Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Lance Wallnau: Fresh Boldness & Joy is Coming - Prophetic TV

Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages...

This week's Prophetic TV e-blast includes videos from:

1. Lance Wallnau: Fresh Boldness is Coming and a New Movement of Joy!

2. Nate Johnston: Are You Ready for Your Greatest Moment?

3. Jennifer LeClaire: Prophetic Word for July 2017, Heavenly Host

4. Stephen Powell: Miracles are Breaking Out in Kansas City

5. Daniel & Amber Pierce: From the Gates of Jerusalem | Glory of Zion

6. Paulette Reed: Don't Bury Your Talents!

7. Bobby Conner: Prayer is What Moves the Hand of God!

Did you know we rely on your generous financial gifts to help us provide these videos to you?

MANY man hours go into researching the very best of the best videos each week.

You may donate at this link right now: https://www.elijahlistministries.org/donations/donation.php

God LOVES your giving heart! And so do we!


Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders

"Fresh Boldness is Coming and a New Movement of Joy!"

Father, I pray in Jesus name for fresh boldness to come upon the Body of Christ. I heard the Lord say that this is a move that is beginning; it's a move of joy. It's a joy move... it's the joy of harvesting with the angels!

I really believe that if we'll pray with our spirit and pray strong we're actually praying out of our Spirit the mysteries of God and we're authorizing angels to do things... You need to be praying in your Spirit, because your Spirit will take you places your head doesn't know how to go.

By Lance Wallnau... Watch It Now

Visit Lance Wallnau's Facebook page: HERE
"Are You Ready for Your Greatest Moment?"

If you're wondering what God is going to be doing in this season, I just want to begin to prophesy over you... I know that many times in my life, I'm going, "You know what God, I just need a breakthrough in this certain area." Get the focus off you and just start praying for people and start doing something for someone else and some things will start to breakthrough for you.

I just know that as you're listening to this today... as God encourages you to pray for people and to encourage other people some things are going to break in your life.

By Nate Johnston... Watch It Now

Visit Nate Johnston's Facebook page: HERE
"Prophetic Word for July 2017, Heavenly Host"

Angels can arrive on the scene in an instant. Many of you have entertained angels unaware in times of trouble as I sent them to war for you, to deliver you, to rescue you from the enemy's plot against your life.

If you press into the reality of angels—if you learn to discern their presence and how to cooperate with their ministry—you will find greater breakthrough in every area of your life.

By Jennifer LeClaire... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer LeClaire's Facebook page: HERE

"Miracles are Breaking Out in Kansas City"

"By His stripes we are healed," — Isaiah 53:5

This is why we tell people, don't get discouraged... keep pressing into the miracle realm, because it's yours by faith. You have a right to it... that's the Word of God!

By Stephen Powell... Watch It Now

Visit Stephen Powell's Facebook page: HERE
"From the Gates of Jerusalem | Glory of Zion"

I believe all of us are seeking to step into the next portion that God has for us...

It really feels like this is the kind of season that we are in... and it's a season of government, this is what Esther and Mordecai entered as they were obedient to the Lord as they entered into a governmental anointing and that's what I feel that we're entering a strong season of governmental anointing and if we choose to abide by His Spirit, He will allow us to answer that.

By Daniel & Amber Pierce... Watch It Now

Visit From the Gates of Jerusalem's Facebook page: HERE
"Don't Bury Your Talents!"

Have you buried your talents? Or maybe the devil tricked you and slowly covered them up... one shovel full of dirt at a time... The Parable of the Talents doesn't say anything about age; we are not to bury them at age 10 or age 100.

Today, I am going to help you get that shovel out and undercover your greatest assets, bringing Glory to God and filling you with joy!

By Paulette Reed... Watch It Now

Visit Paulette Reed's Facebook page: HERE
"Prayer is What Moves the Hand of God!"

That's what real prayer is: "Audience with the King." We can come to Him anytime, anyplace, anywhere, and we will have His undivided attention.

