Monday, August 14, 2017

Major Upcoming Solar Eclipse Holds Divine Moral Warning for America and Today's Top Stories - Breaking Israel News

MK Yehudah Glick Sets Up Camp in Front of Temple Mount
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Major Upcoming Solar Eclipse Holds Divine Moral Warning for America: Rabbi

Yehudah Glick Sets Up Temple Mount Office in Protest of “Absurd” MK Ban [INTERVIEW]

“In the days to come, The Mount of Hashem’s House shall stand Firm above the mountains; And it shall tower above the hills. The peoples shall gaze on it with joy.” (Micah 4:1)

Terrorists Increasingly Using Drones to Watch and Attack Israel

“Hashem will put to rout before you the enemies who attack you; they will march out against you by a single road, but flee from you by many roads.” (Deuteronomy 28:7)

"Fear Not"- The most commonly used phrase in the Bible

The words "fear not" appear 80 times in the Torah. This is more than any other phrase in the BIble. God says these words to all three patriarchs; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as to all of the prophets. God also instructs the prophets to relay this message to the Jewish People. By repeating this phrase over and over, God is telling us that we have the power and the capacity to overcome any challenges which we may face in life.
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More Than Half of Israel’s Tourists in 2016 Were Christian, Data Shows

“Thus said Hashem: I am going to take B’nei Yisrael from among the nations they have gone to, and gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land.” (Ezekiel 37:21)

Former British PM Tony Blair Received Millions in 'Advisor' Fees From United Arab Emirates: Report

“Do not take bribes, for bribes blind the clear-sighted and upset the pleas of those who are in the right.” (Exodus 23:8)

Trump Envoys Kushner, Greenblatt Return to Region for One More Peace Push

“Thus He will judge among the nations And arbitrate for the many peoples.” (Isaiah 2:4)

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"95% of Arab-Israelis Are Loyal Citizens": Former Head of IAF Intelligence

How is Israel combating widespread support for terror in Arab-Israeli communities? Brig. Gen. (res) Ram Shmueli, the former head of the Israeli Air Force Intelligence, explains that the realities are not what they seem.


As he often does, Isaiah delivers severe rebuke followed by comfort and consolation. He tells the people that God has not cast Israel off...

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What Makes Today's Prophets Different From the Old Testament Prophets - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

What Makes Today's Prophets Different From the Old Testament Prophets

Dr. Michael Brown ( is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Saving a Sick America: A Prescription for Moral and Cultural Transformation. Connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.
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Threatened By North Korea, Governor of Guam Draws Comparison With Israel - Israel Today

Threatened By North Korea, Governor of Guam Draws Comparison With Israel

Monday, August 14, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
At a press conference addressing the North Korea nuclear threat against his island, Governor Eddie Calvo drew clear comparisons between the situations in which both Guam and Israel currently find themselves.
During an exchange with an Israeli reporter, Calvo noted:
"Like Israel, we’ve had a lot of practice here. Some of it, most of it, has been made by nature and now, of course, some of the threats are made by a gentleman from North Korea."
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10 Very Strange Facts About The August 21 Solar Eclipse That Will Absolutely Blow Your Mind - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 13 Aug 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

In just a matter of days we are going to witness the most unusual solar eclipse in U.S. history. Could it be possible that all of the very strange “coincidences” surrounding this event have some sort of special significance?  The mainstream media has been buzzing about this upcoming solar eclipse for months, and it will easily be the most watched eclipse in all of U.S. history.

Last week, I published an article entitled “12 Critical Events That Are Going To Happen Over A 40 Day Period From August 21st To September 30th that received an extraordinary amount of attention, and of course the first event on that list was “the Great American Eclipse” on the 21st.  As you will see below, so many numbers seem to indicate that this eclipse could have some sort of special significance, and it begins a period of exactly 40 days that many believe could be a turning point for America.

In the Scriptures, we are specifically told that one of the reasons why God created the sun and the moon was so that they could serve as “signs”.  The following is what Genesis 1:14 tells us…
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years
And in Luke 21:25, the Lord Jesus specifically warned us to watch for signs “in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” just prior to His return.

So we should be watching, and we should fully expect to see something happen up there before Christ comes back.

