Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Responsibility to Israel and It's Citizens ✡ "A Thousand From Every One Of The Tribes Of Yisrael" - Israel365

You shall dispatch on the campaign a thousand from every one of the tribes of Yisrael.

אֶלֶף לַמַּטֶּה אֶלֶף לַמַּטֶּה לְכֹל מַטּוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל תִּשְׁלְחוּ לַצָּבָא

ויקרא לא:ד
e-lef le'ma-TEH e-lef le'ma-TEH l'-KHOL ma-tot YIS-ra-el teesh-le-KHU l'-tza-VA

Today's Israel Inspiration

Numbers chapter 31 describes the war waged by the children of Israel against the Midianites as retribution for the immorality and idolatry that resulted in the death of 24,000 Israelites. In preparation for war, Moses orders that an equal number of men from each tribe be chosen to fight. Similarly, at the conclusion of the battle, the spoils of war are to be divided equally among the entire congregation. The fact that each tribe is equally represented in battle and that everyone will be given a share in the spoils, highlights the unity of the congregation of Israel. Acting as one cohesive unit in the service of God demonstrates that the children of Israel are finally ready to enter the Land of Israel after a 40-year journey in the desert. The modern day Israeli army, the IDF, is likewise comprised of soldiers from different backgrounds and walks of life. IDF soldiers include native Israelis, Arab Israelis, and Jewish lone soldiers who have left their families to defend their ancestral homeland. Working together in the service of God and the people of Israel, these brave soldiers put their lives on the line every day in the defense of Israel and her citizens.

Learning to Defend the State
of Israel

Meet Tamar, a shooting instructor in the IDF!

Take the quiz!

Do you have what it takes to train like the IDF?

What is your Hebrew name?

God has great interest and involvement with each and every one of us as we are all His children. God relates to us through our given name. According to Jewish tradition, one's name has a deep spiritual dimension and impacts a person's character throughout their life. Don’t know your Hebrew name? No problem! Many English names derive from Hebrew names in the Bible, and the rest have etymological or spiritual connections in Biblical sources. Just type in your English name below and we'll find the Hebrew name in the Bible that’s most closely connected to yours.
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Plant a tree in Israel in honor of the Israeli Defense Forces.


Today's Israel Photo

Photo of a young IDF soldier at an army graduation ceremony.

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"Todah Rabbah" to Terri K. from Ohio; James C. from California; Anna W. from Maryland; Alfred & Rose B. from Canada.
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Dear Rabbi Tuly. I am not Jewish. However I respect your faith and love your people ! your words of wisdom and inspiration are welcome! --Garth Stuck
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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[SIGN] Discerning the Subtle

Building Community Builders

Discerning the Subtle

By Morris Ruddick on Oct 18, 2017 

Discerning the Subtle
In understanding the times, the bar has been raised in discerning the subtle means the enemy has been employing to undermine and derail spiritual leaders and agendas.
In October of 1996, following the funeral of our 30-year daughter, who had been murdered, I asked the Lord to help me understand. I wasn’t playing games of “what if” or “if only”, but rather I wanted to know what had been happening in the spirit-realm. What were the evil factors operating that had contributed to the unexpected, violent death of one who had been serving the Lord. I did not expect the answer I got.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

James W. Goll: "In Turbulent Times, One Simple Choice Changes Everything!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

James W. Goll: "In Turbulent Times, One Simple Choice Changes Everything!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Oct 17, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Many recent "comers" to the prophetic ministry may not know or realize that James Goll is truly one of the early FATHERS of the prophetic movement. James is a friend, and he loves the prophetic movement. He has prophesied things in my life that have come true in astonishing detail.
Now read this by James from only a couple weeks ago:
On September 30th, 2017, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, I had a prophetic encounter in the middle of the night. While asleep in my home, I had an electric burst of energy hit my body. Though this power surge lasted but a moment, it resulted in a manifestation of the voice of God bursting forth within me. I was awakened hearing myself prophesy, "The Days of Acceleration. It's the Beginning of the Days of Acceleration!"
That should be enough to get you excited about this word. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