There's not a potentate, there's not a president anywhere on Earth that will give you that promise... but any of us can fall on our face have an audience with the King. That will turn prayer from a drudgery to a delight!

By Bobby Conner... Watch It Now

Visit Bobby Conner's Facebook page: HERE
Thank you for your donation today to help keep Elijah List Ministries/Prophetic.TV ON THE AIR

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Steve and Derene Shultz
President, Elijah List Ministries

Elijah List Ministries, 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321

Millionaire Producer: God Told Me to Rebuild Ten Commandments Monument - TAYLOR BERGLUND CHARISMA NEWS

A statue of the Ten Commandments is seen after it was installed on the grounds of the state Capitol in Little Rock, Arkansas.
A statue of the Ten Commandments is seen after it was installed on the grounds of the state Capitol in Little Rock, Arkansas. (REUTERS/Steve Barnes)

Millionaire Producer: God Told Me to Rebuild Ten Commandments Monument

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

God's Not Dead executive producer Troy Duhon says God led him to donate money to rebuild Arkansas' destroyed Ten Commandments monument.
Arkansas' new Ten Commandments statue, located on public land but paid for with private funds, was demolished just one day after its installation. The culprit, Michael Tate Reed, professed to be a Christian and posted a video of his vandalism to Facebook.
"The first day it gets put up, a gentleman decides he's going to run it over," Duhon said. "I was on the bus, headed to Creation Music fest, and I felt God say, 'Will you help me?'"
Duhon and fellow executive producer Bob Katz called the governor's office and donated $25,000 to efforts to rebuild the monument. One week later, Duhon and Katz flew to Little Rock, Arkansas, for the formal presentation of the check. Michael Berry, deputy general counsel and director of military affairs for First Liberty, was also present. A skilled debater for religious freedom, Berry fielded several press questions at the event regarding separation of church and state.
Duhon says not to mistake this as the end of the battle, though. The ACLU will likely file suit, and the case will live on. But Duhon says Arkansas' willingness to "take the fight on" is exciting.
"From a private citizen's perspective and being a Christian, I was so impressed with what the state of Arkansas is doing," Duhon said. "Instead of relinquishing their rights, they are fighting to put rights back into the state capitol, back into schools."
God's Not Dead 2 was filmed in Little Rock. It was the first of many great experiences for Duhon in the state.
"God is doing something special in the state of Arkansas," Duhon said. "I think the rest of the country is going to open their eyes and realize, especially if they prevail, that God is doing something."
Duhon believes that this Arkansas monument battle is symbolic of a much larger battle for Christians nationwide.
"My oldest son said, 'Why is this relevant?'" Duhon said. "I said, 'Son, tell me what America would look like if Americans operated under the Ten Commandments. When you look at the crime rate, the divorce rate, the incarceration rate and the murder rate, what would America be if we honored the Ten Commandments?'
"I think it's something as Christians we need to fight for. We need to fight for our rights. My hat's off to State Senator Jason Rapert because for a senator to take this fight on, coming under the scrutiny he's been under, and not be afraid—we as a Christian community need to support him and endorse him." 
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Monday, July 10, 2017

ISRAEL TODAY: We do not know how to give up, we believe in miracles.

July 10, 2017
More than 70 years ago Israel's founder David Ben Gurion said, "He who does not believe in miracles is not a realist!" One just needs to open one's eyes to recognize the miracles in everyday life.
For me, it is a moving miracle when our children come home from military service on weekends. Even greater than the fact that the last half century seems like a miracle to Israel: the country has survived wars and political attacks on the international stage. The reunification of the biblical capital of Jerusalem is another miracle, which we reported in detail in the Golden Jerusalem edition.
We have been praised worldwide for the content and presentation of the Golden Jerusalem edition (80,000 copies printed and mailed), but such projects like this are only possible with the involvement of our friends, especially at a time when the sinking euro is straining us financially. We do not know how to give up, we believe in miracles! We want to issue a special edition to celebrate Israel's 70th anniversary in May 2018.
And to achieve this we need your help! For just $25 you can actively help our editorial team open the eyes of others to the truth of Israel!
We sincerely thank you for your commitment and wish you a blessing.
Your Israel Today Editorial, Aviel Schneider
Click here to participate now: WE BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!

lOVE for his people editor's note: for over 8 years we have supported our good friends at israel today, with subscriptions, product and bulk magazine purchases. 

