuban Churches Evangelize Havana Through Genius Gospel-Sharing Idea! 
Churches in the Cuban capital of Havana have held vast evangelistic events despite tight govern ent restrictions on their activities. The C...
Experienced Pastor And Church Planting Leader Comes Out As Transgender Woman 
A prominent pastor and the leader of a Church Planting organization has come out as a transgender woman, reports The New Yo...
Woman Sexually Violated in Target Bathroom, Superstore Refuses To Change Its Policy 
As retailing giant Target reels from the financial fallout from its controversial bathroom policy, there has been yet another setback for its...
Suggestions Of The Prophetic As Rain Pours Down Upon Israel In Its Driest Season 
Many are hinting at the prophetic after incredible rains came down upon Israel at the height of its dry season. Wednesday marks th...
John Piper: "Jesus Must Be EVERYTHING To Us, Or He Is NOTHING" 
Pastor John Piper has reminded us that God must truly be EVERYTHING in our lives, otherwise, he becomes nothing to us. We cannot...
TIME Magazine Runs Feature On The History Of The King James Bible 
TIME Magazine has published a feature article on how the King James Bible came to become so vastly popular amongst conservative Christ...
Billy Graham Explains Why We Should Be Thankful For God's Love AND His Judgement 
Too often, Christians get mixed up about God's love and His judgement. They either focus solely on the love of God and forget about his...
Is God Dead? This Christian New York Times Writer Gives An Astonishing Answer 
Is God dead? That is the question that many ask when they see certain sections of the church drowning in wearisome religion. "Where is...
Judge Orders Removal Of Massive Cross After Atheist Complaint 
A judge has ordered the removal of a giant cross in a Florida park, even though it has been standing there for over half a century. A fe...
Planned Parenthood Seeking To Set Up Clinic In A High School 
Abortion business Planned Parenthood is attempting to expand its services by setting up a clinic in a Pennsylvania High School. The clinic wo...
Christian School Banned From Teaching 'Offensive' Parts Of The Bible 
A Christian school in Alberta, Canada, has been ordered to stop teaching certain parts of the Bible that might be deemed offensive.&nbs...
4 Key Lessons From A Couple Who Were Celibate For Four Years 
In our over-sexualized mainstream culture it can sometimes seem as if sex is constantly surrounding us. Adverts and TV shows are j...
Franklin Graham Urges Christians To Pray For The VITAL Meeting Between US And South Korea 
Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has urged Americans to be in prayer for US President Donald Trump and VP Mike Pence ahead of the...
Could Pokemon Go Still Become An Effective Mission Tool? 
When the video game Pokemon Go was first released, Church leaders became incredibly excited about it. But why? Well, many of t...
Muslim Leader Lists Vast Number Of 'Christian Terrorist Attacks' After Twitter Criticism 
When American Muslim Qasim Rashid was challenged by a Twitter user to highlight any acts of terror committed by so-called 'Christians,'...
Catholic Church Rents Out Massive Building To Planned Parenthood 
The Catholic Church of Los Angeles has come under fire for renting out one its building complexes to a conference that will feature leading...
Trump Sends Jared Kushner To Israel To Try And Negotiate An Arab-Israeli Peace Deal 
US President Donald Trump has sent his son-in-law, real estate businessman Jared Kushner to Israel to try and revive the Arab-Israeli p...
7 Spiritual Reasons Every Christian Should Laugh And Have Fun 
I must repent. Not until recently did I consider humor a Christian virtue. Likewise for its close cousins, laughter and fun. Humor had its...
Urgent Call To Prayer As Thousands Of Witches Prepare To Cast Spells On TrumpTONIGHT 
UPDATE: Christians are counteracting this dark spiritual practice with the power of prayer! Check it out.  An urgent call to pra...