Friday, August 25, 2017

When the Fig Tree Blossoms - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

When the Fig Tree Blossoms

Friday, August 25, 2017 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
While spending time in north London looking after my mum again this summer, I was once again inspired by the verdant overhanging fig tree almost blocking my path as I walked (and ran) around Hampstead.
Laden with ripening fruit, it was another reminder of one of the most significant events of our time, largely missed by most people – including Christians – I’m afraid.
In speaking to his disciples about Israel’s restoration and of his coming back to reign on earth, Jesus indicated that one of the signs of his imminent return was “when the fig tree blossoms…” (Matthew 24.32f) The fig tree is a biblical symbol of Israel.
There is a lot of talk in church circles these days of a coming revival of fervent Christianity. There is certainly a need for one, and I pray it will happen. In fact my understanding is that, along with much trouble and strife, there will be revival in the last days because Joel prophesied of how the Spirit would be poured out on all flesh (Joel 2.28). That was partly fulfilled at Pentecost of course, but its final fulfillment is yet to come, although Asia, Africa, the Far East and South America have already witnessed great outpourings of heavenly rain in recent decades.
But who in the church is preparing for the great revival prophesied for Israel? God has not forgotten them, nor has he replaced them with the Church as some preachers suggest. He has made an everlasting covenant with Israel – with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants.  Covenants are not meant to be broken; a disciple of Christ who expects God to go back on his word has completely misunderstood his character! If Israel is cut off from God because of unfaithfulness, what chance has the Church with all her backsliding over the centuries – especially in terms of persecution of the Jewish people? No, God will never reject his chosen ones. “Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel because of all they have done,” declares the Lord. (Jer 31.37)
Even the New Covenant spoken of by Jeremiah is not addressed particularly to the Church, as you might think from the context in which it is used over Christmas. No, it is with Israel that the Lord promised a new covenant, when he will put his law in their minds and write it on their hearts – and they will all know him. (Jer 31.31-34) Earlier in the same chapter, he declares his “everlasting love” with his chosen people whom he vows to restore – to their land, which would once more become fruitful, and to their Lord, who says: “I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” (v13)
If only the Church would take a closer look at Israel, they would be so much better informed and live with much greater hope, for the Jewish state is a mighty testament to our God’s great faithfulness and love. He entrusted the Jews with his word so that they could be a light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 49.6), but they broke his covenant, forsook his laws and turned to idols instead. Yet, just as the prophet Hosea kept faith with his adulterous wife, he never stopped loving them.
He brought them back to the Promised Land from every corner of the globe in perfect fulfilment of his word. Now almost half of world Jewry lives in re-born Israel, and more keep coming as anti-Semitism rears its ugly head once more in the nations to which they were dispersed for so long.
The Lord didn’t wait until they put things right. He honoured his promise and now waits patiently for the time when “they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest” (v34). As St Paul put it, the day will come when “all Israel shall be saved” (Romans 11.26), echoing the word of Zechariah speaking of the time when they will look on him whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only child (Zech 12.10).
Perhaps you look at the 200,000 people who marched through the streets of Tel Aviv in support of Gay Pride, and the fact that most of Israel’s population are secular in outlook. But don’t be blinded by that. See how the fig tree is blossoming: a nation has been rebuilt from a barren wasteland, now supplying the world with fruit and a global leader in technology, using their agricultural genius to help African and other countries, and even using their medical expertise to heal their ‘enemies’ as they tend to the wounds of Syrian soldiers wounded in the civil war that has been raging on their northern border.
But the real clue to their coming restoration is evidenced by the growing number of Messianic Jews – those who have recognised that Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) is indeed their Messiah. Despite the high price paid by Jewish believers in Jesus (being cut off from their families in many cases), they keep ‘coming home’, like the Prodigal Son – not only in Israel but throughout the world.
Yet the fig tree is still only a bud, a blossom. But it will soon be laden with fruit, like the one in Hampstead’s Spring Path.
The Church really does need to ‘watch’ Israel, especially the growth of Messianic Judaism, for it is key to the unfolding events leading up to the second coming of Christ. It is also key to understanding the lovingkindness, forbearance and longsuffering of our God, who watches over his word to see it fulfilled (Jer 1.12).
Sadly, many Christians can’t see what Israel has to do with them; they seem to forget they worship the God of Israel, which means in fact that it has everything to do with them. But if they only knew, for example, how Jews and Arabs are being reconciled through the cross (in accordance with Ephesians 2.14) and are worshipping together in many parts of Israel, their faith would be encouraged no end. For this surely underscores the truth that Jesus holds the answer to world peace.
Even on the war front, there are lessons to be learnt. The ongoing tension on the Temple Mount, for instance, needs to be understood more as a spiritual battle than a political conflict, representing on a grand scale what Christians are taught to expect in their individual lives.
Ignorance of Israel will leave your faith weakened while knowledge of Israel, even it its present largely unrepentant state, will edify your soul as you realise afresh that you can trust in the one and only Saviour of the world, for whom the Jewish people remain the apple of his eye (Deut 32.10, Zech 2.8).
Some date the budding of the fig tree from the year 1967, fifty years ago, when Israel recaptured the Old City of Jerusalem for the first time in 2,000 years, thereby ending (in the understanding of some) the ‘trampling down of Jerusalem by the Gentiles’ spoken of by our Lord (Luke 21.24). It’s an interesting point that 1967 is generally also regarded as the year the Messianic movement began in earnest, coinciding (as it happens) with the breakthrough of the Charismatic movement that brought a restoration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the old historic churches. The feast of Pentecost (known to Jews as Shavuot) is still seen in Israel as a celebration of the Law received by Moses, which of course is now ‘written on our hearts’ through the work of the Spirit in accordance with Ezekiel 36.26f. It seems that there is a ‘golden’ thread holding together this trinitarian truth.
So in this golden year of celebrations, make sure that ‘Jerusalem the Golden’ lightens up your understanding of the Scriptures and of God’s wonderful – though sometimes mysterious – ways.