With that in mind, I would like to share some amazing facts about the solar eclipse on August 21st with you.  These were originally compiled by The Countdown Report, and when I first read them they definitely got my attention…

-First contact is in the state of Oregon, the 33rd state in the USA. The last contact is in South Carolina on the 33rd parallel. This eclipse happens on day 233 of the year.

If the Revelation 12 sign is valid, then the eclipse is also 33 days before September 23, 2017. Jesus is thought to have been 33 when He died.

-Just for fun: It is 99 years (3 x 33) since the last eclipse to go coast-to-coast in the US, in 1918. From September 23, 2017 (Revelation 12 sign) to the end of the year, December 31, 2017 is 99 days (or 3 x 33). The number of days from the 1918 eclipse to the August 21 eclipse are 26,234 days. (2+6+2+3+4 = 17; 2017?). From August 12, 2017, the date of the Charlottesville Virginia “State of Emergency” declared to the August 21, 2017 Great Solar Eclipse is 9 days (3+3+3) and the dates are also mirrored – 12 and 21.

-First big city the eclipse hits in Oregon is Salem – Salem was named after Jerusalem. The eclipse also begins in Oregon exactly at sunset time in Jerusalem. So technically speaking, as the sun sets in America it will be setting in Jerusalem at the same time.

-The center line crosses through 12 primary states to receive total darkness. 12 disciples, 12 months in a year, the meaning of 12, which is considered a perfect number, is that it symbolizes God’s power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation.

-The eclipse path is exactly 70 miles wide. 70 has a sacred meaning in the Bible that has two perfect numbers, 7 that represents perfection and 10 that represents completeness and God’s law. 70 also symbolizes perfect spiritual order and a period of judgment. 70 is also specially connected with Jerusalem with so many references it would take a book to write.

-Another eclipse comes in 2024, 7 years after the August 21, 2017 and marks an X over the United States. The combined time of totality of these eclipses together will be 7 minutes. The day of the eclipse is August 21, 2017 – (7 + 7 + 7 = 21). The exact point where the two eclipses cross is right next to Cedar Lake in Illinois… specifically right next to SALEM Road. (Salem again!)

-The original form of the Hebrew letter Tav is like the English letter X or T – which is in the shape of a cross, or X– like the X that is made by the two solar eclipses on the cross paths over 7 years. The letter Tav means “a sign”.

-The path of the eclipse will be situated in such a way that every single state of the US will experience it, even Hawaii and Alaska.

-The totality will reach Oregon at 10:16 AM Pacific, and will end in South Carolina at 2:49 PM Eastern. That means it will take 1 hour and 33 minutes to cross the country. There is that 33 again.

-The eclipse is also exactly 40 days from Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement” and is a time of repentance. While the eclipse day itself may come and go with everything remaining “normal” afterwards, we need to be focused on what could be coming soon after.

You can read the entire list of 33 facts that were compiled by The Countdown Report right here.  I just pulled out the ten that I considered to be the most remarkable.

According to Rachel Baxter, “40 is the number for waiting, preparation, testing or punishment. It is also the number to start a new chapter of the history of salvation”, and we see the number 40 pop up time after time in the Bible.

For instance, in Jonah 3:4 the prophet Jonah gave Ninevah a period of 40 days to repent before judgment would begin…
And Jonah began to enter into the city a day’s journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.
Could this coming 40 day time period have some sort of special significance for us?
Like I said in my previous article, I don’t know if all of this means anything.

But Jesus did specifically instruct us to watch for signs in the sun and the moon, and the solar eclipse on August 21st involves both the sun and the moon.

On August 21st, I am going to be able to travel into the path of this eclipse.  Hopefully it will be a very clear day and I will be able to get some very clear pictures for my readers.
I don’t expect anything world shattering to take place on that particular day, but like millions of other Americans, I will definitely be looking up into the sky to see what happens…

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Prophecy Fulfilled: City of David 'Shakes Off the Dust' - CBN News Chris Mitchell

Prophecy Fulfilled: City of David 'Shakes Off the Dust'
CBN News Chris Mitchell
JERUSALEM, Israel – When people visit Jerusalem's Old City, they may believe it's the same place King David set up as his capital more than 3,000 years ago. But that's not exactly the case. Archaeologists are uncovering the original city and telling others its amazing story.
Anarina Heymann serves as the outreach coordinator for the City of David.

