Thursday, September 7, 2017

"5778: Governing Glory Storms—A Year of Apostolic Advance" - Ryan LeStrange and Jason Armstrong THE ELIJAH LIST

"5778: Governing Glory Storms—A Year of Apostolic Advance"

Ryan LeStrange and Jason Armstrong, THE ELIJAH LIST Sep 7, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
As we come to the end of September, many prophetic writers and prophets are inquiring of the Lord what He is saying for the new year. The Hebrew calendar starts roughly two months before our Gregorian Calendar.
So this year, we are entering the Hebrew year 5778, so when you read these revelations, please understand that the word for the year is for BOTH calendars at the same time.
I asked Bob Jones one time which calendar is the one God operates on. He said, "Oh, God operates on MANY calendars."
As you read this conjoined word by Ryan LeStrange and Jason Armstrong, try to learn something new that you may have never known about prophecy, dreams or visions. There is GREAT CONTENT here to teach you how to understand prophecy. And there is a LOT of good revelation to encourage you and a few things to exhort you to seeking HIS PRESENCE!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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5778 (2018) is going to be a year of apostolic authority, sending and supernatural moves of glory! There is a convergence of glory and the apostolic happening in the realm of the spirit, bringing the glory of God together with governing authority and a rising apostolic paradigm. It is a year of the apostolos—a year of the sent and the sending! The gates and walls of authority are being re-established in the earth. There will be an increased emphasis on the apostolic office and anointing. It is marked in Heaven as an apostolic year!
The Coming Glory Storms
Recently I (Ryan) had a profound encounter with the Lord as He revealed to me new depths of His glory. As I was lying down to go to sleep, I suddenly had an inner-vision. I saw a tremendously large glory cloud coming into gatherings. I could see that as the cloud was moving and manifesting, the atmosphere and authority of Heaven was crashing down. As I looked into the cloud, I saw storm systems and then storms bursting forth from the cloud.
"There are storms coming, storms of glory, that will change the spiritual climate over regions."
I saw amazing rainstorms carrying the rains of refreshing, renewal and revival. The Lord is sending these storms to soak the ground and transform the territory! I heard the Lord saying to me that sudden flash floods of revival are coming forth from the cloud. Dry places are about to be soaked!
"All the people perceived the thunder and the lightning flashes and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood at a distance." Exodus 20:18
Next, I saw violent eruptions of lightning and realms of power coming forth. The Lord showed me that there will be lightning strikes, igniting wildfires of revival! The lightning also represents flashes and bursts of revelation. Every move is fueled by revelation. 
There is coming forth sudden insights and heavenly impartations from the midst of the cloud. The lightnings of God shall strike and knock down sickness and disease. The lightnings shall electrify people and regions with infusions of divine power. The lightnings shall burst forth with power for mega deliverance.
"Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God." Revelation 4:5
After this vision, I fell asleep and had a series of dreams about the glory storms and the cloud of His presence. In the first dream, I was ministering in a church, and the Lord asked me to share about the glory storms. The church was convinced that they knew and understood the glory realm. They were singing songs about the glory but it was out of ritual and routine. They had the language but not the presence. 
I told them that they needed to worship in the cloud, follow the cloud and get caught up in the cloud. They refused, so the Lord released me from that group. The Lord showed me that they were out of alignment and blinded by routine. 
The message here is that to move in the glory storms, it takes much more than the right language. It takes radical pursuit and obedience!
Then I had a second dream where I was at another church preparing to speak in a meeting after a well-known prophetic leader. After that leader spoke, I got up to share for a few moments on the glory storms and the cloud. People began a mass exit, totally uninterested in what I had to say. I was stunned! I inquired of the Lord about what was happening. He revealed to me that they were more interested in getting a prophetic word and receiving insight or information than hosting His presence.
Steve ShultzI believe that this picture exposes some of the current prophetic movement...many want the revelation, the information, but are uninterested in His presence! The message of the cloud and the storms is one of presence and personal pursuit. There is a refocusing of prophetic ministry to be presence-based! 
Authentic prophetic declaration unlocks realms of His presence and calls people up higher. To really host the cloud demands pursuit and hunger. (Photo via flickr)
In the same dream, there was a group following a particular person but they were very out of order and rebellious. I was so grieved that they would not listen. They ignored every instruction and refused any level of submission. The Lord began to show me that there was a breach of order in their alignment with the agenda and the person they were following. They were in the right place but not in the right order! 
It is absolutely vital that we are in the right position and the right office. There are breaches of office and grace taking place that hinder the move of God.
There are glory storms of fierce winds coming forth. These are winds of refreshing, winds of transition and winds of shift. These are the whirlwinds of Heaven that will supernaturally pick people up and place them in the proper ministry and geographical location! We must ride the winds that come forth from Heaven. (Photo via flickr)
