Friday, October 6, 2017

ICEJ (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem) - Feast of Tabernacles Live Streaming

WATCH HERE: ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles


The ICEJ's Feast of Tabernacles begins tonight at 6:30pm Jerusalem time - join us for the celebration!

Our partners at Vision Norway will broadcast a LIVE feed of tonight'scelebration from the shores of the Dead Sea. The worship, the celebration, and the Word of God - which will be preached mightily by Angus Buchan will all be available to you on your computer or smart phone!

Check the start time for your time-zone and join the celebration of God's Feast!
Watch live


Angus Buchan

In 1976, political upheaval in Zambia forced hard-driving Angus Buchan (born 1947, Rhodesia) to sell-up his farm for a pittance and relocate with his family to South Africa. Angus’ funds were so low that he couldn’t afford a farm with a house on it, but with typical determination he settled on a piece of land in KwaZulu Natal ...
Learn more

Send a Special Feast Offering

Even if you can’t be in Jerusalem personally, the Feast of Tabernacles is still a special opportunity to bless Israel. Prophetically join the nations gathered in Jerusalem by making a special offering before the Lord.
Send now

Send a Prayer Request

During the Feast of Tabernacles there are intercessors who are praying 24/7. Please take the time to send in you prayer request we would love to pray for you during Sukkoth.
Send now

Jerusalem Jubilee

Join Christians from around the world and send your congratulations today. Your name and message will be added to a special Jerusalem Jubilee 50th Congratulations book for the Mayor of Jerusalem.
Send now

ICEJ   LIVE STREAMING    OCT. 6-10, 2017

Feast of Tabernacles 2017

Broadcast Times


The Lord commanded the people of Israel to bring their offerings to Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles (Deut. 16). Therefore, many pilgrims bring a special offering from their church or family to the Feast. While we can support Israel anytime throughout the year, this is a special opportunity to prophetically join all the nations gathered in Jerusalem and make a special offering before the Lord.
Send a Feast Offering

The ICEJ has always appreciated the importance of prayer and intercession and we continue to encourage and organize prayer for Israel all around the world through our Isaiah 62 Prayer Initiative. Prayer will also play a crucial part in this year's Feast with daily sessions and a special prayer vigil scheduled. You are invited to send us your prayer requests to be brought before the Lord during the Feast of Tabernacles.

Mercury & Lightning - John Mark McMillan by Will Maule HelloChristian

Mercury & Lightning - John Mark McMillan

Oct 05, 2017 by Will Maule  HelloChristian
"Mercury & Lightning" is the title track off John Mark McMillan's new album. It is an epic cry
out for God and his presence. "I need a new religion, Or I need a new life," the honest lyrics
read. Check out the full lyrics below plus the crazy video and track below that!
I've been chasing God
I've been chasing mercury and lightning

And I've been pressing hard
I've been coming up short
Lately, I've been thinking about
What's gonna happen with you and I
I need a new religion
Or I need a new life

I've been on the phone
I've been chasing mercury and lightning
Pressing for the deal to close
I've been coming up short
Lately, I've been thinking about
What's going on between you and I
I need a true religion
Or I need a new life

I swear I've heard the echoes of a voice
Like a dream that you feel, but you don't remember
I've known it ever since I was a boy
Like a word on the tip of my tongue
I swear I've heard the echoes of a voice
Like a dream that you feel, but you don't remember
I've known it ever since I was a boy
Like a word on the tip of my tongue

Lately, I've been thinking about
What's gonna happen with you and I
I need a new religion
Or I need a new life

Love For His People Editor's Note: We have known John Mark McMillan since his days at MorningStar (Rick Joyner), and call his family friends. His father Robin McMillan is Senior Pastor at Queen City's Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Lana Vawser: "Pioneers Are Birthing - A New Path Is Upon You!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Lana Vawser: "Pioneers Are Birthing - A New Path Is Upon You!"


Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know many of you have been waiting for a word like this as we have just entered a new season. Again, here is an excellent article about the birthing time we are in. God WANTS to birth something new in you!
Have you been called to take a new path with the Lord? If so, just read this word of the Lord through Lana Vawser:
"You are now moving onto a pathway of a new season, a new assignment, a new mandate and a new pathway—but this pathway is full of reward. The enemy has been coming against you with confusion and fear, but this pathway before you has changed. It's a completely new place where you are learning to do things in a different way. Your heart shall overflow with gladness as you move into a season of greater ease where your hearts' desires and promises are FULFILLED."
Be encouraged as you begin your new path! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

I have had pioneers strongly on my heart and in this past week, the Lord has been showing me the "new paths" and the "birthing" that are upon pioneers right now. I saw a turbulence that many pioneers have been feeling. I saw a grief that many pioneers were carrying. I saw a restlessness and longing that many pioneers were sensing, and I saw the word "transition" over these pioneers.
I felt the Lord saying that many pioneers have come to the end of a season. The way that God has used you, the way you have pioneered, and what He has set up through you has been amazing. He has established much through you in the last season, but there is now a new season upon the pioneers. The new season upon the pioneers looks nothing like it has before. The Lord is about to move you in a way you have never moved. He is going to take you in a way that may seem bizarre to many.
A New Story
"This move of the Spirit will come through the family unit and will display the NECESSITY for healthy, strong, Christ centered family units. It will show the way to revival and a great outpouring of His Spirit—through the wineskin of FAMILY."
The Lord is accelerating things around you and within you because of the birthing that is upon you. I saw the pioneers taking new paths following Jesus. One thing I noticed about these new paths was that the paths were going against the grain. That's what a pioneer does: he pioneers something new. Yet, as the pioneers were following Jesus in the new path He was leading them down, I saw pages upon pages being filled with writing.
I then saw Jesus writing in this book as the pioneers walked with Him. Each step the pioneers took added another line to this story. I was surrounded by the sense of a new story that is being written through the pioneers right now.
I saw that forerunning spirit so heavily upon the pioneers right now. I want to encourage you pioneers: follow the way that God is leading. 
In the unexpected, unusual paths that the Lord is leading you down, you are going to see greater increase, favor, promotion and birthing upon what the Lord is doing in and through you than you have ever seen.
Confusion and Fear Hitting the Pioneers
I saw the whisper of the enemy coming against the pioneers saying, "That pathway...that can't be the pathway of God. That pathway isn't God." I saw many hearts and minds being hit with confusion and fear because of it.
However, I noticed there were angels on either side of the "new pathways" that the Lord is leading the pioneers down. The angels were declaring, "The pathway that makes the heart glad! The pathway of the King that refreshes the heart and refreshes the soul." I then heard excerpts of Psalm 18 exploding all around the pathway.
"When I was weakest, my enemies attacked—but the Lord held onto me. His love broke open the way and He brought me into a beautiful broad place. He rescued me because His delight is in me. He rewarded me for doing what is right and staying pure." (Psalm 18:18-20 The Passion Translation) (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
"I have done my best to be blameless and to follow His ways, keeping my heart pure, I have kept my integrity by surrendering to Him and so the Lord has rewarded me with His blessing. This is the treasure I have discovered when I kept my heart clean before His eyes." (Psalm 18:23-24 The Passion Translation)
"What a God You are! Your path for me has been perfect. All Your promises have proven true. What a secure shelter for all those who turn to hide themselves in you! You are the wrap-around God giving grace to me." (Psalm 18:30 The Passion Translation)
Refreshing and Revelation Being Released
I saw the Lord releasing refreshing and revelation to the pioneers of the new pathways. Many of the pioneers have been in a place of battle for so long—breaking hard ground and stewarding what the Lord has asked them to steward. All the while the enemy has been coming against them relentlessly attempting to take them out. But faithfully they have sowed, over and over again.
They have maintained integrity and purity amidst the battle and amidst the onslaught of intensity of the past season. There have been many times they wanted to give up, but they continued to stay faithful for no other reason but their love and devotion to Jesus.
I saw that these pathways in this new season and new era upon the Church were such pleasant paths for the pioneers. It was bringing such refreshing and revelation but the pathway was full of hearts' desires and promises fulfilled.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
I heard the Lord say:
"Pioneers, you have poured out and poured out and poured out for Me. You have remained faithful to Me. You have waited upon Me for your very own breakthrough and promises fulfilled while sowing into the lives of others and building My Kingdom. I am smiling upon you!
"You are now moving onto a pathway of a new season, a new assignment, a new mandate and a new pathway—but this pathway is full of reward. The enemy has been coming against you with confusion and fear, but this pathway before you has changed. It's a completely new place where you are learning to do things in a different way. Your heart shall overflow with gladness as you move into a season of greater ease where your hearts' desires and promises are FULFILLED.
"You will be carrying the harvest of the fulfilled promises and hearts' desires I have given you as you go. There are angels upon this path heralding joy, fulfilled promises, abundance and refreshing waiting for you in this new season. You are birthing something completely NEW but your heart will sing gladly in great joy as you see Proverbs 13:12 explode all around you. You will also see Proverbs 6:31 explode all around you as the thief that has stolen from you, is now commanded to REPAY SEVENFOLD!"
"Stay Hidden in Me and The Stones Won't Touch You. Keep Blessing Upon Your Lips and in Your Hands"
In this shift and new pathways upon the pioneers, I saw the enemy throwing stones and I saw words coming against the pioneers like stones from others. I felt the Lord say, "Stay hidden in Me and the stones won't touch you and keep blessing upon your lips."
I then heard the words of Jesus from Luke 6:27-28:
"They have maintained integrity and purity amidst the battle and amidst the onslaught of intensity of the past season. There have been many times they wanted to give up, but they continued to stay faithful for no other reason but their love and devotion to Jesus."
"But if you will listen, I say to you, love your enemies and do something wonderful for them in return for their hatred. When someone curses you, bless that person in return. When you are mistreated and harassed by others, accept it as your mission to pray for them." (The Passion Translation)
In the throwing of the stones by the enemy, stay hidden in the secret place. Stay in that place of deep intimacy, asking the Lord for strategy and for protection. Delight in Him. Feast at the table set before you in your communion with Him. The stones won't touch you! You will be hidden and protected as you stay deep in the secret place!
In the place of negative words spoken against you, in the place where others may speak negatively of the new pioneering pathway, bless them in word, prayer and deed.
He is Bringing the Focus Back Upon Family
Another thing I saw in the midst of the pioneer pathways was the Lord breathing upon FAMILY. The Lord is bringing the focus back upon FAMILY—family units and the family of God. He is highlighting the need for healthy, whole, family units and communities. The new wineskin God is birthing is all through FAMILY.
Where the enemy has come against family with his relentless opposition, watch the pioneers and watch the move of the Spirit. These pathways the pioneers are creating and forerunning are for the greatest move of the Spirit of God we have ever seen. 

