Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Arab Muslim who is willing to die for Israel - Israel Video Network

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Arab-Muslim-Israel-email preview
This Muslim Arab is serving his country. Yes, ISRAEL! And what he says about Israel is unbelievable. Israel is his home, and how he reached that conclusion will blow your mind. You'll be amazed to hear what heights this Arab in Israel reached. We need to hear this more often!
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They are trying to kill us, our livelihood, and our land!
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She just made up facts! Once the truth is thrown out the window, there are no red lines. Then the true colors of a person's views come out.
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Find out all about Bibi Netanyahu and how he has defended his country since he was a young man in an elite army unit. He changed a small country into something great. You might even learn things about the Prime Minister that you never knew before!
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"The Issue of Timing - When Prophetic Promises Haven't Come to Pass" - Kim Potter, The Elijah List

June 11, 2018

"The Issue of Timing - When Prophetic Promises Haven't Come to Pass"
Kim Potter, Dayton, TN

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve Shultz
This is such an important word right now...for this "time". I know many of you have had powerful prophetic words spoken over you in your life...in your callings. Often when things don't happen right away, we become discouraged and we let that prophetic word fade away.

For those dealing with this right now...this word by Kim Potter is just for YOU!

Kim shares here:
...When receiving a prophecy, be wise and ask God for the timing of it. Often times, we set our eyes on it happening right away. If it doesn't, we become discouraged and we take our eyes off God. Time passes—if we don't see the promise in that allotted time frame, we may become weary and give up.
Can you relate to this? Read on and find out some life-giving keys from our friend Kim Potter! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"The Issue of Timing - When Prophetic Promises Haven't Come to Pass"
Kim Potter, Dayton, TN

Our Timeline Vs. God's Timeline

One night after a partner prayer call, Kelita (my assistant) and I talked about how the teaching had felt different—it felt more like a word from God than a teaching. The following day, we were still talking about all the emails we had received from partners who were greatly encouraged by the call (we were speaking a word to people who had become discouraged in their faith). Kelita and I had also been texting back and forth about something I had felt during the prayer call. I had felt that there were many listening who thought, "We've heard this all before and nothing has changed." Then she sent me a text that really spoke to me. This is what she wrote:
"That is the spirit of anti-Christ wearing down the saints; trying to change the times and seasons. He's spent years getting us focused on the time of something instead of keeping our eyes on God. Then when it doesn't happen in the TIME we think, we get CALLOUSES in our hearts, and when the timing of the Lord actually comes, we are hard! We MUST keep our focus on Him to where timing doesn't matter; then when HE says 'it's time,' ANTICIPATION is birthed!"
This has been a concern I have spoken with her about many times in our private conversations. When receiving a prophecy, be wise and ask God for the timing of it. Often times, we set our eyes on it happening right away. If it doesn't, we become discouraged and we take our eyes off God. Time passes—if we don't see the promise in that allotted time frame, we may become weary and give up.

I love the gift of prophecy, as it is vitally important in Body of Christ. However, when receiving prophecy, be sure to keep your eyes on God. If it is truly a word from God, it will come to pass. If you keep your eyes on God, the timing of it won't matter. If you are fully persuaded in your faith, time will have no relevance.

The Enemy Knows God's Truth

I once heard someone teach on seedtime and harvest. They said it like this: "Seed... time... and harvest." I see this as a truth whether we are sowing financial seeds or sowing the seed of the Word of God into our own hearts. There is most often time between the seed being planted and the harvestDuring that time of waiting what we do is vital; what we set our affections on is very important.

The enemy will do everything in his power to make you think what God has promised you is not going to happen. He will whisper in your ear; he will taunt you to look at the time that is passing. He will speak words against our God and he will do whatever he can to cause you to let go of that promise. Why? Because he wants you to lose your vision of the promise. Without a vision, we let go (Proverbs 29:18).

The enemy knows Galatians 6:9 is truth: "Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up." We will reap our harvest, if we do not give up. We will reap our harvest of salvation for our kids and family. We will reap our harvest of wealth. We will reap our harvest of healing and wholeness. We will reap our harvest of peace. We will reap every single harvest if we continue in God's Word and refuse to give up.

Choose His Truth

You may be one of those who have grown weary. Perhaps you are feeling like you have heard it all before and nothing ever changes. If that's you, I want to encourage you today:
God is faithful. He will do all that He has promised He will do. I encourage you to cast your net of faith one more time. Choose to believe what God has said is truth. Refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy. Immerse yourself in God and His Word. Build your faith, declare His Word and seek His face. Do whatever you need to do to get your focus back on God.

We are in a season of restoration—don't allow the passing of time to discourage you. Continue to trust in God and His Word. He will not fail you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Kim Potter
A New Thing Ministries

Email: kim@anewthingministries.com
Website: www.anewthingministries.com

In 2005 Kim Potter founded A New Thing Ministries which reaches thousands of readers daily. In addition, Kim speaks at conferences and meetings nationwide. Kim's message is a message of hope, and she speaks to the heart of those who have become discouraged and disappointed by the circumstances they face in life. She encourages people to press into God and discover that He is who He says He is. Nothing is more precious to her than the times she spends in the secret place with her God; from this place of oneness with Him, her anointing flows. Kim has witnessed God's dramatic healing power, both in her own life as well as with her daughter and many others.

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Edmond de Rothschild Foundation Unveils Historic Layer of Caesarea’s Hidden Treasures

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Iranian official admits on state TV that his government helped al-Qaeda terrorists on their way to commit the 9-11 attacks.

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Every day, 43 Israeli children are diagnosed with some form of cancer; 12% of whom do not survive their illness. Now, Israeli scientists have made a breakthrough using a nanoscopic system for combating child cancer – which can help slow tumor growth and prolong life-expectancy.

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