In today's global society we continue to see an increase of violence, rampant shootings, riots, tumultuous weather patterns, racial strife, instability in North Korea, chaos in Syria and the Middle East, Russia's re-emergence, and wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:3-14). How are we to respond in these perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1)? These events leave us with a simple choice that we must make. 
This one question must be answered: Will we respond in Fear or Faith?
In a time of confusion, strife and fierce anti-Semitism, the stateswoman Corrie Ten Boom declared, "There is no panic in Heaven! God has no problems, only plans."
If the Church is pushing the panic button instead of faith and trust, prayer and confidence towards God, what do we expect the world to look like? Instead, we must create a culture of Faith instead of Fear!
What Time Is It?
"The Days of Acceleration. It's the Beginning of the Days of Acceleration!"
Many of us are aware that Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19). Like Jesus, we must also be about our Father's business (see Luke 2:49). Not only are we to be tuned into doing what He does, but we must get synced into His timetable and do what He wants when He wants it done. As a result, we must periodically ask ourselves the pertinent and strategic question, "What time is it?"
To be able to discern the times and the seasons and give wisdom application for the days in which we live (1 Chronicles 12:32), we must learn to recognize, honor and build upon the various historical birthings of the Holy Spirit in our midst. We are not to despise the day of a small beginning (Zechariah 4:10).
Some Demarcations in the Calendar of God
• 20 years ago Promise Keeper's hosted the Million-Man March in Washington, DC. God remembers that time of holy consecration and will answer with a turnaround in the Supreme Court of the U.S.A.
• 20 years ago Women on the Frontlines was birthed in Nashville, TN. Today there is a godly global women's movement that will confront the global sex-trade industry.
• 50 Years ago was the birth of the Charismatic Renewal in the Christian Churches. This is one of the largest and most impacting movements in all of church history. Another wave is coming!
• 50 Years ago was the birth of the Jesus People Movement on the West Coast of the United States. A remnant of that very movement is now emerging as leaders in the new apostolic era.
• 50 Years ago was the birth of the Messianic Movement with thousands of Jewish people finding Jesus as their Messiah. What will come next? (Photo via James Goll)
• 50 Years ago as a result of the 6-Day War, Jerusalem became a united city under Jewish governing rule. This is one of the greatest a modern-day miracles fulfilling Biblical prophecy.
• 500-years ago was the beginning of the Great Reformation when Martin Luther nailed the 95 thesis on the wooden door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany. We are now crossing over into the beginning of a great transformation.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
A Prophetic Encounter
On September 30th, 2017, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, I had a prophetic encounter in the middle of the night. While asleep in my home, I had an electric burst of energy hit my body. Though this power surge lasted but a moment, it resulted in a manifestation of the voice of God bursting forth within me. I was awakened hearing myself prophesy, "The Days of Acceleration. It's the Beginning of the Days of Acceleration!" Yes, I was awakened! Indeed, I was walking through another prophetic parable for the Body of Christ.
What time is it? It is the beginning of the Days of Acceleration where the purposes of God are sped up. It is time for an awakening of the power and the voice of God. It is time for a global awakening.
How Should We Respond?
"What time is it?"
In these turbulent times, what must we do? How should we live? Are we going to be casualties on the battlefield or warriors enforcing the victory of Calvary? The choice is ours! We must act in the opposite spirit of the world and cultivating the culture of faith instead of fear. 
Consider these two simple applications:
• Put on the Full Armor of God!
Paul wrote to the members of the church in Ephesus, "Put on the full armor of God" (Ephesians 6:11). His advice applies to every single member of the Body of Christ; that means each one of us must wear every piece of spiritual armor daily (Ephesians 6:14-18).
As an important part of that full armor, well-equipped Christians carry a "shield of faith." With the shield of faith, we can extinguish the fiery arrows of the evil one and shield our fellow soldiers (Ephesians 6:16). We must take it up and use it. But let's not just have a defensive mindset, let's have the mindset of an overcomer.
• Shine as Lights in the Midst of Darkness
Matthew 5:14 records the Words of Jesus where He said to His disciples, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden."
John 8:12 states, "Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, 'I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.'"
Light always overcomes darkness. Indeed, Jesus is the Light. It is then our responsibility to be carriers of His penetrating light into the world, manifesting His brilliant presence into all the spheres of society today. (Photo via James Goll)
Yes, it's time for the days of acceleration. It's time for a new Jesus People Movement to emerge. It's time for the Feast of Tabernacles to be fulfilled. It's time for an end time harvest of souls. It's time for a global awakening to manifest. It's time for a fresh power surge to hit the Body of Christ. It's time for the Lamb of God to receive the rewards of His suffering. It's time for a global worship movement to proceed where the Spirit and the Bride declare, "Come quickly Lord Jesus, Come!" (Revelation 22:7).
Perhaps He is coming in an unprecedented outpouring of His presence to us before He comes for us. In the midst of these turbulent times, let faith arise within you and shine forth with the light of God into the world around you!
Awakened for Such An Hour! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Dr. James W. Goll
Founder of Encounters Network • God Encounters Training e–School • Prayer Storm

Dr. James W. Goll is the President of Encounters Network, the International Director of Prayer Storm, and the Founder of God Encounters Training – an eSchool of the Heart. With great joy James has shared Jesus in more than 50 nations, teaching and imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit. James is the prolific author of numerous books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening, Deliverance from Darkness, A Radical Faith, and many others. He has also produced multiple study guides and hundreds of audio and video messages (click here for more).
James and Michal Ann were married for 32 years before her graduation to Heaven in the fall of 2008. James has four adult children who are married and all love Jesus: Justin, GraceAnn, Tyler, and Rachel, and multiple grandchildren. James continues to make his home in Franklin, Tennessee.
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Perry Stone Prophetic Warning - PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP - OCTOBER 16, 2017

Perry Stone Prophetic Warning 
OCTOBER 16, 2017

Published on Oct 16, 2017

Perry Stone Prophetic Warning - PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP - OCTOBER 16, 2017. Follow us in Facebook : Video Source : Follow us in Youtube :