This move of the Spirit will come through the family unit and will display the NECESSITY for healthy, strong, Christ centered family units. It will show the way to revival and a great outpouring of His Spirit—through the wineskin of FAMILY.
I believe that the Lord has showed me 2018 is the year of family. 
So much of what God is going to do is in and through family. His heart is FOR family and the family unit and He wants to display the beauty of how He created it. Many pioneers are already birthing and walking in new vision and strategy of what God is doing in and through family. (Photo via Free Great Picture)
Chains Are Breaking, Things Are Changing and Breaking in the Spirit – Heaven is Coming Down to You!
In these new pathways, the Lord is breaking the chains that have held you down, pioneers. The chains of limitation are breaking off you and you are about to soar like you have never soared before.
Things are changing and breaking in the spirit and in this new pathway of following Jesus on this pioneering track, you are making room for Heaven to come down. The turbulence and the thundering in the spirit is making room for the new.
There are going to be unprecedented demonstrations of the favor of God, the provision of God and the smile of God over you for following Him. For choosing obedience over opportunity. For choosing obedience over expectations of others. For following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Do not be afraid, for the Lord is sending to you those with wise counsel and supernatural confirmation. They will continue to come to you time after time as you move down this pathway. God will do this so that you will know that you know you are on the right path.
The "out of the normal" pathway of pioneering is upon you. The change is going to delight your heart and you will receive a DOUBLE PORTION of increase, favor and creativity. You are going to see Him in a whole new way. You are going to receive His heart in a whole new way. You are going to receive His strategy and blueprints for this new pathway in a whole new way. This new season upon you is going to delight your heart and it will be CLEAR TO ALL that you have followed the pathway of God. 
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries 

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. 
Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.