"Welcome to the City of David," Heymann told CBN News. "It's the home to the ancient biblical Jerusalem and up until 150 years ago, everybody thought that the ancient biblical Jerusalem lies within the confines of the Old City right behind you in the wall – within the walls there. So the question is what happened 150 years ago and where is the ancient biblical Jerusalem?"
She then helped answer that question by explaining how the City of David lay hidden for nearly 2,000 years until a British archaeologist began a discovery that continues to this day.
"Chris, we're standing at a magical place right now," Heymann continued. "This is the place when Charles Warren came through the fascia that he found. He saw something.  And when Charles Warren saw this, he knew that he rediscovered the ancient biblical Jerusalem."

Asked if this Warren's work was the beginning of the unveiling of the City of David in modern times, she responded, "Exactly because we're speaking of a 2,000 year period where nobody knew where the ancient city was. Most people thought when they – when they came – that what they saw in the Old City, that was ancient biblical Jerusalem. It's only when he found this that they discovered…the ancient Jerusalem lies outside of what we call today the Old City."
The discovery of the tunnel system known as Warren's Shaft visually tells how King David captured the city and brings the Bible to life.
"When we saw this, we suddenly saw exactly how the picture came together," Heymann continued. "And many times when we do excavations, we also don't know what we're looking at and then we have to go to the Bible and that starts explaining it. So it's the Bible and then the excavations and the excavations and the Bible coming together, giving us the full picture of ancient Jerusalem."
Annointing Israel's Kings
Further down, archaeologists found where men became kings.
"Most of the kings of Israel were anointed where we're standing right now.  We are standing at the place of anointing. And Isaiah says you will draw forth water with joy from the springs of salvation," she said.

In fact, the City of David echoes with the people of the Bible.
"Abraham, when he met Melchizedek, but then we get to David, to Solomon, we get to Isaiah when he was giving his prophecies on these very walls here," she said. "Jeremiah, afterwards, when he had to speak about the destruction that was looming over Jerusalem … all those things happening exactly where we're standing right now."

More than 10 years ago, archaeologists uncovered another biblical site, the Pool of Siloam, which was fed by the nearby Gihon Spring. It's the place where Jesus healed the blind man and also where the Jewish people would gather for the Feasts of the Lord.
"Three times a year, all the men had to come to the mikvah (ritual bath) in the pool and from there get ready to go to Temple Mount and this is the walk, the final ascent, that all the pilgrims can do again when they come to Jerusalem," she explained.
Heymann sees this final ascent as a merger between archaeology and prophecy.
Opening a Door to the Future
"Something amazing is happening because you see that we are now excavating this road and again prophecy is being fulfilled because it says in Isaiah 'build up, build up the road,' the highway. And it says remove the stones for my people's return," she said.
One ongoing excavation is the tunnel leading from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount. Heymann says it reveals the past and opens a door to the future.
One of the City of David's most ambitious projects is an excavation called the Givati, where the entire history of Jerusalem is being revealed as if the rocks are crying out.
"You can see exactly how she (Jerusalem) slowly disappeared from civilization because one city was built upon the other, and you could see how probably the city could have lost hope, thinking 'who's ever going to discover me again? Until God says, but in a time of favor, nothing can stop it and that's what we see in Giviti. Jerusalem is slowly being revealed," she said.
She sees prophecy unfolding.     

"We're starting to see in the last decade, the blueprint. She's starting to share what she looked like to us again. So you can see how prophecy is speeding up as we go. It's said [Hebrew] 'shake off your dust, arise, take your rightful place, Jerusalem.' If you see the excavations here on a daily basis, you can see the buckets flying. You can see the dust literally flying about, how she's shaking off her dust."  
Heymann considers her role in the City of David a privilege.
"I call myself the luckiest person in the world – the luckiest girl in the world – because I have the opportunity to take what we see here and tell the people about the City of David, about the ancient Jerusalem, and every person that is passionate about Jerusalem and serious about biblical prophecy needs to know this," she said.
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