Friday, March 9, 2018

Michigan School Boots Christian Student Group for Leaders Affirming Their Faith - TALIA WISE/CBN NEWS

Wayne State University campus in Detroit, Michigan (Wikimedia Commons )

Michigan School Boots Christian Student Group for Leaders Affirming Their Faith
A Christian student group is suing a Michigan university after the school revoked the group's campus privileges.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a student-led campus ministry that has served students at Wayne State University (WSU) for the last 75 years. Now, school officials have stripped the group of official recognition because they require its leaders to affirm their Christian faith.
Lori Windham, senior legal counsel at Becket, represents InterVarsity. She told CBN News Wayne State de-recognized the group because InterVarsity requires its Bible study leaders to be Christians.
"We think that Wayne State is engaging in religious discrimination by de-recognizing InterVarsity. Wayne State allows college Democrats to have democratic leaders," she said. "It allows Muslims, Jewish and Hindu student groups to say that they are there to serve their communities. It allows fraternities to have only men and sororities to allow only women. I think it's just the same to allow InterVarsity to have Christians as its Bible study leaders." 
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Wayne State is one of the oldest InterVarsity chapters in the country and has held weekly Bible studies, meetings and organized service opportunities on campus for a number of years. It is open to students of all backgrounds but stipulates that leaders must adhere to its tenets of faith.
In October, the WSU dean of students declined to renew the organization's status for the 2017-2018 school year. They claim the group's constitution violates the school's discrimination policy.
"It means that they are not allowed to be at a student organization fair to recruit new students," Winham explained. "They are not able to advertise to new students on the school's website. They are not able to reserve free rooms anytime they are ready to rent a room and have a Bible study. They have to pay a fee just like an outside vendor in order to do that."
InterVarsity is now suing the Wayne State University Board of Governors, President Roy Wilson, state officials and others, claiming its Constitutional rights have been violated, according to the lawsuit.
"InterVarsity just wants to continue to serve Wayne State students as we have for 75 years," said Greg Jao, InterVarsity director of external relations. "Students should be able to find a campus community which reflects their faith tradition with authenticity and integrity." 
Becket is working with InterVarsity to get the organization reinstated on campus.
"They've been on this campus for 75 years, and they hope to be there 75 more," Windham said.
CBN News reached out to Wayne State University for comment. The school has not yet responded to our inquiries.
Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, all rights reserved. 
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Are The Social Media Giants Trying To Steal The 2018 Elections By Censoring Conservative Websites? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 08 Mar 2018 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Nobody is disputing the fact that YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media giants are censoring conservative material.  In fact, this is probably the largest purge of conservative voices in the history of the Internet.  Obviously this is going to cause large numbers of people to stop using their platforms, so why would they do this?  Well, to some conservatives the answer is obvious.  These social media giants watched Donald Trump use their platforms extremely effectively in 2016, and many believe that they are absolutely determined to never let that happen again.  In fact, Mike Adams of Natural News is completely convinced that there is a concerted effort by these social media giants to steal the 2018 elections…
The realization is suddenly obvious: The Google / YouTube selective “censorship rampage” that has targeted conservative websites and content creators is a brazen, illegal scheme to interfere with U.S. elections and steal the 2018 mid-terms.
The systematic silencing of conservative views is necessary, of course, for Democrats to win enough seats to gain control of the U.S. House of Representatives after the mid-term elections. Once control is established, Democrats will immediately move to impeach President Trump. Although the Senate would not likely prosecute that impeachment, the mere achievement of the U.S. House declaring “impeachment” would be enough to convince most brainwashed news consumers that Trump is somehow a guilty criminal (nobody will remember that Bill Clinton was also impeached by the House). From there, the 2020 presidential election is also stolen, and Democrats land their selected tyrant in the White House just in time for Ginsberg’s retirement from SCOTUS.
If voices on the left were being censored to the same degree as conservative voices, it would be really hard to make such an argument.