"Then the LORD will appear over them, and His arrow will go forth like lightning; and the Lord GOD will blow the trumpet, and will march in the storm winds of the south." Zechariah 9:14
The glory storms will unlock dimensions of power! The glory storms bring sudden reordering and restructuring. As the rain comes forth, the seed is watered and divine growth occurs! Seed that has been lying dormant springs to life.
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves." 2 Corinthians 4:7
The Lord is raising up people who carry the atmosphere of the cloud with them! As they speak what they have heard and seen, the dimension of glory will come forth in power and demonstration. They are literally speaking from another dimension. Their language is different because it came from the glory! They will carry an unusual atmosphere around them. These are the glory carriers!
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
The Days of Noah and the Storms of Glory
There are storms coming, storms of glory, that will change the spiritual climate over regions. A climate is generally defined as the weather conditions that prevail in an area over a long period. As the glory comes, we will see places and regions that had a climate of barrenness become regions of birthing. Places that have been like a desert will become places of refreshing and renewal. As the storms come, there will be lightnings of deliverance released. In the glory, deliverance is not a process, it is immediate. There is an acceleration in the glory.
As Jesus saw satan fall like lightning from Heaven, we will see the captives set free speedily in the glory (Luke 10:18). We must be prepared to steward the glory. We must prepare our hearts to receive the light of the knowledge of the glory in the face of Jesus. There is great grace for great glory that is being released in this hour.
I (Jason) believe this grace is an apostolic grace (divine empowerment) to build, pioneer, and father in the glory. We will see strategies and structures built that can steward these storms of glory to bring transformation to a region (Gen. 6:15). It is time for the apostolic fathers to rise up and release sons that will help build, guide, and govern in the glory. Among the earliest uses of the term "apostle" or "apostolos" were the Greek historians, who used it to describe an admiral over a fleet of ships sent out by his king to establish his government in new territories.
"Authentic prophetic declaration unlocks realms of His presence and calls people up higher."
As we look at the word picture associated with this upcoming Hebraic year of 5778 (Ayin Chet), we will see that it is a picture of a wall or fence. Walls and fences are structures that are built-up to protect what is inside. There is a building up of apostolic houses and centers that will govern, guide and guard the glory that is being released in the glory storms. These centers will be places of justice in the sight of injustice. They will be places of righteousness in the midst of unrighteousness. Mercy will be the currency and truth will be the constitution (Ps. 89:14).
The hammer that was used for building will become the gavel that is used to govern and guard in the glory. Chet is the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and carries the numerical value of eight. The letter Chet is used to form the Hebrew word Chen which means Grace. This word is used in the Scriptures when Noah found grace (chen) in the sight of the Lord (Gen. 6:8). Noah is a picture of an Old Testament apostle. He was the first admiral of a ship. Some key attributes of the apostolic advance are building, pioneering and fathering. Noah did all three. He built an ark and an altar, he pioneered in the outpouring, and he did it with his sons (Gen. 6:9, 14. Gen. 8:20).
As we look at the days of Noah we can glean insight into the days ahead. We are in the days of Noah.
"But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." Matthew 24:37-39
In the days of Noah, the land was filled with violence and injustice (heb. chamac "hamas", Gen. 6:11). In the days of Noah, they were busy with routine (Mt. 24:38). In the days of Noah, they couldn't discern the time (Mt. 24:39). In the days of Noah, the deluge came to destroy all flesh (Gen. 6:13). In the days of Noah, the waters lifted up the ark (Gen. 7:17). In the days of Noah, he walked faithfully with God (Gen. 6:9).
The Lord is raising up the Noahs in this hour that will be able to steward the storms of glory that are coming. The land is to be filled with the knowledge of the glory as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14). When a land is filled with violence, it is void of glory.
Steve ShultzThe Noahs will be able to discern the time and the seasons, to release strategies, and build by faith when no one else will build. They will walk in obedience and endure the mockers and scoffers who say it is foolish to prepare for an outpouring of glory. The glory storms will separate and elevate the Noahs. The Noahs will come out from among the old wineskin structures to build vessels that can steward the glory. They will be separated from those who walk after the flesh and are not lead by the Spirit. No flesh can glory in the glory storms of the Lord. (Photo via Wikimedia)
Just as the waters lifted up the ark, the glory will elevate true Kingdom vessels. Noah's name means rest. In the glory, we can build, pray and see miracles happen without striving. There is a resting that is released in the glory. All needs are met in the glory. The clouds are rolling in, the sounds of thunder are clapping, and lightning is flashing across the horizon. There are storms coming, storms of glory, and it is time to prepare!
"Therefore he said unto Judah, Let us build these cities, and make about them walls, and towers, gates, and bars, while the land is yet before us; because we have sought the LORD our God, we have sought Him, and He hath given us rest on every side. So they built and prospered" (2 Chronicles 14:7). (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Ryan LeStrange, Pastor & Founder
Impact International Ministries/Ryan LeStrange Ministries

