Friday, October 20, 2017

A Winter Miracle ✡ "You Shall Rise Before The Aged And Show Deference To The Old" - Israel365

You shall rise before the aged and show deference to the old; you shall fear your God: I am Hashem.

מִפְּנֵי שֵׂיבָה תָּקוּם וְהָדַרְתָּ פְּנֵי זָקֵן וְיָרֵאתָ מֵּאֱלֹהֶיךָ אֲנִי יְהוָה

ויקרא יט:לב
mee-p'-NAY SAY-va ta-KUM ve-ha-dar-ta p'-NAY za-KEN ve-ya-ra-ta
m'-e-LO-he-kha ane a-do-NAI

Today's Israel Inspiration

The above verse is taken from the Book of Leviticus. Although most of the Book of Leviticus discusses the ancient priestly rituals of the past, many verses and chapters of Leviticus are eternal and remain significant and practical in our daily lives. While Leviticus deals with the detailed ins-and-outs of rituals and offerings,  it is vital that we do not lose sight of the bigger picture of the book. The laws and rituals of the Bible are meant to bring God's children closer to Him and to serve as a road map for leading a moral and ethical life. Leviticus 19:32 is an eternal and unwavering reminder to pay respects to our elders. Far too many of the elderly Holocaust survivors living in Israel are not properly prepared for the upcoming winter months. Without proper clothing and blankets for warmth during the bitter winter, these survivors are doomed to face yet another devastating struggle. These Holocaust survivors have already suffered so much. Provide them with a winter miracle to warm them in their last days.

A Personal Appeal from
Rabbi Tuly

Rabbi Tuly discusses the urgent need to take care of the dwindling number of Holocaust Survivors who are still with us.

Taiwanese Pastor’s Unique Mission to Educate Christians on Israel, Jews, Holocaust, and Torah

Pastor Alex Cho, chairman of the Taiwan Holocaust Peace Museum, has taken on the unique mission of showing fellow Taiwanese Christians how Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled throughout Jewish history and how it continues to be fulfilled in the modern State of Israel.

Plant a tree in honor of elderly Holocaust survivors living in Israel. 


Today's Israel Photo

Rabbi Tuly distributes gifts to Holocaust survivors in Haifa, Israel.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Robert G. from Illinois; Peter D. from Missouri; Mark M. from Pennsylvania; Rosina M. from the UK.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Delena B. from Canada; Rosemary T. from Australia; Vicki C. from Missouri; Peter M. from Australia.
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Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Morris Y. from Canada; Mark H. from Australia; Rose H. from Tennessee; Walter L. from Florida.
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“The Work of Israel365 is So Important”

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Dear Friends, Please continue the important work which you do for those who have suffered so much. My late mother, Ruth Dash, a Holocaust survivor, never got over the trauma she endured, for four long years, in Poland. She had to bury her father with her bare hands through the snow! She was an only child and daddy's little girl. I never did meet my grandparents, they both starved to death. To this day, I carry a heavy heart for all who have suffered much the same. They went through hell and back. This is why the work of ISRAEL365 is so important. The remaining few Holocaust survivors need all the help and attention they deserve. Indeed, let's put a smile on their faces. I thank all of you for your selfless assistance. John Dash, Rancho Mirage, USA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Syrian Rocket Strikes Israel; Landmark Israeli Cancer Treatment Approved in US; ‘When Terror Strikes, Bloody Footprints Lead to Iran' - United with Israel

Oh Baby! Israel’s Birth Rate Reflects Energy and Optimism! CLICK for Latest from Israel
United with IsraelHow Dictators Hijacked UNESCO to Persecute Israel; Czech President a ‘Deep Friend of Israel,’ Demands Hamas & Hezbollah Disarm; ‘Not Acceptable for Zionists to Violate Syria at Will'
Oct. 19, 2017
Syrian Rocket Strikes Israel’s Golan Heights, IDF Responds 
‘Landmark’ Israeli Cancer Treatment Approved in US
WATCH: How Dictators Hijacked UNESCO to Persecute Israel
Israeli Ambassador to UN: ‘When Terror Strikes, Bloody Footprints Lead to Iran' 
Iranian General: ‘Not Acceptable for Zionist Regime to Violate Syria Any Time it Wants’ 
WATCH: Czech President a ‘Deep Friend of Israel,’ Demands Hamas and Hezbollah Disarm 
Oh Baby! Israel’s Birth Rate Reflects Energy and Optimism 
Israel Philharmonic Kicks Off North American Tour at Carnegie Hall 
USA: 1-888-ZION-613 
Israel: +972-2-533-7841


Perry Stone Prophetic Warning - GOD IS REVERSING THE CURSE

Perry Stone Prophetic Warning

Published on Oct 18, 2017

Perry Stone Prophetic Warning - GOD IS REVERSING THE CURSE - OCTOBER 18, 2017. Follow us in Facebook : Video Source : Follow us in Youtube :

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License Standard YouTube License