Thursday, October 12, 2017

AG Jeff Sessions Talks Faith and Religious Freedom on Faith Nation - CBN News

AG Jeff Sessions Talks Faith and Religious Freedom on Faith Nation 

10-11-2017 CBN Newse

WASHINGTON –  Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared Wednesday on CBN’s Faith Nation where he talked about a wide range of topics including religious freedom and his personal faith.
Speaking with David Brody, Sessions said his Justice Department is committed to restoring “traditional” values.
“I think we’ve had a slide over quite a number of years in which courts and advocates and politicians have disrespected the primacy of law,” he said. “That has long term damaging effects for the country and we’re trying to get us back on the traditional view that protects us all in the long run.”
On the topic of faith, Brody asked Sessions how he relies on his Christian beliefs.
“I’ve got to tell you, there have been days in which my faith has meant a tremendous amount to me and how people without it get by, I don’t know,” said Sessions.
For more about his faith and what he had to say about NFL players who protest during the National Anthem, watch the interview at the top of this page. 
Watch here: FAITH NATION
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"Salvation - My Lord & My God" - new book release from Steve Martin. Available now!

- new book release from Steve Martin
AVAILABLE NOW - PAPERBACK $7.95  Kindle e-book also.

Oct. 14, 2017

Greetings to all.

My latest book Salvation - My Lord & My God (#16) is available now in paperback (7.95) and Kindle ($2.99) through Amazon.

As I was writings these messages, the Lord kept impressing upon me the word "salvation". When one studies the Hebrew meaning of the word, you will find that the name Yeshua means salvation.

Yeshua (Jesus) is our Salvation.

Thus the title of this book.

Following are a few of the contents. I hope you will help support the ministry of Love For His People, where all the income from the sales go, with your purchase of either the paperback ($7.95) or Kindle version.

Ahava and shalom!

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina

- new book release from Steve Martin
AVAILABLE NOW - PAPERBACK $7.95  Kindle e-book also.


Our world needs saving. The nations are in much turmoil, rage, anger, and lawlessness. Just keep watching the news and it is obvious that times are changing, and it is not changing for the good. It is happening just as the prophets spoke; just as Jesus (Yeshua) Himself said in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 as to how it would come about.

The signs are all around us, forth-telling those exact events which would take place before the Lamb of God returns as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah of Jews and Gentiles, for all who call upon His name for salvation. He is coming back soon.

While time is yet with us, and there is light among the growing darkness, we must work with His Holy Spirit to spread the Good News. This is the news of His salvation, which is available to any and all who come to Him, for freedom from sin, death, destruction and all evil.

This salvation is found only in His saving Blood and through His sacrifice on the cross. He is so willing and loving to give His saving grace to all who call upon His Name.

He alone is our salvation. His Name is SALVATION.


Dedication                                           Page 5
Introduction                                         Page 8

1. Salvation Belongs to the Lord        Page 9
2. I Can’t Get No Satisfaction            Page 13
3. America – We Need the Lord        Page 16
4. Restoration of Jim Bakker              Page 19
5. We’ve Only Just Begun                  Page 25
6. On A Mission From God                Page 33
7. Better Know Your Cave                 Page 38
8. Time To Move On                          Page 43
9. The Returning Remnant of Israel   Page 46
10.Who (Whose) Are You?                Page 50
11. Another Chicken Little?               Page 54
12. God Is My Salvation                     Page 58
13. 40 Something?                              Page 63
14. Forgive, Forget and Move On      Page 68
15. Desperation                                   Page 73
16. Hope                                             Page 77
17. Roots                                             Page 81
18. Who Is This One? Holy Spirit      Page 87
19. Not A Numbers Game                  Page 90
20. Is It God or Is It Satan?                Page 96
21. Strategies of the Lord                   Page 99
22. Clarity – Clearly Knowing           Page 102
23. Hope Again                                   Page 105
24. The Struggle                                 Page 107
25. Commitment                                 Page 110

ABOUT THE AUTHOR                              Page 113

CONTACT INFORMATION                     Page 115

THE OTHER 15 BOOKS                            Page 117
  BY STEVE MARTIN                               


After dedicating the previous 16 books to dear family and friends, I want to dedicate this book to those who have joined with us in the ministry of Love For His People, Inc. over these first 7 years, since 2010 when the ministry was birthed.

I thank the several board members who have given encouragement, suggestions and input, as we began on young legs and moved ahead in the Lord’s guidance.

To those who have blazed the trail, as they say, in their own writing and publications, I thank and acknowledge them.

I give thanks to Hadassah and Nissim of Jerusalem, who for the last three times on our Israel trips have been so hospitable to us in their home. Hadassah also now shares her inspirations on our ministry website, and someday we will publish her book of writings!

Hadassah and Nissim, Jerusalem Israel

 Nissim is a great cook (when he isn’t tied to the desk doing ministry accounting) and loves the Washington Redskins NFL football team.

And now, I want to speak highly of our new International Directors who have joined with us, by showing themselves foremost in blessing their own countries, and by also having the heart of the Lord Most High to bless Israel and His Chosen Ones.

Moses Julius

Moses Julius in Pakistan has done a tremendous work with his Shalom Today Ministry over the years, and we welcomed him on board when he joined us as the Director of Love For His People – Pakistan this summer of 2017. We love you Moses and your passion for Yeshua HaMashiach!

Pastor Abel and his wife Margaret

Just this month of October 2017, we welcomed Pastor Abel Oyewale of Nigeria as the Love For His People – Nigeria Director. As he continues to serve the people in his city through Abba Father Fellowship International, he will now also be the lead man on the ground to bring further messages of teaching and humanitarian assistant to the Nigerians. We bless you Abel, your family and those who serve with you!