Ryan LeStrange is an apostolic leader & prophetic voice. The apostolic call on his life has led him to build multiple ministries in various geographical locations, the foremost being Ryan LeStrange Ministries. Ryan moves strongly in the power of God as he travels the globe igniting revival fires and his conferences & gatherings are alive with prophetic declaration, miracles, healings and powerful preaching. Ryan is the founder of TRIBE Network, a global network of ministries and Ryan has authored several books Overcoming Spiritual Attack and Releasing the Prophetic and Revival Hubs Rising, co-authored with Jennifer LeClaire. Ryan and his wife Joy have one son Joshua and currently reside in Virginia.
Jason Armstrong
Remnant Fire Ministries

Jason Armstrong is the founder of Remnant Fire Ministries and The Fire House equipping and training center in Morristown, Tennessee. Jason also travels as a prophetic teacher releasing Kingdom strategies and prophetic insights to ignite individuals, families, churches, and nations with a burning heart for God and His Kingdom. Jason currently hosts a weekly TV show on the CTN network called Remnant Voice. Jason currently resides in Morristown, TN with his wife Misty and three children.
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Joel C. Rosenberg: Four Days In Jordan: We took our kids & some friends to the Hashemite Kingdom last month.

Joel C. Rosenberg: Four Days In Jordan: We took our kids & some friends to the Hashemite Kingdom last month.

Sept. 6, 2017

If you ever have the opportunity to travel to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, I highly encourage you and your family to do so.

Though far too few Evangelical Christians know or think much about this remarkable country, Jordan is beautiful, friendly, and safe -- and immensely rich in Biblical history.

I've been there nine times. In 2014, I had the opportunity to meet with Jordan's Prime Minister and other senior officials (I wrote four columns about that trip, if you're interested -- Why I Came To Amman, Was Jesus Baptized on the East Bank?, Meeting With The Foreign Minister, and Meeting the PM). Last year, Lynn and I were invited as guests of His Majesty King Abdullah II.

That said, our sons had never been there (beyond passing through on the way somewhere else). So last month, Lynn and I decided to take three of them and meet up with dear American friends who wanted to visit both Jordan and Israel for the first time. What an amazing time!

The eleven of us traveled through the territories of all three ancient nations that comprise the modern kingdom -- Ammon, Moab and Edom. We had a wonderful Jordanian tour guide with us who helped us learn the country's history, culture and geography.

