Friday, October 27, 2017

Terror Prevented in 'The House of the Lord' ✡ "He Named That Site Beit El" - Israel365

He named that site Beit El; but previously the name
of the city had been Luz.

וַיִּקְרָא אֶת־שֵׁם־הַמָּקוֹם הַהוּא בֵּית־אֵל וְאוּלָם לוּז שֵׁם־הָעִיר לָרִאשֹׁנָה

בראשית כח:יט
va-yik-RA et shaym ha-ma-KOM ha-HU bayt EL v’-u-LAM LUZ shaym ha-EER

Today's Israel Inspiration

When Jacob arrives in Beit El, the city near which his grandfather Abraham called out to God for the first time in the Land of Israel (Genesis 12:8), he recognizes it's unique spiritual character. Beit El, which means, “the house of the Lord,” appears throughout the Bible as a special location for prayer. Just as a home protects its inhabitants from the physical elements, such as harsh weather conditions, “the house of the Lord” acts as a spiritual safe haven, protecting its inhabitants from both physical and spiritual danger. This Biblical city demonstrated its unique spiritual standing last week, as the IDF was miraculously successful in foiling a planned terror attack on the city. When the security situation in Israel appears quiet, it is not due to the enemy's lack of effort. Rather, the safety and security we enjoy in Israel is thanks to the diligent and tireless efforts of Israel's security forces.

Today is Yom HaAliyah!

Yom HaAliyah is an Israeli national holiday established to acknowledge Aliyah, immigration to the Jewish state, as a core value of the State of Israel, and honor the ongoing contributions of Olim ("immigrants") to Israeli society.

IDF Stops Terror Attack in Biblical City of Beit El

Israeli Defence Forces along with the security forces of the Biblical city of Beit El and Border Police officers on Mondayfoiled a terror attack planned on the city. The terrorist was caught through their joint efforts.

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With this unique map, you can actually FEEL the physical contours of Israel’s lakes, mountains and deserts as in Biblical times! Touch Biblical Israel with this scaled, topographically contoured map of Israel. See exactly where each tribe settled the Land, the locations of the surrounding nations, and the roads that the patriarchs walked. Any place with special Biblical status, such as Cities of Refuge, is marked on the map. Understand the Bible in a totally new way!
Feel the land- shop now! »

Today's Israel Photo

IDF soldiers training in the field.
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It is always a pleasure to bless Israel l love receiving the emails and l pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel shalom --Sue Rees
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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May the good Lord, God of Israel, 
bring you ahava and shalom 
in your walk with Him.

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina USA

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Anti-Israel UN List of Shame: Is Your Company On It? - Breaking Israel News

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Oct. 26, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

190 Companies in Judea and Samaria, Including 30 Major US Corporations, Blacklisted by UN

Government to Move on ‘Greater Jerusalem’ Bill Annexing Jewish Cities

A Small but Mighty Nation

Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world! Yet, everyone always has their eye on Israel! Ever since God directed Abraham to journey to the Land of Israel in Genesis 12:2, the world has been obsessed with Israel. Keep Israel close to your heart with this beautiful sterling silver map of Israel pendant.
Save 15% on Israeli Apparel! »

Watch - Recipe: How to Make a Terrorist

ICYMI - Bible Codes: NASA Discovery of Nibiru Is Pre-Messianic Warning to World [VIDEO]

Jordan Is Palestine

By Steve Kramer
“The concept of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria doesn’t exist anymore, and anyone who is genuine knows that. It is wrong, dangerous, and not possible.”
By Ariel Nathan Pasko
By Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo
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Breaking Israel News

Steve Cioccolanti October 26 2017 ★ ORWELL'S 1984 PROPHETIC OF 2018

Steve Cioccolanti, Discover Ministries - Melbourne, Australia

Steve Cioccolanti, Discover Ministries
- Melbourne, Australia

YouTube Published on Oct 26, 2017

Steve Cioccolanti October 26 2017 ★ ORWELL'S 1984 PROPHETIC OF 2018 ★ Steve Cioccolanti Prophecy Update #SteveCioccolanti2017 #SermonsSteveCioccolanti #PastorSteveCioccolanti #SteveCioccolantiThisWeek #EverySteveCioccolanti #SteveCioccolantiProphecy #SteveCioccolantiProphecyUpdate ╔════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║We do not own this Video. This video was created by using ║Youtube Video Creators in Creative Common and it was remade and resounded. ║Please view source videos from the Official Channel Of Steve Cioccolanti for the original one and do not take it too serious. ║Official Channel of Steve Cioccolanti (Discover Ministries): ║Just spreads the news to everyone! Thanks to wise Pastor Steve Cioccolanti! ║This video made for those who have missed this Steve Cioccolanti content part above. ║Thank you so much!

John Cardillo of The Rebel completely debunks insane left-wing myths about Islam - Israel Video Network

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John Cardillo of The Rebel debunks left-wing myths about Islam and uncovers the fact about women's suffering under Sharia law.
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"It's a system of control."

Today's Israel is Beautiful feature - Amazingly beautiful green scenery dotted with fascinating historical and religious sites just waiting to be explored.
Canary 1 - 810x250

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