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Is President Trump a Cyrus? - Ron Cantor, Messiah's Mandate

Is President Trump a Cyrus?

Ron Cantor —  August 16,  2017

Maoz Israel logo
Against all odds, Donald Trump became President. He won big in the electoral college. Which caused me to wonder, Does God have a plan here? I certainly hoped so and do pray for him regularly. Many people have said that he is a Cyrus. What does that mean? I am not opposed to saying, “God has called him/her to be a Ruth” or “The Lord has put a Cyrus anointing him,” or “He has a heart like David.” For instance, regarding my good friend, Don Finto, I would have no trouble calling him a modern-day Ruth, for the way he has connected himself to the Jewish people.

So, is Trump a Cyrus?

First, who was Cyrus? He was the king of Persia who allowed Nehemiah to come back to Israel and rebuild Jerusalem and her wall. Isaiah amazingly prophesied about this long before he was alive. His prophesy came 150 years before Cyrus was king!
“who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd
and will accomplish all that I please;
he will say of Jerusalem, “Let it be rebuilt,”
and of the temple, “Let its foundations be laid.”’” (Is. 44:28)

It is about Israel

While Cyrus was a powerful leader of an empire, God raised him up to stand with Israel—to help restore the Jewish nation.
“For the sake of Jacob my servant,
of Israel my chosen,
I summon you by name [Cyrus, see v. 1]
and bestow on you a title of honor,
though you do not acknowledge me.” (Is. 45:4)
Furthermore, Cyrus was not a believer. And yet God chose him to, “rebuild my city and set my exiles free.” (Is 45:13).
One well-known prophetic speaker says that Trump’s action against Syria shows that he is a Cyrus—that he was moved by compassion. But there is nothing in the Cyrus prophecy about Syria or his compassion. Others think the idea of Trump being a Cyrus has to do with delivering America from liberal/progressive policies. But in context, a Cyrus is a political ruler who protects Israel against her enemies.
Cyrus, the King of the Persian Empire, attacked Babylon. Babylon was God’s instrument of judgment against sinful Israel. But it was time for the Jews to return to Israel. Cyrus liberated the Jews and allowed them to return and rebuild their country and of course the Temple.

Three Reasons why Trump might be a Cyrus

  1. He has the authority to recognize Jerusalem (rebuild the city) and move the embassy (rebuild the temple). The second one is a stretch, but taking that action could be seen as foundational. At the very least, a Cyrus would be extremely favorable towards Israel.
  2. He may come to know the Lord. Cyrus doesn’t initially “acknowledge” the Lord. We see that twice (Is. 45), but we also see that God does all these things through him, partly “so that you may know that I am the Lord.” (Is. 45:3) Of all of the prophecies that I heard before President Trump won, there was one that seemed to really touch my heart, going all the way back to 2007.
“Listen to the word of the Lord, God says, ‘I will put at your helm for two terms a president who will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the Lord of Hosts. There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will.’” Kim Clement
Well, based on President Trump’s behavior, it is safe to say that the first part is true. Some people have said, hey, he is a baby believer. When I was a baby believer, I could not shut up about Yeshua and the same can be said about many new believers. I was so excited about my new faith. Donald Trump has never confessed his need for forgiveness and, in fact, stated that he has never asked God for forgiveness. I don’t say this to condemn him, but show we need to pray for his salvation.  We need to pray that he has a mighty experience with God!
  1. He is an unlikely choice for president. Nobody gave Trump a chance. Cyrus’ grandfather tried to kill him twice because he was afraid he would replace him. The Lord foresees confusion amongst those who serve him regarding His choice.
“Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker,
those who are nothing but potsherds
among the potsherds on the ground.
Does the clay say to the potter,
‘What are you making?’
Does your work say,
‘The potter has no hands’?
Woe to the one who says to a father,
‘What have you begotten?’
Or to a mother,
‘What have you brought to birth?’” (Is. 45:9-10)
Surely the Israelites desired a Jewish savior—maybe someone from the line of David? God anticipated the reaction and basically said that He is God and will do His will as He pleases. And likewise, Trump—not a lifelong conservative, with a  checkered past—seemed an unlikely choice.