Love For His People - new product coming!

Oct. 6, 2017

Greetings to all.

Within a month we will have new Love For His People logo products available for you to buy as gifts for family, friends and your household. We are grateful to Moses Julius, our Love For His People - Pakistan Director for all the work he has done in getting this ready.

Hope you will show your support for this ministry with your purchase soon!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina

We ask for your help as we minister to contacts in Israel, Pakistan, Northern Ireland and Nigeria, where we support families and ministries who also have a heart for Israel, and love the people in their land. 

Please give a gift today. Online gifts: Contribute Here

Checks can be mailed to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

We have been a USA non-profit since 2010. Gifts are tax-deductible.

We'd also love to keep in touch with you. 

Shabbat Shalom! Chag Sukkot Sameach O Israel!

Oct. 6, 2017

Greetings from Love For His People to Israel and our Jewish friends worldwide!

Shabbat Shalom! Chag Sukkot Sameach!

Next year we will join you in Jerusalem!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina

P.O. Box 414  Pineville, NC 28134 USA

LoveMusic! Paul Wilbur - Who Can Compare (Lyrics, Your Great Name album)

Who Can Compare
Paul Wilbur

Oct. 6, 2017 

Greetings LoveMusic! friends,

Succot! Feast of Tabernacles! Time to celebrate!

When I think of all the Messianic music artists, there is none more known than Paul Wilbur. If you are at all familiar with Messianic praise and worship music, then you know Paul Wilbur. I know the rest of the world does too!

From the times he has led the Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Jerusalem with ICEJ (International Christan Embassy Jerusalem) and did live Integrity Music recordings for Hosanna!Music; to his ministry trips to South America, leading the Hispanics in Spanish worship songs; to those gatherings even in Concord, North Carolina (just outside Charlotte), where I had the joy of hearing him a few years ago - Paul Wilbur has taken the Hebrew/English/Spanish songs of the Lord to the nations!

With his Jewish background, his faith in Yeshua HaMashiach, and his zeal to praise the Living God of Israel with all his might, he has done so with such skill, inspiration, and much encouragement, both through having a tremendous voice and playing his acoustic guitar. Paul has been a real treasure and strength to the Body of Messiah, the One New Man.

I have all his recording. Because of them my good wife Laurie and I have led worship many times in church with them. 

We all bless you Paul Wilbur, and give much, much thanks for your gifts and leadership!

Be blessed as you too ADORE the Living God of Israel, with this song "Who Can Compare". 


Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina

Please give a gift today to help Love For His People continue to minister on our website and in the nations through our social media outlets.

Online gifts: Contribute Here

We ask for your help as we minister to contacts in Israel, Pakistan, Northern Ireland and Nigeria, where we support families and ministries who also have a heart for Israel, and love the people in their land. 

Please give a gift today. Online gifts: Contribute Here

Checks can be mailed to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

We have been a USA non-profit since 2010. Gifts are tax-deductible.

We'd also love to keep in touch with you. 

Video source: nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
YouTube Published on Nov 11, 2013

Who Can Compare - Paul Wilbur with Lyrics from album - Your Great Name 2013. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. To purchase album -

Massive Western Wall Sukkah Welcomes Pilgrims to Jerusalem - Tsivya Fox BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Massive Western Wall Sukkah Welcomes Pilgrims to Jerusalem

“Say to B’nei Yisrael: On the fifteenth day of this seventh month there shall be the festival of Sukkot to Hashem, [to last] seven days.” Leviticus 23:34 (The Israel Bible™)
“The most popular place to visit during Sukkot is the Kotel, the Western Wall,” explained Rabbi Mendy Blau, director of Colel Chabadone of Israel’s leading charity organizations, to Breaking Israel News. “Part of the reason is that the Bible commands Jews to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem a minimum of three times a year, for Passover, for Shavuot and for Sukkot.”
Sukkot is Israel’s busiest season for Jewish and Christian tourism. Not only is this one of the holiest and happiest times of the year, but the country also holds a multitude of cultural and religious festivities. All this leads to a plethora of visitors to the Kotel.
Read more: Western Wall Succah