But the truth is that the numbers show that conservative voices are being hit extremely hard by the censorship while liberal publishers have been mostly “unaffected”
Facebook’s January 12 announcement that it would begin to de-prioritize news publishers and their posts in users’ News Feeds has had a surprisingly profound and partisan impact. According to The Outline’s analysis of Facebook engagement data obtained from research tool BuzzSumo, conservative and right-wing publishers (such as Breitbart, Fox News, and Gateway Pundit) were hit the hardest in the weeks following the announcement, with Facebook engagement totals for February dropping as much as 55 percent for some, while the engagement numbers of most predominantly liberal publishers remained unaffected.
And this even applies to politicians as well.  For example, President Trump’s engagement on Facebook has fallen 45 percent since the algorithm change…
The algorithm change caused President Donald Trump’s engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping 45%.
In contrast, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) do not appear to have suffered a comparable decline in Facebook engagement.
Top conservative Facebook pages with daily traffic in the millions have seen 75% to 95% drop in traffic.
Young Cons, Western Journalism,, Independent Journal ReviewRight Wing News, and several others have seen dramatic loss in traffic.
Needless to say, my website ( has been affected as well.

So what can we do?

We can fight back.  One of the primary ways that we can do that is by electing pro-Trump candidates all over the nation in 2018.  Right now I am engaged in an extremely close race with three guys that did not want Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination in 2016, and I need your help to win on May 15th.

It is fundamentally wrong for the social media giants to pick winners and losers in the marketplace of ideas.  I will fight online censorship as hard as I can in Washington, and if you believe in what we are trying to do I hope that you will stand with us.

Donate By Credit Card Online:
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Donate By Check: Make your check out to “Michael Snyder For Congress” and send it to the following address…
Michael Snyder For Congress
PO Box 1136
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805

Whenever radical leftists have taken power anywhere in the world, they have always tried to shut down free speech.

They want to follow the same formula in the United States, but we are not going to allow them to do that.

There are millions upon millions of red-blooded Americans that still greatly love this nation, and this silent majority is rising up to take our country back.

Michael Snyder is a pro-Trump candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District.  If you would like to help him win on May 15th, you can donate online, by Paypal or by sending a check made out to “Michael Snyder for Congress” to P.O. Box 1136 – Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.  To learn more, please visit

Kent Simpson: Don't Throw Out Your Prosperity Angel - Prophetic TV

Kent Simpson:
Don't Throw Out Your Prosperity Angel

Today's Elijah List Ministries Featured Video Messages...

From the desk of Steve Shultz:
If you’re like me, when you find someone with personal stories about things in the Spirit, INCLUDING ABOUT ANGELS, — you want to hear the stories — RIGHT NOW!

Well, you’re in for a treat.

Watch, listen and learn how God brought Angels to Kent and even learn how Kent totally blew it by throwing his Angel OUT because he didn’t believe this angel was from God. What??

Funny, though!

Kent is one of those who loves both his experiences and what he’s learned from angels. And so will you.

Hey while I have you here, would you consider stopping for a minute and popping a check in the mail or — you can simply click here to donate so we can keep these coming?

Derene and I thank you in advance for donating into this ministry. We will ALWAYS send this out for free, but our hardworking staff is paid through your generous donations!


Steve and Derene Shultz

Steve and Derene Shultz

P.S. I want to say a quick THANK YOU in advance! If you are being blessed by this or other Elijah List Ministries Videos, would you consider making a tax deductible financial gift today? Just click on the link(s) below.

Thank you!

Steve and Derene Shultz


Steve and Derene Shultz

Elijah List Ministries, 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321

On the Wings of an Eagle ✡ "It Grows Wings And Flies Away" - Israel365

You see it, then it is gone; It grows wings and flies away,
Like an eagle, heavenward

Proverbs 23:5 (The Israel Bible™)

הֲתָעִיף עֵינֶיךָ בּוֹ וְאֵינֶנּוּ כִּי עָשֹׂה יַעֲשֶׂה־לּוֹ כְנָפַיִם כְּנֶשֶׁר יָעוּף הַשָּׁמָיִם
Hear the verse in Hebrew

ha-ta-EEF ay-NE-kha BO v’-ay-NE-nu KEE a-SOH ya-a-seh LO kh’-na-FA-yim k’-NE-sher ya-UF ha-sha-MA-yim

On the Wings of an Eagle

The eagle is a prominent bird in the Bible and in Jewish thought. The eagle is able to fly higher than most other birds. According to the medieval commentator RashiHashem(God) uses the metaphor of the eagle when describing the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt for this exact reason. Most other types of birds carry their young from their legs, dangling beneath them. Alternatively, eagles who fly higher than other birds, carry their young on their backs. Since the eagle flies higher than other birds, it fears no other flying predators. The eagle’s only concern is people who may shoot at it’s young from below, and so it uses its own body as a shield for its children. Similarly, Hashem placed His angel between the Children of Israel and the Egyptians to protect His children from any potential attacks.
Continue reading about the symbolism of the eagle in the Bible

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