Over the course of four very packed days, we took the kids to:
Bethany Beyond the Jordan (we saw the ancient ruins of the town where the Bible says John the Baptist conducted his ministry alongside the Jordan River and where many believe Jesus Himself was baptized)
Amman (the modern and ancient capital known in the Bible as Rabbat-Ammon and later as Philadelphia, part of the Roman Decapolis)
Jerash (known in the Bible as Gerasa, part of the Roman Decapolis)
Madaba (the site of an extraordinary ancient mosaic map of key Christian holy sites in the Holy Land)
Mount Nebo (where God showed his servant Moses the Promised Land of Israel, and where Moses also died and was buried)
Petra (the ancient Nabatean city made famous in the third sequel of Raiders of the Lost Ark -- click here for the last scene)
Wadi Rum (the breath-taking Edomite desert made famous in the Oscar-winning -- and must-see motion picture, Lawrence of Arabia); and
Aqaba (the southern Jordanian port city located on the shores of the Red Sea)

Along the way, I taught the group about the many Biblical leaders who lived in and served God in Jordan during ancient times and the many important Biblical events that occurred there.
Moses lived on the East side of the Jordan River, and eventually died and was buried on Mount Nebo. (See Deuteronomy chapter one and chapter 34.)
The entire Israelite nation lived on the East side of the River for a time after escaping from Egypt. (See the book of Deuteronomy.)
Joshua lived on the East side, and from there led the Israelites across the Jordan River to the West side. (See the book of Deuteronomy and Joshua chapter one.)
The prophet Elijah was born and raised in the land of Gilead, which is on the East side of the River, and eventually went back to heaven there in a chariot of fire. (See I Kings 17:1, 2 Kings 10:33, and 2 Kings 2:1-14)
The prophet Elisha received the mantle of prophetic leadership on the East side of the River. (See 2 Kings chapter two.)
John the Baptist based his ministry “in Bethany beyond the Jordan,” that is, on the East side of the River. (See John 1:28.)
The Lord Jesus Christ may have been baptized on the East Bank, since his cousin John baptized Him and John was ministering on the East side of the River. (See John chapter one.)
The Lord Jesus Christ certainly traveled to the East side of the River and ministered to people on and from the East side.

We especially focused in the New Testament on the account of the Lord Jesus healing two demon possessed men in “the country of the Gadarenes,” an ancient Roman city on the East side of the Sea of Galilee, in the northwest section of modern Jordan. (Matthew 8:28-34).

“The modern town of Umm Qais is the site of the ancient Greco-Roman town of Gadara, one of the cities of the Decapolis and, according to the Bible, the place where Jesus cast out the devil from two men into a herd of pigs (Matthew 8: 28-34),” notes the official website of Jordan’s late King Hussein.

We also looked at the accounts in Mark 5:1-20 and Luke 8:26-39. Both focus on Jesus casting a “legion” of demons out of one specific man in “the country of the Gerasenes, which is opposite Galilee” and then telling that man to “go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.”

These two accounts are more detailed versions of the Matthew 8:28-34 account. The region where the events happened is the same – northwest Jordan – as described by Matthew. But Mark and Luke use slightly different language. They refer to the “country of the Gerasenes.” This certainly included the ancient city of Gadara, but was also a broad swath of territory linked to the ancient Roman city of Gerasa, which today is known as the Jordanian city of Jerash, located about 40 miles south of Umm Qais. [See King Hussein’s website.]

The kids absolutely loved our time in Jordan, as did we adults. We loved the people, the sights, the food and the opportunity to pray for the people and the leaders of this extraordinary kingdom. I so hope you and your family will look for an opportunity to visit Jordan soon, as well.