We hope you do today, even if this is the first time.

We have given our $25 to see the help issue the special edition celebrating Israel's 70th anniversary next May.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

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Joel C. Rosenberg: Coming March 6th - THE KREMLIN CONSPIRACY. “The Real Book Spy” website


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Coming March 6th: THE KREMLIN CONSPIRACY. “The Real Book Spy” website posts exclusive story on my next novel title, cover and plot details, plus links to pre-order.

by joelcrosenberg
(Washington, D.C.) -- This morning, The Real Book Spy -- one of the leading websites that tracks and reviews new mysteries and thrillers -- has posted a story revealing key details of my next novel.
Here are excerpts, including my brief interview with the site's founder.
Exclusive: See The Cover Art And Plot Details For Joel C. Rosenberg’s Next Thriller
Following his latest jaw-dropping New York Times bestselling novel, Without Warning,Joel C. Rosenberg is set to release a brand thriller next March called The Kremlin Conspiracy.
Without Warning was the final novel in Rosenberg’s J.B. Collins trilogy about a New York Times reporter who investigates The Islamic State. The Kremlin Conspiracy will be the first book in a new series and will introduce readers to Marcus Ryker, a former United States Secret Service agent.
Scroll down to see the cover art and plot synopsis for The Kremlin Conspiracy, then keep scrolling to read exclusive comments from Joel C. Rosenberg about his new novel....
“After eleven novels that have focused primarily on the Middle East and the threat of Radical and Apocalyptic Islam — and one historical novel about the Holocaust — I felt it was time to shift gears,” said Rosenberg, speaking exclusively to The Real Book Spy.
“I needed a new challenge and wanted to focus on a different part of the world, different enemies. In this case, I kept finding myself drawn to Russia. Moscow was once known as the seat of the “Evil Empire” and I believe it is once again emerging as the center of the most dangerous government on the planet. Remember, Iran, al Qaeda and ISIS just dream of having nuclear weapons. Moscow not only has them but also has the long range ballistic missiles to hit every city in NATO and the United States. If they reemerge not simply as a geopolitical challenge but an aggressive enemy, the world will be headed down a very dark road.”
Dubbed a “modern Nostradamus” by U.S. News & World Report after his first novel, The Last Jihad, came out in 2002, Rosenberg has been known to write headline-beating thrillers. With Russia dominating many news cycles, it makes sense that authors are writing related stories into their books. But for Rosenberg, there’s a personal connection too.
“One of the reasons I was drawn to writing about Russia is that I have Russian roots. My grandparents on my father’s side were Orthodox Jews who escaped out of Czarist, anti-Semitic Russia in the early years of the 20th century. I visited the Soviet Union in the summer of 1986 when I was in college. In 2004, my father and I traveled to Moscow to do research for Epicenter and The Ezekiel Option. I guess I find myself fascinated with — and somewhat haunted — by both the history and the future of Russia.”
While Rosenberg might be fascinated with Russia, it’s safe to say that Book Spy followers are fascinated with Rosenberg’s writingWithout Warning was by far the most pre-ordered novel of 2017 among our followers, and for good reason — it’s one of the year’s best thrillers and features one of the most shocking, jaw-dropping endings in recent memory.
As for how far along he is with the new book, Rosenberg told us: “I just turned in the manuscript on June 21st. The novel releases on March 6th. I’m as excited about this one as any novel I’ve written so far.”
Readers anxious to get their hands on The Kremlin Conspiracy can pre-orderRosenberg’s forthcoming thriller by clicking here!
joelcrosenberg | July 10, 2017 at 3:55 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL: http://wp.me/piWZ7-7UW