In years to come, as further connections are brought forth in fulfillment of prophetic words spoken years ago to us, we welcome others across the nations, all the time giving utmost thanks, honor and glory to our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Help Love For His People continue to send monthly funds to pastors and Israel-supporting ministries in international lands - with free teaching materials. Financial support for families in Jerusalem, Belfast, UK and Lahore, Pakistan continue monthly. We count on you. Even a gift of $5 helps!  Thank you.

Please donate online safely through our website. Click on the DONATE button found on the side columns. A USA tax-receipt will be provided for each online gift and check.

Checks can be sent to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

 Love For His People books provided to pastors and teachers

The Jim Clint family in Northern Ireland
- supporting their work in helping Jews make aliyah to Israel

- new book release from Steve Martin
AVAILABLE NOW - PAPERBACK $7.95  Kindle e-book also.

Product details

  • Paperback: 148 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (October 12, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1978141882
  • ISBN-13: 978-1978141889
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The first Bangladeshi to visit Israel has incredible experience - Israel Video Network

daily israel update banner 2
 Oct. 10, 2017

Dr Shadman Zaman was raised in an environment that hated Israel, but his grandfather was the first ever Bangladeshi Zionist. Dr Zaman became the first Bangladeshi to visit Israel and he now shares his support for Israel with whomever he encounters.
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An Islamist mob was responsible for the destruction of this beautiful old church.

Discovery sheds light on the administration of ancient Jerusalem.

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Yeshua was “Blanking” Jewish! - Ron Cantor MESSIAH'S MANDATE

Israeli Taxi Driver: “Yeshua was ‘Blanking’ Jewish!”

Ron Cantor  MESSIAH'S MANDATE—  October 11, 2017 
You must forgive me for the title of this blog, but I am just keeping it real! I mean, when your Israeli taxi driver has a revelation and exclaims biblical truth with joy that he has never known, it doesn’t always come out the way you might expect. Let me back up. I was with some friends from the U.S. Our Taxi driver, Dudu, was full of information, teaching us the history of Tel Aviv.
We began to share with our Dudu about Yeshua. Just before we arrived at our destination, I asked him if he had pain in his body. He told me that his back was giving him trouble and that he had knee pain from an operation. We laid hands on him and prayed for him. He said his knee felt better and we prayed again, but this time I asked God to allow him to experience His presence.
I asked him again about his knee and he said again, that it felt better. But then, it was clear in his countenance that God had touched his spirit. I asked him what he felt inside. He took a deep breath and it was evident by the smile on his face that something had happened. He said, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, …”


By his own confession, the Lord touched his knee—at least to some degree. I only use prayer for healing of the body to get to the soul. What good is a healed knee, if your soul perishes? For this reason, I try to always pray for people to experience the joy of the Lord—the presence of God. They immediately recognize that this is not mere human emotion.
In July, I was in a Starbucks drive-through and I asked God to give me a word for the girl who would soon take my money. Nothing came! Then I said, “Then give me something to say to her!” As I approached, I asked, “Have you ever wondered how much God loves you?” She said, “Actually, yes.” Then I asked, “Have you ever felt the presence of God?” She said, “No, I have not.”
“Give me your hand.” She did and I prayed for about 30 seconds. When I let go, it was clear God had touched her. She looked me and said, “You made my day!” I said, “I don’t want to make your day, but your life! Go home and read the book of John, and learn about Jesus.” Friends, you can do that too! God is with you!

An Unepected Reaction!

Back to Dudu. So…after we stopped the camera, he was still smiling for ear to ear when he exclaimed as if he was having a revelation: Yeshua was Jewish, Yeshua was a “blanking” Jew! The word shocked us, but we were not so religious, that we could not see that Zacchaeus was right before us. I am sure the Lord encountered more startling things as He reached out to sinners and tax collectors. We all laughed together as Dudu took off. But not before I got his phone number. I have been in touch with him on SMS and hope to send him some materials.

Another Encounter

On the way home, we had another amazing encounter. Rachamim (which means mercies) didn’t come across to me as someone open to the gospel. He was in his mid-twenties and was sporting that cool kind of quiet. It had come up that we were Messianic Jews. As we approached Tel Aviv, I asked him, “Are you curious how I came to believe in Yeshua?” Israelis are ALWAYS curious.
He said, “As a matter of fact, yes.” I shared with him my story. When I got to the part where I was explaining the gospel—that Yeshua was a sacrifice for our sin—he surprisingly seemed to understand. I told him that Jewish people think that their sins can be forgiven through fasting on Yom Kippur, but that is only because there is no Temple. When the Temple stood, a goat was sacrificed for the sins of Israel by the high priest. Fasting was merely the humble disposition the nation took, in hopes that God would forgive them.
However, after the Temple was destroyed, a new Judaism was created by Yochanan Ben Zakkai that replaced the substitutionary sacrifice with human works. Instead of falling on his face and repenting at the Temple’s demise, Ben Zakkai created a new, bloodless Judaism (see more I explained that only the shedding of blood could take away sin.
“For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” (Lev. 17:11)
“That makes sense,” he said. I was kind of shocked that such a young man could embrace a deep theological concept. “I want to learn more about this.” We prayed for him to experience God’s presence and he did! I grabbed about a copy of my book, “Identity Theft” in Hebrew, and gave it to him. He was eager to read it.
Friends, this is my passion—not only to share the gospel with Israelis but to see Israeli believers equipped to share the gospel with healing power. We are seeing it more and more. Pray for these two men that God would continue to work on them and that, when I contact them, they will want to learn and hear more, even visit the congregation.