Is it conditional?

Not all prophecies or promises are unconditional. It may be that the Trump/Cyrus connection will depend on both his actions and our prayers. I know that are many believers praying for him. But, while God may have called him to be a Cyrus, he is not off to a good start.
The stage was set for him to favor Jerusalem. He was in Israel in the hours leading up to her 50-year anniversary of reunification. It seemed like a no-brainer that a Cyrus, raised up to favor and restore Israel, would recognize Jerusalem. But instead of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the U.S. Embassy, he focused on the decades old, failed peace process between Israelis and Palestinians and struck a $350 billion deal with the radical Islamist Saudis. His son-in-law—a man with zero experience in such matters—was put in charge of the peace process and quickly realized that there is most likely no solution. There is no doubt that President Trump had planned to recognize Jerusalem and move the embassy—the recently ousted, Steve Bannon, just confirmed that he was urging the president to do is, but people, such as Kushner, got in his head and convinced him not to.
And let’s be clear—there is nothing in the Cyrus prophecy about him brokering peace between the Israelites and her enemies—just about Cyrus favoring Israel. So while many have blindly said, “he knows what he is doing,” or “he will fulfill his promise to move the embassy in the future,” you cannot call him a Cyrus while he pressures Israel to give up land. Joel speaks judgment over such leaders who divide up Israel’s land (Joel 3:2).
Cyrus was raised up for one reason—for the restoration of Israel. Please read for yourself in Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1-13.
And then we must ask, what will happen to the man who was called by God to bless Israel? Since his late May Israel trip the Trump administration has been in constant turmoil: resignations, firings, Scaramucci, Charlottesville comments, Donald Trump Jr. Russia meeting, Bannon, etc. Some blame the media and others the newly dubbed, Alt Left, but I have to wonder how God would have blessed him had he fulfilled the Cyrus role in May. There is still time to pray for him to fulfill this calling.

Indian Christians Experience Record-Breaking Persecution in 2017 - CBN News

Indian Christians Experience Record-Breaking Persecution in 2017

CBN News 08-24-2017
Indian Christians experienced almost as many attacks in the first half of the 2017 as they did in the entire year of 2016.
That's according to a new report from the persecution watchdog organization Open Doors. According to the report, there were 410 reported incidents targeting Indian Christians in the first six months of this year. Last year, there were 441 reported incidents total. 
Eighty-four of those incidents were violent assaults. Of those 84 violent attacks, 32 would have been deadly if timely medical-aid had not been provided. 
One partner told Open Doors the Indian government fails to punish attackers, which emboldens them to target Christians even more. 
"When Christians are beaten up by extremists, they are injured mostly on their heads or vital body parts. There was one incident earlier this year when the victim was attacked by a sword to his head. He was bleeding profusely and was critically injured… Attackers do not care if the person dies. They know they will not be punished because the Government (and hence the judiciary) will take their side. In most cases attackers go unpunished," the partner said. 
While some Christians may not be physically attacked, they pay a heavy societal toll for following Christ. 
According to the report, many Christians become social outcasts or are forced to leave their homes for fear of their safety. 
The biggest perpetrators of this persecution are Hindu extremists. 
While the Indian government speaks of religious freedom and secularism, the government is run by a Hindu nationalist party called RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh).
Leaders are embracing Hinduism more and becoming less tolerant of other religions, especially Christians. 
One Christian leader said he was once a Hindu nationalist and persecuted Christians before he made the decision to follow Christ. 
"Before I converted to Christianity, I used to be a staunch Hindu. I also joined RSS at that time and started working with them. The party upholds Hindutva ideology and believes that if Christians in India aren't controlled, they would convert all the Hindus in the country and Hindutva would lose its identity," he told Oepn Doors. "Hence RSS wants to do their best to stop Christians from preaching about their faith. They would go to any extremes for that. I myself persecuted many Christians until I came to the Christian faith and realized what I had been doing."
India's Christians are fighting back by lobbying their government officials. 
The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), which represents 14 million Protestant and Orthodox Christians, recently wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in hopes he would condemn the persecution. 
No such actions have been taken by the Indian government since that letter was written. 
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