NOTE: In addition to the pictures I've posted here, I'll Tweet out more photos over the next few days.
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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Watch Out for the Virus of Spiritual Pride - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

I've noticed a common cause when big churches abruptly close. I call it the virus of spiritual pride. (Getty Images)
Just five years ago, Mars Hill Church in Seattle was considered the coolest church in the country. Pastor Mark Driscoll—with his ripped jeans, untucked shirts and raw pulpit vocabulary—set the standard for the evangelical hipster. His congregation, which had grown to 12,000 people at 15 satellite locations, attracted huge numbers of young people in one of the most unchurched regions of the country.
But the coolness came to an abrupt end in 2014. Driscoll resigned from Mars Hill amid allegations that he bullied and verbally abused his staff. The megachurch closed its doors at the end of that year. Suddenly everyone got off the Mars Hill bandwagon.
I've seen this scenario repeated too often. Does anyone remember Robert Tilton's Word of Faith World Outreach Center in Dallas? It was one of the biggest megachurches in the country back in the 1980s. It's closed today. So is Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, a church founded by Earl Paulk Jr. in the Atlanta suburbs. It had 10,000 members before a sex scandal wiped it off the map. And don't forget Bishop Carlton Pearson's 5,000-member Higher Dimensions Family Church in Tulsa. It's closed.
In my years of observing the ups and downs of our movement, I've noticed a common cause when big churches abruptly close. I call it the virus of spiritual pride. And I am concerned that this virus is back today. We would do well to protect ourselves from infection. If you see any of these attitudes in your church, you can be sure that spiritual pride is spreading like a disease:
"We do church better." I know of one church-planting movement that believes their Sunday-morning formula is the only one that works. Beware when church leaders start fantasizing that they alone are the catalyst for spiritual revival in the world. Success is great, but it can also cause your downfall. If you take credit for all the good things happening in your ministry, you are on the path to shutdown. You are not the Holy Spirit! Give God the credit He deserves and acknowledge that there are plenty of other churches that are reaching people for Jesus even though they use different methods.
"Our pastor is the best." In Uganda, a prophet named Elvis Mbonye attracts 5,000 people weekly to his church. He sits on a golden throne and invites parishioners to approach the stage, bow to him and kiss his feet. You may say that could never happen in America. But I see the same kind of celebrity worship on display in some of today's megachurches. Let's beware. A church built on one man's charisma, pulpit swagger or even supernatural gifts will eventually crumble. The best preachers don't demand attention; rather, they are busy training their replacements so the anointing doesn't stop with them.
"We have the 'secret' revelation." It was spiritual pride that moved Joseph Smith to found the Mormon Church—because he claimed to have secret information about Jesus Christ that no other church had. Smith's revelations proved to be bogus, but millions have been deceived by his doctrines. Spiritual pride leads people into deception. Members of the Colossian church began to have grandiose visions (see Col. 2:18), yet their hyper-spirituality created divisions in the church. Any prophecy or vision that suggests, "We have more of the truth than all other churches," is not from God!
"We are the coolest Christians." The spirit of pride creates an "us vs. them" mentality. The same devil who tempted Jesus in the wilderness whispers to us: "You are better than they are. You have the anointing—they don't. You have paid the price—they haven't. You are the new wineskin—they are old and irrelevant." This was the sin of the church in Ephesus. They had opposed false teachers and false apostles, yet Jesus rebuked them because they had lost their first love (see Rev. 2:4). Pride always distorts reality and makes you look better than others!
"God favors our group." There are many wonderful church movements on the scene today. Some are highly visible on television and social media; others produce music that is hugely popular. Every one of these movements has an important contribution to make—whether it's Hillsong, Bethel Church, Elevation, Gateway, Planet Shakers or ARC. We should be thankful for what God is doing in each of them.
At the same time, there are also many smaller, lesser-known churches and movements that don't have the huge audiences, the big money, the media buzz or the "cool factor" these groups have—yet God is also working through them. Never join a group because of the numbers or the cool factor. Don't jump on bandwagons just because everyone else is. Follow the Holy Spirit, not men.
Let God lead you to the church where He can most effectively use you. And wherever God plants you, stay humble and avoid the deadly virus of pride.
J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years before he launched into full-time ministry in 2010. Today he directs The Mordecai Project, a Christian charitable organization that is taking the healing of Jesus to women and girls who suffer abuse and cultural oppression. Author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he has just released his newest book, Set My Heart on Fire, from Charisma House. You can follow him on Twitter at @LeeGrady or go to his website,
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The Sound of the Shofar: A Christian Call to Prayer and Today's Top Stories [VIDEO] - Breaking Israel News

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